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Social Sciences & Humanities Open 8 (2023) 100655

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A comprehensive overview of artificial intelligence and machine learning in

education pedagogy: 21 Years (2000–2021) of research indexed in the
scopus database
Ekene Francis Okagbue a, *, Ujunwa Perpetua Ezeachikulo b, Tosin Yinka Akintunde c,
Mustapha Bala Tsakuwa d, Samuel Nchekwubemchukwu Ilokanulo e,
Kosiso Modest Obiasoanya d, Chidiebere Emeka Ilodibe a, Cheick Amadou Tidiane Ouattara a
Faculty of Education, Southwest University, Chongqing, China
School of Public Administration, Hohai University, Nanjing, China
Department of Social Work, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
College of International Studies, Southwest University, Chongqing, China
Faculty of Education, Comparative Education, Southwest University, Chongqing, China


Keywords: The utilization of AI (artificial intelligence) and ML (machine learning) in education pedagogy will undoubtedly
Bibliometrics enhance transformative changes in academic pedagogical engagements. Most interestingly, they are perceived to
Education transform traditional instructional activities into digitized and seamless ones for effective and efficient education.
Artificial intelligence
To further explore the discourse, this study tries to elucidate the dramatic rise in trends and the constant evo­
Machine learning
lution of AI and ML in education pedagogy applying a bibliometrics analysis. Historically, since the emergence of
AI, its influence, functions, and applications have been transcending from one form to another in the sequence of
artificial intelligence (simple level of AI) to applied artificial intelligence, to machine learning, and to deep
learning. From our study outcome, numerous scholars predicted that AI and ML will continue to transform
beyond their current state to more sophisticated tools.
A bibliometric analysis was performed with the extracted articles on artificial intelligence, machine learning,
and education pedagogy from the Scopus database. The downloaded data were analyzed with bibliometrics
research tools such as VOSviewer (Var 1.6.6) and R packages. For this study exploration, a total of one thousand,
one hundred and thirty-eight (1138) documents were authored by two thousand, eight hundred (2800) re­
searchers and published in six-hundred and thirty-five (635) journals from 2000 to 2021, with 5.984 as the
average citations per document from sixty-two (62) countries.
Our study concluded that school administrators should promote the use of AI and ML devices to promote
quality pedagogical services in the academic environment. Most especially, education policymakers are advised
to promulgate policies that will support the acceptability and usability of artificial intelligence and machine
learning in academic environment.

1. Introduction that change the course of education significantly from traditional

learning to a technological learning approach (Ahmad, Rahmat,
In this 21st century, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning Mubarik, Alam, & Hyder, 2021). Hence contribute to the evolution of
(ML) have become resourceful, magical, and innovative pedagogical one-dimensional learning patterns to multi-learning dimensional con­
tools in the global academic environment (Poquet et al., 2021). These cepts (i.e. from physical classroom to digital education) (Hsu, Abelson,
two teaching and learning technologies seem to be innovative wonders Lao, Tseng, & Lin, 2021). The significance of these smart tools is the

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (E.F. Okagbue), (U.P. Ezeachikulo), (T.Y. Akintunde), (M.B. Tsakuwa), (S.N. Ilokanulo), (K.M. Obiasoanya),
(C.E. Ilodibe), (C.A.T. Ouattara).
Received 30 May 2023; Received in revised form 2 August 2023; Accepted 21 August 2023
Available online 7 September 2023
2590-2911/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
E.F. Okagbue et al. Social Sciences & Humanities Open 8 (2023) 100655

