Topic 7 Notes

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® | contorted by Brtttsh- (900 aor pe Creata of Seutes broke Iyag, into (ree provinres of Turkey 2 i 2 \ Se _ON tesey¥ Ve! b $Trag) Nahonalis hoped for (dependence E> \920—Vebelled aaaysht Srifishvule Thower Crusned by British YSowt LON? sy n SUNY «of Dar iners a fo be Iho 3 4 a 0 OK Wer. ohotcomes? : / Small mount oF Rich landowners. j UP POTIR.A Jewish state wn 14% agatsnt Arab —_JOLL= Controlled.and owned racy Retour company (under Brush) __/ LPTOAUCHON and Prices (only snared PrOFIts> ' lam [rae No. \ * ——— STM EMITS ____ PhS a-ogreed to shore prakits equally w Troas goverment __ YD companys Sty Controlled prices and production __ Hlkept control of Trag, foreran Holle | Keane two airbases © epustie: | In_\ASs-monariny, eran (35 years tater) x Aepuib\ic \GoS= ager COUP by army sEticers {slosten An SOs. im q Y xWhed, by Baath: testy —_ unt amoung Ayobs in middle east ‘o ATs Hanonollsn POPULATION: © aginst Foreign inletfeven ce Most Badihists were SuNMS pagha ‘Tn Trag- Spit wos THOT 10. po pUNLaNON =Sunnt_w as dominant n INUES Were (Nluded i QoVerMMeNs (0 Show unity argqs population > shia, Sunnts Kurds | 207. were Kurds (nother traq) Pogroup ot Mustitn ___ Bwanted move soit-cule 9 freed ont * Lyagta PAGUV ANSTO! UIiIe at WOMEA exlended Control qver (He \suivalan Nove atone [rae No. Date ae ed Kurds os e z | __* Kurds lost sett-qouerment pu). a pobbGe* z —___|_breoched out to Tran for help a4 OSL ANGs SOs O=vecewed increased help fromm Tyan as wan ona itq-2uar Beet —___|__=ended_up regaining kurdish control of Horthern traqy pw's BES DO niwvIp +sou whol buds did as BETRAYAL bas Suns ed Wi Tran Wi ss aed 22. Quant abs - planes bombarded Northern trag, (kurdish foun Horse.) =Wonied bo DESTROY kurdish patfonalist mavernent Ly caddams cousin» “nernical All? used mOrhods af nents ornbing Lire MASS EXECUTIONS and BULLPOZING VILLAGES © 400 )000 xerugees: fled to Wikey | SHIT TE TRAQIS: sforned sqprity gopuliation-? Souin g Cemye 233 fmoyorliy of yo) popatiation? a of BdKH Party Many, a wonted biooes oclucton in qougrnment and soCIety ___ Aatier Cistamle gevotuiion? oF (479 Bans Sadaor greys SUS Shikes in Traq, __ Bas " WYO FL= 8003000 shilies DEPORTED ko Tran (unproven. ‘ayauy) a NUE Expt. No. nett Page No Date CINE RASTANCTURE_ Roe {SodIAN ConHTMyed ty USE TAGS Wmense adi Levee bo wMprove WEALTH» JEDUCATION and INFRASTROCUAE L Proad transport improved shigh quatity (nedtib tare - ee > Introduced penatttes foh-tnssing (uevacy) cinsres! 1 yunlled this roinisters. to (o0se wernt! © painlers musicians -> eourished __} ghuermend was welartuely cowupiton Hee ___F FREEDOM OF RELIGION OuaNad|e. what? wher? By forcing fo resign became prestaent in 979 & 20MRS old JoInea Booth party ttl 2003 maintained for ASYIS Arab hationatim bererver porn in 1937 Mio 2 OOK abate? - — geasont Cotnity a 2 magrcare opposite n WrPropaganday (iatner favre > -aglovisted by media > leoaer & prdtector ok AraD world. 