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The influence and control of

gases and their blends during

sintering of carbon steel parts
Guido Plicht, Air Products GmbH, Anna Wehr-
Aukland, Rana Ghosh, Diwakar Garg, Don Bowe,
Air Products and Chemicals Inc., Allentown/USA

This paper is published to encourage

the sharing and transfer of technical data.
Producers of sintered parts face 1. Introduction
higher challenges in their
production due to higher demands Heat treatment atmospheres were
on variation in mechanical discussed in several papers in the
properties of the parts going along past and are treated as “technical
with the pressure on reduced standards” in the sintering process
operating costs due to a of carbon steel parts. However, the
competitive market. The operator of sintering furnaces
composition and quality of the always faces challenges in
sintering atmosphere as well as material properties in the day-to-
the full understanding of the best day business due to atmosphere
way to use atmosphere issues. Typically these challenges
compositions thereby plays an are related to carburizing or
important role in both, the decarburizing of the steel parts,
influence on the final properties of resulting in undesired variations
the sintered parts as well as on the of mechanical parameters of the
specific operating and sintered parts as well as to
maintenance costs, such as the maintenance problems of the
belt life. This paper provides an furnace due to surface reactions of
overview about the influence of the transport belt with the
the atmosphere on the quality of sintering atmosphere or sintered
the sintered carbon steel parts and parts.
also provides ideas to improve the This paper will describe on a
performance of the furnace practical level the impact of
equipment such as the belt life to atmosphere components like
reduce maintenance costs. Carbon monoxide, Carbon dioxide,
Methane, Hydrogen and Moisture
and their gradients inside the
furnace on the part quality as well
as on the lifetime of the transport

As a protective atmosphere for the

sintering process of carbon steel,
some companies use an
endothermic generated
atmosphere. This atmosphere,
produced by an under
stoichiometric partial burning
process of natural gas or propane
with air, can be generated by 1)
external endothermic generators
supplying several furnaces, 2)
in-situ generators installed inside
the furnace or 3) by an
endothermic reactor installed on
top or inside of the furnace.
Compared with atmospheres
composed of technical gases, such
as nitrogen (N2) and hydrogen
(H2), these endo generated gases
have variations in produced gas
composition. Operating the
endogenerator to hard on the
hydrocarbon side to avoid
decarburization of the parts will
result in high maintenance efforts
and sooting problems with an
impact on the reliability on the
atmosphere supply. Using a higher
concentration of air (oxygen) to
reduce the danger of sooting
creates a lower carbon potential
and will decarburize the part
surfaces. For this reason, most
sintering companies now use
atmospheres based on a nitrogen
blend, mostly with hydrogen-levels
up to 5%. However, Nitrogen/Endo-
blends also deliver significant
advantages on the product quality
compared to pure Endo.

2. Impact of the Atmosphere

Composition on the
2.1. Thermodynamic
Figure 1: The Ellingham-Richardson- Diagram [1]

In general, sintering atmospheres 2 Me + O2 ó 2 MeO (3)

are used to prevent oxidation on 2 H2 + O2 ó 2 H2O (1) Me + H2O ó MeO + H2 K = pH2/pH2O (4)
the compact surface and to 2 CO + O2 ó 2 CO2 (2) Me + CO2 ó MeO + CO K = pCO/ pCO2 (5)
provide a bright surface finish. Air,
therefore, has to be purged from Reactions (4) and (5) show that the sintering than Iron.
the furnace and the remaining oxidising or reducing potential
Especially in the sintering process
traces of oxygen have to be always depends on the
of carbon steel, surface
reduced by a reactive component equilibrium of pH2/pH2O or pCO/
decarburisation has to be avoided.
in the atmosphere blend. However, pCO2 and not only on the amount
By producing water vapour or
the reducing reaction should not of oxidising components in
carbon dioxide in the furnace
produce too many oxidising and general. In atmospheres without
atmosphere, the operator has to
decarburising components such as reducing components or used at
ensure that the amount of these
moisture (H2O) (1) or carbon low furnace temperatures, the
decarburising components are not
dioxide (CO2) (2), so it is important amount of residual oxygen is
leading to decarburisation of the
to provide a sufficient flow rate of critical. The Ellingham-Richardson
steel surface according to the
a protective atmosphere to prevent Diagram [1] (Figure 1) therefore
following reactions (CS: carbon in
air ingress. It can be seen that heat shows the reaction equilibria for
steel surface):
treatment atmospheres always different types of metals. It can be
have residual amounts or traces of seen, that alloying elements like CS + H2O ó CO + H2 (6)
oxidising components. The Chromium, Silicon, Vanadium, CS + CO2 ó 2 CO (7)
following reactions can represent Manganese require a much higher CO + H2O ó CO2 + H2 (8)
the oxidation of metal (Me): ratio of H2/H2O for oxide free
Furthermore, it is important to
consider, that all gases stay in an
equilibrium (water-gas
equilibrium) (8)

