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Journal of Parkinson’s Disease 4 (2014) 289–300 289

DOI 10.3233/JPD-130273
IOS Press


An Update of the Impact of Deep Brain

Stimulation on Non Motor Symptoms in
Parkinson’s Disease
Lisa Klingelhoefera,b,∗ , Michael Samuelc , K. Ray Chaudhuria and Keyoumars Ashkand
a National Parkinson Foundation International Centre of Excellence, Department of Neurology, King’s College
Hospital and King’s College, Denmark Hill, London, UK
b Department of Neurology, Technical University Dresden, Dresden, Germany
c National Parkinson Foundation International Centre of Excellence, Department of Neurology, King’s College

Hospital, Denmark Hill, London, UK

d Department of Neurosurgery, King’s College Hospital, Denmark Hill, London, UK

Abstract. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) is a well-established therapy for patients with
Parkinson’s disease (PD), especially those with advanced motor complications. The effect of STN DBS on non motor symptoms
(NMS) of PD is less well studied. In this article, we review the pertinent literature on the impact of STN DBS on NMS when
they co-exist with disabling motor symptoms in PD patients. We also present evidence that the number and the severity of most
NMS decrease after STN DBS which can have a major impact on patients’ quality of life.

Keywords: Deep brain stimulation, DBS, Parkinson’s disease, PD, subthalamic nucleus, STN, internal globus pallidus, GPi, non
motor symptoms

INTRODUCTION the subthalamic nucleus (STN) [1–3], globus pallidus

internus (GPi) [4, 5] and thalamic ventralis intermedius
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a chronic progressive (VIM) [6]. Previously, the primary endpoints of most
neurodegenerative disorder that presents with the clas- studies were focused on a change in the motor signs and
sic motor signs of tremor, rigidity and bradykinesia so are the scales selected to assess the outcome. There
but is associated with a wide variety of non motor is good evidence on effectiveness of DBS to improve
symptoms (NMS). Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is motor symptoms in advanced Parkinson’s disease with
an established symptomatic treatment procedure for significant benefits in tremor, rigidity and bradykinesia
patients with Parkinson´s disease. Best short-term and [3, 7–9]. Also in PD patients, early at the onset of motor
long-term evidence is available for stimulation of complications and therefore earlier in the course of the
disease, data showed significant benefits of DBS on
∗ Correspondence to: Lisa Klingelhoefer, MD, Fellow, National motor symptoms [2]. There is therefore good evidence
Parkinson Foundation International Centre of Excellence, Depart- that both patients with advanced PD and those at an
ment of Neurology, King’s College Hospital and King’s College, early stage of PD with motor complications will ben-
Denmark Hill, London SE5 9RS, UK. Tel.: +44 7456786911;
E-mail: lisa.klingelhoefer@nhs.net and Department of Neurol-
efit from STN DBS with an improvement in UPDRS
ogy, Technical University Dresden, Fetscherstraße 74, Dresden, III of about 50%, a reduction in off-periods during the
Germany. day of 70% and a prolongation of periods with good

ISSN 1877-7171/14/$27.50 © 2014 – IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved
290 L. Klingelhoefer et al. / An Update of the Impact of Deep Brain Stimulation on Non Motor Symptoms in Parkinson’s Disease