salient transformations brought for the elevation of the education According to Srinivasan and Murthy (2021), and Baker and Ga
pedagogy by enhancing effective teaching and learning and making it (2021) state that human tasks intervention in AI operations in relation to
more seamless (Borko, 1985; Gordon & Debus, 2002). pedagogical programs are used for (i) interactive mechanisms for stu­
Nonetheless, the origin of AI started when John McCarthy coined the dents, (ii) feedback issuance, (iii) development of digital curriculum,
term “artificial intelligence” in 1956, and has been a popular nomen­ (iv) tracking learners learning progress, (v) smart attendance keeping,
clature in the field of physics, technology, computer science, engineer­ etc.
ing, and mathematics (Zawacki-Richter, Marn, Bond, & Gouverneur, To understand what education pedagogy is all about. Education
2019), but less known in the education pedagogy (Kabudi, Pappas, & pedagogy is described as the art or science of educating, teaching, and
Olsen, 2020). However, since then, scientists understand the cutting transmitting knowledge from the teacher to a student (Klitmøller &
edge of AI and constantly adopt its usage in computer modeling, ma­ Klitmøller, 2017). Lavelle, Lovato, and Stephenson (2020) visualized
chine learning, and probability statistics to devise practical applications education pedagogy as a practice of how teaching impacts learning, in
of these scientific methods in academic institutions mostly in education consideration of what is the right content to teach and methods of
disciplines. The confirmation of the vested interest in awakening the teaching it. The empirical and philosophical concepts of education
utilization of artificial intelligence tools in the education pedagogy is pedagogy are centered on (i) academic instructors’ teaching methods,
corroborated by the recently launched ‘OpenAI’, a non-profit AI (ii) students learning behavior and teachers’ teaching impacts, and (iii)
research company that invested about 1 billion dollars to accelerate the teaching tools in conveying the learning contents (Lavelle et al., 2020).
production of AI and ML learning tools to improve AIED (artificial in­ It is interesting to state that AI and ML play major roles in developing
telligence in education) ( education pedagogy in this twenty-first century. The essence of AI and
istory-of-ai,2022). More so, the education technology (EDTECH) com­ ML-enabled devices in education pedagogy is the ability to give
pany advanced the manufacturing of assistive learning robotic devices personalized feedback, constant accessibility, and availability of
like humanoid robots, AIDAN, etc., which are accentuated to heighten learning resources, save cost, improved communication habit, and in­
human-robot interaction (Webb et al., 2020). fluence the learning performance of the students (Lee & Lee, 2021), and
For a clearer distinction between AI, and ML, machine learning is foster inclusive education, especially for disabled learners (Pandey &
referred to as the subset of artificial intelligence. The elements of ma­ Gelin, 2017). In addition, AI has an important part to play in STEM
chine learning increase the optimization operations of artificially intel­ education pedagogy. The incorporation of AI into STEM education
ligent devices in providing real-time responses. As an aspect of AI, pedagogy sparks creative thinking among students (Popenici & Kerr,
machine learning is a subfield of artificial intelligence with the capacity 2017).
to command computers to act, think, learn, and operate on their own This study is highly significant in education development, and the
(Hamal, Faddouli, Hachem, Harouni, & Lu, 2022). ML instructs com­ significance of this current study is to bring to light the essence of
puters to modify their actions to improve and elevate the actions for adopting AI and ML educational devices in education pedagogy and to
precision and accuracy (Environment, 2021, pp. 1–12). Aoun, 2017 encourage classroom teachers to accept their usability of them for
delineated machine learning as a learning field that potentiates the effective teaching and learning. In the process of doing so, the study
capability of smart devices with programming inputs. Its suggested relevant AI and ML tools, software, and APPS that will guide
multi-disciplinary and diverse nature of research range reinforces its their classroom activities, and manage school affairs seamlessly. More
operations. The stimulation tendencies of ML are significantly attached so, this current study tries to dissipate one of the misconceptions in the
to computational statistics in making predictions with computers (Chen, education community that artificial intelligence and machine learning
Xie, Zou, & Hwang, 2020). However, the computational possibility of technology are strictly meant for science, medical, and engineering
machine learning and artificial intelligence fosters a smart tutoring disciplines only and not for teachers in the education pedagogy domain,
environment in the classroom (Ergen, 2019). The smart machine’s hence believing that they are limited to only use blackboards and chalks.
propensity towards human features, like mimicking human cognitive To change this misconception, this research tries to review the existing
ability, and its behavioral tendencies all make it an ideal addition to the literature on this discourse on education pedagogy aiming to inform
classroom (Musa, 2021). The automated non-human abilities can be classroom teachers, and education instructors on the long existence of
supported with the operations of processing language properties such as artificial intelligence and its possible impacts if fully adopted in edu­
Pascal, C, C++, and JAVA in conjunction with the intelligent internal cation pedagogy.
components that provide visuals, sound, and speech, aiding seamless One of the problems that contributed to this misconception, is that
teaching and learning (Tedre et al., 2021). The algorithm optimization there is not enough scholarship on artificial intelligence and machine
teaching and learning resources in artificial intelligence and machine learning in the education pedagogy that could provide a simplified un­
learning like web-based chatbots, critical bots, Cobots, and AlphaGo derstanding of them and their usages in the classrooms. Without a doubt,
enhance communication and instructional efficiency (Cavalcanti et al., numerous studies have been explored on AI and ML but the majority of
2021; Kose & Arslan, 2017). them are in medical sciences, computer science, and engineering. For
AI and ML are interconnected in functions, as they work in nexus example; artificial intelligence and machine learning in cancer studies
with speech recognition machines, natural language processing, com­ (Musa, Afolabi, Musa, & Musa, 2022), artificial neural network (Górriz
puter vision, and robotics. They are associated with the characteristics of et al., 2020), big data, internet of things, machine learning, and artificial
network devices, cloud computing, digital content production, com­ intelligence on virus tracking (Rodr & Shirvanizadeh, 2021), etc. And
puter, and robots (Palanivelu & Vasanthi, 2020). Ouyang and Jiao this calls for more papers that could serve as guidelines to the
(2021), indicated that AI adaptive learning tools, tutoring systems, and non-engineering, and science teachers that have no knowledge of AI and
learning analytics are helpful for the improvement of seamless learning ML in their jobs (Hwang & Tu, 2021). Chen et al. (2020) confirm Hwang
activities. The interesting nature of artificial intelligence is in its task and Tu (2021) statement on the lack of interest of professional teachers
distinction, the task categorization of AI is on its potency of the in accepting this concept, suggesting the need for them to understand
following; (i) human tasks intervention (these are tasks performed by the interaction needed to exist between the learners and AI devices for
humans), (ii) non-human task intervention. In reference to (Baker & Ga, an effective learning activity to occur. In filling this gap, this research
2021; Cox, 2021) views on the categorization of AI activities into hu­ aims to inform the teachers about what has been done so far and high­
manized and non-humanized involvement, further asserted that AI light to them the benefits of applying AI and ML smart tools in teaching.
analytical activities precedence that artificial intelligence portrays In doing that, the study excavated the existing literature published on
human features such as social intelligence, emotional and cognitive artificial intelligence and machine learning in education, including the
capacity (Francis et al., 2023). long-existing AI and ML learning teaching software and APPS that might

