Envizi L4 POX - Interval Meter Analytics - Universal Interval Consumption Meter Connector

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Universal Interval Consumption Meter Connector

Connector Specification

Universal Interval Consumption Meter Connector

This connector may also be referred to as the SBS or Envizi Standard Meter Data Connector
Document Control

Document Control
Revision History
File Processing
File Recognition
File Name and Tab Name
Notes about this connector
Column Headings
Data Rows
Data Field Mappings
Data values retrieved from the file
Supported Data Types and Units
Data Validation
Data Overwrite
Example file format

Revision History

Version Revision Notes Written/Revised By Revision Date

v1 Initial Version Daniel Marshall 17-Mar-2016

v1.1 Clarified field descriptions and added notes Daniel Marshall 18-Jul-2016

v2.0 Update to connector to reverse Meter ID and Location Code Daniel Marshall 16-Mar-2017
Updates to improve clarity of information

v2.1 Further details added to acceptable data types Don Agahari 11-Aug-2017

v2.2 Electricity component name updated from "SBS Electricity Single Shakir Hashim 25-Jun-2018
Phase" to "SBS Electricity"

v2.2 Gas component name "SBS Gas Meter by Volume" removed as it is Daniel Marshall 20-Aug-2018
reported in GJ, not Volume, the "SBS Gas Meter in GJ" accepts GJ,
m3 or pulses.

v2.3 Reviewed wording of calculated units for Electricity Daniel Marshall 29-Nov-2018

v2.4 Added component SBS Water Meter - M3, as required by GSK. Pradnya Jamkhedkar 7-Feb-2019

v2.5 Updated Water and Gas meter component Gagan Sharma 18-Apr-2019

v2.6 Added new Electricity and Gas meter components Yas Karunatilake 17-Feb-2023

v2.7 Updated name to Universal Interval Consumption Meter Connector Yas Karunatilake 22-Aug-2023

v2.8 Separated data types table and added data validation section Yas Karunatilake 29-Aug-2023

v2.9 Updated column header names to align with accumulative reading Yas Karunatilake 29-Sep-2023
meter connector
File Processing
File Recognition

Connectors validate incoming files by analyzing the file name, file extension and column headings. The validation occurring in this
connector is not case sensitive.

File Name and Tab Name

A file must match the following criteria in order to be processed and loaded by this connector :

File name = CLIENT_EnviziSBS_XXXX

CLIENT = The identifier for the client, preferably an acronym of up to 4 characters i.e. Envizi - ENV (Please contact Envizi if you are
unsure what to use as the client identifier)
XXXX = any character(s) (including spaces)

File type = csv

A typical valid file name could look like "ENV_EnviziSBS_20160103.csv"

It is strongly recommended that each file name contains a unique organization and location identifier plus a date time stamp
indicative of when the file was created. This information is not used in file processing but is useful to troubleshoot data loading

Notes about this connector

This connector loads data into Meters

This connector reads a maximum of 7 columns spanning columns A through G

This connector loads data by matching fields within the source file with a specific Envizi Meter ID/Serial No. Details of this are present in
the Data Field Mapping section of this document.
No two meters in Envizi can ever have the same Meter ID/Serial No
If a matching Meter ID/Serial No cannot found, data will not be loaded for the given row(s).
Column Headings

The connector will search within the file to match on the following headings in the columns identified below:

Column and Heading

A Organization

B Meter ID

C Timestamp

D Data Type

E Value

F Units

G Quality

If the column headings are not matched exactly as stated above, the file will not be loaded
Data Rows
Once incoming files have passed all the file validation criteria above, each row of data is checked to see whether it is valid for loading into
Envizi. The connector identifies valid data rows if they meet the following criteria:

An Envizi meter serial no. is found matching the following format “[Organiation_Location Code]_[Meter ID]”, AND

the Data Type and Units are a recognized combination, AND

the Date/Time is in a valid format.

Any blank rows will be automatically skipped, and the connector will keep processing rows until it reaches the end of the file.

If the row is not identified as a data or skip row, then it will not be read or loaded
Data Field Mappings
Once a data row is identified, data row handlers determine what happens with the data and where it is stored in Envizi.

Data values retrieved from the file

Envizi Source File Column and Name Data Format Notes and Assumptions

Serial No 1-A Organization Text Note that the Organization is used to ensure the meter Serial
No. is unique in Envizi. Please reach out to Envizi if you are
2-B Meter ID Text
unsure what to use for this code.

The connector will search for an Envizi meter Serial No.

matching the following format:

Organization_Meter ID

where Organization is the organisation and location

abbreviation in column 1-A, and Meter ID is the meter ID in
column 2-B


1-A Organization = ENV-LOC1

2-B Meter ID = MAIN.SWBD_1
Envizi Serial No. = ENV-LOC1_MAIN.SWBD_1

Interval 3-C Timestamp DateTime Format = "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss" (24 hour format) -
Consumption recommended
Format = "dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss AM/PM" (12 hour format) -
please check with Envizi if this format can be used for your

This will be rounded to the nearest 15 minute interval (00,

15, 30, 45)

Supported interval periods for the file are 15 minute, 30

minute and Hourly. The time provided must reflect the local
site time without any adjustments for daylight savings.

