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TEST I. IDENTIFICATION: Identify what is described, defined or

explained in the following items. Write your answer on the space

____________________1. What do you call the speed up of movements

and exchanges of human resources, goods, and services capital,
technologies, and cultural practices between countries in the world
or expansion and intensification of economic, political, and social
relations and consciousness across the word?
____________________2. What is the process of expanding various
sociocultural and socioecologicol processes from national to
international and transcultural level?
____________________3. What do you call the measurement of flows
and interconnection one country to other global players through
exchanges in trade, copital people, and information?
____________________4. What is the term in designing a product in
a way that it may readily consumed across multiple countries?
____________________5. What is the process whereby societies come
under or adopt western culture in areas such as industry, technology,
politics, econonics, lifestyle, law, norms, mores, customs, and
____________________6. What is the development of trade systems
within transitional actors such as multinational corporations or
____________________7. What is the term for the rise of a globol
financial system with intenational financial exchanges and monetary
____________________8. What is the term for interpenetraton of
cultures which, as a consequence, the nations adopt principles,
belies and costumes of other nations, losing their unique culture?
____________________9. What is the term for the integration n of
different cultures of different societies that become possible?
____________________10. Who are the primary actors of globalization?
____________________11. What are the three elements of Westphalian
____________________12. What do you call the regularized practices
of exchange among discrete political unit which recognize each other
to be independent?
____________________13. What are the regulating mechanisms for
international society?
____________________14. This relers to disproportionate share of
housework done by women.
____________________15. This refers to the social advantages that
accrue to white persons.
____________________16. He argues that capitalism was premised on
the “tuming of Africa into a waren for the commercial hunting of
____________________17. He claims that capitalist economic
development for some/in some places requires the exploitation of
others/other places.
____________________18. What is the term for hierarchical ordering
of humanity, traveling through savagery, barbarism, and civilization,
which was informed by enlightenment thinkers in Europe?
____________________19. This refers to laws of war goveming when
it is legal to use force or wage war.
____________________20. What are the three levels of institutions
in modern international sociey?
____________________21. What is the term for the practice of
coordinating national policies in groups of three or more states?
____________________22. This is an umbrella term applied to a broad
range of organizations that differ in size, scope, motives, and
functions. Despite its name, some of them have been initiated by
states rather than individuals.
____________________23. This refers to the development of
institutionalized cooperation among states and other actors on the
basis of regional contiguity as a feature of global politics.
____________________24. This refers to the concept in integration
theory that implies the creation of common institutions having
independent decision-making authority and thus the ability to impose
certain decisions andrules on member states.
____________________25. This is one of the organizations at the
supranational level of the European Union. It is the highest
juridical authority for EU law and rules in disputes between member
states and institutions.
____________________26. Which characteristic do globaization and
terrorism share?
____________________27. What is the term for wrongly use of violence
and intimidation, especially against civilians in the pursuit of
political aims?
____________________28. This refers to the theory which determines
that nations are primary groups constituted by descent and/or culture,
accompanied by the idea that nationalism anses from a prior sense
of national identity.
____________________29. This refers to the historical claim which
argues that there have been cases of nations and even nationalism
before the modern period.
____________________30. What organization refers to the
decision-making structure within the Word Trade Organization having
US, EU, Brazil and India as the key members.
____________________31. This refers to the liberal international
economic order based in free trade but what role for state
intervention in issues of national security and stability.
____________________32. What do you call the idea that overall
economic growth automatically bring benefits for the poorer classes.
____________________33. This refers to the term that describes
destroying groups because of their political beliefs rather than
their religion or identity.
____________________34. This provided an authoritative list of
universal human ights covering aivil political, economic, social,
and cultural rights.
____________________35. This refers to an international society in
which states are aware of sharing common values, but these are limited
to disagreement as to what constitutes extreme human rights
____________________36. What term is used to the unresolved
normative questions of what counts as human suffering at the start
of 21st century. It receives media attention and normally command
the resources of the intenationdl donor community.