E.F. Okagbue et al. Social Sciences & Humanities Open 8 (2023) 100655

not be known by classroom teachers and students that could be bene­ screening and sorting of the selected articles were administered to
ficial for teaching and learning. examine duplicates, non-English articles, and document types that are
Due to the nature of the study, the bibliometric strategy remains the not within the criteria set by the authors. In the screening and sorting
most appropriate approach to serve the purpose of this research. How­ process, the authors reviewed the abstracts, introduction, and method­
ever, the essence of the bibliometric methodology is to give holistic ology and together chose the articles that align with the study objectives.
dimensions of the top crucial articles published in this area of study. It
brings out the qualitative concepts of the existing research (Song & 3. Data analysis
Wang, 2020) and in the same vein, identifies the core empirical studies
(Akintunde et al., 2021). The bibliometric analysis also shows the ag­ 3.1. Bibliometric approach
gregation of the total article citations, the top most active scholars, the
top most journals, institutional affiliations, and countries. This infor­ In executing the data analysis, software such as R package (version
mation provides significant knowledge on the growth rate of article 4.0.4), Vosviewer (version 1.6.636), and Bibliometrix were used.
publications, and achievements made in this area of discourse to provide However, for co-authorship analysis, Vosviewer helps in finding the
enough information for the teachers, instructors, and school managers. links (L) attributed for calculating the total of published documents and
In addition to the preceding statements, the study highlights the chal­ their citations, including the strength of the links attributed. Also, note
lenges of AI and ML in education pedagogy, and what future direction of that the Spearman correlation coefficient® was employed in calculating
education pedagogy in accepting AI and ML. the total citations (TC) of published articles and the number of article
This study is guided by four research questions: (i) What is the publications (NP) in this study domain. The characteristics of biblio­
growth rate of research publications on artificial intelligence and ma­ metrics were explored for example; information on the top 10 most cited
chine learning in education pedagogy from 2000 to 2021? (ii) what are articles, top 10 journals, countries, authors, and H-index of the pub­
the achievements of AI and ML in enhancing education pedagogy from lished articles (Aria & Cuccurullo, 2017).
2000 to 2021 (iii) what are the perceived challenges in academic in­
stitutions in adopting AI and ML in the education pedagogy from 2000 to
3.3. Characteristics of the study
2021; and (iv) what does the future hold for educational pedagogy in the
use of AI and ML for education development?
Table 1 gives a detailed analysis of the collected published docu­
ments. The documents were downloaded using the “title-abs-key”
2. Materials and methods
command, and only documents published in the English language were
given consideration. From the criteria set by the authors, 1138 papers
2.1. Study design
satisfied the set requirements. Before the search process, authors
deliberated on the search queries, search terms, publication year, study
This research employed a bibliometrics strategy to investigate
title, etc., (Akintunde et al., 2021). Table 1 also provides information on
emerging trends in artificial intelligence and machine learning in the
the material sources, the timespan of the study, average citations, au­
field of education. And the purpose of this is that the authors discovered
thors’ collaborations, reference frequencies, keywords, etc. In doing this
that there is a shortage of literature specifically on artificial intelligence
analysis, bibliometrix and R software packages were adopted for
and machine in education pedagogy. But the application of the biblio­
calculating the mean annual publications, authors’ total articles pub­
metric technique makes it easier to identify published articles on this
lished, and authors’ collaboration index (Musa, 2021). Furthermore,
topic and provides the procedural template for the evaluation of pub­
beyond the information in Table 1, the authors provided results on
lished articles bibliometrically (Polito & Temperini, 2021).
journal citations and impact factors which become the core yardstick for
the selection top ten active journals in the field. On that note, Ellegaard
2.2. Data source
and Wallin (2015) espouse that impact factors and citations are the
determinants for evaluating the productivity index of authors, and ac­
The Scopus Database was used to obtain information for this inves­
ademic ranking of institutions. For determining the quantity and quality
tigation. It is one of the academically approved repositories for quality
of articles, the H-index and impact factors of the screened documents
scientific publications across all disciplines ( As an
were examined (Musa et al., 2022). Table 3 reveals the top ten most
open academic database, it does not require ethical approval.

Table 1
2.2.1. Search strategy
Descriptive results of AI and ML of published documents.
The Scopus Database was searched for articles on artificial intelli­
gence (AI), machine learning (ML), and education pedagogy (EP) pub­ Description Results Description Results

lished from 2000 to 2021. The following terms were used in the query Timespan 2000:2021 Review 38
search to generate and align the topical themes on artificial intelligence, Documents 1138 Note 10
Sources 635 Document Contents
machine learning, and education pedagogy: Title (artificial and intelli­
Average citations per year 1.156 Authors of multi-authored 2522
gence × or convolutional or deep and learning × or neural and network per doc documents
× or machine and learning × or random and forest*) and (autonomous References 29,751 Author Appearances 3223
and robots × or computer and vision × or education × and pedagogy × Average years from 4.04 Authors
or fuzzy and logic × or support and vector and machine × or speech and publication
Average citations per 5.984 Authors 2800
understanding × or automatic and programming × or text and mining × document
or intelligent and agents × or intelligent and tutoring × or voice and Document Types Author’s Keywords (DE) 2399
recognition × and title-abs-key education or teach). Conference paper 533 Authors of single-authored 278
Conference review 27 Keywords Plus (ID) 4691
2.2.2. Data synthesis and criteria
Book chapter 33 Authors Collaboration
The downloaded articles were synthesized using the above- Article 447 Collaboration Index 3.13
enumerated queries and timeline illustrated in section 2.2.1. With a Book 8 Co-authors per document 2.83
focus on the search terms “artificial intelligence”, “machine learning”, Editorial 23 Authors per Document 2.46
and “education pedagogy”. The authors focused on these search terms Erratum 11 Document per author 0.406
Letter 8 Single-authored documents 331
and removed articles that fall out of this research scope. After that,

