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Singapore &Asian Schmls

Math Olympiad



AI'E/ I{AMA Inalex umb€r/ omo?Ind€ks:


1. Please DO OT OPEI{ t}E contest booklet until the Proctor has glven pemission to
Hanp JAfld ElrDltKA kerhs komrytisisamp;i kngawas membedkan izia untuk

2. TIME: t hour 30 minutes.

WAKTU: I jan 30 nenit-
3. There are 25 qtEstions:
A& 25 petatryaan:
Secdon A: Questions 1 to 15 score 2 points each, no poinE are deducted for an
unaftiwercd question and 1 point b deducted for the wrong ansrver.
bian A: furbnyaan 1 sampai 15 skor masiqg-masing 2 poin, Mk ada poin yang
dkuaryi unark petunyaan yang ti@k diawab &n 1 poia dkurangi urfr* iawaban
yang shh.
Section B: Questiors 16 to 25 smre 4 points each, no points are deducted for an
unarEwered or wmng answer.
bglan R: Manyaan 16 sampai 25 skor masitg-maslrg 4 poin, tifuk ab poi,1 yang
dikurangi untuk jawaban yang tuk d awab abu salah.

4 a 28 lead pencll in the Answer EnW SlEet.

Shade your answers neatly using
Hibmkan janaban An@ &,gan mpi menggurakan Fnsil 28 di Lembar Jawaban.
5. PROCTORING: No one may help any shjdent in any way during the contest.
PENAAWASAN: Tidak seoftIg pun boleh membandt siswa mana pun dengan can apa
pun selama komPetisi.

6. No electsonic devices capabh of storing and disphying visual information are allowed
durirE the couGe of the eEm.
Tilak a& perangkat eleklonik yang mampu menyinpan fun menampikan infomasi
vislal yang dlpebobhkan selama ujhn bedangsung.

7. Stsictly No Calcrrlatol€ are allowed into the e)Gm.

Benar+eMr Ttdak ada Kalkulator yaDg dibnkan selana nengkuti ujian.

8. All shdents must fill and shade their am€, School and Indcx t{umber in the
Answer Enty Sheet and Contest booklet.
hmua sbwa wajh metpisl &n netghbnkan anp, S*olah bn
ofior fndck
pada Lembar Isian lawaban fun hmbar soal konpetbi.

9. MINIMUM TIME: StJdents must stay in the e)Gm hall forat hast t hour.
WAKTU MINIMUM: Sbwa hanE tinggal di ruatg ujian setituknya selama l jam

10. A stJdent mustshowdetailed working and trarEfer ansll€rs to the Ans$rer Entry Sheet.
*odng siswa han6 menunjukkan pekerjaan tepeinci dan memiMahkan jawaban ke
Lembar lawaban.

11, o exam pap€rs and wrltten notes can be taken out by any contestant
firlak a& kcrAs ujian dan caabn Ertulis yang da@t diambil oleh kon@,
mana pun.
Rough Working/ Lernbar Kerja
sAslito 20 1 Gradc Contat

Qucctlon I I Pa|bnyaan I
Find the valtE of the bllowing.

Carildt nild tui bilotini.

(1796+ 2693 + 3592 + 1979) + 125
A. 80
B. 40
c. 800
D. 160
E. None of the above / nd* da Wrq baBr

Qncrtlon 2l krbnpan 2
Wridr of the fullowlng nunbers is always an odd number fur any integer n?
t analdt dad drgl@-angl@ bslkn tmq dalu nwryalon drglc aaill @t* fiiry
bilapan frlat fi
B. 2023 + 2O23n
O. ZOn + 23
E. None of the above I Ttdak da yang banat

sAsMo 2023 , Secondary I (Grade 7) Contest

Question 3l Pertanfaan 3
Given that 24X = 20232 - 20772, what is the vall€ of x?

Aberikan 24x = 20232 - 20t72, berapakah nilai x ?

