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# Features of Academic Writing || GRADE 7 || MELC-based VIDEO LESSON | QUARTER 4 |

00:00:00.960 time check

00:00:02.240 it's english o'clock
00:00:08.130 [Music]
00:00:15.040 english teacher nihuan
00:00:17.200 [Music]
00:00:21.680 i made learning english easy for you
00:00:24.800 please like comment and subscribe
00:00:35.600 good day everyone it's the beginning of
00:00:38.399 another quarter the fourth and final
00:00:41.280 quarter
00:00:42.840 yay come and join me again in this new
00:00:45.760 episode where i will discuss your first
00:00:48.320 lesson about
00:00:50.079 features of academic writing
00:00:53.590 [Music]
00:00:58.559 the target most essential learning
00:01:00.559 competency for this video is
00:01:03.680 distinguishing features of academic
00:01:06.320 writing
00:01:10.000 writing is a basic skill that one must
00:01:12.560 learn
00:01:13.360 and when we say writing basically this
00:01:16.720 means
00:01:17.759 the process of using symbols letters of
00:01:20.720 the alphabet punctuation and spaces to
00:01:23.920 communicate thoughts and ideas in a
00:01:25.920 readable form
00:01:27.600 this is the first thing about writing
00:01:29.840 that is taught in school
00:01:32.159 but academic writing is far more than
00:01:34.960 this
00:01:36.159 academic writing is arguably the most
00:01:39.360 important skill in academic context
00:01:42.320 since writing is the main method of
00:01:44.479 academic communication
00:01:46.720 it is also the most difficult skill for
00:01:49.280 most students to master
00:01:51.759 so let's define academic writing
00:01:57.439 what is academic writing
00:02:00.159 academic writing is writing which
00:02:02.719 communicates ideas
00:02:04.960 information and research to the wider
00:02:07.759 academic community
00:02:10.000 academic writing is a formal style of
00:02:12.239 writing used in universities and
00:02:14.879 scholarly publications
00:02:17.280 academic writing follows the same
00:02:19.440 writing process as other types of texts
00:02:22.800 but it has specific conventions in terms
00:02:25.920 of content
00:02:27.280 structure and style
00:02:49.599 research paper and dissertation
00:02:55.280 academic writing is divided into two
00:02:57.920 types
00:02:59.280 student academic writing
00:03:01.840 this is used as a form of assessment at
00:03:04.319 university
00:03:05.599 as well as at schools as preparation for
00:03:08.480 university study
00:03:10.480 teachers and professors are the ones who
00:03:12.879 read this
00:03:14.400 the general purpose is to present
00:03:16.840 information to display a clear
00:03:19.360 understanding of a particular topic
00:03:21.680 [Music]
00:03:23.120 expert academic writing
00:03:25.840 it is writing that is intended for
00:03:28.000 publication in an academic journal or
00:03:30.840 book this is used by other experts in
00:03:33.840 the field and its purpose is to create
00:03:36.640 knowledge
00:03:38.319 both types of academic writing student
00:03:41.280 and expert are expected to adhere to the
00:03:44.560 same standards which can be difficult
00:03:47.120 for students to master
00:03:51.760 types of academic text that requires
00:03:54.400 academic writing
00:03:56.400 1.
00:03:57.599 essay
00:03:58.959 a fairly short self-contained argument
00:04:02.319 often using sources from a class in
00:04:05.200 response to a question provided by an
00:04:07.920 instructor
00:04:09.760 two
00:04:10.879 research paper
00:04:13.040 a more in-depth investigation based on
00:04:16.238 independent research
00:04:18.160 often in response to a question chosen
00:04:20.959 by the student
00:04:23.120 three
00:04:24.240 physicist or dissertation
00:04:26.960 the large final research project
00:04:29.680 undertaken at the end of degree
00:04:32.240 usually on a topic of the student's
00:04:34.400 choice
00:04:36.400 four
00:04:37.360 research proposal
00:04:39.520 an outline of a potential topic and plan
00:04:42.240 for a future dissertation or research
00:04:45.040 project
00:04:48.720 5. literature review
00:04:51.759 a critical synthesis of existing
00:04:54.000 research on a topic
00:04:55.759 usually written in order to inform the
00:04:58.320 approach of a new piece of research
00:05:01.759 6.
00:05:02.880 lab report
00:05:04.560 a write-up of the aims methods results
00:05:08.400 and conclusions of a lab experiment
00:05:12.320 7.