E.F. Okagbue et al. Social Sciences & Humanities Open 8 (2023) 100655

3.4. The most cited top 10 articles

Table 2 illustrates the top most cited published research articles on

artificial intelligence and machine learning in education, with the in­
clusion of authors, publication year, sources, and the aggregations of the
article citations. For this analysis, the authors chose the most-referenced
articles on AI and ML in education. It is important to state that re­
searchers tracked the growing number of citations of the most cited
publications over the targeted years. In that case, our research shows
that the “deep learning and Sustainability of Education” article by
Warburton K (2003) has the most citations (TC = 295), followed by
“artificial intelligence in higher education: where are the educators, a
systematic review” with 160 total citations (TC = 160), and “The impact
exploration of AI on teaching and learning in higher education” by
Popenici and Kerr (2017) with 155 citations (TC = 155) as the third most
cite article, (see Table 2 for more information).
Fig. 1. Annual Average total citations of AI and ML in Education. The retrieved articles were from 635 periodicals, such as the Journal
of Intelligent Computing Advances has 15 articles published, the Journal
of Fuzzy Systems published 17 articles, Lecture Notes in Computer Sci­
ence (including the subseries Lecture Notes in AI and Bioinformatics) 24
active journals. And journal citation report (JCR) is vital in the evalu­
articles, the Journal of Physics: Conference Series published 15, etc.,
ation of articles’ total citations and impact factors (Donthu, Kumar,
(see Table 3). Our investigation showed that the leading academic
Mukherjee, Pandey, & Marc, 2021).
journals have published a total of 118 research articles with 919 cita­
tions and an H-index of 44. The research found that the top 10 journals
3.2. Study outcome
have an average number of 7 and 24 articles for every issue. Table 4
illustrates (i) the total amount of citations, (ii) the frequency with which
3.2.1. The average total citations and yearly publication growth
papers appeared in journals, (iii) the publication year, and (iv) the h-
Fig. 1 shows annual publication and average citation counts for ar­
ticles in the education field that focus on artificial intelligence and
machine learning. Fig. 1 demonstrates a rise in AI and ML studies from
2000 to 2021. From 2000 to 2011, during the first stage of development, 3.5. Authorship analysis
the number of published papers grew from 6 to 21, with an increase in
annual average citations. In the second phase, between 2002 and 2008, Table 4 details the top 10 most active authors, their affiliations, the
the number of citations increased to 130, 170, and 245. And the third total number of article citations, the total number of article publications,
stage is considered the phase with an exponential rise in article publi­ and the h-index. These are the essential bibliometric approach in
cations on AI and ML in education from 2013 to 2021, with a high tracking published articles to reinforce the viability of those studies and
number of publications of 135, 247, and 408 articles, respectively. The the essence of improving their significance in education enhancement.
peak in publications occurred during these years, while 2013 had a To evaluate the authors’ research productivity level, our study discov­
comparatively low total citation average for articles published that year. ered that an average of 2.46 of the authors publish one document at a
It is worth noting the focus of our research is on articles published be­ time out of the 2800 authors identified in the study. In this section, our
tween 2000 and 2021, and articles below the year 2000 and above 2021 study evaluates the following; (i) article sources and with the number of
were not considered. articles published, (ii) amount of citations with no self-citations, and (iii)
the h-index, and average citations for one article. In addition, we
explored the authorship affiliations and their publication frequencies. In

Table 2
The most Top 10 cited articles on AI and ML application in Education.
S/ Authors, Year Title Title Sources Total
N Citations

1 Roll & Ford, 2016 The Revolution and Evolution of AI in Education International Journal of Artificial Intelligence 131
in Education
2 Aoun J.E.2017 Higher education in the era of artificial intelligence: robot-proof Robot-Proof: Higher Education in the Age of 129
Artificial Intelligence
3 Warburton K.2003 Deep learning and education for sustainability International Journal of Sustainability in 295
Higher Education
4 Gordon C., Debus R.2002 The Development of personal teaching effectiveness and Deep learning British Journal of Educational 131
strategies in a preservice Psychology
5 Timms M.J. (2016) Using Cobots and smart classrooms to push artificial intelligence in International Journal of Artificial Intelligence 90
education beyond its traditional boundaries in Education
6 Zawacki-Richter O. et al., Where are the instructors? A Systematic Review on artificial intelligence International Journal of Educational 160
2019 applications in higher education Technology in Higher Education
7 Offir B. et al. (2008) The Distance Education and Deep Learning Processes: Synchronous versus Computers and Education 114
asynchronous systems
8 Popenici S.A.D., Kerr The Exploration of the impact of artificial intelligence on teaching and Research and Practice in Technology-Enhanced 155
S.2017 learning in higher education Learning
9 Zhu, 2015 Machine teaching: An inverse problem to machine learning and an approach Proceedings of the National 94
toward optimal education Conference on Artificial Intelligence
10 Martí-Parreño J. et al. Application of gamification in education: A Test Mining and Bibliometric Journal of Computer-Assisted Learning 93
(2016) Analysis

E.F. Okagbue et al. Social Sciences & Humanities Open 8 (2023) 100655

Table 3
Top 10 journals on AI, ML application in Education research
In connection to the first research question on the exploration of the growth rate of publications on AI and ML in education pedagogy from 2000 to 2021, analysis of the
top 10 journals on AI and ML in education in Table 3 shows the top 10 leading journals in artificial intelligence and machine learning also an attempt to answer the first
research question of the study.

Education and Information Technologies 94 5 2020 7

Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 41 4 2019 17
Communications in Computer and Information Science 22 3 2009 9
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 208 6 2000 24
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 28 2 2008 15
International Journal of Engineering Education 72 5 2001 9
Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence 184 5 2020 7
IEEE Access 167 7 2014 8
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 22 3 2019 15
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series 81 4 2018 7

PY: Publication year, TNC: Total number of citations, TNP: Total number of publications.

Table 4
Top 10 active authors on AI and ML in education.
Affiliations Authors PY TNP TNC H-Index

Institute of Automation Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China Xiwei Liu 2010 3 17 2
College of Information Science and Engineering, Hunan Normal University, Changsha, China Jingyi Li 2020 3 49 3
School of Mathematics and Information Science, Nanjing Normal University, China Juxiao Zhang 2003 6 73 3
Hunan Normal University, Changsha, China Shuai Liu 2020 3 46 3
Kyung Hee University, Seoul, South Korea Junga Lee 2018 3 14 2
Graduate Institute of Digital Learning and Education, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan Gwo-JenHwang 2020 4 156 4
Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada Qing Li 2018 3 7 2
Usak University, Turkey Utku Kose 2014 3 15 2
LKS Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong Yik Sum Li 2019 3 11 2
Yango University, Fuzhou, China Lijia Chen 2010 53 3 2

PY: Active year of the author’s published articles, TNP: Total number of publications, TNC: Total number of citations.

