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Seat No

B.C.A. (Part I) (Semester II) Examination, March/Apr2024
Subject Name: Operating System
Subject Code: 88350
Day & Date: Wed, 27/03/2024
Time: 10:00 am to 01:00 pm Total Marks: 80
1) Question 1 and Question 8 are compulsory and attempt any three (3) question from
question No. 2 to Que. No.7
2) Figure to indicate right indicate marks.
Q: 1 Multiple Choice Questions (12 questions for 1 mark each) 12
1) Which of the following is not an operating system?
a)Windows b) Linux c) Oracle d) DOS
2) What is an operating system?
a) interface between the hardware and application programs
b) collection of programs that manages hardware resources
c) system service provider to the application programs
d) all of the mentioned
3) To access the services of the operating system, the interface is provided by the
a) Library b)System calls c) Assembly instructions d) API
4) How many state are there in Process Life Cycle?
a) 4 b) 5 c) 6 d) 7
5) Memory management technique in which system stores and retrieves data from secondary
storage for use in main memory is called?
a) Fragmentation b) paging c) mapping d) none of the mentioned

6) Which of the following is/are the requirements of memory management.

i) Relocation ii) Protection iii) Sharing iv) Memory organization
a)i, ii and iii only b) ii, iii and iv only
c)i, iii and iv only d) All i, ii, iii and iv

7) ____ is the heart of an operating system?

a)Software b) Programs c)CPU d)Kernel
8) File type can be represented by ____________
a) File name b) File extension
c) File identifier d) None of the mentioned
9) File attributes consist of:
a) Name b) type c) identifier d) all of the mentioned

10) What will happen in the single level directory?

a) All files are contained in different directories all at the same level
b) All files are contained in the same directory
c) Depends on the operating system
d) none of the mentioned

11. When a process is in a “Blocked” state waiting for some I/O service. When the service is
completed, it goes to the __________
a) Terminated state
b) Suspended state
c) Running state
d) Ready state

12. Which of the following are the types of Path names?

a) Absolute & relative
b) local & global
c) global & relative
d) relative & local

Q2. What is operating system? What are the types of operating system? Describe any onein
Detail 16
Q3. Describe any two OS structure with diagram 16
Q4.What is Process? Describe process model diagram in detail 16
Q5. What is memory management? Write any two memory management requirement 16
Q6.What is memory partitioning? Write difference between Fixed and Dynamic partitioning
Q7. What is file? What are the types and attributes of file system 16
Q8. Write short note (any four) 20
a) Time sharing OS
b) Paging
c) Virtual Memory
d) File operations
e) Difference between Windows and Linux OS
f) Segmentation

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