00:05:13.520 annotated bibliography
00:05:16.000 a list of source referenced with a short
00:05:18.479 description or evaluation of each source
00:05:24.880 now let's talk about the features of
00:05:27.680 academic writing
00:05:30.260 [Music]
00:05:31.759 academic writing is
00:05:34.400 formal and unbiased
00:05:36.380 [Music]
00:05:42.240 academic writing aims to convey
00:05:44.320 information in an impartial way
00:05:47.520 it is objective
00:05:49.600 the goal is to base arguments on the
00:05:52.000 evidence under consideration
00:05:54.479 not the author's preconceptions
00:05:57.600 all claims should be supported with
00:05:59.919 relevant evidence
00:06:01.600 not just asserted
00:06:07.120 to avoid bias it's important to
00:06:10.000 represent the work of other researchers
00:06:12.560 and the results of your own research
00:06:14.880 fairly and accurately
00:06:17.280 this means clearly outlining your
00:06:19.919 methodology and being honest about the
00:06:22.880 limitations of your research
00:06:25.680 since academic writing is a formal
00:06:27.759 writing
00:06:28.800 it's important to strike the right tone
00:06:31.280 with your language
00:06:32.840 choices avoid informal language
00:06:35.840 including slang contractions cliches and
00:06:39.759 conversational phrases
00:06:42.319 improper
00:06:43.759 also a lot of the findings are a little
00:06:46.639 unreliable
00:06:48.720 proper
00:06:50.080 moreover
00:06:51.520 many of the findings are somewhat
00:06:53.759 unreliable
00:06:58.080 clear and precise
00:07:00.479 it's important to use clear and precise
00:07:03.360 language to ensure that your reader
00:07:06.240 knows exactly what you mean
00:07:08.880 this means
00:07:10.160 being as specific as possible and
00:07:12.960 avoiding vague language
00:07:15.680 improper
00:07:17.680 people have been interested in this
00:07:19.840 thing for a long time
00:07:22.560 proper
00:07:23.919 researchers have been interested in this
00:07:26.720 phenomenon for at least 10 years
00:07:30.400 avoid hedging your claims with words
00:07:32.560 like perhaps
00:07:34.319 as this can give the impression that you
00:07:36.800 lack confidence in your arguments
00:07:39.759 reflect on your word choice to ensure it
00:07:42.720 accurately and directly conveys your
00:07:44.800 meaning
00:07:46.319 improper
00:07:47.919 this could perhaps suggest that
00:07:51.680 proper
00:07:53.039 this suggests that
00:07:58.000 specialist language or jargon is common
00:08:01.120 and often necessary in academic writing
00:08:04.319 which generally targets an audience of
00:08:06.960 other academics in related fields
00:08:10.080 however
00:08:11.520 jargon should be used to make your
00:08:13.360 writing more concise and accurate
00:08:16.319 not to make it more complicated
00:08:19.199 a specialist term should be used when
00:08:22.800 it conveys information more precisely
00:08:25.840 than a comparable non-specialist term
00:08:29.680 your reader is likely to be familiar
00:08:32.000 with the term
00:08:33.919 the term is commonly used by other
00:08:36.159 researchers in your field
00:08:38.880 the best way to familiarize yourself
00:08:41.039 with the kind of jargon used in your
00:08:43.200 field is to read papers by other
00:08:45.680 researchers and pay attention to their
00:08:48.320 language
00:08:52.640 focused and well-structured
00:08:55.519 an academic text is not just a
00:08:57.760 collection of ideas about a topic
00:09:00.720 it needs to have a clear purpose
00:09:03.680 start with a relevant research question
00:09:06.160 or thesis statement and use it to
00:09:08.880 develop a focused argument
00:09:11.680 only include information that is
00:09:13.920 relevant to your overall purpose
00:09:16.959 a coherent structure is crucial to
00:09:19.440 organize your
00:09:20.839 ideas pay attention to structure at
00:09:23.839 three levels
00:09:25.440 the structure of the whole text
00:09:27.839 paragraph structure and sentence
00:09:30.399 structure
00:09:32.560 overall structure
00:09:35.040 always include an introduction and a
00:09:37.519 conclusion
00:09:39.200 divide longer texts into chapters or
00:09:42.000 sections with clear headings
00:09:45.200 make sure information is presented in a
00:09:47.920 logical order
00:09:50.320 paragraph structure
00:09:52.480 start a new paragraph when you move on
00:09:55.200 to a new idea
00:09:57.519 use a topic sentence at the start of
00:09:59.839 each paragraph to indicate what it's
00:10:02.399 about and make clear transitions between
00:10:05.279 paragraphs
00:10:07.200 make sure every paragraph is relevant to
00:10:09.760 your argument or question
00:10:11.790 [Music]