mobility of about 20% [2, 3, 10, 11]. Furthermore com- or be due to the electrical stimulation at the active
plications like dyskinesias, a side effect of levodopa electrode contact.
therapy, decrease by 60–70% after STN DBS [2, 3, 11]. Nazzaro et al. [22] showed that the number of NMS
Until now NMS have received limited attention and was significantly reduced one year following STN
are mostly only assessed as secondary endpoints in DBS (from a mean of 12 to 7 NMS). It appears that
randomized studies. Non motor features are common STN DBS does not have a major immediate effect on
in PD patients, occur across all disease stages and frequencies of NMS as assessed by the NMSS, but
whilst well described, are still under recognized in severities of most NMS were significantly improved
comparison to their huge impact on patients’ quality of by an immediate effect of STN DBS in 34 PD patients
life [12]. Main non motor symptoms groups are neu- [23]. Of interest, there was no correlation between
ropsychiatric, e.g. depression or cognitive dysfunction, post DBS changes in NMS and motor improvement,
sleep disorders, autonomic symptoms, e.g. bladder dis- demographics or medication changes [23]. NMS were
turbances or orthostatic hypotension, gastrointestinal less frequently reported in the long-term follow up of
symptoms, sensory symptoms, e.g. pain and a group of patients with STN DBS which led to a significantly
other symptoms, e.g. fatigue [12]. In the recent years, positive correlation with quality of life and activities
effective and validated measuring tools, e.g. the Non of daily living [22].
Motor Symptoms Questionnaire (NMSQuest) [13] and Behavioural disorders like impulsivity can occur
the Non Motor Symptoms Scale (NMSS) [14] have or worsen after STN DBS [24]. The STN probably
been developed which allow an accurate measurement provides a global “no-go” signal which may be mod-
of NMS in PD patients. ulated by DBS leading to a shortening of the actual
Most of the current literature on the effect of DBS time of decision making under high-conflict conditions
on NMS is based on using STN as the target with little [20, 25, 26]. Nevertheless, postoperative behavioural
data on GPi. There is almost no evidence on the effect changes are seldom caused by stimulation alone.
of DBS on NMS using the VIM as the target for PD The mortality in the first year following STN DBS
patients. has been reported at 0.4% and suicide, especially in
It has been shown that NMS are more frequent and patients with postoperative depression and a previ-
severe in advanced PD [15, 16], but are also present ous history of impulse control disorders or compulsive
in early stages of PD, even before dopaminergic med- medication use, has been reported as one of the most
ication has been initiated [17]. Both in early stages important risks for mortality following DBS in PD
and advanced stages of PD, NMS show a greater patients [27]. Schuepbach et al. [2] in a random-
impact on health-related quality of life and health status ized, multicenter, parallel-group study comparing STN
than motor symptoms [15, 17, 18]. Therefore, ther- DBS plus medical therapy with medical therapy alone
apies investigated in patients with PD, independent (EARLYSTIM study), also found a high frequency of
of disease stage, must address motor and non-motor suicidal behaviour including suicides but without any
symptoms to provide optimal quality of life, health difference between patients in the DBS and those in the
status and individual well being. best medical treatment groups. They suggested that the
decision to eventually undergo DBS may select a spe-
cific subgroup of patients with a higher risk for suicidal
STATE OF THE SCIENCE – IMPACT OF behaviour than the general population. Therefore not
DEEP BRAIN STIMULATION ON NON the DBS as a procedure seems to be associated with a
MOTOR SYMPTOMS OF PARKINSON’S higher risk of suicide but the personality traits of PD
DISEASE patients’ deciding for DBS.
In addition, Weintraub et al. [28] observed no sui-
Presently there is evidence that some non motor cide behaviours and rare new-onset suicide ideation
symptoms improve after STN DBS, some are not influ- when comparing PD patients randomised to DBS ver-
enced by DBS and some deteriorate temporary or long sus best medical therapy (BMT). Rates of suicide
term after DBS [19, 20]. The overall improvement in ideation at 6 months were similar for patients ran-
mean NMSS was reported as 36% after STN DBS [21]. domised to STN versus GPi DBS (1.5% vs. 0.7%),
The changes in NMS frequency and severity may be but several proxy symptoms were worse in the STN
related to the changes in the dopamine replacement group. Again this study does not support a direct
therapy (DRT) that follows DBS, be related to the association between DBS surgery and an increased
surgery itself (e.g. the tract and micro lesion effect) risk for suicide ideation and behaviours. Despite these
L. Klingelhoefer et al. / An Update of the Impact of Deep Brain Stimulation on Non Motor Symptoms in Parkinson’s Disease 291

