M5 Posttask

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Kaye Gabrielle B.


Activity 1: Give at least five examples of core values that will make people's lives
desirable or worthwhile. Explain each in two sentences only. Each example/explanation
is equivalent to two points.

1. Honest - being honest makes everything better and truthful. Like

taking a test, it’s better to be honest in order to assess the
knowledge one has learned.
2. Integrity - having integrity shows honesty too. Being a person with
integrity shows that people can do good without anyone watching.
3. Responsibility - being responsible shows that one has priorities in
life. Responsibility means doing tasks without being told to.
4. Consistency - being consistent means having good quality work
always. One would be consistent if his/her work is always good.
5. Loyalty - being loyal means sticking to one person or cause. Having
loyalty means that not switching slides.

Activity 2. Watch the video and make a reflection based on your daily life. Do you think
technology will make you a better person?

Technology will make me a better person because I do not abuse or let it take over my
life. I use technology to research for my homework and communicate with my teachers
and classmates. I do not let technology distract me from doing my work and daily tasks.

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