A. 1001
B. 1010
D. 10100
E. None of the above lnd* ada yang barar

Question 4l Peftanyaan 4
Whan you roll two 6-sided standard dice, whidr of the following is the most likely to

Saat Anda nddnpat d@ ddu standar 6 sisi, nanakah dari berikt ini yang paling
nurgkin tsjadi?
A. The sum of the two rolled numbers is a multiple of 5,
lunlah dari dLE angka yang dildnpar adalah kelipatan 5.

B. The sum of the two rolled numbers is a multiple of 3.

nnlah dati d@ angka yang dil tpar adalah ketipatan 3.

C. The sum of the two rolled numbers is a prime number.

Itmlah dari dua angka yang digdmg adalah bilangan prina.

D. The sum of the two rolled numbers is a multiple of 4.

Junlah dari d@ angka yang dilsnpar adalah kdipatan 4.

E. The sum of the two rolled numbers is greater than L

nnlah dari d@ angka yang digdirkan lebih ber dari 8.

SASIIIO 202 1 Gradc Conte3t

Qucstlon 5l Perbrrlaan 5
It is given that rl = 7rx (n- L)x (n- 2) x...x 2 x 1. Forexample,4! =
4x3 x2x 1. Find the rernainder when 1! + 2! + 3l +..'+2023! is divided by 120.
Diketahu' bahwa nl = 7r x (n - 7) x (n - 2) x ... x 2 x 7, Mielnya, 4l = 4 x 3 x 2 x 7.
Tat*an sien o ketika 1! + 2! + 3l +...+ 20231 dlbagi 720..
A. 33
D. 1
E. None of the above lfidak da 1an9 benar

Question 6 / Pertanlaan 6
Find the srnallest positive integer n for which 204n is a mdtiple of 2448.

Terfl*an bilangan bdat psitif takail n png 204n mantpalon kelipatan dari

A. 24
B. 36
c. 48
D. 60
E. None of the above / Tidak da yang benar

SASMO 2023, Seconda ry 1 (Grade 7) C.ontest

Question T l Peftanyaan 7
The product of two positive integers is 7 776. Neither of the two numbers has 6 as a
factor. Find the difference between these two numbers.
H&il kali dua bilangan bLlat positif adalah 7 776. Tak etu pui dai kdt@ bilangan
ters#ut nsniliki hktor 6. Tdm*an pabdaan antara dua angka ini.
B, 261
D. 180
E. None of the above lndak ada yang benar

Questlon E I Peranyaan I
An integer has the same remainder when divided by 9, by 12 or by 16, What is the
greatest 3-digit integer which satisfies these qiteria?

seb@h bilangan Alat ndniliki sis yang ema jika dibqi d&gdn ,
d$gan 12 atau
dqgan 16. tuapakah bilangan Alat 3 digit tdbar yang nwglthi kritsia ini?
A. 864
B. 872
c. 875
D. 879
E. None of the above / fidak ada yang benar

saslito 2023, Sccondary I (Gradc 7) Cont6t

Qustlon 9 / Pcrtenyran 9
How many factors of 7056 are perfect sqtEres?
k@a bnnk hktor dari 7056 png naqakm lnadrat s,
A. 10
B. t2
c. 13
D. 14
E. None of the above / fidak da pn? batar

Question LO I Pc,bnyaaa tO
What ls the last dlgit of 20232023?

tuaF angb taaldir dari 202320,3 7

A. 1
E. None of the above I Tidak da nng berrar

SASl,lO 20 1 Grrdc Cont!5t

Qu$tion Ll I Parbt pra ll

Midr of the following has the largest value?
I'bn*ah dari bikf ini png naniliki nilai tqber?

-b.- 2020
c 2022

Qu€stlon 12 I Petbnyatn 72
ffiat is the nqt number in the seqLEnce bdow?

tuapa Ulangan danjdnya dari fuien di bi,wal, ini?

L,t, 4, 12,27,5 L,A6, ...