Note that Envizi interprets the timestamp as the start of

interval time. i.e., For hourly data, values stored against
timestamp 01:00 will be interpreted as the utility
consumption between 01:00 and 02:00.

Meter Data 4-D Data Type Text See Supported Data Types and Units section below for
Type details

Interval 5-E Value Decimal Value to be stored against the appropriate unit field in the
Consumption meter.

Units 6-F Units Text See Supported Data Types and Units section below for

Estimated 7-G Quality "A" or "E" Used to identify if the data point is an actual reading or an
estimated reading
Supported Data Types and Units
The following Data Types and Units are supported by this connector.

Note that by default Envizi will display mass and volumetric data types as raw values without converting to equivalent energy consumption.
The meter scaling factor can be used to convert between units of measure.

Source File Envizi Component Envizi Utility Group Notes and Assumptions

Data Type Units

Electricity kWh SBS Electricity Electricity If both kWh and kVARh exist for an interval, the
following measures are calculated:

Power Factor (pF)

Demand UOMs = kW and kVA

Incorporating Direction Flows for Electricity

Envizi prefers to receive directional flows for
electricity meters (Import, Export, net) as
separate Envizi Serial Numbers, even if they
relate to the same physical metering point. So, if
a single meter 8801009105_50216940 had all
net, import, and export flows available - these
would all need to be instantiated as 3 separate
meters in the file like so:

8801009105_50216940_e = export channel
8801009105_50216940_i = import channel

8801009105_50216940_n = net consumption

The decision as to whether all flows need to be

loaded into Envizi needs to be made on a
project-by-project basis.

Electricity kVArh Demand UOM = kVAr

Electricity A
Phase A

Electricity A
Phase B

Electricity A
Phase C

Electricity V
Phase A

Electricity V
Phase B

Electricity V
Phase C

Gas GJ SBS Gas Meter - GJ Natural Gas Demand UOM = GJ/h

Gas MJ SBS Gas Meter - MJ Natural Gas Demand UOM = MJ/h

Gas kWh SBS Gas Meter - kWh Natural Gas Demand UOM = kW

Gas m3 SBS Gas Meter - m3 Natural Gas Demand UOM = m3/h

Gas ccf SBS Gas Meter - CCF Natural Gas Demand UOM = ccf/h

Gas Pulses SBS Gas Meter - GJ Natural Gas Demand UOM = GJ/h

Envizi accepts "Pulses" as a unit of measure for Natural

Gas, but displays this as GJ in the platform. If the actual
number in Data Value column is not Gigajoules (GJ),
then a scaling factor needs to be applied to the
gas meter so that Envizi can calculate and report a
value in GJ.

E.g. If a file for a Gas meter contained 10 Pulses, and

each Pulse = 0.2GJ, then a scaling factor of 0.2 should
be set for the meter so it displays 2GJ consumption for
that interval.

Water L SBS Water Meter - L Water Demand UOM = L/h

Water kL SBS Water Meter - KL Water Demand UOM = kL/h

Water m3 SBS Water Meter - M3 Water Demand UOM = m3/h

Water Pulses SBS Water Meter - KL Water Demand UOM = kL/h

Envizi accepts "Pulses" as a unit of measure for Water,

but displays this as kL in the platform. If the actual
number in Data Value column is not kilolitres (kL), then
a scaling factor needs to be applied to the water meter
so that Envizi can calculate and report a value in kL.

E.g. If a file for a Water meter contained 10 Pulses, and

each Pulse = 0.2kL, then a scaling factor of 0.2 should
be set for the meter so it displays 2kL consumption for
that interval.
Thermal kWh SBS Thermal Meter - Thermal Demand UOM = kW
Data Validation
This connector performs the following data validation checks when loading each data row:

Data Validation Description and Action


Null value Null values are considered invalid data. The connector will log an error and skip the row. Values will be
subsequently estimated when a valid meter reading is received.

Non-numeric Non-numeric values are considered invalid data. The connector will log an error and skip the row. Values will be
value subsequently estimated when a valid meter reading is received.

Negative value Negative values (i.e., negative meter readings) are considered invalid data. The connector will log an error and skip
the row. Values will be subsequently estimated when a valid meter reading is received.

Data spike A data spike is a large increase in value that is more likely to represent a data anomaly or meter fault, rather than
an actual increase in consumption/demand.

Envizi detects data spikes by comparing the calculated demand for the current interval with the maximum historical
demand over a look-back period (default previous 30 days). If the demand for the current interval is greater than
the maximum historical demand by 10x, the calculated consumption and demand for the interval is replaced with 0
and the data flagged as Estimated.

Envizi suppresses issues and alerts from being generated when data is flagged as Estimated.

Note, the data spike validation logic provides good results for meters with regular load profiles but can be triggered
unintentionally for meters with irregular load profiles. The following options can be configured at the Organization
level to suit a client’s preferences:

Spike detection lookback period [0 days, 30 days (default), 60 days, 90 days, 120 days].

For individual meters that still experience false positive data spike detection, the data spike validation check can
be disabled by setting the Spike detection lookback period to 0 days.

Data Overwrite
If data is loaded for a specific interval and then re-issued in a subsequent file, the most recent data (if valid) will overwrite the existing data.
Example file format
Below is screenshot of an example file for loading:

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