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At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:

A. Differentiate internal and external environment

B. Appreciate the importance of knowing the business environment of
one company or business
C. Act the 2 elements of external environment
I. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Business Environment

B. Reference: Applied Economics Module 1 pp 1-11
C. Materials: Chalk and Board, TV, Power Point Presentation

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Routinary Activities

1. Prayer

Before the class starts, may you

lead the prayer for us . Student’s will bow their heads and feel
Thank You the presence of our Lord.

2. Greetings

Good Morning/Afternoon
You may take your seats. Thank Good Morning/Afternoon Sir!

3. Classroom Management

Before the class starts I want you

Clean your surroundings. Student’s will pick up all the trash and
Aligned your chairs properly. aligned there chairs properly.
1 minute to fix and prepare

4. Attendance

Before anything else, I will check

your attendance first.
Kindly tell me who are the
absentee for today. Student’s will raise their hands when
How about the late? their named is been called.

5. Motivation: “Your Dream

Work Environment”

Directions: In a piece of paper students

will write their ideal working environment
in the future. They have 2 minutes to
accomplish the task.

B.Activity: “Business Plan”

Directions: The class will be divided

into 4 groups. Each group will create an
business plan if they were given a chance
to have a business in the future. List all the
possible things you needed or want for
your business to become successful.

They have 7 minutes to prepare and 3

minutes for the presentation.

B. Discussion

Business Environment

 It includes all internal and external

factors that affect the company’s
performance and functions.

 It includes employees, customers,

management, supply, and demand,
business regulations and competition.

 For the organization to be successful,

it is important to study its
environment regularly.

 Environment scanning is a process

used by organizations to monitor their
external and internal environments.

 Environmental analysis is a strategic

tool in assessing the level of threats or
opportunities that might affect the

Internal Environment

 The environment of the organization

consists of factors that are
controllable by the management.

 These elements lie within the

organization and any changes to them
can affect the overall success of the

External Environment

 These environment factors are beyond

the control of the business but they
still minimize the impact if the
business has an effective strategic

Micro Environment Factors

 Suppliers: Suppliers can control the

success of the business when they
hold power.

 Resellers: Market intermediaries,

middleman, or resellers have a great
contribution the delivery of products
to the consumers.

 Customers: Is an individual or
business that purchases goods or
services. Customers are important
because they drive revenues.

Macro Environment Factors

 Political Factors: These are about how

and to what degree a government
 Economic Factors: Have a significant
impact on how an organization does
business and how it is profitable.

 Social Factors: These include the

shared belief and attitudes of the

 Technological Factors: New ways of

producing goods and services, New
ways of distributing goods and
services, and New ways of
communicating with target markets.

 Environment Factors: These factors

have become important due to the
increasing scarcity of raw materials
and population targets.

 Legal Factors: Companies need to

know what is and what is not legal in
order to trade successfully.

Do you have any questions? No Sir!

Violent reactions? No Sir!

Clarifications? None Sir!

C. Analysis

1. What is Business Environment?

Anyone from the class? It includes the internal and external

factors that affects the company
Very Good! performance and functions.

2. What is Internal Environment?

Internal environment consists of factors
Anyone from the class ? that are controllable by the management.
These elements lie within the
Very Good!
organization and any changes to them
can affect the overall success of the
3. What is External Environment?

Anyone from the class? These are the factors that beyond the
control of the business but they still
Very Good! minimize the impact if the business has
an effective strategic plan.

4. Two elements in the external

Micro and Macro environment factors
Anyone from the class?

Very Good!

D. Abstraction

1. What is the importance of

knowing the business environment
of the company?

Anyone from the class?

For the organization to be successful it is
Very Good! important to study its environment this is
to assess any developments and
understand factors that can contribute to
its success.

E. Application: “Clear Depiction”

The class will be divided into 2

groups. Each group will be given a
differentiated task to accomplish.

Group 1: Will create an pantomime

about the micro environment of
business environment

Group 2: Will create an role play

about the macro environment of
business environment

They have 8 minutes to prepare

and 5 minutes for the presentation.
Content: 5pts
Relevance: 5pts
Cooperation: 5pts
Creativity: 5pts

Peer grading will be done for each group

and each group will justify scores they
have given to the other group.

IV. Evaluation

Directions: In a quiz notebook

answer the following questions and Answer:
choose the best answers that suited 1. A
to each question
2. C
1. It includes all internal and
external factors that affect the 3. B
company’s performance and
4. C
5. B
A. Business Environment

B. External Environment

C. Internal Environment

D. None of the above

2. Is a process used by
organizations to monitor their
external and internal environments.

A. Business Environment
B. Environment Analysis
C. Environment Scanning
D. External Environment

3. Is a strategic tool in assessing

the level of threats or opportunities
that might effect the business.