findings, behavioural and mood disorders should be Table 1 summarises the current literature on DBS
carefully monitored following DBS. Impulse con- and ICDs.
trol disorders (ICD), mainly caused by dopaminergic Pre-existing drug induced psychotic symptoms like
medication, improved markedly or disappeared after hallucinations disappear after STN DBS in nearly all
STN DBS [20, 29–32]. Lhommee et al. [32] showed PD patients following reduction of DRT [59]. On
an overall improvement in neuropsychiatric symp- the other hand, transient psychotic symptoms such as
toms in 63 PD patients after STN DBS and proposed delirium may be seen in the immediate post-operative
that disabling non motor fluctuations, dopaminergic period as the direct result of surgery, possibly related
treatment abuse and drug-induced behavioural addic- to peri-electrode oedema.
tions may be considered as new indications for STN Apathy occurring in the postoperative period may
DBS. This positive effect of STN DBS might be be caused primarily by the withdrawal of DRT [55, 60]
due to decreased stimulation of dopaminergic cir- because in many patients, a complete reversal of apathy
cuits by reduction of dopaminergic medication, a after treatment with dopaminergic therapy could be
less pulsatile and non suprathreshold stimulation of shown [33, 61]. Given that apathy is not reversed in all
the mesolimbic dopamine receptors or direct modu- PD patients following DRT, STN DBS in itself may
lation by DBS of the reward seeking brain circuitry be the cause of apathy in a proportion of patients [62].
[2, 29, 33, 34]. The topic warrants further investigations, especially as
There are however also reports [35] of new onset the most recent STN DBS studies report an increase in
post operative ICDs or of patients whose pre-existing frequency and severity of apathy post surgery [62–64].
ICDs worsened after DBS. The time period between As apathy after STN DBS develops progressively in
DBS and the development of ICD varied from imme- some patients, the role of dopaminergic desensitization
diately after surgery to months later. Most of the ICDs rather than a direct stimulation effect has also been
were transient and resolved within a year of their devel- postulated [55]. Given the diversity of the literature
opment. The reasons for the development of ICDs after on the association between STN DBS and apathy, we
DBS remain unknown and different hypothesis have suggest that different types of apathy such as transient
been proposed: direct postoperative apathy, apathy in association with
depression and/or cognitive deficits, might be caused
1. Direct modulation due to DBS: As the STN by different mechanisms (e.g. reduction of DRT, STN
mediates not only motor but also cognitive and DBS effects).
emotional functions, the stimulation of the STN There are differing data with respect to the effect of
might increase impulsivity [36, 37]. STN DBS on mood disorders like depression, mania
2. Current spread to adjoining structures beyond the and anxiety with improvement [23, 26, 65], no change
STN: Studies have shown that the stimulation of [66] and worsening of symptoms [2, 67] reported com-
different contacts of the same electrode can influ- pared to the preoperative condition. Again these may
ence the performance on decision making tasks be partly due to postoperative DRT changes and partly
and behaviour [25, 38–41]. due to stimulation effect itself [68]. Positive immediate
3. Side effects of dopaminergic medication: Patients and long term effects of STN DBS on mood includ-
undergoing DBS usually have a higher cumula- ing depression and anxiety might be mediated through
tive exposure to dopaminergic medication due to direct involvement of the STN in fear processing and
longer duration and greater severity of PD. DBS non motor limbic circuits and/or indirect dopaminergic
may further sensitize the brain to neuropsychi- effects of the STN DBS [23, 26]. The anatomical local-
atric side effects of dopaminergic medication. In isation of the electrodes, e.g. in ventral-medial limbic
patients with pre-existing ICDs therefore a sig- portion of the STN can cause both behavioural disor-
nificant reduction of dopaminergic medication ders such as impulsivity and mood disorders such as
needs to be achieved before any improvement in mania [48, 53, 69–71]. Current spread to the adjacent
ICDs is seen [30, 39, 41–44]. limbic circuits may also lead to mood problems like
4. The improvement of motor function after DBS depression and mania and reprogramming of the DBS
may facilitate the full expression of behavioural system should be considered in an attempt to improve
