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I hereby declare that the project work entitled “PRICE RANGE OF MOBILE ” is an authentic
record of my own work carried out as requirements of Project for the award of B. Tech degree
in Computer Science and Engineering from Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, under
the guidance of Dr. Premananda sahu, during January to May 2024. All the information
furnished in this project report is based on my own intensive work and is genuine.

RishabhSingh 5th April 2024


This is to certify that the declaration statement made by this student is correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief. He has completed this Project under my guidance and Supervision. The
present work is the result of his original investigation, effort and study. No part of the work has
ever been submitted for any other degree at any University. The Project is fit for the submission
and partial fulfilment of the conditions for the award of B. Tech degree in Computer Science
and Engineering from Lovely Professional University, Phagwara.

Dr. Premananda sahu

School of Computer Science and Engineering, Lovely
Professional University,
Phagwara, Punjab
Date:5th April,2024
It is with my immense gratitude that I acknowledge the support and help of my Professor, Dr.
Premananda Sahu, who has always encouraged me into this research. Without his continuous
guidance and persistent help, this project would not have been a success for me. I am grateful to
the Lovely Professional University, Punjab and the department of Computer Science without
which this project would have not been an achievement. I also thank my family and friends, for
their endless love and support throughout my life.

1. Title Page
2. Declaration
3. Certificate
4. Acknowledgement
5. Abstract
6. Introduction
7. Feature Generation
8. Modeling and Evaluating
9. Conclusion and future scope
10. References
ABSTRACT-: The purpose of this study is to develop a model. Knowing the characteristics of a mobile phone can help
you predict its price. Explore your mobile device and discover machine learning algorithms. Most accurate price
prediction. Use archive Data to accurately predict future events The essence of predictive analytics. One of the
prediction methods You can perform analysis using machine learning. Predictive machine learning works by collecting
data such as: Input data to develop and train predictive models Trained models are used to predict outcomes from future
data. copy. Supervised machine learning algorithms do the following: Using data with predefined class labels It's a
predictable property. class label in our case, it is the price of the mobile phone. Python is It is used thanks to its easily
accessible machine learning libraries. different the model was trained using a classification algorithm. Find an algorithm
that can predict mobile Price ratings are the most accurate. Indicators such as accuracy; Trained content was evaluated
using confusion matrices, etc. A model to determine the most appropriate algorithm What is used.

Keywords: Machine Learning, Predictive Analytics, Supervised Machine Learning, Python.

Price is the most important factor in marketing Every product is often a deciding factor in sales. consumer. In a constantly
changing and unstable market Price is often the deciding factor in the success or failure of a product. parameter Opti-mum
price before product launch in any company. Tool that provides price estimates You can go into the product after evaluating
the features it offers. It's convenient and can help companies get information. You decide when to set the market price for
your product. that This tool can also be used by consumers to obtain pricing guides. Based on the features they are looking
for in a product. Ma-chine learning algorithms can perform a variety of tasks. What choices should you make about what
data you want to process? Motivation and motivation for work. Various tools and languages You can perform machine
learning tasks using Python, MATLAB, Java, WEKA, Cygwin, Octave, and more. yes Some commonly used algorithms in-
clude Naive Bayes, K-NN, etc. Select using a feature selection algorithm and Learn optimization model by extracting only
optimal parameters In-crease accuracy and reduce model calculation time. You can use one of these methods to resolve the
issue. Predict product prices based on data type It can be used for model training. These days, cell phones have become an
indispensable necessity human. It is the fastest growing and growing product in the world. Technology market space.
Updated version of new phone and new features are coming to market at a rapid pace. Thousands of mobile phones are sold
every day. at such a fast pace in unstable market conditions, mobile carriers need optimal deployment. Prices that can com-
pete with competitors. The first step to setting a price It is better to evaluate the price according to the characteristics.
The goal of the research is to develop a machine learning model that can make predictions. The price of
a mobile phone depends on its characteristics. potential buyer You can also use this model to estimate the price of a mobile
phone. Introduce only the features you need into your tools. Using the same approach to create a predictive model, Develop
pricing models for most products. Similar independent variables. mobile pricing It depends on many features such as
processor. Battery capacity, camera quality, display size and thickness, etc. These features allow you to classify your phones
into different categories. Categories like entry-level, mid-range, flagship, premium, etc. In this paper, a supervised machine
learning algorithm is used as the data set. Used items are marked with a rating corresponding to their price range.