00:10:13.200 sentence structure
00:10:15.600 use transition words to express the
00:10:17.760 connections between different ideas
00:10:20.640 within and between sentences
00:10:23.680 use appropriate punctuation to avoid
00:10:26.560 sentence fragments or run on sentences
00:10:29.920 use a variety of sentence lengths and
00:10:32.720 structures
00:10:33.530 [Music]
00:10:36.640 well-sourced
00:10:38.320 academic writing uses sources to support
00:10:41.200 its claims
00:10:42.880 sources or other texts or media objects
00:10:46.079 like photographs or films
00:10:48.240 that the author analyzes or uses as
00:10:50.959 evidence
00:10:52.320 many of their sources will be written by
00:10:54.560 other academics academic writing is
00:10:57.360 collaborative and builds on previous
00:10:59.839 research
00:11:01.360 it's important to consider which sources
00:11:04.320 are credible and appropriate to use in
00:11:07.200 academic writing
00:11:09.120 for example
00:11:10.959 citing wikipedia is typically
00:11:13.120 discouraged
00:11:14.800 don't rely on websites for information
00:11:18.320 instead use academic databases and your
00:11:22.079 university library to find credible
00:11:24.399 sources
00:11:26.399 you must always cite your sources in
00:11:29.200 academic writing
00:11:31.040 this means acknowledging whenever you
00:11:33.839 quote or paraphrase some someone else's
00:11:36.720 work
00:11:37.519 by including a citation in the text and
00:11:40.560 a reference list at the end
00:11:43.600 here is an example
00:11:45.760 apa citation example
00:11:48.480 in text citation
00:11:50.720 elsewhere it has been argued that the
00:11:53.360 method is the best currently available
00:11:56.480 that is according to smith 2019 page 25
00:12:00.800 reference list
00:12:02.560 smith j 2019
00:12:05.200 statistical analysis methods second
00:12:08.000 edition new york norton
00:12:11.519 there are many different citation styles
00:12:13.839 with different rules
00:12:15.519 the the most common styles are apa mla
00:12:19.519 and chicago
00:12:21.120 make sure to consistently follow
00:12:23.200 whatever style your institution requires
00:12:26.480 if you don't cite correctly you may get
00:12:28.959 in trouble for plagiarism
00:12:32.079 you can easily create accurate citations
00:12:34.720 in apa la style using citation
00:12:38.240 generators
00:12:39.720 [Music]
00:12:43.040 correct and consistent
00:12:45.839 as well as following the rules of
00:12:47.839 grammar punctuation and citation it's
00:12:51.279 important to consistently apply
00:12:53.760 stylistic conventions regarding
00:12:56.880 how to write numbers
00:12:59.200 introducing abbreviations
00:13:02.240 using verb tenses in different sections
00:13:06.079 capitalization of terms and headings
00:13:10.240 spelling and punctuation differences
00:13:12.720 between british and american english
00:13:16.320 in some cases
00:13:18.079 there are several acceptable approaches
00:13:20.720 that you can choose between
00:13:22.959 the most important thing is to apply the
00:13:25.519 same rules consistently
00:13:27.839 and to carefully proofread your text
00:13:30.480 before you submit
00:13:32.399 magikmaingatsa
00:13:42.720 m
00:13:48.560 academic writing is not
00:13:51.120 personal
00:13:52.560 academic writing generally tries to
00:13:55.040 avoid being too personal
00:13:57.600 information about the author may come in
00:14:00.480 at some points for example in the
00:14:03.360 acknowledgments or in a personal
00:14:05.360 reflection
00:14:06.720 but for the most part the text should
00:14:09.839 focus on the research itself
00:14:12.720 always avoid addressing the reader
00:14:14.880 directly with the second person pronoun
00:14:17.600 you
00:14:18.720 use the impersonal pronoun one or an
00:14:22.160 alternate phrasing instead for
00:14:24.000 generalizations
00:14:26.240 incorrect
00:14:27.760 as a teacher
00:14:29.279 you must treat your students fairly
00:14:32.639 correct
00:14:34.240 as a teacher
00:14:35.760 one must treat one students fairly
00:14:39.360 correct
00:14:40.880 teachers must treat their students
00:14:43.040 fairly
00:14:44.720 the use of the first person pronoun i is
00:14:47.920 to be similarly discouraged in academic
00:14:50.560 writing
00:14:51.680 but it is increasingly accepted in many
00:14:54.320 fields
00:14:55.519 if you're unsure whether to use the
00:14:57.440 first person pay attention to
00:14:59.839 conventions in your field or ask your
00:15:02.560 instructor
00:15:04.480 when you refer to yourself it should be
00:15:07.040 for a good reason good reason
00:15:09.279 you can position yourself and describe
00:15:11.600 what you did during the research
