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Dpt. of English Language Adjectives and Adverbs

Adjectives and adverbs
A Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative of
the following adjectives:

big tall difficult good fast hot comfortable

E.g.: Yesterday was the hottest day in the summer.

1. Excuse me, have you got a .................................................... T-shirt?
2 The Empire State is ............................................. building in New York.
3 His car is ............................................................... than my mother’s.
4 This is .......................................................... exercise I’ve ever done!

5 Sit on this chair, it’s ........................................................................

6 Her school report is ........................................................... than mine.

B Identify the mistake in each of the following sentences and correct

E.g.: My car is badder than yours. My car is worse than yours.

1 Tom was the most fast of all the runners.

2 Mary is a girl very intelligent.
3 Her eyes are beautifuls.
4 She was wearing white, long, silk trousers.
5 She’s playing very good.
6 This shirt is more cheaper than mine.
7 You look so nicely tonight!
8 Why are these bigs boxes in my room?

C Convert the following adjectives into adverbs and complete the

corresponding sentence.

fast beautiful loud bad good slow happy heavily

Ex: Cats walk slowly.
1 The children sang ............................................ and won the first prize.
2 I’m very tired because I slept .............................................. last night.
3 Don’t drive so ................................................................................ .
4 She smiled ............................................................................. at me.
5 It is raining ................................................................................... .
6 I’m happy you feel so ............................................ after the operation.
7 They always talk ....................................... . Everybody can hear them.
Dpt. of English Language Adjectives and Adverbs

1 bigger 4 the most difficult
2 the tallest 5 more comfortable
3 faster 6 better

1 Tom was the fastest of all the runners.
2 Mary is a very intelligent girl.
3 Her eyes are beautiful.
4 She was wearing long, white, silk trousers.
5 She’s playing very well.
6 This shirt is cheaper than mine.
7 You look so nice tonight!
8 Why are these big boxes in my room?

1 beautifully 5 heavily
2 badly 6 good
3 fast 7 loudly
4 happily

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