A. Business Environment
B. Environment Analysis
C. Environment Scanning
D. External Environment

4. Factors that are controllable by

the management.

A. Business Environment

B. External Environment

C. Internal Environment

D. None of the above

5. Factors that are beyond the

control of the business.

A. Business Environment

B. External Environment

C. Internal Environment

D. None of the above

V. Assignment
Study and research about SWOT
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:

A. Understand SWOT Analysis

B. Appreciate the importance of SWOT Analysis in business
C. Accomplish differentiated task
II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: SWOT Analysis

B. Reference: Applied Economics Module 1 pp 1-11
C. Materials: Chalk and Board, TV, Power Point Presentation

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Routinary Activities

1. Prayer

Before the class starts, may you lead

the prayer for us . Student’s will bow their heads and feel
Thank You the presence of our Lord.

2. Greetings

Good Morning/Afternoon
You may take your seats. Thank you Good Morning/Afternoon Sir!

3. Classroom Management

Before the class starts I want you to:

Clean your surroundings.
Aligned your chairs properly.
1 minute to fix and prepare yourself. Student’s will pick up all the trash and
aligned there chairs properly.
4. Attendance

Before anything else, I will check

your attendance first.
Kindly tell me who are the absentee
for today. Student’s will raise their hands when
How about the late? their named is been called.
5. Motivation: “Your Strengths and

Directions: In a piece of paper students will

write their strengths and weaknesses when it
comes to academic matters. They have 3
minutes to accomplish the task

B.Activity: “Observation Within”

Directions: The class will be divided into 2

groups. Each group will be given a
differentiated task to accomplish.

Group 1: List all the possible

strengths of your section based on
your observation.

Group 2: List all the possible

weaknesses of your section based on
your observation.

They have 7 minutes to prepare and 3

minutes for the presentation.

C. Discussion

SWOT Analysis

 Is a framework used to evaluate a

company’s competitive position and to
develop strategic planning.

 Assesses internal and external factors,

as well as current and future potential

 Is designed to facilitate a realistic, fact

based, data driven look at the strengths
and weaknesses of an organization or
an industry.

 Is a technique for assessing the

performance, competition, risk, and
potential of a business.
Internal Factors: Strengths(S) and
Weaknesses (W)

 Strengths: Describe what an

organization excels at and what
separates it from the competition

 Weaknesses:Stop an organization from

performing at its optimum level.There
are areas where business needs to

External Factors: Opportunities(O) and


 Opportunities: Refer to favorable

external factors that could give an
organization a competitive advantage.

 Threats: Refer to factors that have

potential to harm an organization.

Do you have any questions?

No Sir!
Violent reactions?
No Sir!
None Sir!

D. Analysis

1. What is SWOT Analysis?

It is a framework used to evaluate a
Anyone from the class?
company’s competitive position and to
Very Good! develop strategic planning.

Any other answer? It is a technique for assessing the

performance, competition, risk, and
potential of a business.

2. What is Internal Factors?

Anyone from the class ? These are the resources and

experiences readily available to the
business proponents.
Very Good!

3. What is External Factors?

Anyone from the class? These are factors that affect a

company, an organization, an
Very Good!
individual and those outside their

4. Give the 2 internal factors and 2 external

factors of SWOT Analysis
Internal Factors are Strengths and
Anyone from the class?
Weaknesses. External Factors are
Very Good! Opportunities and Threats

F. Abstraction

1. What is the importance of SWOT

Analysis in a business?

Anyone from the class?

It is a tool that can help you to analyze
Very Good! what your company does best now, and
to devise a successful strategy for the
Any other answer? It can also uncover areas of business
that are holding you back, or that your
competitors could exploit if you don’t

G. Application: “Differentiated

The class will be divided into 2

groups. Each group will be given a
differentiated task to accomplish.

Group 1: Create an poster showing

the importance of SWOT Analysis

Group 2: Create an slogan about the

importance of identifying the
individual’s strength and

They have 8 minutes to prepare and

5 minutes for the presentation.

Content: 5pts
Relevance: 5pts
Cooperation: 5pts
Creativity: 5pts

Peer grading will be done for each group

and each group will justify scores they have
given to the other group.

IV. Evaluation

Directions: In a quiz notebook Answer:

answer the following questions and
choose the best answers that suited 1. C
to each question
2. C
1. Is a framework used to evaluate a
3. B
company’s competitive position and
to develop strategic planning. 4. D
A. Business Environment 5. A
B. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

C. SWOT Analysis

D. None of the Above

2. Is a technique for assessing the

performance, competition, risk,
potential of a business.
A. Business Environment
B. Porter’s Five Forces
C. SWOT Analysis
D. None of the Above

3. Describe what an organization

excels at and what separates it from
the competition.
A. Opportunities
B. Strengths
C. Threats
D. Weaknesses

4. Stop an organization from

performing at its optimum level.