A, L24
B. 132
c. 134
D. 136
E. None of the above I ndak da yang baar

SASI{O 2023, Secondary I (Gradc 7) contst

Qn6stion L3 I Per+tnyaan 73
In triangle,4BC below, point D is the midpoint of side AC and point E is on side /48
sudr that EC is perpendiq/ar to DB and LECA = zECB,If the area of the shaded
region is 234 cm2, Rnd the area (in cm2) of triangle /44C.
Pda qitiga ABC di bawah, titik D dalah titik tengah sig AC dan titik E bada di
sisi AB dringga EC tqak l&E DB dan LECA = LECB. Jika luE derah yang diarsir
dalah 234 otf , tdtttlan h.B (dalam a12) Witiga ABC.


A. 702 q+
B. 700 cm2
C. 585 crn2
o. 468 CInz
E. None of the above / ndak ada yang bslar

sastao 20 1 Grlde Conh3t

Question 14 I Pertenyaaa 74

is rotated to
diputar ke

As rotated to
wtt- tlipdill<e

A. B. c. D E

SASMO 2023, Secondary 1 (Grade 7) Contest

Question LS I Pertanyaan 75
Andy, Brian, Carol and Daniela, whose last naln€s are Lim, Lee, wong and Goh, live
in singapore, China, Malaysia and Indonesia. The following drEs are given:
Andy, 4rian, Carol dan Danlel4 yang nEniliki nana bdakang LinL Le, Wong dan
Goh, tinggal di Shlgapua, Chin4 Malaysia, dan Indon$ia. Pdwjtk bsikrn
1. Andy and Brian are male and Carol and Daniela are female.
Andy dan Brian adalah laki-laki dan Carol dan Daniela adalah pssnpLan.

2. Carol, Lim and the person who lives in Malaysia are Facebook ftiends.
Carol, Lim dan orang yang tinggal di Malasoia adalah tqan Fadook.

3. Goh does not rEe Facebook.

Goh tidak nmggulakn Fffiook

4. The rnan who lives in China wants to meet Andy.

Pria yang tinggal di China itu ingin bstemu Andy.

5. Lee and the person who lives in Malaysia met each other last year.
Le dan orang tang tinggal di l,lalalaia Memu etu ema lain tahm lalu.

6. The woman who lives in Indonesia is older than Daniela.

Wanita yang tinggal di Indon5ia ini l&ih t@ dari Daniela

7. Andy does not live in Singapore.

Andy tidak tinggal di 5ingapua.

8. Daniela is not Lim.

Danida bL{<an Um.
What is the last name of the person who lives in Singapore?

Siapa nanB bdaleng orang yang tinggal di Singapma?

A. Lim
B. Lee
C. Wong
D. GOh
E. Not enor€h info.trE,tion / ndak a*tp infornasi

SASMO 2023, Secondary 1 (crade 7) Contest

SeCtiOn B lCcrrC rndc - t poht I ttrdrrct d l{o er s-O pdnts)

bgian B 6nUn ptt hrrs - 4 polt I br&an |.rD Dtd, - O pot r)
When an answer is a ldigit number, shade "0" forthe tens, hurdreds aM thousands place.
tumple: if the answer b Z then shade @07
Jka jawabanrya berupa angka digit hbmkan "0" untuk bmpat pululEn, ranrsaA fun
Conbh: jka )awabaDnya Z naka hbnkan 0007
When an answer is a 2digit number, shade "0" for the hundreds and thousaMs phce.
tumple: if the answer is 23, tlEn shade 0023
lika j,awabannya adalah a@ka 2 digil hiibmkan "0" untuk Empat miEan dan nblan.
Conbh: jika jawabannya 4 maka hibmkan 0O2i

When an ans',yer is a 3{i9it number, shade "0" for the thor.Eands place.
Emmple: if the aEwer is 785, tlEn shade 0n5
lka jawabannya berupa angka 3 dilt+ hibmkan"0" untuk tempat ibuan.
Conbh: jika j,awabarurya 785 maka hibmkan 0n5