____________________37. What do you call the expansion of firms by
consolidoing additional marketing functions and activities under
a sole management?
____________________38. What do you call to the increasing sameness
in the world as cultural inputs, economic factors, and political
orientations of societies expand to create common practices, same
economies and similar forms of govenment?
____________________39. What international organization wih 183
member countries that promotes international monetary cooperation
and exchange stability to foster economic growth and high employment
and to provide short-term financial assistance to countries to help
case balance of payments adjustments?
____________________40. This aims for a more moral ond equitable
global economic system in which, for instance, price is not set by
the market; instead, it is negotiated transparently by both producers
and consumers.
____________________41. What is the term used to refers to the
network of connections that transcends distances of diflerent
countries in the world?
____________________42. This organizanon's primary goal is to help
children around the world. They collect fungs to distribute emergency
relief from famine and poverty and disease, also to provides
education programs in areas where there are no school.
____________________43. This organzation is one of the leading
political organizations in the world where nations-state meet and
deliberate. However, it remains as an independent actor in the global
politics. The premise for its establishment was the restructuring
of the word devastated after the Second Word War.
____________________44. What international organization that was
developed out of war, with the desire to bring assistance without
discrimination to the wounded on the battlefield, endeavors-in its
international and national capacity-to prevent and alleviate human
suffering wherever it may be found?
____________________45. This refers to the movements of people that
are spontaneous or that emerge through enormous grassroots
organizations. These social movements are transnational movements
which means they occur across countries and across borders. Therefore,
states have less control over them.
____________________46. These have significant role in the global
economy. Some have greater production advantages than an entire
nation. They influence the economy and the politics by donating money
to specific political campaigns or lobbyists. They can even influence
the global trade laws of the inienational regulatory groups.
____________________47. These are defined as organizations that
exists as legal entities and have liabilities that are separate from
its members. They are their own thing. More and more these days,
corporations are operating acros national boundaries which means
that the future of the Philippine economy-and most countries'
economies-will play out on a global scale.
____________________48. Who wrote about socialism-He viewed it as
as stepping stone toward communism, a political and economic systen
in which all members of a society are socially equal?
____________________49. What is the term that emphasizes on
collecive goals,expecting everyone to work for the common good and
placing a higher value on meeting everyone's basic needs than on
indvidual profit?
____________________50. This is a system in which all natural
reources and means of production are privately owned. It emphasizes
proft maximization and competition as the main drivers of efficiency.
____________________51. This agreement helps in developing and
expanding world trade by broadening international cooperation. It
also aims to increase cooperation for improving working condition
in North America by reducing bariers to trade as it expands the
markets of the three countries.
____________________52. What is the organization that was formed
because member countries wanted to increase the price of oil, which
in the past had a relatively low price and had failed in keeping
up the inflation?
____________________53. This organization is the most encompassing
club of the richest countries in the world that has 35 member states
as of 2016, with Latvia as its latest member.
____________________54. This refers to the forum for the meeting
of representatives from 23 member countries. It focused on trade
goods through multinational trade agreements conducted in many
rounds of organization.
____________________55. What is the term for Low-income countries,
whose natural resources and labor support the wealthier countries,
first as colonies and now by working for multinational corporations
under neocolonialism?
____________________56. Who contended the idea that less developed
countries would develop by following the path taken by the developed
____________________57. What theory was initially developed by Hans
Singer and Raulprebisch in the 1950s and has been improved since
then that recognize that there are g number of different kinds of
states in the world?
____________________58. This refers to the spread of goods,
technology, education and diseases between the Americas and Europe
after Christopher columbus's so-called "discovery of the Americas."
This exchange worked out well for the European Countries.
____________________59. What theory frames global stratification
as distinction of technological and cultural differences between
nations and specically pinpoints two historical events that
contributed to Western Europe developing at a faster rate than much
of the rest of the world.