that aspect, Juxiao Zhang with 6 publications becomes the top publisher 3.8. Keyword analysis on AI and ML in education
on AI and ML in education, the second top publisher is Gwo-JenHwang
with 4 published articles, etc., (See Table 4). Fig. 3 showcases the keyword analyses related to artificial intelli­
gence and machine learning in education. Out of the hundred (100)
3.6. The top 10 most influential and active countries analyzed keywords, we selected and reported one of the top occurrences
ones “education computing”, “machine learning”, “artificial intelli­
Table 5 provides fascinating data on the top ten most influential and gence”, “education computing”, “teaching”, “education”, “e-learning”,
active nations in artificial intelligence and machine learning in educa­ “computer-aided instruction”, “learning systems”, “neural networks”.
tion. From the 635 retrieved and screened documents, sixty-two coun­ The remainder of the keywords is elaborated on in Fig. 3.
tries were revealed to have contributed to the related topic of the
discourse. The number one country in this area of research is noted to be
China having single-country publications of one hundred and eighty-one 3.9. Analysis of conceptual structure
(181), 201 article publications, and 0.32 publication frequency, fol­
lowed by the USA with 80 single-country publications, ninety (90) The authors carried out conceptual structure analysis with multiple
article publications, and publication frequency of 0.14, etc. (see correspondence analysis (MCA) and factorial analysis from the Scopus
Table 5). database obtained documents. To analyze the trending keywords in

3.7. Top 10 authors’ affiliations Table 5

The top 10 most active countries on AI and ML in Education (Inter and intra
Fig. 2 shows the top 10 most active author’s affiliations and the countries collaborations).
number of articles published under their affiliations. The top leading Countries SCP TAP FREQ MCP TC MC_RATIO AAC
affiliation is Mcgill University with 14 articles on AI and ML in educa­ Canada 15 19 0.03 4 148 0.210 7.79
tion. Followed by Chang Gung University, the National University of China 181 201 0.32 20 506 0.099 2.52
Singapore, The Education University of Hong Kong, and the University Spain 16 21 0.03 5 236 0.238 11.24
of Toronto with 9 articles respectively. The third-ranked affiliation is India 29 30 0.04 1 211 0.033 7.03
Australia 16 22 0.03 6 760 0.273 34.55
Duke University with 8 published articles on the discourse. While Bei­
USA 80 90 0.14 10 866 0.111 9.62
hang University, Kyoto University, the Hong Kong Polytechnic Univer­ Turkey 14 14 0.02 0 83 0.000 5.93
sity, have 7 respectively, and the least is Harvard Medical School with 6 Korea 14 17 0.03 3 106 0.176 6.24
articles. United Kingdom 23 26 0.04 3 234 0.115 9.00
Japan 21 22 0.03 3 226 0.112 7.56

SCP: Single Country Publication, TAP: Total Articles Published, FREQ: Publi­
cation Frequency: MCP: Multiple Country Publications (intra and inter-country
collaborations), TC: Total Citations: AAC: Average of Article Citations.

E.F. Okagbue et al. Social Sciences & Humanities Open 8 (2023) 100655

Fig. 2. The Most Top 10 Authors affiliations.

Fig. 3. Top 100 keywords plus analysis.

artificial intelligence and machine learning in education pedagogy, 3.10. Co-authorship analysis between researchers and countries
Figs. 4 and 5 showcase the degree of relationship between keywords and
their related synonyms. While Fig. 6 displays the relationship between Furthermore, Figs. 4–6 also demonstrate the total link strength (TLS)
the keywords and their possible synonyms in research topics. Overall, of the network analysis for the visualization of co-authorship and
the multiple correspondence analysis of keywords illustrates the devel­ countries analysis. From the social network analysis as displayed in the
opment of clusters of keywords from the articles published over the figures above, out of two thousand eight hundred (2800) authors with at
years. least two publications, have the network map of one hundred and thirty-

E.F. Okagbue et al. Social Sciences & Humanities Open 8 (2023) 100655

Fig. 4. Analysis of conceptual structure for 50 keywords Plus.

Fig. 5. Authors’ keywords.

one (131) items displayed 4 clusters of different colors with 54 links and 4. Discussion
60 total links strength, (L = 54, TLS = 60) between authors. More so, for
the country’s collaborations, our study shows nine (9) different clusters Given the nature of this current study, the bibliometric approach is
and colors. In the social analysis process between countries and re­ considered the appropriate methodology for analyzing the significant
searchers, only forty-eight (48) countries met the required conditions of contributions of the published articles on artificial intelligence and
90 links (Links = 90), and 125 total links strength (TLS = 125). machine learning in education pedagogy, from the Scopus database. To
address the aims of this study, the established research questions

E.F. Okagbue et al. Social Sciences & Humanities Open 8 (2023) 100655

Fig. 6. The multiple correspondence analysis methods on title keywords.