When an answer is a 4{igit number, shade as it ls.

tumpb: if the aEwer is 41 , then shade 4196
Ketika jawabannya adalah angka 4 digit, hitamkan qerti itu.
@ntoh: jika jawabannya 4196, naka hitamkan 4196

Question Lo I Pe anyaan 76
what is the smallest 4-digit positive mdtiple of 36 that has no odd digits?
tuapakah kelipatan poitif 4 angka tskdil dari 36 yang tdak ndniliki angka ganiil?

sl!;ito 20 1 Gradc Contlst

Qu€stion L7 I PcrbnFen 77
In the diagram, an ant is moving from pointA to point B. If the ant is only allowed b
rnove to the right or rpwards along the grid line, how many different paths are there
from point A to point B?
Pada diqaL *d@r *flrt bdgqak dari titik A ke titik B. )ika flnt hanya
dlpaboldbn bagtak ke kanan atau ke at6 Wanjang garis 9n4 da bdapa jalL{
bstda dai titik A ke titik B?

Question LE I Pa,brryzan 78
What is the sum of all odd positive two-digit numbers?

tuapa jurrlah sn@ bilangan dLo digit poEtif ganjil?

sAsMo 2023 S€conda 1 Grade 7 ConEst

Question 19 I Pertanlaan ,9
The operator O acts on two integers to glve the following outcom6:

@sator * b*sja pda d@ bilryan bdat m * nmnbsikan h6il fiagai

7o2 = 64
903 = 96
75s4 = 12L2
8O5 = 155

Find the valtE of 11 O 12.

Cailah nilai dai 11 * 12.

Question m I Peftanyaan 2O
Four semicirdes are arranged to form the figure shown below. The radiiofthe 4 cjrdes
are distinct integers. If the p€rimeter of the shaded region is 14n cm, find the area
(in crn2) of the shaded reglon. lUse r = f,)
Empat *eryah lingkaran dist6tr, @tt* nanbent* gambar yang dit@j&kan di
bawah ini. Jari-jari dari 4 llngkann dalah bilangan bllat yang bebda. lika kdili,g
dasah yang diarsir adalah 14n an, tent.*an las dwah yang diarsit (dalam d#).
(c&akan n =+)

qr:dot 2r / WE ry.n 2,
The tfireedlglt nmber )eY is 9 tlllEs the two{iglt nunber )fl. lryhat ls the rrallE of
the pY+xY?
Alangal dga dlglt )QYstp tuWt r 9ldi Uldrgal d.a dult Xy. Wh nilal

Qlruo|r Zf / mrrn nZ2

How rEry lnt€6 I e there Edt that ,r, + 6t + 24 ls a perftct sqLEre?

hry bry* UleW, hlat n drirrgg,* +&t+21 M, ldffistpt lE?

SASITIO 2023 Sccon 1 GraaL ConE t

Question 23 I P€tbnfran Zt
How many integer pahs (4 &) satisfy the equation below?

brya banpk pngan Ulangdn hlat (a,b) ],ang nqB hi pdendl dt M,


Qu$tion 24
Pcrtanlean 21
The ftactlon : is in its simplest furm. Flnd the $m of the diglts of the integer 4.
Ftaksi :D'dalam bentuk paling sederhana. Temr*an Jl'r]rlah digit bilangan bdat 4.

b 7x2' lx2x3' 1x2x3x4' Lxzx3x...x10

sasmo 202 1 Contlst

Que.tlon 25 I Petarryzrn 25
In the following oyptarithm, all the difierot letters stand for ditrerent digits. If D is
an R/en digit, what is the valtE of the sun S+A+S+M+O?

Dalan owwithn bqilart, srub hutf lang Wa iwnilki dlglt tary Mda,
lil@ D add argl@ $aap, tuWa nilal penjunldran S+A+S+M+O?
+ A WA R D




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