2 statues /pattings everyunere @ terractvepresstont, = saddam - Shia os threat 200/000 sent to tran = kelevisedt Crral> > Khurdistan incrdent #1968 > eaamg coup member hous? (factors of sucess) Ostrong paserbases THOSE tenpottant positions given to his fuends y Farniyy -> bust The wise of — Saddam Hussein hela key postefon in Baain party (incusrence) @repession + contror > Kept montiaty {5 by spending everything under stare control (scheair; tubs) . coreyect Western «ngtuence © Prpmranirys WIOTBI->Saddm wos geneto\ tn army, suspected. >eaaan? narfonalised government & © seciet police under Conrsor Caomina ted) v took control of at! % yequiar indectinatton (execuyed /imonson ed IF anloyad used oll wealtn—> educaiton meatth care Oynereasing eports oF Formate 4 YApe Aosectet police - uray sunnts i o WAAIS> yornea oiney Arab oul states (OPE = Sgadams HO e fo reduce 11 production sated fo WESt © done as Punishment for supporting Israel Letonomy improved! Celectricrry aQelculture mechanired orplratsy © ‘sxhools) one yeason saddm qussein nod support mnside crag, = strong power base ‘one way he opposes western ~Jomntng OPEC ang tequcing ot Production and sules th 1973 One way he made sure No rivals “SeCUted aN oppositren “Piated frends and Far W postttons “ny WAS Saddary able to come to power m Iraq ©) built strong power base. ©) poticies For popularity, ©) Weprovernent of croat tte 2) terror to Control people 2) COndUSton > whic reason most {MnP pow ne crured oppostton <> nstit FeaT th people w Kials jow he used the cult oF Personanty = garver painting and propaganda for inctuente how Lraqus benititied ~petker We in Frag how shiltes suffered cremnoved frorn (pot tant posttlony -deported ro tran (200/000) What wor thenarure of saddam‘ rute in 2100.7 @ Use of terTOr (pop -sunnts) | @ rangoctinarfon ¢ cult oF (ead ersnip © development of frag ® prererence ot his Ousn PPOPle cor trust & tettor and terror atone explains sadaare’s sucesss holding gout now far do You agree Pre -revoluvon: H Tran eryoyed weath with oll (peopite stil) poor) 00 Tuled by Anglo-Tranlan company aes ‘ni pomammodReesnany< ost 7 had Close Yeiationsnip w Bitlan + USA K19S3-PM Mohammed Mosodea,| hattonatisea Anglo tyanVa1 ott Company as requeried by people ‘s West not te buy Tron's on Guttsh imposed. blockade of Cram s5 ports Uneretore Plotted tonemovesMassadeay *Oll Sale income dwindled “alsmissed mossadeg,-? erePlaced with Pro-westemn pra by USA Britain 058 Cla wor fenslons> Tran had bordel with Rusia ? would get tran oul, Lp results: © on saves bacicy @ shah yoined Wesk tn gnit-copnmuntst alance @ Shah improvements. people felt betrayed © (ord fo farmer ‘© gyornan to Vole StI gap between | WihETE ‘Grnprovea, eaucation RCH US FoR ) REMORMS west? ally th middie stautin a- revolution * _ #19107 mullahs Woula crutrased Shans policies (lucary? m mosques asnah wios Yawn to the Wert 9 targered bank, cmema demonstration (unifornie ana western) Yesults -secret ponce attested govern ext(cs and rauttahs ment intquence ne, © foe Much WEED mmetican grain 8 mear So & page Marlee for FI focals went out of burmese G qpqusrvtal retorens -? (ocat shops Om} oF lusInes: sugent against Tonlan austere mast secret petrce (prurat to golimi cate opponents) -mainiy by religous leaders Cmulians) at? whi qune? ¥ 1978 > huge stmices on Shah + ayatoitan kno metnt © yrusymn seboiay (leadel te |oNY) ‘Oseptember-> govethment Inhoduced niger > exinived to Turkey 7 Paves ars rule Wing wttingg and sPeecnes smuggled into tnt H [AT - sudters Yerused to Fite crowds =symparhised with protestors &> sun (979 -Shah (eft Tran > ever