become the drivers of this discussion. Answering the first research for instance advanced humanoid AI robots, ChatGPT (J. Wang & Cheng,
question on research publications on AI and ML in education pedagogy 2021).
from 2000 to 2021 growth rate. This concern brought the type of As technology experts are devising modern AI and ML tools to
research methodology adopted in this study to ascertain the progress improve education pedagogy, researchers kept exploring the meta­
education researchers have made in promoting education with advanced morphosis of AI and ML through paper publications across time. To that
technology such as AI and ML. In the process, search terms such as effect, the top 10 journal analysis was done to evaluate the publication
(artificial intelligence*, machine learning*, and education pedagogy*) progress, frequency, and NP (number of publications) are part of the
were used to formulate related search strings that provided pools of the measuring parameters. Journals like Lecture Notes in Computer Science
related search terms used as mentioned in section 2.2.1. Altogether, the (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture
keywords and search terms produced 1138 published articles on this Notes in Bioinformatics) have articles published on AI and ML in edu­
topic (see Table 1). In determining the growth rate of publication, Guo, cation pedagogy with 24 TN P (total number of publications), followed
Bai, Yu, Zhao, and Wan (2021) opine that AI and ML have made a by Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems with TNP = 17 (see Table 3).
remarkable transformation in the education sector, thus making teach­ In the same vein, the top 10 most cited articles were analyzed to
ing and learning more sophisticated, thus providing useful information determine the productivity index of artificial intelligence and machine
in propelling quality education (Guo et al., 2021). More so, the result learning in education pedagogy, and the study identifies “Deep Learning
shown in Fig. 1 proves that there is a dramatic increase in research and Education for Sustainability” as the most cited article with 295 TC
publications growth. A noticeable effort in the publication frequency (total citations), thus emphasized the importance of deep learning AI
from 2010 upward, by calculating the total articles, recorded 1051 (total and ML the classroom activities, and their stimulating impacts on the
articles published from 2010 to 2021). And there is a remarkable learners to acquire deep learning ability and strategy (Warburton,
increment in citations of the published articles, with an average of 5.984 2003). The second most cited article with 160 TC (total citations) “A
citations per document and an average of 1.156 citations per year per systematic review of research on artificial intelligence applications in
document. These published articles provided the framework for further higher education – where are the educators?” by Zawacki-Richter,
studies and research improvement (Mohammadreza & Safabakhsh, Marín, Bond, and Gouverneur (2019). This study underscores more
2021). Through the novelty and suggestions of these published schol­ useful usages of AI and ML in higher education beyond classroom ac­
arships, more advanced AI and ML educational devices have been pro­ tivities. It further establishes that the utilization of AI and ML in higher
duced for quality teaching and learning (Ali, 2020). For example; C-PEN, education has multi-dimensional purposes in the areas of institutional
YouDao reading Pen 3, ByteLearning, Jil Watson, Squirrel AI, Teachable management, and administrative support.
Machine, Altitude learning, Gradescope, Nuance’s Dragon Speech One fact observation made from the reviewed documents is that most
Recognition, chatbots, chatgpt, etc., (Taecharungroj, 2023). With these of the artificial intelligence and machine learning inventions are mainly
innovative inventions in education pedagogy, artificial intelligence, and done by scientists from computer engineering, software engineering,
machine learning have changed how people learn and how schools teach and medical science disciplines, little is known of researchers from the
(Akdeniz & Özdinç, 2021). By and large, since this article also highlights education pedagogy to design AI and ML educational technologies
the projected evolution of AI to 2060, though our study does not extend (Webb et al., 2020). And this has generated a huge divide between the
its timeline to that extent, beyond the set timeline, miraculous in­ education community of engineering and medical disciplines and edu­
ventions have occurred and new AI learning software has been produced cation pedagogy in understanding the use of artificial intelligence and

E.F. Okagbue et al. Social Sciences & Humanities Open 8 (2023) 100655

machine learning (Gardner, O’Leary, & Yuan, 2021). The classroom intelligence and machine learning educational technologies before and
teachers are skeptical about the possibility of AI and ML educational within the timeline of the study. The majority of the AI smart teaching
technologies displacing them from their jobs such as AI humanoid robots and learning devices were invented in the 2000s, and few of them were
(Edwards & Cheok, 2018). In the actual sense, these smart teaching manufactured in the 1990s. Countries known to have contributed
devices are validated to be teaching assistants to the teachers not to immensely to the innovation of AI and ML smart educational software
cause teacher attrition (Tuna & Tuna, 2019). and tools are China, India, the USA, Germany, France, Sweden, etc.
Another interesting part of the study is the highlights of the Table 6 also highlighted the names of the inventors, software de­
achievement of AI and ML in developing education pedagogy from 2000 scriptions, functions, and their sources. The reason for highlighting
to 2021. In giving a full explanation of the achievement of AI, it is these AI and ML tools is to educate classroom teachers and school
imperative to start from the origin of AI. And this is explained in section managers to know that these tools are made for pedagogical activities
4.1. and for them to use them (Tedre et al., 2021).
It is also worthwhile to mention the top 10 most active authors on
this topic within the selected study timeline. These authors contributed
4.1. The progress and growth of artificial intelligence and machine through their publications on the importance of salvaging the lapses in
learning in education the educational sector across different levels of learning with AI and ML
software, APPS, and devices (Thanh, Duc, Thanh, & Nguyen, 2021). On
Fig. 7, illustrates the progress and growth evolution of artificial in­ that note, it is evidenced that Juxiao Zhang is the leading scholar in this
telligence from its emerging state and transformation across centuries area of research with 6 article publications and 73 citations, (see
and decades. Apparently, the concept of AI can be deduced during the Table 4). We also acknowledged that beyond our selected study time­
same time the first digital computers were built in the 1940s, and the line, few articles on this discourse might have been published, and the
initial microprocessor in the computer was developed in the 1970s. It is most recent one is “CHATGPT” and its inventions to support effective
perceived that artificial intelligence began to thrive better when internet education (Duha, 2023). This was highlighted in the limitation station
connectivity for computer operations was discovered in the 1900s, at the section, and suggestions were given to the interested researchers to
time, it is stated that less than 0.05% of global users are aware of the advance this study beyond its current timeline.
internet (Chauhan, Mittal, Woźniak, Gupta, & de Prado, 2021).
Furthermore, Fig. 7 also shows the peculiarities of AI evolutions from
the 2000s forward. In the 1940s, “Thesus” became the first computer to 4.2. Challenges of AI and ML in the education pedagogy
have an AI functional robotic mouse that could navigate a maze and still
remember its operations. Between 1958 and 1959, the first artificial RQ 3: what are the perceived challenges in academic institutions in
neural network the “Perceptron Mark I” was developed to visually adopting AI and ML in the education pedagogy from 2000 to 2021?
identify cards marked on the left side from the ones marked on the right From the analyzed articles, a few of the articles enumerated some
side. Arguably, the immense transformation and popularity of artificial challenges of artificial intelligence and machine learning in education
intelligence and machine learning became more advanced in the 21st pedagogy. Before that, authors underscored the relevance of institu­
century (Rodr & Shirvanizadeh, 2021). In 2010, an AI computer tionalizing artificial intelligence and machine learning functions in ed­
“AlexNet” was the first deep learning system to have a neural network ucation pedagogy for instance Warburton (2003) stated that the use of
with numerous layers for image and object recognition, for instance, AI enhances mastery of technology by both the teachers and students
cars, and dog images that are near human-level (Sandu et al). Notably, and can be used in curriculum development. Cheng, Chae, and Feng
AI with image and language recognition capabilities and human char­ (2021) opine that constant usage of AI and ML smart teaching devices
acteristics is predicted to keep transforming to a more sophisticated raises classroom teachers’ efficacy and digital confidence. Ali (2020)
version up to 2060 (, postulates that AI with ML elements helps in human natural speech
2022). training for speech-impaired and autistic learners for better learning
Information in Table 6 tabulated a few of the numerous artificial behavior and inclusive education, and Villegas-ch and Palacios-pacheco

Fig. 7. A timeline trend of computer and artificial intelligence in Education.

