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Taruc, Ralph Jerome M.

GED182 – Gender and Society

The Modern Age of Filipino Feminism: Digital Activism, Social Media, and Gendered

The article from the Foundation for Media Alternatives delves into the modern era of
Filipino feminism, emphasizing digital activism, social media, and the prevalence of gendered
disinformation. It begins by highlighting the alarming rates of online gender-based violence
against women, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, with a focus on disinformation and
defamation tactics. The second part explores the targeting of women in politics and journalism,
detailing an information war that extends beyond “women’s issues” and poses a threat to

The response to gendered disinformation Is addressed in the third section, where women
in politics are depicted as actively reclaiming technology, using social media to connect directly
with constituents. Globally, civil society organizations and women activists are raising awareness
through hashtag feminism campaigns. The article then shifts to the Philippines, where young
feminists are championing campaigns like #BabaeAko and #HijaAko, combating sexual
harassment, denouncing rape culture, and fostering a feminist revolution on their own terms.

The final part discusses the need for a multi-stakeholder approach to address gendered
disinformation, involving policy makers, international institutions, ICT platforms, media, civil
society organizations, academics, and women activists. It emphasizes the inadequacy of current
social media measures and advocates for a proactive, intersectional approach. The
responsibilities of social media platforms, including transparency in defining hate speech and
disinformation, and government intervention, legislating gender-sensitive design standards, are
also highlighted, particularly in the context of the upcoming 2022 elections in the Philippines.

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