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TIME 10.30 AM - 12.30 DAY/DATE Monday, 18 March

PM 2024

UNIT 7 CLASS Section 1

TOPIC/THEME Penentangan NO. OF 30

Masyarakat Tempatan STUDENTS


1. Asked to understand what is meant by local community resistance, including

definitions, causes, and consequences.
2. Study the events of resistance to oppression by the authorities or certain groups in the
local community, such as resistance to the government or unjust government.
3. Learn about the figures and movements that lead or are involved in the resistance of the
local community. This could include political leaders, activists, or social movements.
4. Asked to understand the strategies used by the local community in resisting
colonization or oppression.
5. Asked to evaluate the influence and consequences of the local community's resistance
to political, social, and economic developments in a historical context.


1. Textbook
2. Comics (see Appendix)
3. Handouts with mind maps (see Appendix)


At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

1. Understand the concept of local community resistance, including the factors that drive
it and its impact.
2. Analyze historical events related to local community resistance, both at the local and
national levels.
3. Identify the figures and movements involved in the resistance of the local community,
as well as understand their role and contribution in historical events.
4. Evaluate various strategies and tactics used by local communities in fighting
oppression or colonization.
5. Understand the impact and consequences of local community resistance to political,
social, and economic developments in the past and present.
6. Develop a sense of appreciation for the struggle and courage of individuals and groups
in fighting injustice and oppression.

Set Induction
Break the class into five groups assigned in the previous class.
● Each group is assigned an important historical figure of the resistance, i.e. Dol Said,
Teluk Bahaman, Rentap, Datuk Maharajalela, Tok Janggut.
● Each group is given handouts with mind maps and comics.

Learning Session
1. Students will be introduced to the early resistance of Malays against British policies
and oppression towards local communities.
2. Each group will simulate the events that occurred according to their historical figure by
3. After each group’s role-play, the teacher conducts a QnA session so that all other
students can learn and understand the other topics.

1. The teacher will summarise each event of resistance for each historical figure.
2. The teacher will give a token of appreciation to each group for their role-play efforts.


Figure 1. Comic
Figure 2. Handouts with mind maps

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