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Please hand in your completed form at the registration desk for your chance to win a latest Amazon Tablet

Device in our
prize draw.

Your Name: ……………………………………...…. Your Organization: ………………………...........………...

1. Could you please provide a brief testimonial for this event? May we use your comments to market
future events?

Yes □ No □
Comments: ……....………………………………………………………………………………........…………....

2. What are currently the three most important issues for your market?

3. What attracted you to this event?

Speaker/s □ Sessions □ Agenda □ Networking □ Location □ All aspects □

Please specify which aspects were of particular interest to you prior to the event:

4. How much time did you spend in Texas before and after the conference?

Based in Texas □ Before: ……… day(s) After……… day(s)

Main reason: Meet colleagues □ Business □ Awaiting travel □ Holiday □ Other □

5. What time of the year would it be best to hold the next Artificial Lift conference?

Q1 □ Q2 □ Q3 □ Q4 □ or Month: …………

6. Please list the subject areas covered in the programme that you found most interesting

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7. Please list the two speakers you found most interesting/useful

1: ………...…………………………………………………………………………………….........…....………......
2: ………...……………………………………………………………………….........………………....………......

8. Please list a speaker and/or organization not present whom you would like to see at the next

9. Is there a topic/subject that you believe we should investigate as a potential conference title?


10. Where would you like the next Artificial Lift conference to take place?

11. Are you a member of any industry associations? If so, please list them:
12. Do you subscribe to any media journals? If so, please list them:

13. Please list any segments of the industry that were missing from the speaker panel/delegate
audience that would have enhanced your networking opportunities had they been present:
Would you be interested in any of our upcoming events?

Artificial Lift Canada 2024 | Calgary, Alberta, Canada | July 15 - 16, 2024 □ □
REFRAC WELLS 2024 | Houston, Texas, USA | September 9 - 10, 2024
□ □
North American Artificial Lift 2025 | Texas, USA | April, 2025 □ □

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our terms of use. Except to the extent you indicate your objection below, we may also use your data (including data obtained from monitoring)
(a) to keep you informed of our products and services; (b) occasionally to allow companies outside our group to contact you with details of
their products/services. As an international group, we may transfer your data on a global basis for the purposes indicated above, including
to countries which may not provide the same level of protection to personal data as within the European Union. By submitting this form, you
will be indicating you consent to use of our data as identified above. Further detail of our use of your personal data can be provided to you
separately upon request.

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