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Monthly Dataset

The monthly dataset is at the core of most PowerReports available in Envizi.

It is also the standard dataset used to build most client custom reports.
Becoming familiar with this dataset will allow you to have confidence in
confirming the feasibility of client asks and accelerate the speed at which
you can build custom reports.

The dataset refreshes nightly, outside of business hours, so a client can

expect to see their data reflected within PowerReport the day after it was
loaded or modified.

There are two types of tables in the dataset. The first type contains data
points from the platform. It is standard and will look the same regardless of
region or associate. Some examples of those tables include Emissions, Cost
or Native Units. The second type of table is dynamic and responsive to
platform configuration. This allows the dataset to ingest unique
configurable entities like Targets, Ratios and Data Type Groups. The fields
in these tables will directly correspond to any Ratios or Targets configured
in the platform and appear unique across different associates. Just like
standard data, you can expect changes in the platform to be reflected in
PowerReports the day after the changes were made, following the overnight
refresh. For a complete list of tables and fields, visit the Glossary linked at
the end of this article.

The monthly dataset aggregates data from the platform at the monthly
level. They continue to aggregate if grouped by quarter or year. While this is
useful for most types of data, e.g. consumption or emissions, be mindful of
this when displaying data that should not aggregate (e.g. floor area, asset
worth or any other dynamic value).

The dataset contains a unique set of fields which are shifted forward by 12
months, allowing you to draw direct comparisons between current and
previous year. They are post-fixed with “PY” and exist in most
consumption-based tables, such as Energy, Emissions, Cost or Native Units.
They are accompanied by a pre-calculated metric of variance, both as an
absolute value ([Metric] Variance) and as a percentage ([Metric] Variance

Take time to familiarize yourself with the dataset structure and data table
relationships. They will inform the cross-filtering capabilities of a report.

For a complete and up-to-date view of the dataset's current capabilities,

visit the Envizi Knowledge base MDS Glossary at

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