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Amalia Bucurel, Gabriel Bugiuianu, II, KMS

Coordinator: Professor’s Assistant Gabriela Andrioai

Relaxation techniques have been practised for many years now and researchers find them
effective. The human body is a perfectly structured machine with different functions. The body’s
computer, the brain, is, by far, the most fascinating, sophisticated and efficient computer that has ever
been designed. Our mind cannot be confined to what is inside our skull or even our body, because it
extends beyond our physical selves. Thus, our mind is not simply our perception of experiences, but
the experiences themselves. When we look at the body, mind and spirit, what we are really seeking to
understand is the energy of our feelings and emotions. All that we experience in this “subjective
world” is part of the mind. That is why through meditation, our mind can achieve evolved states. It is
only by the power of thoughts that we succeed awakening the consciousness and spread energy into
the whole body. It all happens for a reason and we attract everything by simply stating our inner
To effectively battle stress, you need to activate your body’s natural relaxation response. A
good technique is to slow down and try a deep breathing exercise. This is a type of meditation that
focuses your attention on various parts of your body from head to toes.
How to practice breathing
Find a comfortable place where you can sit or stand and try to relax your body by breathing in
through your nose then, let your body fill with as much air as it can noticing the sensations you get
from the action. Hold the air and then slowly exhale it through your mouth. Let your jaw relax, feel
the tension leaving you and continuing to leave you. Repeat the action! This will soothe the
immediate feelings of anxiety that can help you focus on your next step. While you relax lay focus on
only one thought: express your appreciation for everything that exists in your life!
Next, imagine a peaceful place with sunny weather and fresh air. Inhale the fresh air and feel
it into your abdominal cavity. Continue to relax; imagine a light sphere above your head, let it enter
and while it does, feel how it removes all the bad energy inside you! Feel how the tension disappears!
Play with the sphere: place it inside your chest, near your heart, feel it vibrating and flowing
white rays of bright light touch all your vital organs. The sphere becomes a lotus which blooms inside
you. Enjoy every moment of peace! Continue playing! Place the sphere near your lumbar area,
towards your kidneys, they symbolise vitality, the secret of eternal life. Feel how your kidneys absorb
the colour of the sphere.
Give thanks to the sphere of energy for cleaning and washing the negativity in you. Push this
negative energy down through your feet towards the earth beneath you. When you feel you are ready,
open your eyes, your body feels lighter, you feel like flying as a feather.
You have attained a state of deep rest that put the brakes on stress, slowed your breathing and heart
rate, lowered your blood pressure and brought your body and mind back into balance. Now you can
enjoy the rest of the day and remember that being positive is the key to success!
Don’t forget that we are all different and that are many relaxation techniques. What fits you
might not fit somebody else. Most relaxation techniques can be done by you but you may also pay for
a professional massage or an acupuncture session. With regular practice you can reduce everyday
stress and anxiety and improve your wellbeing. Your health depends on your wellbeing so practice
progressive relaxation.


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