A. Opportunities

B. Strengths

C. Threats

D. Weaknesses

5. Refer to favorable external factors

that could given an organization a
competitive advantage.
A. Opportunities
B. Strengths
C. Threats
D. Weaknesses

V. Assignment
Study and research about Porter’s
Five Forces Analysis.
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:

A. Understand Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

B. Value the importance of Porter’s Five Forces Analysis in business
C. Act the Porters Five Forces Analysis in relation to business
II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

B. Reference: Applied Economics Module 1 pp 1-11
C. Materials: Chalk and Board, TV, Power Point Presentation

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Routinary Activities

1. Prayer

Before the class starts, may you lead

the prayer for us . Student’s will bow their heads and feel
Thank You the presence of our Lord.

2. Greetings

Good Morning/Afternoon
You may take your seats. Thank you Good Morning/Afternoon Sir!

3. Classroom Management

Before the class starts I want you to:

Clean your surroundings.
Aligned your chairs properly.
1 minute to fix and prepare yourself. Student’s will pick up all the trash and
aligned there chairs properly.
4. Attendance

Before anything else, I will check

your attendance first.
Kindly tell me who are the absentee
for today. Student’s will raise their hands when
How about the late? their named is been called.
5. Motivation: “Consumer at It’s

Directions: Students will share in the class

the product they have consume the most

B.Activity: “Business Is A

Directions: The class will be divided into 2

groups. Each group will be given a
differentiated task to accomplish.

Group 1: As a business owner create

an plan on how you beat your
rivalry competitors.

Group 2: As a rivalry competitors

what are your ways to top or beat the
original plan of group 1.

They have 7 minutes to prepare and 3

minutes for the presentation.

C. Discussion

Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

 Was originally developed by Michael

E. Porter of Harvard Business School.

 Is a framework or a guide for assessing

and evaluating the competitive strength
and position of business organization.

 Identifies the five forces that determine

the competitiveness and attractiveness
of a market.

Porter’s Five Forces

 Competitive Rivalry: How intense the

competition currently is in the market,
which is determined by the number of
existing competitors and what each is
capable of doing

 Bargaining Power of Suppliers: How

much power a business’ suppliers have
and how much control it has over the
potential to raise its prices.

 Bargaining Power of Buyers: The

power of the consumer to affect pricing
and quality

 Threat of New Entrants: This force

examines how easy or difficult it is for
the competition to join the marketplace
in the industry being examined.

 Threat of Substitute Products or

Services: How easy it is for consumers
to switch from a business’s product or
service to that of a competitor.

Do you have any questions? No Sir!

Violent reactions? No Sir!

Clarifications? None Sir!

D. Analysis

1. What is Porter’s Five Analysis?

It is a framework or a guide for
Anyone from the class? assessing and evaluating the
competitive strength and position of aa
Very Good! business
Any other answer? It identifies the five forces that
determine the competitiveness and
attractiveness of a market
2. What is bargaining power of suppliers?

Anyone from the class ? It is how much power a business

suppliers have and how much control it
Very Good! has over the potential to raise its price
3. What is bargaining power of buyers?

Anyone from the class? It is the power of the consumer to

affect pricing and quality
Very Good!

E. Abstraction

1. What is the importance of Porter’s Five

Analysis in a business?

Anyone from the class? It helps the organizations understand

the dynamics of their industry and
Very Good! make strategic decisions based on
those insights

F. Application: “Act as One”

Directions: The whole class will act

all the porters five forces analysis in
relation to the business or company.

They have 10 minutes to prepare.

Content: 5pts
Relevance: 5pts
Cooperation: 5pts
Creativity: 5pts

IV. Evaluation

Directions: In a quiz notebook

answer the following questions and
choose the best answers that suited
to each question
1. Is a framework or a guide for
assessing and evaluating the 1. B
competitive strength and position of 2. B
a business organization.
3. C
A. Business Environment
B. Porter’s Five Analysis 4. A

C. SWOT Analysis 5. B

D. None of the above

2. Identifies the five forces that

determine the competitiveness and
attractiveness of a market.

A. Business Environment

B. Porter’s Five Analysis

C. SWOT Analysis

D. None of the above

3. How intense the competition

currently is in the market,
determined by the number of
existing competitors.

A. Bargaining Power of Buyers

B. Bargaining Power of Suppliers

C. Competitive Rivalry

D. Threat of New Entrants

4. How much power of the consumer

to affect pricing and quality.

A. Bargaining Power of Buyers

B. Bargaining Power of Suppliers

C. Competitive Rivalry

D. Threat of New Entrants

5. How much power a business

suppliers have and how much
control it has over the potential to
raise its prices.

A. Bargaining Power of Buyers

B. Bargaining Power of Suppliers

C. Competitive Rivalry

D. Threats of New Entrants

V. Assignment
Study and research about
International Trade..

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