Source: ourworldindata

E.F. Okagbue et al. Social Sciences & Humanities Open 8 (2023) 100655

Table 6
AI education software/tools for teaching and learning.
S/ Software Inventor Country of Description Function Year of Source
N Origin Invention

1 C-Pen Christer Fåhraeus Sweden Pen with scanner Transfer text directly into a 1998
2 YouDao YouDao inc. China Dictionary pen Visual interactions through 2022
reading pen 3 point-reading for picture
books & tap and check which
translates in one tap.
3 ByteLearn Aditya Singhal and India Teaching Assistant Help students solve a maths 2021
Nishant Sinha problem.
4 Jil Watson Ashok Goel India AI teaching assistant Teaches and answers 2016
questions from the students
5 Therapist Bot Joseph Weizenbaum Germany Tutorial Teaches you how to make a 1960
tutorial therapist bot app using the edu/explore/resources/ai/th
app inventor erapist-bot#
6 Teachable Google USA Web tool Train a computer to recognize First https://teachablemachine.with
Machine your images, sounds, and version
poses 2017
7 Squirrel AI Derek Li China Tutorial Tutor students in math 2014
8 Gradescope Pieter Abbeel, Arjun America Learning machine AI-assisted and manual 2014
Singh, Ibrahim questioning group
Awwal Sergey
9 Nuance’s Mark Benjamin United States Speech recognition Support verbal command and 1992
Dragon Speech and transcription navigate documents
10 Altitude Max Ventilla United States Self-learning tool A learner-centered model that 2013
Learning enables self-learning
11 Scikit-learn David Cournapeau Colombia Machine learning in Helps in data mining and data 2007
Python analysis
12 TensorFlow Google Brain Team Google Java script library Helps in training and building 2015
13 Weka University of New Zealand Data mining software Its algorithm helps in data 1993
Waikato in Java mining eka
14 KNIME Michael Berthold Germany Data analytic tool Combines different 2004
components of machine
learning and data mining
15 Apache Mahout Apache Software USA Machine learning tool Helps mathematicians, 2009
Foundation statisticians, and data
scientists in executing their
16 Accord.Net CésarRoberto Europe Machine learning It provides an algorithm for 2010
deSouza libraries for image and numerical linear algebra,
audio processing. image, audio, signal
processing, etc.
17 Shogun Minamoto Yorimoto Japan Unified large-scale Provides various algorithms 1992
learning for a broad and data structures for
range of feature types machine learning
and learning settings.
18 François Chollet France API for neural It helps in doing quick 2022
networks research and is built into
19 Rapid Miner rapid miner Germany Machine learning & It can be used for research, 2001
deep learning education, and application
20 PyTorch Adam Paszke Sam Meta AI (Astors Torch-based, machine- Can be used on cloud 2016
Gross Soumith Place, New learning library platforms
Chintala Gregory York City, New
Chanan York, USA

(2020) evince that the fusion of AI and ML helps in making predictions (i) teachers with no in-depth knowledge of artificial intelligence and
of academic performance and progress in students enrollment possibil­ machine learning, (ii) lack of artificial intelligence and machine
ity, monitoring and safeguarding the academic institutions and reducing learning infrastructure in the school systems, (iii) lack of AI-
corruption in the academic environment, (see Appendix 1). Although driven education curriculum, and (iv) lack of artificial intelli­
there are numerous benefits of AI and ML in education pedagogy, there gence and machine learning education policy.
are many challenges that school administrators, educators, and class­
room teachers including students face while using AI and ML devices. For (i) teachers with no in-depth knowledge of artificial intelligence
Out of the numerous challenges associated with understanding the and machine learning. Up till date, some education instructors still
application of artificial intelligence and machine learning by teachers, perceived AI and its elements as potential competitors that will displace
the below-enumerated challenges are more peculiar to the academic them from their jobs if fully adopted in academic institutions, hence
institutions, which are; fighting against the fusion of AI and ML in classroom pedagogy (Thanh
et al., 2021). Due to this stiff-neck behavior, they lack 21st-century skills

