HVAC Cooling Load Estimation Supp - 3

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MET 465 Cooling Load Calculation Example

Given: Single story, slab-on-grade office building located in Bozeman Montana. Floor plan as shown below. Flat roof, weight = 40 lb/ft2, color = light Infiltration rate = 0.50 air changes per hour (ACH) Roof U value = 0.112 BTU/hr-ft2-'F Wall U value = 0.128 BTU/hr-ft2-'F, heavyweight, dark color Window U value = 0.580 BTU/hr-ft2-'F Door U value = 0.470 BTU/hr-ft2-'F Design Occupancy # 2 2 2 2 20 0

Room Office 1 Office 2 Office 3 Office 4 Conference Room Halls

Dimensions 22 x 22 22 x 25 22 x 25 22 x 25 22 x 50 6 x 97

Determine the cooling load for this building

Heating Load Calculation Process: 1. Select outdoor design weather conditions.

Bozeman, MT.: DB = 87F, WB = 62F, (W = 0.0086 lbm/lba) 2. Select indoor design conditions. DB = 76F, RH = 30% (W = 0.0069 lbm/lba)

Comfort Level: 3.

Develop zoning plan for the building.

Zone 1 2 3 4

Rooms 1 2,3 4 Conf. , halls


Select or compute heat transfer coefficients for outside walls, roof, doors, windows, etc. (Given in problem statement) Component Walls Roof Doors Windows U (BTU/hr-ft2-F) 0.128 0.112 0.470 0.580

5. Component Roof N. Wall E. Wall S. Wall W. Wall N. Window E. Window S. Window W. Window N. Door E. Door S. Door W. Door 6. Per site plans

Determine corresponding areas for outside walls, roofs, doors, windows, etc. Office #1 (ft2) 484 170 170 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 Office #2 (ft2) 550 0 170 200 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 0 0 Office #3 (ft2) 550 0 0 200 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 Office #4 (ft2) 550 0 0 200 170 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 0 Conf. Rm. (ft2) 1100 400 0 0 170 100 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 Halls (ft2) 582 18 18 0 60 0 0 0 0 42 42 0 0

Determine building location, orientation, and external shading.


Obtain schedule of lighting, occupants, internal equipment, appliances, and processes that would contribute to the internal loads.

Per owner / occupancy information 8. Calculate peak cooling load due to conductive and solar effects (rooms 1 st, zones 2nd, total last) . Calculate conductive heat gains through walls, roof, glazing, etc. Calculate solar gains through glazing (windows). Component Roof Walls Windows Doors Equation Q = Uroof * Aroof * ETDt Q = Uwall * Awall * ETDt Q = Uwindow * Awindow * TD (conductive) Q = SC * Aglass * SF (solar) Q = Udoor * Adoor * TD

These loads must be calculated for each hour of occupancy in order to determine the peak load for the building. See spreadsheet (MET 465 Cool Load Example Calcs.) for summary of calculations 9. Infiltration: Compute heat gain due to air exchange (infiltration / ventilation). Qsensible = 0.91 * cfm * TD Qlatent = 0.68 * cfm * GD Ventilation: Qsensible = 0.91 * cfm * TD Qlatent = 0.68 * cfm * GD where cfm = (Volume * ACH) / 60 where GD = (Win Wout) * 7000 where cfm = (Volume * ACH) / 60 where GD = (Win Wout) * 7000

Note: Use largest of these two values (reference pg. 203 of text). See spreadsheet (MET 465 Cool Load Example Calcs.) for summary of calculations 10. Calculate internal heat gains due to people, equipment, lights, etc. Gain People Equipment Lights Equation Qsensible = # Occupants * BTUH for activity level (p. 216) Qlatent = # Occupants * BTUH for activity level (p. 216) Per manufacturers specifications Per building plans or Estimate per table on page 216 of text

See spreadsheet (MET 465 Cool Load Example Calcs.) for summary of calculations 11. Sum all heat gains for peak zone loads. Zone 1 2 3 4 Room 1 2,3 4 Conf., hall Peak Time 8:00 am 10:00am 4:00 pm 4:00 pm Sensible Load (BTU/hr) 13151 26067 16280 35542 Latent Load (BTU/hr) 626 1342 671 6237 Total Load (BTU/hr) 13778 27409 16951 41779

These loads represent the peak loads for each zone. Notice that the peak time varies. See spreadsheet (MET 465 Cool Load Example Calcs.) for summary of calculations.

12. Determine the building peak load. Time Component Roof Walls Doors Windows (conductive) Windows (solar) Infiltration/Ventilation People Lights Equipment Total Sensible Load Latent Loads Total Building Load 8:00 Qsensible (BTU/hr) 1282 2765 434 3190 25798 2948 7000 18023 1100 62540 8876 71416 10:00 Qsensible (BTU/hr) 6411 2860 434 3190 25436 2948 7000 18023 1100 67402 8876 76278 12:00 Qsensible (BTU/hr) 11540 2859 434 3190 21866 2948 7000 18023 1100 68960 8876 77837 2:00 Qsensible (BTU/hr) 15386 3149 434 3190 25680 2948 7000 18023 1100 76912 8876 85788 4:00 Qsensible (BTU/hr) 15386 3021 434 3190 24087 2948 7000 18023 1100 75190 8876 84066 6:00 Qsensible (BTU/hr) 11540 3021 434 3190 16150 2948 7000 18023 1100 63407 8876 72282 8:00 Qsensible (BTU/hr) 162 2765 434 3190 0 2948 7000 18023 1100 35623 8876 44499

Peak building cooling load = 85788 BTU/hr at 2:00 pm See spreadsheet (MET 465 Cool Load Example Calcs.) for summary of calculations. 13. Adjust as necessary to account for building diversity, setback recovery, etc. Should we adjust?

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