The Black Cat Vocab McCormick

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“The Black Cat" Vocabulary Definitions

DIRECTIONS: Review the words below (remember these are in context of Poe’s writing, not
necessarily our definitions today). Try to create your own sentence for words that are not
familiar to you; or you haven’t seen/heard/recognize. Lines are provided for you at the bottom
of the packet. (Review the list – only focus on those that you think you need to highlight/keep in
mind when we read).

**I created this comprehensive list based on the story to HELP you; you don’t need to memorize
them, they are for reference, and to help you understand the language before we read the
story, so that you can enjoy the story overall with exposure to new vocabulary! These are based
on words that, as I read the story, I thought would be ‘words of wonder’ for all of you. I hope
this helps **

Allayed: put to rest

Anomalous abnormal, irregular, departing from the usual

Apparition the appearance of a ghostlike figure

Atrocity the quality of being shockingly cruel and inhumane

Baroques dark, corrupt

Blissful completely happy and contented

Decayed rotted

Gore – clotted with puss/infection

Seduced – lured

Maltreat – to treat cruelly in a bad way

Chimeras a horrible or unreal creature of the imagination

Clamber climb awkwardly, as if by scrambling

Conflagration a very intense and uncontrolled fire

Consummate perfect and complete in every respect

Glee – happiness

Descended – to go down

Debauch a wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuity

Demoniacal devilish, very wicked

Docility The quality of being easily taught or controlled

Arch-fiend – usually the devil/a very strong evil force

Vex – make someone annoyed/frustrated or worried over things not very important

Folly – silliness

Crafty – clever and deceitful in order to get one’s way

Equivocal doubt; can't decide

Evinced displayed clearly; revealed

Caress – to touch gently

Fondness – to like someone (or thing)

Expedient a means to an end

Expound to explain in detail

Feeble weak (lacking strength)

Remnant – small piece or remains

Felicity state of well-being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense


Fiend enemy; ghost

Forbore prevented oneself from doing something; refrained from

Gallows place where people are hung

Eternally - forever

Goaded compelled forcibly by an outside agency/instigated

Graven cut or impressed into a surface

Incumbent lying or leaning on something else

Instigate – provoke; push; start

Inscrutability the quality of being impossible to investigate

Intemperate yelling

Irrevocable incapable of being changed or called back

Macabre grisly, gruesome; horrible, distressing; having death as a subject

Solicit…to seek

Infamy – when someone is famous for something negative (infamous)

Debauch/debauchery – overly indulging alcohol – drinking too much but liking it

Abridged – shortened version

Perversity – the state of being evil or gross

Deprived – to take away from or to be without

Indefinite – not specific – not definite

Infancy…period of early childhood or babyhood

Indulge…allow oneself the pleasure of

Peculiarity…an odd or unusual habit or feature

Instrumentality…a thing that serves as a means to an end

Alteration…change something or being changed

Dread - fear

Neglect…not pay attention to or care for something; disregard

Mad – insane, crazy

Malevolent – hatred

ill-used treat someone badly

Sufficient – enough

Fancy…a feeling of liking, usually superficial (just on the surface; not deep down)

Fury…wild or violent anger

Sentiment – a mental feeling/emotion

Unfathomable…cannot be fully understood

Bas- relief – a sculpture or figure where the figures project slightly from the background
Unoffending…not causing anger or annoyance

Savage – fierce, violent, uncontrolled

Brute…a savagely violent person or animal

Mercy…forgiving someone who has the power to harm or punish them

Resigned…accepting something bad that one can’t do anything about

Succeed…achieve what you wanted to/your goal

Penknife – pocket knife, the blade folds inward

Minute (my-noot)…extremely small

‘Haunts’…local bars/pubs one goes to often

Habitual…done as a habit or constantly

Loathsome – when something is annoying; hateful

Aversion… strong dislike; repugnance

Partiality… bias or favor of one thing or person over another; favoritism

Merest…smallest/just enough

Rigorous…extremely accurate/thorough

Vast… to a great extent or large quantity

Incarnate…a spirit or ghost shown in a human form/human’s behavior

Exasperated…irritate intensely; infuriate

Procure to obtain or get by special effort

Render… to give or provide

Bravado… false bravery

Malevolence wishing evil to others

Odious bad smell

Peevish annoyed; irritated

Perpetual occurring so frequently as to seem ceaseless or uninterrupted

Pertinacity perfect dedication

Perverseness deviation from what is considered right or good

Projection – something that sticks out or is put on

Pestilence something annoying

Phantasm a ghostly appearing figure

Remorse to be sorry

Reposing sitting or resting (calmly)

Reverberation the persistence of a sound after its source has stopped

Sagacious acutely insightful and wise

Scruple doubt or uneasiness as to what is right or proper

Stout having rugged physical strength

Stupefied dumb-founded

Succinctly expressed in few words; concise; tense

Felicity – a high degree of happiness/bliss

Disposition – a person’s qualities of mind and character (who they truly are)

Succumbed to give up or give in

Arrested – stopped (not the association with Police here!) STOPPED

Tinctured touched by, a hint of

Toiling working hard

Tranquilly calmly; peacefully

Uncongenial not nice, unpleasant

Ungovernable unable to be controlled

Unutterable not able to be spoken about

Wretched terrible, pitiful

















































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