Topic 6 Notes

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hew? dinpotk: -deerminaes for o SOU sprere oF intluence many had hoves Fer Sovietunton us Ke Nead yea c ‘EE economicoly and polincatly Aeminatea ae ae cas eaniny AVG not stain Nightly Conkoled the E€ sa Countries thru the come for TD treedom: ANA Comintorr = COMMUNIST TLE Vesrricted a Lot of freedotn eq COUlANs travel to Western eucape countries eq) newspapers censord-? NO right Yo CWieIse QovETMAENE | ConamMANIs 3) Weattn: ~wrages deciined compared to orner counter iN Ge countries & shortage of row mateyiatt (coa') & doting became $44 Whad? *FCOMINFORM: “OKO COMMUNS \nfortmorlon BUTEA “SRC UPIN HAT -ko Co-oraiNALe al EE Cormmunidt countries = Sent OUL instrUCIONS OM whak SoULeE UNION ” Sovrer UNION CONTROL ) over Eastern europe (\848- #9) Wamed then 40 do ? ACOMECON: TP wsed 08 away tose ee D Consumer goods: OKO. COUN Fol Mutual Econgric Assiten ce Nesources to re-build USSR ~ couldnt get vaatos W yere ‘ ANUSNY aNd economy aster \ popula in West ~ Sek Im LAA Ihe Co-otdinare industTes and s 0 SU a TERRIQLE WAR W Germany, eee focused oF Renitlt << ~Taded wi eoth oyheravathes Man WEST UGHHE ! Fouored mostigine S-U than other m mernbers = enstuted Coe supply oF RAW malecals bys v 9 29) Povlana FOKCRA> Coal-> S.0-> CheaR PIZE to instead -2 produce d-> machines => electrical cases (ei) wha? 952 -Statin ared 155 -New leader emerged > Nikka Eusheney Souery ditterent fom Statin, BD Mwanted peacoiur- co-existence with he West 3) Srmprove Wes oF ordinary cittaens + A-dosed down comintorrn AreIearea (005 of pytstonots 3 Speects ve 145 5-openty corners critic peoplt react: oo (sHIRUSCHEY Pov: = not LovAL enough = SuMMeL (AS6- dermonstratlons ih Paap our ‘i mpramrsé ‘Srnaryy wanted wader or gatand) (0 be Seeratinrceeam passa or Siclin sy Aanies tn Poland » ¢fill show 4 \wiaaysjaw GormudKa-NeVs polish leader control WH Ts KARUSALHEN? whet? where? Cufcomes: 5 2 cha ain “From 1akS~ 56 Hungary TWEd bY Budapest-Hugery leoaet changed. onte ag Gagital) ebrenentea aoe snes Fad WARD Communist (stntcerist Smatyic Rakes Jorposriron:” ungayrans HATED this vule » fears way? haa o pay sower troops to Stay “Feared secteat police took rnuth souietness * m@dyos > help? no one came * declared. “veriveu Shealth weosons © crushed resistence © gqicornmmunts's> prision)exectus Scaretul a mtroduced some AeFONMS (aid NOt WAVEN way , shugostans wanted polbncar treedom From USSR shatea secret poltce hoped For yelaxed wle-> ater Staltn ated 1453 HUGARY- 1956 case study one SR vesponse: ‘protests sot fivst KrUcheY accepted reCortns “ew leader CMe -> Exrid_Gevd (no better) SEOUIG NOT OCCept Warsaw Ratt Laying, Mas Oct -huge student demonstratton NAVASG- soulet krdops moved into Budapest = skarue of stain sale, bye ~ = Uptisings began hugarians Fought Reforms Pans: -many Kile “appointed Imre Nagy wen vespeciea USA only, protested agaksnt tne US9R =no Help Coury) ~ SOULE frOOPS began to withdraw sHugomtans Fleed Communist TULe— Left fo Pushlo, “soviet Qowor yernaved = hold free elections “Would leave Warsaus Pact + Speubral wm (OIG wor struggle * what? whtn? outcomes . BS ory! + paves not executed opposition began: WHY? ec R oc) wu x . skrucnevreptaced > Leonta Breahney & gradually dounaraded. a)NeW LEADER: % expetiea From com party *Mardline Communist paced where? *paxanders pace fall *\967- Alexander Dudeers % Prague spring ommmited communist-> but also Ber “the eee 9€ communism: betetved tt shoutant be as wo oe a sone party systenn pact “but had Learnt From eungary s sremnain member of Warsaw C7ec HOSLOVAKIA-I969 ANEWTDEAS: Ceroque springy case study a a “Alexander proposeet: — OE why 4 with o human face? Sb sthveat to communism Sessénsorship USSR Response: “Wears eared 2 thee copie woutal a © mote Freedom of speech “NE'Y Sus OF teformen ceethastouolsia eee essa ons Oless secrer poitce action Grenhnev ~ pressured >oiher communist (eaders: Sable to criticise communist rule ‘SovIet > Polish East German troops: trained on expose corruption ech border MORE 8 moRE vadical eas 2-ampasing economre sontitons->diant be thought Mar Sie oomocratie party as Cech wouter (ean to West Feat vrtorus pos 3- Summit conference w Alonder-> eased fenrtons agreed agaisnt sociat Democratle party APHUGROeIIAG- soUIet tanks Into Czech “Ue Violet ves istence ~ Dubeck remnoved from power what? Tk seemed ‘only wou fo estape Yepression wos to leave *PRORKEM? 