Due to the high temperature in the

sintering zone, the amounts of CO2
and H2O in the endothermic
generated atmosphere have to be
very low to achieve the required
carbon potential for a neutral
atmosphere to the steel surface.
This has to be realised by
providing a sufficient amount of
CO and by reducing the
decarburising components with
additional introduction of
hydrocarbons into the furnace
(Reaction 9 and 10). However, to
make sure most of the moisture
will be converted into CO and H2 Figure 2: Equilibrium relations between dew point and temperature for gas
an overstoechiometric amount of carburising of γ-iron [2]
hydrocarbons is used, resulting in
unreacted CH4 and as well in components in the blend can be catalyst is already in worse
sooting. reduced down to less than 5% condition, but the residual CH4
(which is below the explosion might help in the furnace
CO2 + CH4 ó 2 CO + 2 H2 (9)
point). atmosphere to balance the carbon
H2O + CH4 ó CO + 3 H2 (10)
losses out of the material and to
2.2. Sintering Tests help reducing the moisture inside
Because the same atmosphere
Tests were done with different the high temperature zone of the
composition is also used in the
Endogas compositions and the furnace.
cooler sections of the sintering
furnace, this very often results in effect on the microstructure of Looking at the equilibrium carbon
sooting inside the furnace, carbon steel containing 0.74 potential calculations of the
depositing soot on the belt or the weight % carbon was evaluated: atmosphere composition of
parts. Figure 2 provides an
Table 1: Sintering atmospheres used in the tests
overview about the variation of
the carbon potential by using Generator 1 Generator 2 N2/ Endo N2/H2
endothermic generated CO/% 19 20 6 0
CO2/% 1,2 0,3 0,3 0
atmospheres at different
CH4/% 1,2 0,04 1,1 0
temperatures and compositions. H2/% 40 40 13 5
Dp/°C 21 1 -16 <-65°C
This thermodynamic process can
be simplified by using a dry The produced gas composition in
the generator 2 is based on the generator 1 and 2 (Figure 2) the
nitrogen/hydrogen atmosphere. In
optimal setting to avoid sooting, expected Carbon Potential in the
but also run on a reasonable low atmosphere composition in the
the driving force for
dew point and CO2 level, resulting high temperature zone of the
decarburisation is mainly related
in an optimal Carbon potential in furnace is far below the C-level of
to moisture created by air ingress
an equilibrium atmosphere the steel powder (0,74%C).
or vaporisation of water
containing residuals. Practically in condition in the retort of the To compensate the decarburising
most cases for sintering of carbon generator. Generator 1 operates on effect in the high temperature
steel, due to the low dew point of a high dew point, but has high zone, some operators introduce
technical gases the flammable residual CH4. This means the additional hydrocarbons in the hot
zone. This helps to balance the
carbon losses of the steel in
endothermic atmospheres at the
high temperature level, but results
in carburising and sooting in the
low temperature areas. Apart from
reactions with the parts, that
might also effect furnace
equipment like transport belts
(Chapter 3). This means in
endothermic generated
atmospheres a well balanced
atmosphere composition and
distribution is key for
homogeneous material properties.
Figure 2: Calculated carbon potential for generator 1 and 2 in the furnace related
In N2-Endo diluted atmospheres, to furnace temperature
this effect does not appear so
much, because of the far lower
dew point and thereby lower
decarburising tendency. The
carbon potential in the
atmosphere thereby is not such
important anymore, since there is
no carbon balance required to
compensate the effect of
decarburisation due to the higher
dew point.