verured Ls ayacior komen ane nn ( LCM Tevolulten power 1 supported vartly we wamraplish ascamrc Repugerc’s Ky 1479 J —— a = [ “2 any him? cuttimare power 9 < eae Orstam ts pourtes: - @rsiarnre wetelts > gained vespect US embassy StToming : simple language appeared fo poo A November (474 -> students stormed ametican embassy, in tentan ep yesuits: -sproleited againsx us atiotaing Shah New laws bared on Koran, fo enter country For menrcal treatment © tsiqrnic style educatron ‘held hostages! @vioman hadito cover chemselues Husa condernnedd actions-most Adds aamited Oanuewerera 's (everything band) standing ap fo west © moss Wray of Shans supporters: AMET Brags unustamle ana secutar governmene “>torge sniuie Popuriatton J wathesy” and “Corrupt” sara Khornetht Fre -revolutioo 2 Tran eryoyed weath with ol (people stilt poor) SOW Wuled by Arglo-Tranlan company Truler 1H [941 > MOHAMMAD Recarshary — % had Close relationship w Billain + USA west ally th middle cast €1952-PM Mohammed Mosodeq, hattonalisea Anglo tyania ott Company, tras vequenied by poopte 4s West not to buy Trons oil 5 British imposed blockade of Eran's ports Uneretore plotted towernovesMossadeay roll Sale income dwindled ralsmissed mossadea,-> erePlaced with Pro-western em by USA ® Britain USA cold wor ferslons-> Iran haa border with Russia > would get Fran oll, Lp yesutts: © ow sores bacics ® shah yorker West wn gotr-commmuntst alance © Shah improvements © (ana fo farmers © viorman to Vole Gmnprovea equcatton wy 7 people felt beraged WHLTE suut gap between REFORMS RICH VS POOR Tran Revoluvon statin # 19707 Mullahs Woul a crurrensead Shans policies (luxary? Mm mesaHes shan was Pawn to tne Wert 2 targeved bani, cinema demonstration: (untlarn ana lester) lo yesults: esacret police attested af exttcs and rauyah s overnment 4 OpPOST TION: wh, « coo much wartern ineluence & page Marteet fox AMET CAN gran focals went out of business & inausrvrat vetorrns -? (ocat shops Our of busines: sudent against Sranlan frauitfans Brmear So omaser- secret pole (ptural te tnlimt cate oppenents? =rmainty by religour leaders (mutians) wnat? september (40-2 saddam deciared war on tran weapected Tian to be deteatea easly ‘© hale mulion soldiers Killed “whe? vay now? (causes) ®khomeiisnguence’ ‘called. For overtnrow of Saddarns tunreligtous Yegeume. (thveat) Lrmerity Shine population in Trag, @ euddence of assaunatron’ OPlannea by Tran of Baath party, Mmernivets (jaro) eo move out export im Tah oll teh SW } Control of Shak al-Aval uisteruay toga secure outlet to sea aaron issweaknessessK 960 sep) S economy tn chaes (shabs veigeMned % Focing Wesiern Boycott Ccapture of UF embassy) Garmed fortes demolarised @odraqawouteegann iniiuence power F prestige in middle east --ceas threat = oppertuniry ttmings: sadam Housrern -Ayatowan Fhorein! ts ¢ No exptain why trag, invaaed tran? How important a actoy wos? ssaadar expected ‘autce? Cwhirl-wind? war Chanaharad sunpreciaenied © years &'.. G tran mopalised (arge popullatton who voluntary Fougnt CMARTYRS? Corrans superior navy bloceaded 2235 ae ort > no export or tmnpore Saar of ates? - poring of ciuilrans eal anternarionaly: TRAN» only Surtan support ccenemys enerny my frend” -astut oFF Zraq, prperine 008 ayecewed Free TrAaNaNoll RAG. > macotlty SUPPONT => s1uats egypt, TFN» auater- connieured