____________________60. This is typically defined as “imbalances
in the distribution of power, economic resources, and opportunities"
and have manifested in American society in ways ranging from racial
disparities in wealth, poverty rates, bankruptcy, housing pattens,
educational oppolunities.
____________________61. This is an outdated and offensive farm for
a developing nation characterized by a population with low ond middle
incomes, and other socio-economic indicators.
____________________62. This term originally refers to the
capitalist, industrialized countries, within the Westen European
and United States sphere of influence,(e.g. member states of the
____________________63. What do you call as the abundance of
resources in a specific country?
____________________64. What is the result of companies trying to
out maneuver their competitors while you search for the cheapest
place to buy shoes, companies search for the checpesi place to make
those shoes?
____________________65. It is the deterioration in environmental
quality from ambient concentrations of pollutants and other
activities and processes such as improper land use and nelural
____________________66. This is the statistical study of human
populations. Demography examines the size, structure, and movements
of populations over space and time.
____________________67. It is a situation in which people go to live
in foreign countries, especially in order to find work.
____________________68. This is a process of combining or increasing
the interconnectivity of national economies to the regional or global
____________________69. What do you call this theory that is based
on the theory of Wallerlein1 1974 that recognizes that social and
economic change is not only endogenous to a country, but is affected
by its interaction to exogenous instituions?
____________________70. What do you call this "enterprise that
engages in activites which odd value (manufacturing, extraction,
services, marketing, etc.) in more than one countries"?
____________________71. What do you call thus process which refers
to the expansion of firms by consolidating additional marketing
functions and activities under a single management?
____________________72. In this type of integration, some marketing
agencies combine to form a union to reduce their effective number
and the event of actual competition in the market. Ex. Facebook
acquisition of Instagram.
____________________73. This occurs when a firm perform more than
one activity in the sequence of the marketing process. It is linking
together two or more functions in the marketing process with a single
firm or under a single ownership.
____________________74. This is a combination or activities not
directly related to each other that may operate under a unified
____________________75. This refers to the availabily and
accessibility of an individual to get sufficient quantity of food
that shareable and affordable to the individual.
____________________76. What are the stages of Wait Rostow's Four
Stages of Modernization?
____________________77. What theory argues that if you invest
capital in better technologies, they will eventually raise
production enough that there will be more wealth to go around and
overall well-being will go up?
____________________78. What do youcall this singular historical
period during which mortality and fertilry rates decline from high
to low levels in a particular country or region?
____________________79. What is the term for vagabonds forced to
flee their home countries due to safety concerns?
____________________80. What is the term for refugees who seek to
remain in the country to which they flee?
____________________81. This term has been increasingly used to
describe migrant communities.
____________________82. According to UN, this refers to the
increasing interdependence of world economies as a result of growing
scale of cross-border trade of commodities and services, flow of
international capital, and wide and rapid spread of technologies.
____________________83. What is the term for required fees on imports
or exports?
____________________84. This means “a policy of systematic govenment
intervention in foreign trade with the objective of encouraging
domestic production. This encourdgement involves giving
preferential treatment to domestic producers ond discriminating
against foreign competitors."
____________________85. This is defined as the "concern for the
social, economic, and environmental well-being of marginalized small
producers”. It aims forg more moral and equitable global economic
____________________86. This term means an increase in one economic
activity can lead to an increase in another economic activities.
For instance in investing in local business will lead to more jobs
and more income
____________________87. This refers to the net worth of the country
it takes into account all the assets of the nation-may they be natural,
physicol, and human-ess the liabilities.
____________________88. This refers to the new earnings that are
constantly being added to the pile of a country's wealth.
____________________89. It is the standard measure of the value
created through the production of goods and services ino country
during a certain period.
____________________90. It is the total value of all finished goods
and services produced by a country’s factors of production
irespective of their location.
____________________91. This is the condition in which development
of the nation-states of a poorer country is contributed to a decline
in the independence and to an increase in economic development of
the developed countries.