19505-10003 (eaving> never Coming back “highly stemed worcers wen quatisiea Weawing Fast Fov West “Wall wos but to stop ths- WAY? {CUlG nok afford fo Loose chigh quauty? peopie Germans Freeing communet yuLe-> capttatsm WNDERMENED communism ayentiy v why : ‘Sfolitcal reasons: ~holea COmmunisys MEcnoric reasons: “ling standaras OF West >>2 East mattrateion oF copitausm. grew Cratt shops » freedom , weattin) Sdeiprate by Western powers (poured money For West Bevin) Horclline (eader The Berwyn Warr case study 3 (sottlo7r’ *ullt Bertin walt * all points From east WIgst sealed except 2checkspoint *Fammesaivided ‘chore, “perliners coulcin’ go fo works “People whe Hltedt te escape-> shot outcomes: rot 1964) ana troops "ere fo seo Souer geatton h2TOCT= Somet tanks blocked C-< ~YefUsed any Futtner acess AUS ond Souret tankers->standore tense & finoity Yerearea ~WiaN Yemmayned> No war! “WALI become SYMBOL OF DEUTSION East communists | wer demorrars © protection wall Sprtston wall ashat ? wgrnrrcarce? e 2) highteghted Fallure oF comrmumem: mt era diane “benifit? ordmary people > underminck 4St00d up to souret untbnt mee rea wnetticrency one comrup! © stavted tn Poland 8} rgntightect ut y 2) provea thot organisations dra hove capadty ff resisting communist government why? Ee od oxen semi 7 SPOLAND SOLIDAR TTY < >) 5) hightighted souret weorness =/ te only thing to stop-> military “\/ e sR Dense stongatm counmes XX (19 BO- $2) en eet Umnportant Foy trade \ case stuay Z conn eg shipbuilding « heavy (ndustry a - Be cmctcrnti - ©} many members Were communist ao 3}Leen wos cayerul w negotralions Boe Reactor. « ATEB (asi martial aus eminkary rue) imposed 4) solttarity was sO popular © Genta! Taruzeiskt took over © Tned thationay understanaing? => fatted “ech ond others in prision-> sotidtartty suspended S\Government wor playing for time: Swhy? Pcqurtous oF western support of Solldarry SSOlATIEY OS acting like a Cpolttizal party? ‘umli ke before: \arge scale movement * Poland going Mite choos ~>nfianion-> Unemployment SHoped IF woud create rwualyy ees ecg eueaca) supported by workers Gsupporiea bby Catholic Church REFORM Ss! Gorbachev becarne eader iy 1935 = Two key ideas (pottctes ‘Greaiis optamist» (eaXist DatAsniSir? open debate on goverment policy + honesty Ree Oscar eRERESTROD AYA operess Ivestructurin g ae Se seus buying + setting allowed eeu > ede deere pena muth $$-arms 2 Improve imiernanonal yelation s unusineable wor-> Afgan srust + @-operatton /SDERLIST=> communisrn > better Ie ee loyal Ruston 4 cornmunat 4 IKHALL HoRBAL Hey UP THE U cotnped GoroacneY Deleay USSR could Not compete itty USA. enlhtary, felt dissapointect on Tate oF Ys OPTAMIST> beleiyedt vetormed communism 95 solution | 5 > Peyve people pre n uss RESULTS??? 3) gegan v7 aovbachey but didnt want fo dismantle EVE COMUNESM= people POreT cea Set Ca L B Imnproded> uSSR less wiorted seared contral over ee + wei Geman cnancettor -2 G mest Uforsavs (eaders hardline commnuntst Welmut Khel reuntied geivond of reForm-> other €2 “Gorbachev -> communism could bulld a teetter Lire“ aowba.chey very hesttent §\! Cee and healthcare + education Sjenew ruould be disodventage Aor i4ra-withatew Sout Woops oe From areas In ee readers Ard not beret tht> to be true (POssIbie pa po more intervention» communis} \ ‘Aawawocwoeriago-Gertnany One. “Neem s Gorbachev? yecewed Habel Peace yrygary -> eager tm Mole Isr taTOy

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