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Software Requirements Specification

(SRS) for Digital Resume Builder

1. Introduction

The Digital Resume Builder is a software application aimed at

simplifying the process of creating professional resumes. It provides
users with a platform to easily input their personal and professional
information, select from various templates, customize layouts, and
download or share the finalized resumes. This document outlines the
detailed requirements for the system, covering its functional and
non-functional aspects.

2. Functional Requirements

2.1 User Authentication

The system shall implement secure user authentication mechanisms,

including email verification and password hashing.
Users shall have the ability to reset their passwords via email

2.2 Profile Creation

Users shall be able to create and manage their profiles, which include
personal details such as name, contact information, and career
The system shall allow users to upload a profile picture, which will be
displayed on the resume.

2.3 Resume Creation

The system shall offer a variety of resume templates catering to

different industries and job roles.
Users shall be able to input professional experience, including job
titles, company names, dates of employment, and job descriptions.
Educational history, including degrees, majors, institutions, and
graduation dates, shall be inputtable by users.
Users shall have the ability to list skills, certifications, awards, and
achievements relevant to their resumes.
The system shall provide a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get)
editor for users to easily format and style their resume content.
Users shall be able to add custom sections to their resumes to
include additional information as needed.

2.4 Customization

Users shall have the ability to customize the layout, fonts, font sizes,
and colors of their resumes.
The system shall provide drag-and-drop functionality for users to
rearrange and organize resume sections.
Users shall be able to add hyperlinks and multimedia elements (such
as images or videos) to their resumes.

2.5 Download and Sharing

The system shall allow users to download their resumes in standard
formats such as PDF, DOCX, and HTML.
Users shall be able to share their resumes via email, direct links, or
social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.
Privacy settings shall be provided to allow users to control the
visibility of their resumes.

2.6 Resume Management

Users shall have the ability to edit, delete, duplicate, and archive
existing resumes.
The system shall maintain a version history for each resume, allowing
users to revert to previous versions if needed.
Users shall be able to categorize and tag their resumes for easier
management and retrieval.

3. Non-Functional Requirements

3.1 Performance

The system shall be responsive, with page load times not exceeding 3
seconds under normal load conditions.
The system shall be scalable to accommodate a growing user base
and increased data volume.

3.2 Security

User data shall be stored securely using encryption techniques.

Access controls shall be implemented to restrict unauthorized access
to user information.
The system shall adhere to industry-standard security practices to
protect against common vulnerabilities such as SQL injection and
cross-site scripting (XSS).

3.3 Usability

The user interface shall be intuitive and easy to navigate, with clear
instructions and prompts provided throughout the application.
The system shall support multiple languages and provide localization
options for users worldwide.

3.4 Reliability

The system shall have a backup and recovery mechanism in place to

ensure data integrity and availability.
Scheduled maintenance windows shall be communicated to users in
advance to minimize disruption.

3.5 Compatibility

The system shall be compatible with modern web browsers, including

Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Safari.
The user interface shall be responsive and adaptive, providing a
seamless experience across desktop, tablet, and mobile devices.

4. Constraints
The system shall comply with relevant data protection regulations,
including but not limited to GDPR (General Data Protection
Regulation) and CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act).
Integration with third-party services such as document conversion
APIs and social media platforms may be subject to their respective
terms of service and limitations.

5. Interfaces

User Interface: The system shall have a web-based user interface

accessible via standard web browsers.
API Interface: The system shall expose RESTful APIs for integration
with external applications and services.

6. DFD
DFD Level 0:
DFD level 1:level 1:

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