____________________92. These countries are more industialized
nations who receive the majority of the world's wealh
____________________93. It is the globabal international
organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations. Its
goal is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely
as possible.
____________________94. Is an international development
organization owned by 187 countries. Its role is to reduce poverty
by lending money to the govemments of its poorer members to improve
their economies and to improve the standard of living of their people.
____________________95. It focuses on free trade and dismantling
trade bariers. It made sure that government did not impose
restrictive regulations on corporate presence, as well as on the
free flow of capital jobs.
____________________96. This refers to people rather than any kind
of formal territorial boundaries or institutions. It is a collective
identity grounded on a notion of shared history and culture.
____________________97. This covers a range of concems for the
improvement of all aspect of people life. According to UN, this
encompasses economic prosperity, social well being, and
environmental protection. This showcases the vision of the
organization when it comes to broader issues such as climate change
disaster risk reduction, and gender equality.
____________________98. This is usually referred to as the World
Court. It is located in the Netherland in a town called The Hague.
This is where countries can settle disputes in a court of law, as
well as a place where war criminals and rulers who have done terrible
things to their people can be put to trial for their crimes.
____________________99. It is a defensive treaty or a military
alliance between the United States, Canada, and 25 European countries.
This treaty and international organization is based on the idea of
collective security.
____________________100. This means an awareness of the
interconnectedness among people, societies and environments around
the globe. It emphasizes responsibilities and contribution to a
global society and economy.
1 Globalization
2 Globalization
3 Solidity
4 Internationalization
5 Westernization
6 Economic Globalization
7 Financial Globglization
8 Cultural Globalization
9 Sociological Globalization
10 People
11 Sovereignty, state authority and territoriality
12 International orders
13 Diplomacy, international law and the balance of power
14 Double burden
15 White privilege
16 Karl Marx
17 Karl Marx
18 Standard of civilization
19 Jus ad bellum
20 Constitutional institutions, fundamental institutions and
21 Multilgterglism
22 Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs)
23 Regionalism
24 Supranationalism
25 European Court of Justice
26 Both are complicated, interdisciplinary phenomena that
define simple characterization
27 Terrorism
28 Primordiglism
29 Perenniglism
30 The Quad
31 Embedded Liberglism
32 Trickle-down effect
33 Politicide
34 International Bill of Human Rights
35 Pluralist International Society
36 Loud emergencies
37 Marketing integration
38 Homogeneity
39 International Monetary Fund
40 Fair trade
41 Globalism
42 UNICEF or the United Nations: Children's Emergency Fund
43 The United Nations(UN)
44 Red Cross
45 Global Social Movements
46 Transnational corporations
47 Corporations
48 Karl Marx
49 Socialism
50 Capitalism
51 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
52 Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
53 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
54 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade(GATT)
55 Periphery
56 Andre Gunder Frank
57 Dependence Theory
58 Columbian Exchange
59 Modernization Theory
60 Racial inequality
61 Third World country
62 First world
63 Inequality
64 Economic and trade globalization
65 Environmental degradation
66 Global demography
67 Global migration
68 Economic integration.
69 World system
70 Global corporation
71 Market integration
72 Horizontal Market Integration
73 Vertical Market Integration
74 Conglomeration
75 Global food security
76 Traditional stage, Take-off stage, Technical Maturity
stage, High Mass Consumption stage
77 Modernization Theory
78 Demographic transition
79 Refugees
80 Asylum
81 Diaspora
82 Economic Globalization
83 Tariffs
84 Protectionism
85 Fair trade
86 Multiplier effect
87 Wealth
88 Income
89 Gross domestic product (GDP)
90 Gross National Product (GNP)
91 Dependency Theory
92 Core countries
93 World Trade Organization (WTO)
94 The World Bank
95 Neoliberal Economics
96 Nation
97 Sustainable Development Goals
98 International Court of Justice
100 Global citizenship

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