Analyze previous data and predict future future products. It is inevitable in any machine learning research. Researchers have
conducted a variety of studies. Machine learning algorithm to predict mobile device prices based on feature selection
methods. In this study, better feature selection algorithms and good classifiers were identified to achieve higher accuracy.
From the comparison, we can conclude that the decision tree (DT) classifier achieved an accuracy of up to 87%. another
study It was done by me. Nasser et al. predicted the price range of mobile phones using an artificial neural network (ANN).
After training and testing, the model provided results. Accuracy 96.31%.
Another study described prediction costs using three classifiers: random logistic regression and SVM. In
terms of accuracy, the researchers concluded: Best classifier with 81% accuracy. This study was conducted by P. Arora et al.
egg. In ~ Prediction model using WEKA tool. Researchers have implemented ZeroR. Algorithms, Naive Bayes (NB) and
J48 decision tree algorithms. result showed that the J48 decision tree algorithm achieved higher accuracy.
Another task is to develop machine learning models for prediction. New mobile phone prices using Support Vector
Machine (SVM), Random Forest (RF) classifier, and Logistic Regression (LG). Based on the result analysis We realized that
SVM achieved a higher accuracy of 97% than the other two. Classifier. Researchers K. Karur and K. Balaje introduced K-
nearest neighbors. (KNN) predicts mobile phone prices. In this study, researchers focused on feature selection and
determined the price range of phones based on RAM size. Researchers implemented six machine learning algorithms to
predict prices. Researchers used ANOVA f-test for feature selection and linear support method. Vector Machines (SVC)
provide highly accurate price predictions.
Another study used supervised machine learning algorithms to predict prices. The researchers considered the
confusion matrix and accuracy estimates. Metrics. Comparison with other supervised classifiers Linear Discriminant
Analysis (LDA) achieved an accuracy as high as 95%. In another study, researchers focused on: A hybrid model for mobile
device price prediction. The authors implemented a decision tree. and random forest methods, achieving accuracies of 83%
and 84%, respectively.


This study was conducted using Google Colab's Python. main point. General workflow diagram of a supervised ML task

In total, the dataset contains 21 properties. There is a class label indicating the price range. Features include: Battery
capacity, RAM, weight, camera resolution, etc. Label - price range. There are four types of values: 0,1,2,3. It has an ordinal
data type that represents increment. About the price. The higher the value, the higher the price range. Mobile falls off. These
four values can be interpreted as follows: Economy, midrange, flag-ship, premium.
So, while price has traditionally been a numerical matter, MO type – classification (not regression) Discrete values of class
labels. It's advantageous in that case. It uses algorithms such as Naive Bayes and Decision Tree. It generally doesn't work
well for numeric data.

The dataset contains 2000 records in total.

This is the numerical breakdown of the dataset:

The first step in creating a model is to ex-tract the required elements. Learning function based on data set and assignment
Parameter (must be a class label)

The first 20 properties in this code snippet are were extracted for use as training parameters and the final The
(price_range) attribute is used as the class label.
Here, is the test info

The data is then portioned into two for the purpose of training the model and testing it. A test size of 0.2 implies that 80%
of the data is assigned to train the prediction model and the rest is utilized to measure the quality of the developed model.

Here, is the scatter plot of price_range and ram.

Here, is the scatter plot of price_range and battery_power.

Here, it is the correlation metrices.

Here, is the preprocessing for cleaning the data to train the model.
Data preprocessing is a technique that transforms raw data into a reliable and easy-to-understand format. Data in raw
format is often formatted inconsistently. It may be incomplete due to human error. These issues are addressed through
data preprocessing. Processing that makes data sets more complete and efficient for data analysis. this This is an
important step that can affect the success of your data mining project. machine learning. This can speed up knowledge
retrieval from datasets and ultimately impact the performance of machine learning models.
After the above preprocessing The data set was divided into training and testing data. Training and testing data
are related.
Decision Tree was used here to train the prediction model.
Decision trees are based on supervised machine learning. approach. This algorithm uses a tree representation to solve the
problem. each leaf node The class label and internal nodes in this representation represent properties. Decision nodes are the
points at which data is separated. You can use this approach to solve your problem. Classification and regression problems.
This algorithm aims to create a learning model. How to predict the class range of a target variable with a simple solution
Rules derived from training data. The price range prediction accuracy is 84%.

KNN was used to train the model here.

A convenient approach to supervised machine learning classification is K-Nearest Neighbors. Sort based on data
points. Proximity to neighbors. Parameter tuning is a method of choosing an appropriate value for K. The principle of the
KNN algorithm is that new data points This is the class of the nearest point. There is no special judgment method. Optimal
value of K. It depends on the type of problem and your business. script. 5 is the most preferred value for K. If you choose a
K value of 1 or 2, It is noisy and causes outliers in the model, resulting in overfitting. calculation It performs well on the
training set compared to its actual performance on unseen tests. data. To predict values after fitting trained data and running
an algorithm: It showed an accuracy of 69%.


The metrics used to evaluate the algorithms in this article are: Confusion matrix, classification report and accuracy score.

The confusion matrix contains the total number of correct values. Occurrences grouped according to
intersection and calculation There are misclassified instances in the rest of the matrix. we Four class values were used.
Therefore, the size of the generated matrix is 4*4 procession.
The classification report provides a complete description of: Categorized by parameters such as
completeness, accuracy, f1 index, etc.

We used several algorithms to predict price ranges, including support vector machines, decision trees, K-nearest
neighbors, and logistic regression algorithms. The most accurate prediction was provided by the logistic regression
algorithm (96%). prediction Future prices were also calculated using knn algorithm (69%) decision trees (84%) and
logistic regression (96%).
Therefore, the logistic regression algorithm can be considered the most effective for this task. This algorithm calculates
memory capacity, number of processor cores, battery life, you can make accurate price predictions, etc. After achieving 96%
accuracy on training and testing data, we can confidently say that our method is effective.

The strategies used to estimate the price range in this paper include K-nearest neighbor algorithm, decision tree and logistic
regression. The logistic regression algorithm showed the highest prediction accuracy at 96%, and the Decision tree algorithm
was the closest to the prediction accuracy at 84%. Other price prediction algorithms, such as decision trees and logistic
regression, achieved accuracies of 82%, 84%, and 69%, respectively.

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