Vocabulary 1 (10 Dec)

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‭Words that I do not know:‬

‭Enticed: Attracted or tempted to do something‬

‭Ensconced: Settled comfortably in a cozy place‬

‭ aricatures: Funny drawings that exaggerate features to make people‬


‭ xponent: Someone who represents or speaks for an idea or way of‬

‭doing things‬

‭Abduct: To take someone away by force‬

‭ rescendo: A gradual increase in volume or intensity, like music‬

‭getting louder‬

‭Intersection: The place where two roads or paths cross‬

‭Theoretical: Based on ideas or thinking, not always proven‬

‭Responsive: Quick to react or answer‬

‭ orruption: Being dishonest or doing things that are not right for‬
‭personal gain‬

‭Deficiency: Not having enough of something‬

‭Inadequacy: Not being good enough or not having what is needed‬

‭Oncologist: A doctor who helps people with cancer‬

‭Benign: Not harmful, like a friendly thing‬

‭ adiologist: A doctor who looks at pictures of the inside of the body to‬
‭help with health‬

‭Neurologist: A doctor who helps with problems in the brain and nerves‬

‭Noxious: Harmful or not good for health‬

‭Malignant: Harmful, especially talking about a sickness like cancer‬

‭Treacherous: Dangerous and not to be trusted‬

‭Sedentary: Doing a lot of sitting and not much moving‬

‭Hindered: Being slowed down or stopped by something‬

‭Impertinent: Being rude or disrespectful‬

‭Pacify: To calm or soothe someone or a situation‬

‭Assuage: To make something less intense or severe‬

‭Flecked: Covered with small spots or marks‬

‭Imposing: Something that looks impressive and powerful‬

‭Statuesque: Having a tall and shapely form‬

‭Flimsy: Easily damaged or weak‬

‭Malnourished: Not getting enough healthy food, leading to poor health‬

‭Haggard: Looking tired and worn out‬

‭Emaciated: Extremely thin due to lack of proper nutrition‬

‭Attributes: Qualities or characteristics of a person or thing‬

‭Discreet: Being careful and not drawing attention to oneself‬

‭Notable: Worthy of attention or being noticed‬

‭Prominent: Standing out and easily seen‬

‭Receding: Moving away or becoming more distant‬

‭Petite: Small and dainty in a pleasing way‬

‭Dainty: Delicate and small, often in a pleasing way‬

‭Immaculately: Extremely clean or tidy‬

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