How To Make Melon Juice

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How To Make Melon Juice

 Member :

1. Catra Ika Putra

2. Eko Aji Kurniawan
3. Lucky Yahya Septianto

 Introduction :

Hii everyone Melon juice is a refreshing drink that is very suitable to drink in summer. Melon
juice is low in calories and contains Vitamins A, C and a number of minerals such as potassium,
magnesium, calcium and zinc which are needed by the body.

 Ingredient :
1. Melon
2. Milk
3. Sugar
4. Ice Cube
5. Water

 Material :
1. Spoon
2. Blender
3. Glass
4. Knife

 Step :

1. First of all, peel and cut the melon.

2. Then, add melon, cucumber, water, sugar, and ice cubes to the blender.

3. Then, pour into a glass.

4. And, Melon Juice ready to drink

 Closing :

yes, that's how to make melon juice...we end this session with Wassalamualaikum
Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, See you next time:)


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