abnormalities or premorbid latent psychiatric the problem [68, 69, 72].
symptoms that had been developed, for exam- Multiple studies and meta-analysis have consis-
ple due to the use of dopaminergic medication, tently shown that STN DBS does not impair overall
before DBS [45]. cognition, although there is a selective decrease in
Table 1
A summary of current publications related to development of impulse control disorders (ICDs) and deep brain stimulation (DBS) in patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD)
Reference Number of PD patients with ICD Type of impulse control disorder (ICD) DBS target Outcome after DBS
{Total sample size of patients}
Krause et al. 2001 3 {18} increased libido STN (1) GPi (2) 2 patients treated in an inpatient psychiatric clinic,
[46] further outcome not described
Houeto et al. 2002 2 {24} behavioural disorder with sexual deviancy, STN not resolved
[45] exhibitionism, heightened libido
Romito et al. 2002 4 {22} increased sexuality STN transient, completely resolved after some months
Romito et al. 2002 3 {30} increased sexuality STN transient, completely resolved after up to 18 months
Kleiner-Fisman et al. 2 {25} hypersexuality STN transient (1), persistent (1)
2003 [49]
Funkiewitz et al. 2004 2 {77} aggressive impulsive episodes STN developed after DBS but only transient
Krause et al. 2004 1 {24} increased libido STN medical treatment for 6 months, afterwards stable
[51] over years
Sensi et al. 2004 [38] 1 {1} aggressive behaviour disorder with disturbed STN gradually subsided completely
impulse control
Machado et al. 2005 1 {1} Trichotillomania (pre-existing DBS) STN Pre-existing active before DBS and ongoing
[52] problem after DBS
Witjas et al. 2005 [30] 1 {1} hypersexuality (pre-existing DBS) STN resolved after DBS
Ardouin et al. 2006 7 {598} pathological gambling (pre-existing DBS) STN resolved after DBS after 18 months, transient
[29] worsening in 2 patients.
Bandini et al. 2007 2 {2} pathological gambling STN dramatically improved after DBS
Contarino et al. 2007 2 {11} hypersexuality STN developed after DBS but only transient
Smeding et al. 2007 1 {1} pathological gambling STN developed after DBS but disappeared after
[39] discontinuation of pergolide and changing of
stimulation parameters
Doshi and Bhargava 2 {2} hypersexuality STN developed after DBS
2008 [54]
Halbig et al. 2009 [43] 3 {16} impulse control disorder STN developed after DBS
L. Klingelhoefer et al. / An Update of the Impact of Deep Brain Stimulation on Non Motor Symptoms in Parkinson’s Disease
Table 1
Reference Number of PD patients with ICD Type of impulse control disorder (ICD) DBS target Outcome after DBS
{Total sample size of patients}
Lim et al. 2009 [20] 2 {21} pathological gambling STN developed after DBS (1), resolved pre-operatively
and did not recur after DBS (1)
Thobois et al. 2010 17 {63} several pathological behavioural addictions STN disappeared after STN in all patients at follow up of
[55] 12 months
Zahodne et al. 2011 4 {22} binge eating STN increase after DBS (2), stable after DBS (2)
Lhommee et al. 2012 17 {63} preoperative behavioural addictions such as STN disappeared after STN in all patients at follow up of
[32] hypersexuality, pathological gambling, 12 months
compulsive shopping, excessive eating behaviour
Moum et al. 2012 [57] 7 {159} hypersexuality, pathological gambling, excessive STN (4) GPi (3) 3/7 resolved (2 STN, 1 GPi), 2/7 with new dopamine
chocolate craving (pre-existing DBS in all 7 dysregulation syndrome after STN DBS, 2/7 no
patients) change of ICD after DBS. New ICD after DBS in
17 patients: initially unilateral DBS 11/17 (7/11
GPi, 4/11 STN DBS) of whom 5/11 went on for
bilateral DBS and of these 4/5 the new ICD
resolved completely; initially bilateral DBS 6/17
(4/6 STN and 2/6 GPi DBS)
Shotbolt et al. 2012 3 and 1 {50} hypersexuality and hypersexuality / dopamine STN stable (1) or no recurrence (3)
[31] dysregulation syndrome (pre-existing DBS)
Eusebio et al. 2013 18 {110} pathological gambling, hypersexuality, excessive STN pre-existing ICD resolved after DBS or significantly
[58] shopping, binge eating (pre-existing DBS in all 18 improved after DBS in 16/18 patients, 2/18 were
patients) lost to follow up. New ICD in 7 patients after DBS
(1 pathological gambling, 2 excessive shopping, 1
hypersexuality, 3 binge eating) at follow up of 12
L. Klingelhoefer et al. / An Update of the Impact of Deep Brain Stimulation on Non Motor Symptoms in Parkinson’s Disease
294 L. Klingelhoefer et al. / An Update of the Impact of Deep Brain Stimulation on Non Motor Symptoms in Parkinson’s Disease