suppheS > provieled import lexpatt routes trance § USSR ssupplied weapons UsA-2imielligence imformanon cana af) ow otner states got involved im Ene WAT” = syrta que to birernest with Trae 8.2) wMy omer states gor invotved in ine war? so much Oll ander Tan letWlfted Amerrcans -maintatn intluence With ot -Tleh AUF sates TRAQ > SuPPOY! OF government declined ~>itfe expectancy Felt Aylots and srriices occured ARMY -UpSel at WaT cerecutec’) ~blamnined Saddarn for loss CIVELANS - ncreared infant hmovtaltty, = deatns ~ yerror connined! yop $ debts! advanced v >yagdor kept wivesting In aims mdkead of Wertyle no post wat xecouety > opposition m mosquer (holy places) -mnititayy intervention Not poset bie aA Ways WAT damged rrag, shomble economy *ypposition 2) 2 way WaT Wealeend tran, spoputiation toss Ga) 2 way Wor left problems en Furare for USA wong (erm) + OWL SHIN af TISIE O€ Contra) “consequences > whee" TRAN > e treaty romly rue a fo peace treaty romy -> Ayatoltoh hated ‘worse than > longert 4 desmuciue sme Ww patston? ~ mimons died 2 Ayaotlat veluctanty acceptated cearetive ->yeputation cuyuived > maintain AEOCRACY (ta My at Funeral) -sdestvutiton and \oss of \tke -23tiNl Mayor Powe tho’ A ceasef ve July LAS & s unat were tre conseauieces oF the —_ ‘Lran-Trag, War In 1980 -ust @nseques © West tar with no winners > how Far do you agree similgyities P economy in rus Con + miinary expense) neuter succeded ty aim s ended in stalemate » calastropntc ‘ wey? por eeomy Oy g § grue =1n 1964 roa, tried fo claim“ Fuwalt > ofher arabs vorused. O0sscontent among traair due to th® Tran-traq, war > ymtnary cormmanders-> 4 D Deb! of. $80 milion to pay ago fom the wat awanted to wereare ott proauerron-> ff + PROBLEM -Ivaq part of OPEC Productng and Exporting countyies) Qontroiled most oF prices © wanted (ow produttion-high prce leading OPEC members-suwait # SAyoll Refused! Ssoadarn saw this as & INSULT @ kuwnalt was saved by trage (ues @ stv arte for money from wor accused fuwalt of driting ander ‘deans pordert> for ot! stant drilling! 2 usa stated they did not wane Go be hvolved tn invasion Saat - small soit Wen COUMINY 9 GUI WHERE? WHAT? A southern harder OF 1149, | Qruted by Brifain iin laeer Lo -invaded Fuwal -Kwalt independence > (963 Strap, Hot V NapPY 49 5300 1900 troops crossed wnt kuwart > overran m 2day5! Shorible things to Atlzens + protertors ayrested » Gunned infront oF the Fam cmpea, AFOVWQHES 2 NOstages—> Wes roregne®"! erneys CaUgHt Wh TAQ, —ysead as human seas 7 Kept near military, Korgets Darenough woman etd 10? soon reledsed © 400,000 fled the Coury KUWAIT INVATION ~1a90~ catgiy) oF auiteoar RESPONSE pe SE INTERNATIONAL UNlaniTNOws Tacky euncil > unitad Nations Securtty Comma yrposed~ TRADE saticttoNs fea » snost ebTeckIVe Sanctions ever matical? No country te bade W tro fore FENEARLY ALL ARAB states agreed condernned ae <{SNDAAM REACTION - pektank - deciared Kuwait a tag’ province “tered ARAB sUpPOTE saldne WOUIO WindraWa fOrces When Tse bairhdvew From Plaslenian lands (1467) -> OP WoRIS' fone tong Ferm reason Saadam of {cuwalt invasro > Payoff debts of EO minon torebutta the Tragi economy fone Short term Yeoson soadam of Kuwalt \nvarton: > morale wos low due to the rran-trag vior toss and saadam wanted a caistracton” american veactyon: ‘Smmuially Not wonting to det involved -2 changed Gfeay that rrogis might seize Saudis of fends (11), meaning Saadam would have Y, t the wortar ou) fettds: 1957 - President Eisenhower sald “houtd a atsis arise threatening to Cul the Western World of Fhe mid east ON >We would have to Use Force? saya cing asked for mihtrary force -> qutac-> built up large navy; arr force “mother of ati battles? f Gover 700/000 troops had assembled m the dessettr ot soudt ae ran at t ~ egypt syria, Paki ameritan peimin — rance F Be countries joined the coalition $ ON operation ‘esaadom not able to claim this was a Western attack against ftrabs 4 Outcomess— © usars concern for the amount of oi control 2aq,would have iF they took Saud --vomang omyargn 2 ®sSoadam's invoston of kuwsa\t rRias0 eoatatron anrcraft OBioceace prevented Imports [Rup coon inmostrature Braemar , BOOKS “eC “tive on 1 DALE @ ort sares ttmited @® traq faced Food shortages % ured! fo import Food (7/000 die, month ® Ban oF import oF chtorine ty used to male WAD Ut AO Ure « Ro puriiy Water > aineased oF Rameihg conkarinatted water ae raae-o1t for Food campaign van by ON a FOLIO A OPERATION DESSERT STORM arse The Gute War } Tanuary 1944 ON coatatton forces of Bryans trance 1 VEAy TSAR? syria EQYPE, Sauarrerc SG | hake -abegan with five weels OF axsult Lon miluary targets se rag, haa FO recocanre EUWate SOVEITGNIY Factories and road 2 ray reparations for damage = coalation establisnedt alr supremacy yf setae sayetns et 5 [ont ko destroy all w ssaddom Ined to moive Treat by emer wed pen pectiont by troy all weapons firing masles —> didnt Wors cstayed «m) some ©! ay enreel YS weaven feo > taumned ground attacis oe hea! 2 tyoq's dared military equorfent ¥ poor & framed solcers ate No MATCH. ve WHY? Gage wzin Fe _> saadam catted for eterveat from euwott © UN mision war lUberation oF Kuwait -> any ining L> tra@r forces set fire to Kuwatt ol! Fertas Further would damage co-alarion 2 Buen Feb > veorge Bush catlerd cearettre @ mony eve OA vse tne war (9 extaplsh ts Taam Orurdisian regional govemment came | Suatant go for Bhagdadl and overthrow miuitarg presense in the Gu/F and gain control saddam of oi) resources sconsequences of Lragy suveapons Inspections: “ON spetiq) Commies CUNSCom) staTted => deaths OF children (7 1000 Per tenth) Searth of destroy Tra‘gs weapons 4 hurnantianian Crisis ‘> bCof sanctions Traq, cooperated DESPLTE THIS* ountovered a nuclear program ; highly era to Soadams regeime did not increase! ehiichea UraMIUIM (nuclear Weapons) seat 5 A eye vu + Yewarded (oya) supporters + traq still had biggest army tm mab world", sallowed timing of mass suffering arab television -» SYMPATHY G shows Frag, as UICHIM oF Hhe West 4 yeor later... “declared (t had destroyed an medium g small range miss\es 3 years later~ ‘Sdestroyed an nuclear # chemicat weapons 41958 -hoped for listing oF UN santtcons ~contessed bo production of Nerve gas!.), ee ee OAMeIcans now SOS -> demanded regelme change! \ unuatting fo WEE eConclustons) — el8AT- Britain and Pmevican vombing oF Traq, began ‘oNow Arabs futned against USA felt trao, nad ledint (esson & began trading W trag again peno09~rerFored dimapiemanic velatfons w all netgnbouts ‘ -oxmietnattenal opinion began Fo change ‘

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