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Question 12 CALCULATOR

[Maximum mark: 6] MEDIUM

Mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei) were reclassified from "Critically Endangered" to
"Endangered" by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in November 2018.
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This change in status was a significant conservation success story, reflecting the positive impact of
concerted efforts by governments, conservation organisations, and local communities to protect
and increase the population of this subspecies of the eastern gorilla. The table below shows the Check with RV Newton
changes in the number of mountain gorillas from 2010 to 2018.

Year Number of gorillas

2010 480
2016 604
2018 1004

(a) Calculate the percentage increase in the number of gorillas from 2010 to 2018. [1]
(b) Although the mountain gorilla is rarely seen in zoos, another gorilla subspecies, the western
lowland gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) is. Explain how zoos play a critical role in the
conservation of endangered species. [3]

Studies have shown that the invasive plant species Sericostachys scandens affects forest
composition and may affect the Grauer’s gorilla (Gorilla beringei graueri) recovery in Congo.

(c) Outline two precautions that should be taken before considering biological control of invasive
plants such as these. [2]

--- Section Option D ---

Question 13 CALCULATOR
[Maximum mark: 5] MEDIUM

The table shows the recommended infant (3−4 months) daily concentrations for some essential
amino acids compared to the concentration of the same amino acids in cow's milk and human milk.
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Average daily
Average daily
Recommended concentration Check with RV Newton
concentration of
infant (3-4 months) of
Amino acid amino acids in
daily concentration/mg g amino acids in
−1 human milk/mg g
cow’s milk/mg −1
Histidine 16 27 26
Isoleucine 40 47 46
Leucine 93 95 93
Methionine 33 33 42
Lysine 60 78 66
Phenylalanine 72 102 72
Threonine 50 44 43
Tryptophan 10 14 17
Valine 54 64 55
[Source Adapted from: National Research Council (US) Subcommittee on the Tenth Edition of the
Recommended Dietary Allowances. (1989). Protein and amino acids. Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th
Edition. Retrieved March 21, 2024, from Copyright free]
Question 14 CALCULATOR

[Maximum mark:
(a) State the 5]
definition of an essential amino acid. [1] MEDIUM

(b) Using the data, discuss whether cow’s milk is a good substitute for human milk for infants. [2]
The micrograph shows an exocrine gland from the stomach of the European beaver.
(c) Outline two symptoms of protein deficiency. [2]
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[Source: Adapted from Ziółkowska, N., Lewczuk, B., Petryński, W., Palkowska, K., Prusik, M., Targońska, K.,
Giżejewski, Z., & Przybylska-Gornowicz, B. (2014, April). (PDF) light and electron microscopy of the European
beaver ... Research gate. Retrieved March 21, 2024,
Copyright by CC 4.0]

(a) Explain why two named organelles are in high numbers within an exocrine cell. [2]
(b) Outline the role of hormones in the regulation of gastric secretions. [3]
Question 15 CALCULATOR

[Maximum mark: 5] HARD

The graph shows the bilirubin concentration in a patient's blood undergoing cancer treatment. The
increase in bilirubin concentration was an adverse side effect of the cancer treatment, and
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treatment for the side effect began after day 70. The healthy blood concentration range of bilirubin
is 1.71 to 20.5 µmol L−1 ).
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[Source: Adapted from Lin, R., Banafea, O., & Ye, J. (2015, May). I-131 remnant ablation after thyroidectomy
induced hepatotoxicity in a case of thyroid cancer. Research gate. Retrieved March 23, 2024 from
131_remnant_ablation_after_thyroidectomy_induced_hepatotoxicity_in_a_case_of_thyroid_cancer. Copyright
by CC 4.0]

(a) (i) State the organ that is most likely to have been adversely affected if there is excess
bilirubin in the blood. [1]

(ii) Explain why the patient’s skin and eyes had a yellow tint. [2]

(b) Suggest why this patient’s ability to metabolise lipids may be impaired. [2]
Question 16 CALCULATOR

[Maximum mark: 5] MEDIUM

The micrograph shows cardiac muscle tissue.

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[Source: Adapted from Goyitrina. (2007, January 22). File.jpg. Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved March 23, 2024
from Copyright by CC 3.0]

(a) Compare and contrast the structure of cardiac muscle cells and skeletal muscle cells. [4]

(b) Within the right atrium wall is a group of cardiac cells with the ability to initiate an action
potential. State the name of those groups of cells. [1]
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