E.F. Okagbue et al. Social Sciences & Humanities Open 8 (2023) 100655

in teaching and grooming technocratic learners through education activities (Andreoletti et al). With these discoveries, it is safe to say that
digitization (Okagbue, Ezeachikulo, & Muhideen, 2022). education pedagogy will keep on waxing stronger in the line of educa­
tion digitization for standardized learning and raising smart learners
(ii) Lack of artificial intelligence and machine learning infrastructure (Nossier et al., 2019).
in the school systems. Some academic institutions have not
evolved into accepting AI and ML teaching devices as viable 5. Conclusion
mechanisms for achieving quality education due to a lack of
digital competencies and skills in operating them (Francis et al., One evidential discovery from this study is that AI and ML are
2023). Financial constraints play a major role in the lack of smart gradually becoming known phenomena in education pedagogy.
technology infrastructure; such as digital classrooms to facilitate Although, their functions, dynamics, and applications are not fully
the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in comprehended by many classroom teachers, school administrators, and
school settings (T. Wang & Cheng, 2021). One plausible argu­ leaders, due to ambiguities in operating AI and ML educational tech­
ment for some education administrators and school leadership nology (Cope et al., 2020). The significance of this research is to inform
not investing in establishing AI infrastructure in the school sys­ classroom teachers on the importance of adopting artificial intelligence
tem is due to a lack of full understanding of its functions and and machine learning tools for quality learning and cognitive stimula­
operations in fostering seamless education (Luan et al., 2020). tion in learners and not to rely on blackboard, chalk, and their limited
(iii) Lack of AI-driven education curriculum: It is evident that not textbooks, but use devices like Chatgpt and others for searching quality
having an AI and ML-driven curriculum that cannot foster the learning materials that can impact students with current skills (Kim
practical teaching of education technology culture in a school, et al., 2019). More so, our study uses a bibliometric approach to build a
which in turn hamper the mastery of the concepts, functions, and track of research done on this topic from 2000 to 2021 to establish the
general applications of artificial intelligence and machine stance of AI and ML including in education pedagogy in this period, and
learning (Ouyang & Jiao, 2021). By having an AI-driven curric­ we discovered that AI, ML, and other assistive teaching and learning
ulum, teachers and students can acquire 21st-century skills for technologies have not been fully integrated due to negative perception
quality education. of some classroom teachers, and school leaders (Francis et al., 2023).
(iv) Lack of artificial intelligence and machine learning education Their perceptions corroborated with the challenges found in the aca­
policy: Educational policymakers are yet to develop workable demic institutions in accepting AI and ML educational devices which are
policies that can support the universal incorporation of artificial a lack of knowledge and understanding of AI and ML by teachers which
intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) that will align with leads to the absence of AI and ML infrastructure in the school, etc. This is
education pedagogy (Luckin & Cukurova, 2019). To date, there is said to be improved through constant teachers’ professional develop­
no suitable education policy enacted to strengthen the institu­ ment programs (TPD) to train them on how to operate AI and ML
tionalization of artificial intelligence and machine learning in classroom devices and essentially during course delivery (Bates, Cobo,
academic institutions. The policy is needed to stimulate the deep Mariño, & Wheeler, 2020).
and inventive use of AI and ML by instructors and students. The The study was guided by four significant research questions (i) What
intended AI and ML education policy will serve as a template for is the growth rate of article publications on AI and ML in education
effective teaching and learning in schools, and simultaneously pedagogy, (ii) the achievement of AI and ML in education pedagogy, (iii)
support education digitization to easily permeate in school the challenges of AI and ML in education pedagogy, and (iv) what future
membrane for the adequate sustainability and optimization of holds for the enhancement of education pedagogy. For the first RQ
knowledge (Zawacki-Richter et al., 2019). (research question), the authors analyze the total article published from
2000 to 2021 and their citations as shown in Fig. 1. For further analysis
4.3. The future of education pedagogy of that question, analysis of the top ten most cited articles, journals,
authors, and affiliations were explored to show the growth. The second
RQ 4: What does the future hold for education pedagogy in the use of RQ was explored by highlighting the evolutions of AI including what it
AI and ML for education development? brought as it metamorphose into different items and at the same
Fig. 7 shows that artificial intelligence and its elements will keep bringing new functions. In the process, we excavated AI and ML
evolving up to or beyond 2060. This implies that more advanced AI and educational software, tools, and APPS that were probably not known by
ML software, tools, and technology will be invented. Interestingly, the so many educators illustrated in Table 6. This is also part of the study’s
future of education pedagogy is assured as education innovators are significance to inform teachers to learn and adopt some of them in
inventing standard education tools, APPS that will elevate teaching and pedagogical activities (Kuleto et al., 2021). The third RQ is on the
learning activities. For example; humanoid robots are invented to sup­ challenges of AI and ML in education pedagogy, and to ameliorate those
port classroom activities and serve as assistive teaching apparatus challenges, we suggested that TPD (teachers’ professional development)
(Nossier, Rizk, Moussa, & el Shehaby, 2019). Humanoid robotics seem program is essential, suitable educational AI policy should be enacted to
to play significant roles in aiding disabled learners with autism, speech institutionalize the proper policy that can drive quality AI education
problems, auditory issues, and emotional disorder. This device is said to curriculum for standard education. And the final RQ emphasizes the
potentiate some therapeutic abilities (Tuna & Tuna, 2019). Chatbots and future of education pedagogy, and we affirmed from this study outcome
learning dashboards: these AI smart learning software have contributed that education pedagogy will continue to progress strongly as education
immensely to web-based learning and distance education. They provide technology is predicted to keep evolving to a more sophisticated form,
channels where students can communicate in real-time with the teach­ which will digitize in-classroom and out-classroom learning completely.
ers, and receive personalized feedback on their academic performance It is worth noting that school management and administration will be
(Andreoletti et al). Most importantly, the dashboard provides units for improved better in the future through the total application of AI and ML
storing class lessons and other learning resources for easy accessibility (Rodr & Shirvanizadeh, 2021).
and tracking learners’ academic progress (Kabudi, Pappas, & Olsen, Finally, the overview of this study as indicated in the title is to bring a
2021). And the current one, CHATGPT, a generative device is said to holistic view of what has been done on AI and ML in the education
possess multi-functional capabilities such that it provides guidelines and domain to suggest to the teachers, educators, policymakers, researchers,
support for (i) article writing, (ii) language assistance, (iii) mapping and and school leaders the lapses, gaps, challenges, and failures surrounding
searching of literature, (iv) writing of academic articles, etc. And other the utilization of AI and ML in improving education pedagogy for
newly invented devices that provide smooth teaching and learning effective teaching and learning in the education institutions.

E.F. Okagbue et al. Social Sciences & Humanities Open 8 (2023) 100655

6. Limitations, and further directions Declaration of competing interest

Although this current study deeply explored the hidden literature We the authors of this article hereby state in confidence that there is
and stated the probably forgotten or unknown AI and ML educational no conflict of interest among us.
technologies that can help teachers to deliver class lessons effectively
and to dissipate the negative perception of teachers that artificial in­ Appendix A. Supplementary data
telligence and machine learning tools are invented to displace them
from their jobs, in contrast, from the literature analyzed describe these Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
two elements as assistive devices that can be of greater help to teachers, org/10.1016/j.ssaho.2023.100655.
students and school managers to enhance the educational services.
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