In Nitrogen-Hydrogen
Atmospheres the whole effect of Figure 3: Microstructure of sintered parts in endothermic generated atmosphere
decarburisation is just based on
residual moisture. In atmospheres
below -30°C the decarburising
effect inside the sintering zone is
typically too slow to effect the
surface composition during the
sintering time.

2.3. Sintering of carbon steel,

test results

Sintering trials of carbon steel

compacts were carried out with
endothermic generated Figure 4: Microstructure of sintered parts in endothermic generated atmosphere
atmosphere, endothermic
generated atmosphere diluted the parts in Figure 4 shows a very decarburisation is an unacceptable
with dry nitrogen and nitrogen/5% severe or total surface high presence of moisture and
hydrogen atmospheres. Figure 3 decarburisation. This results in carbon dioxide, which results in a
and 4 show the microstructures of parts with lower surface hardness carbon pick-up out of the steel
parts, sintered in endothermic than desired and dimensional surface. The atmosphere
generated atmospheres. The bulk changes outside the desired range. composition, produced by an ideal
carbon content of the sintered bars As described in section 2.1., the endo generated atmosphere,
was 0,74%. The microstructure of reason for the surface contains less moisture and carbon
• Reduces Variations and Spread
in Physical Properties
(Dimensional Changes and
surface hardness, transfers
rupture strength)
• Improved microstructural
homogeneity and less surface
• Producing Components with
Stringent Specifications

Another improvement can be

achieved by Sintering in Nitrogen-
Figure 5: Microstructure of sintered parts in nitrogen diluted endo atmosphere
Hydrogen Atmosphere, whereas
the H2-level in sintering of carbon
steel can be reduced below 5%.
Parts treated in this atmosphere
have shown
• A tight spread inside the desired
physical properties range
• a uniform Microstructure

3. Effect of the Atmosphere

Composition on the Service
Life of Conveyor Belts
3.1. Material Degradation of a
Figure 6: Microstructure of dry nitrogen- 5%hydrogen atmosphere
Stainless Steel Belt in a
dioxide, which results in less carbon dioxide and a dew point of Sintering Furnace
pronounced partial surface <-65°C. Figure 6 shows the
decarburisation (Figure 4). microstructure of a sintered part Wire mesh belts, used to convey
in nitrogen/5% hydrogen- powder metal parts through
This partial decarburisation can be continuous sintering furnaces, are
atmosphere. It can be seen that
minimized by further reducing the commonly made of austenitic
surface decarburisation was totally
moisture and carbon dioxide level stainless steel (AISI type 314 or
in the atmosphere. Figure 5 shows 1.0314). Mechanical properties of
a microstructure of a part sintered 2.4. Summary of the atmo- the belt deteriorate during service
in endothermic atmosphere sphere comparison because of high temperature
diluted with dry nitrogen and material degradation, related to
hence having a significantly In principle all used atmospheres
creep, oxidation, carburization and
reduced moisture level. The can deliver acceptable sintering
nitridation [4-6]. Conveyor belts
decarburisation problem is nearly qualities. However, using purely
are usually removed from service
avoided. There is only a slight endothermic produced
due to excessive deformation or
surface decarburisation visible, atmospheres require a very
cracking of the wire spirals or
which can be explained by the sensitive atmosphere setup in the
relatively high carbon dioxide generator and control in the
level. However, the parts have furnace. Dilution with N2 can Carburization and nitridation of
shown improvements in hardness make endothermic generated austenitic stainless steel belts
and fulfilled the customer atmospheres more reliable. occurs in all sintering
requirements. A further increase of Significant improvements have atmospheres. Even though
quality can be realized using a dry been achieved in part quality by nitrogen-hydrogen atmospheres
nitrogen/5% hydrogen atmosphere dilution of Endogas with Nitrogen do not consist of carbon-bearing
having no carbon monoxide and resulting in: compounds, contrary to
endothermic atmospheres, the belt
(a) (b)
Figure 7: Microstructures of the belt spiral wire, backscattered electron images
(BEC): (a) from the endo atmosphere; (b) from nitrogen-hydrogen atmosphere

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 8: Distribution of carbon (yellow, a), nitrogen (red, b) and chromium (cyan, c) on the cross-section of the belt spiral
wire after 9 months of service in nitrogen-hydrogen atmosphere.