the frontal cognitive functions [2, 71, 73]. These postulated to explain the possible changes in different
changes do not affect the improvements in quality of cognitive domains after STN DBS:
life which accompanies STN DBS [5, 74, 75] and in
1. Surgical micro-lesioning effects on the cortical-
fact in self-assessed questionnaire studies, a signifi-
basal ganglionic circuits involved in word
cant improvement in cognition has been reported after
retrieval processes are thought to be partly
STN DBS [2]. Videnovic et al. in a meta-analysis of
responsible for direct post-surgical decline in ver-
47 studies, representing 1154 patients, and focusing
bal fluency in PD patients and can be transient
on the prevalence of adverse events (AEs) after DBS in
[71, 83, 84].
PD patients, reported that the most common procedure
2. The stimulation itself might cause decreased
related AEs were mental status / behavioural changes.
activity of frontotemporal cortical areas as mea-
These were present in 18.4% of patients after STN
sured by regional cerebral blood flow in the left
and in 9.3% after GPi DBS [76]. Within this category,
cerebral hemisphere, resulting in the long term
however, direct postoperative transient confusion was
decreased verbal fluency after STN DBS [85].
the most frequent AE, affecting 10.2% patients with
3. Current spread to non motor areas of the STN
STN and 6.2% with GPi DBS. Cognitive decline (1.3%
may led to decline in cognitive function. To this
with STN, 0.9% with GPi DBS) was far less com-
end, Frankemolle et al. [86] used a patient specific
mon [76]. Short- and long-term follow-up data have
computational model for stimulation program-
however indicated postoperative decline on phonemic
ming after STN DBS in advanced PD patients.
and semantic verbal fluency [53, 77, 78] and a signif-
The use of this model-based stimulation in com-
icant but slight decline in tasks of abstract reasoning,
parison to a clinically determined stimulation
episodic memory and executive function [66, 78, 79].
resulted in less cognitive AEs [86].
Marshall et al. [80] demonstrated a greater decline
4. The postoperative reduction of DRT might also
on the cued phonemic/phonemic fluency and the un-
play a part as changes in the level of dopamine
cued phonemic/semantic fluency tasks in STN DBS
stimulation affect performance of PD patients
patients compared to non DBS PD patients. They con-
in frontal assessments with influence on differ-
cluded that these changes in alternating fluency were
ent cognitive domains including verbal fluency
not related to disease progression alone as STN DBS
[61, 87].
patients demonstrated greater declines over time than
non DBS PD patients. Therefore the decline in ver- In conclusion, STN DBS is a safe procedure with
bal fluency may be a result of an inability to switch respect to cognitive morbidity over short- and long-
from one semantic or phonemic subcategory to another term follow-up in carefully selected patients [65, 66,
during verbal fluency [81]. The significant negative 83, 88]. Table 2 provides an overview of the effect of
influence of STN DBS on verbal fluency was further DBS at the two main PD targets of STN and GPi on
shown by a decline solely in phonemic verbal flu- different cognitive domains. The evidence is also now
ency one year [82] and three years [83] in PD patients emerging that DBS of new targets, with the primary
after STN DBS in comparison to those treated medi- aim of modification of cognitive functions in PD, may
cally, whilst the other cognitive domains did not show also be possible. Thus improvement in cognition and
significant change. Of note though, single case anal- apraxia after DBS of the nucleus basalis of Meynert has
ysis highlighted that a subgroup comprising 15% of been reported in one PD patient with dementia [89, 90].
STN DBS patients showed significantly more cog- There are only few studies focusing on the effect of
nitive decline 1 year after surgery compared to the STN DBS on autonomic dysfunction. Furthermore it
medically treated patients. The only differentiating fac- is difficult to distinguish between the direct effect of the
tor in the STN DBS group, between the 15% who stimulation and the indirect effects, e.g. an improve-
showed cognitive deterioration and the 85% who did ment in the mobility or the reduction of DRT with
not, was the fact that the former group had significantly disappearance of side effects.
more severe motor PD symptoms [82]. In a large meta- Halim et al. [103] reported on a small case series
analysis of 28 cohort studies including 612 patients, of a marked improvement of sweating and/or blad-
however, no factors underlying the reported changes der and bowel function after STN DBS in early-onset
in verbal fluency could be detected. Specifically, the PD patients. In contrast, in a series of 34 PD patients,
changes were not related to patient age, disease dura- assessed by the NMSS, there was no change in the fre-
tion, stimulation parameters or change in dopaminergic quency or severity of excessive sweating in DBS “on”
dose after surgery [78]. Several theories have been and “off” states [23]. Consistent improvement in blad-
L. Klingelhoefer et al. / An Update of the Impact of Deep Brain Stimulation on Non Motor Symptoms in Parkinson’s Disease 295