is always exposed to carbon- Figure 8. 3.2. Protective Effects of the

bearing compounds that form Dew Point Controlled
A surface layer of chromium oxide
during delubrication of powder Hydrogen-nitrogen
can considerably protect stainless
metal parts. Carbide and nitride Atmosphere
precipitation, resulting from steels from carburization and
nitridation and carburization, leads nitridation [6, 4]. However, the 3.2.1. Belt Trials
to material embrittlement [4-6]. oxides scales are destroyed in the
reducing environment of the high Two long-term belt trials were
An example of an extensively conducted in an industrial furnace
brittle belt after service in the heat zone of a sintering furnace
operating with a standard to compare the effects of two
endothermic atmosphere is shown nitrogen-hydrogen atmospheres
in Figure 7a. Examinations nitrogen-hydrogen atmosphere.
The belt material experiences on service-related belt degradation.
conducted by scanning electron The high heat zone temperature of
microscopy (SEM), combined with cyclic oxidation and reduction
within the furnace, as it is reduced the furnace was 1129 °C. The first
energy dispersive x-ray trial was carried out using
microanalysis (EDX), indicate that in the high heat zone and
re-oxidized in the lower standard nitrogen-6 % hydrogen
the precipitated particles are atmosphere. The dew point of this
chromium-rich carbides (light temperature, more oxidizing
cooling zone. However, the oxide atmosphere in the high heat zone
gray) and chromium-rich of the furnace was -51 °C. The
carbonitrides (dark gray). reduction in high heat zone of the
furnace can be eliminated by second trial was conducted using a
An example of a belt after about 9 controlled increase of moisture newly developed humidification
months of service in the nitrogen- content of a nitrogen-hydrogen system. In this test, the dew point
6%hydrogen atmosphere is shown sintering atmosphere, which will of the nitrogen-6 % hydrogen
in Figure 7b. SEM/EDX result in increased service life of a atmosphere in the high heat zone
examinations indicate that the conveyor belt [3]. of the furnace was maintained in
particles that precipitated on grain the range of -40 to -37 °C. This dew
boundaries and within grains are point range was selected based on
chromium-rich carbonitrides, the oxidation-reduction diagram
for the Fe-23Cr-19Ni system and The material examinations particles as well as length of
pure iron, which was calculated included microstructure analysis, continuous chains of particles
using FactSage™ software [7]. The tensile tests, microhardness tests increased with time. The
diagram in Figure 9 shows that the and analysis of nitrogen and concentration of particles and the
dew point of -40 to -37 °C, which carbon concentrations. length of continuous chains of
was maintained throughout the particles are higher in the
Routine quality control procedures specimens from the standard
second trial, was oxidizing to the
for sintered compacts did not atmosphere after the same time of
stainless steel belt at the sintering
reveal any nonconformance service, Figure 10. So, the
temperature of 1129 °C and at the
related to the increased moisture deterioration of the belt from the
same time was reducing to the
content of the sintering standard atmosphere is more
sintered metal powder materials
atmosphere. Statistical analysis of advanced than the deterioration of
(point B in Figure 9). The position
the data for two part types made the belt from the humidified
of point A in Figure 9 corresponds
of nickel steel containing 0.5 atmosphere.
to the dew point and temperature
weight % carbon did not detect
of the standard furnace
any significant difference in the The phenomena causing
atmosphere in the high heat zone.
apparent hardness and degradation of both belts included
The conditions indicated by point
dimensions after sintering in the internal oxidation of chromium,
A are reducing to the austenitic
modified atmosphere, as compared manganese and silicon. An
stainless steel belt.
to the standard nitrogen-hydrogen example of surface and subsurface
The two belts that were used in atmosphere. zone of the wire, containing
the trials were made of the same internal oxidation of chromium,
3.2.2. Material Examination manganese and silicon is shown in
type steel (AISI type 314). Both
Results Figure 11. Overall, the depth of
belts had the same designation
BEF-36-10-8-10, which stands for The material examinations of internal oxidation for the belt from
balanced extra flat weave with 36 samples taken from the two belts the modified atmosphere was
spiral loops per foot of width and that were tested in the standard about half that for the belt from
10 cross-rods per foot of length, 8 and humidified atmospheres the standard atmosphere, Figure
gauge rod and 10 gauge spiral. revealed the following. Chromium 12.
or chromium-rich carbonitrides Surface oxide scales of both belts
Service-related belt degradation
have been detected in the consisted of chromium and
was evaluated based on material
microstructures of the both belts. manganese oxides. However, a
examinations of the samples taken
The concentration and size of less protective iron-rich outer
at 4, 7, 8 and 11 months of service.
oxide layer was observed on the
belt from the standard
atmosphere. No iron-rich outer
oxide layer was observed on the
belt from the humidified
atmosphere. This is an indication
of a more protective oxide scale on
the belt from the modified
atmosphere [8].

The depth of chromium-depleted

zones in the subsurface was
deeper in the belt from the
standard atmosphere. The average
combined carbon and nitrogen
concentrations and the rate of
concentration increase with time
were higher for the belt from the
Figure 9: Oxidation-reduction diagram for Fe-23Cr-19Ni system and pure iron standard atmosphere [8].
under partial pressure of hydrogen equal to 6079.5 Pa (0.06 atm).
(a) (b)
Figure 10: Central areas of belt wires after 8 months of service, axial cross-sections,
BEC: (a) belt from standard atmosphere; (b) belt from humidified atmosphere.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Figure 11: Surface and subsurface region of the wire from the belt after 11 months of service in the humidified atmosphere: (a) BEC;
(b) overlay of chromium on BEC; (c) overlay of manganese on BEC; (d) overlay of silicon on BEC; (e) overlay of oxygen on BEC.

(a) (b)
Figure 12: Internal oxidation in the subsurface region of belt spiral wire after 11
months of service, transverse cross-section, BEC: (a) standard atmosphere; (b)
humidified atmosphere.

The strength of the belt material 3.2.3. Benefits of Modified • More protective surface oxide
decreased with time of service and Nitrogen-Hydrogen Atmosphere scales
was significantly higher for the versus Standard Nitrogen- • No reduction of the protective
belt from the modified Hydrogen Atmosphere surface oxide scales
atmosphere. Assuming that the • Higher tensile strength and
• Lower concentration of particles;
tensile strength is the main factor elongation; lower rate of tensile
shorter chains on grain
in determining service life, the strength reduction
modified atmosphere increased • The effects listed above result in
• Lower nitrogen pickup
the service life by about 30 % [8]. extended service life of
• Lower depth of internal conveyor belts used in
oxidation humidified nitrogen-hydrogen
• Lower depth of chromium- atmospheres
depleted zone
4. Conclusions Acknowledgement
The evaluation of sintered parts We would like to acknowledge Mr.
under several types of standard Anthony M. Zaffuto, President of
sintering atmospheres has shown Metaltech, Inc. Dubois, PA and Mr.
that the highest quality results Jeremy Gabler from Metaltech for
were produced in a dry nitrogen/ their support of the humidification
<5%H2- atmosphere. This is related technology field testing, for
to a very low dew point, resulting providing samples of the belts for
in a limited driving force for material examinations, and for
decarburization as well as the quality control results in relation
elimination of carbon species like to parts sintering.
carbon monoxide and
hydrocarbons, resulting in sooting.
However, the strongly reducing
atmosphere destroys the
protective surface oxide scales on
the transport belt of the furnace.
Although high surface quality
parts are produced in this
atmosphere, the service life of the
transport belt is not optimal.

The results of belt tests in an

industrial furnace using nitrogen-
hydrogen atmospheres showed
that the service life of a belt could
be extended by increasing the
moisture content of the sintering
atmosphere. The belt used in the
humidified atmosphere was better
protected from high temperature
oxidation, nitridation and
carburization, which delayed the
material degradation leading to
the belt failure. A 30 % increase in
belt life was attributed to the
protective oxide scales that were
maintained on the belt surface in
the nitrogen-hydrogen atmosphere
modified using our newly
developed humidification system.

The described work shows that the

set-up and control of the sintering
furnace atmosphere is the key to
producing parts with stringent
high quality properties and can
also be used to lower operating
costs by reducing the maintenance
efforts as achieved by extending
the service life of a conveyor belt.
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[4] H. J. Grabke, Carburization – A

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[5] G. Y. Lai, High Temperature

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[6] S. R. Pillai, “High Temperature

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