Table 2
Effect of subthalamic nucleus (STN) and internal globus pallidus (GPi) deep brain stimulation (DBS) on different cognitive domains of patients
with Parkinson’s disease (PD): - impairment; 0 no effect; + improvement, (D) secondary to drug reduction, (S) due to direct effect of stimulation,
{} rarely. References in square brackets
Cognitive domains Subthalamic nucleus Internal globus pallidus
General Intellect 0 or +(D) [2, 3, 73, 91–94] 0 [91, 94]
Memory Functions 0 or +(D)/(S) [5, 19, 50, 53, 65, 73, 91, 95, 96] 0 [5, 19, 91, 95, 97]
Language Functions 0 or – [50, 73, 91, 95, 97, 98] 0 or –(S) [91, 95, 97]
Visuospatial / Perceptual Functions 0 {or –} [50, 73, 75, 95, 97, 99] 0 [95, 97]
Executive Functions: Verbal fluency {0} or –(D)/(S) [5, 19, 50, 53, 65, 66, 73, 75, 78, 91, 92, 95–98, 100–102] 0 or –(S) [5, 19, 91, 95, 97]
Attention 0 or +(D) [50, 91, 95–97] 0 [91, 95, 97]

der and bowel function in DBS “on” state has been in sleep through an increase in sleep efficiency and
reported one year after STN DBS [22, 23]. quality, increase in continuous sleep time, decrease
A positive direct effect of STN stimulation on blad- in the arousal index, decrease in nocturnal and early
der state has been observed. This is suggested by morning dystonia and improvement of nocturnal
a significant interaction between bladder state, using mobility after STN DBS [112]. Evaluation by NMSS,
urodynamic measures, and increased cerebral blood NMSQuest and PSQI showed subjective improvement
flow (rCBF) in lateral frontal cortex measured by PET in sleep in PD patients after STN DBS [113, 114]. The
with STN DBS. The improvement in bladder dysfunc- positive effects of DBS on sleep are also noted on long-
tion after STN DBS is thought to be partly due to term follow up [115]. The stimulation seems to have
a delay in the first desire to void and partly due to a direct effect on sleep regulatory centres by increas-
an increase in bladder capacity [104]. Furthermore, ing slow wave sleep and rapid eye movement (REM)
it has been shown that STN DBS leads to significant sleep but not changing the relative percentage of sleep
enhancement of afferent urinary bladder information stages [116]. Furthermore other effects of DBS such
processing in brain areas involved in bladder control as reduction in DRT or improvement of mobility and
[105]. A subjective improvement in symptoms of over- daytime somnolence may indirectly have additional
active bladder, assessed by a questionnaire, has been benefits with respect to sleep [115, 117, 118]. Wolz et
reported by PD patients after STN DBS [21], even al. [23] reported on immediate positive effect of STN
when urodynamic parameters did not change signifi- DBS on fatigue. REM sleep behaviour disorder, on the
cantly before and after STN DBS, and with and without other hand, could not be shown to improve after DBS
the stimulation on [106]. [112, 119].
Arai et al. [107] reported on the effectiveness of STN Pain and sensory symptoms are frequent NMS in
DBS in improving gastrointestinal dysfunction in PD PD patients and are often associated with PD motor
patients whereas levodopa/decarboxylase inhibitor did symptoms [120]. Therefore they can occur during “on”
not influence gastric emptying. and “off” motor states, are often associated with dys-
STN DBS appears to have a positive effect on tonia and can also fluctuate during the day. In general it
cardiovascular dysautonomia by increasing peripheral seems that STN DBS improves pain and sensory symp-
vasoconstriction and baroreflex sensitivity, thus sta- toms, especially those associated with “off” conditions
bilising the blood pressure and improving postural and dystonia in PD [121]. This beneficial effect of the
hypotension in PD patients [108]. Sumi et al. [109] DBS persisted on a long term follow-up of 24 months,
showed that the vagal component in cardiac auto- even when new, mainly musculoskeletal pain, devel-
nomic dysfunction improved after STN DBS in a study oped [122]. Objectively, sensitivity to pain, as assessed
of 28 PD patients. There were however no statisti- by quantitative sensory testing (QST), was not altered
cally significant differences in the vagally mediated by STN DBS suggesting against direct modulation of
arterial-cardiac baroreflex function between the on- central pain processing by DBS [120].
and off-stimulation states. Liu et al. [110] further
suggested an effect of STN DBS on sympathetic regu- CONCLUSION
lation after showing significantly increased variability
in heart rate in stimulation “on” condition. Available evidence indicates that STN DBS is a
Sleep problems and fatigue are one of the most safe procedure with regard to most NMS based on
frequent NMS in PD patients [111]. Studies using long-term follow-up of carefully selected patients [65].
polysomnography showed an objective improvement The number and the severity of most NMS decrease
296 L. Klingelhoefer et al. / An Update of the Impact of Deep Brain Stimulation on Non Motor Symptoms in Parkinson’s Disease

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