00:15:14.000 but
00:15:14.800 avoid arbitrarily inserting your
00:15:17.120 personal thoughts and feelings
00:15:19.920 do not use phrases like
00:15:22.240 in my opinion
00:15:24.079 i think that i like or dislike
00:15:28.160 instead use the following like
00:15:31.279 i conducted interviews with
00:15:34.079 i argue that
00:15:35.839 i hope to
00:15:38.839 achieve academic writing is not
00:15:42.560 long-winded
00:15:44.320 many students think their writing is not
00:15:46.880 academic unless it is over-complicated
00:15:49.839 and long-winded
00:15:51.759 this isn't a good approach instead
00:15:55.040 aim to be as concise and direct as
00:15:58.079 possible
00:15:59.340 [Music]
00:16:06.639 if a term can be cut or replaced with a
00:16:09.440 more straightforward one without
00:16:11.600 affecting your meaning it should be
00:16:16.000 tang
00:16:18.720 avoid london phrasings in your text
00:16:21.440 and try replacing phrasal verbs with
00:16:23.680 their one word equivalence where
00:16:25.519 possible
00:16:27.120 improper
00:16:28.959 interest in this phenomenon carried on
00:16:31.680 in the year 2018
00:16:34.240 proper
00:16:35.680 interest in this phenomenon continued in
00:16:38.480 2018
00:16:40.800 repetition is a part of academic writing
00:16:43.839 for example
00:16:45.279 summarizing earlier information in the
00:16:47.759 conclusion
00:16:56.000 make sure that none of your sentences
00:16:58.560 are repeat a point you've already made
00:17:00.880 in different words
00:17:02.600 [Music]
00:17:06.000 academic writing is not emotive and
00:17:09.359 grandiose
00:17:10.880 an academic text is not the same thing
00:17:13.439 as a literary journalistic or marketing
00:17:16.400 text
00:17:17.520 though you're still trying to be
00:17:19.199 persuasive a lot of techniques from
00:17:21.760 these styles are not appropriate in an
00:17:24.480 academic context
00:17:26.400 specifically you should avoid appeals to
00:17:29.200 emotion and inflated claims though you
00:17:32.559 may be writing about a topic that is
00:17:34.559 sensitive or important to you
00:17:36.880 the point of academic writing is to
00:17:39.280 clearly communicate ideas information
00:17:42.640 and arguments
00:17:44.240 not to inspire emotional response
00:17:47.440 avoid using emotive or subjective
00:17:49.840 language
00:17:51.600 improper
00:17:53.120 this horrible tragedy was obviously one
00:17:56.320 of the worst catastrophes in
00:17:58.240 construction history
00:18:00.720 proper
00:18:02.160 the injury and mortality rates of this
00:18:04.640 accident were among the highest in
00:18:07.200 construction history
00:18:10.240 students are sometimes tempted to make
00:18:12.720 the case for their topic with
00:18:14.559 exaggerated unsupported claims and
00:18:17.600 flowery language
00:18:19.440 stick to specific grounded arguments
00:18:22.080 that you can support with evidence and
00:18:24.400 do not overstate your point
00:18:27.360 improper
00:18:29.039 charles dickens is the greatest writer
00:18:31.360 of the victorian period and his
00:18:33.679 influence on all subsequent literature
00:18:36.240 is enormous
00:18:37.300 [Music]
00:18:38.640 proper
00:18:40.160 charles dickens is one of the best-known
00:18:42.480 writers of the victorian period
00:18:44.960 and has had a significant influence on
00:18:47.440 the development of the english novel
00:18:50.430 [Music]
00:18:52.240 so to summarize this lesson use this
00:18:55.280 checklist to assess whether you have
00:18:57.520 followed the rules of effective academic
00:18:59.760 writing
00:19:01.440 i avoid informal terms and contractions
00:19:05.120 i avoid second person pronouns you
00:19:08.960 i avoid emotive or exaggerated language
00:19:13.039 i avoid redundant words and phrases
00:19:16.559 i avoid unnecessary jargon and define
00:19:19.360 terms where needed
00:19:21.520 i present information as precisely and
00:19:24.400 accurately as possible
00:19:26.960 i use appropriate transitions to show
00:19:29.520 the connections between my ideas
00:19:32.559 my text is logically organized using
00:19:35.200 paragraphs
00:19:36.720 each paragraph is focused on a single
00:19:39.280 idea expressed in a clear topic sentence
00:19:43.760 every part of the text relates to my
00:19:45.919 central thesis or research questions
00:19:49.520 i support my claims with evidence
00:19:52.960 i use the appropriate verb tense in each
00:19:55.520 section
00:19:57.200 i consistently use either british or
00:19:59.679 american english
00:20:01.600 i format numbers consistently
00:20:04.640 i cite my sources using consistent
00:20:07.200 citation style
00:20:08.820 [Music]
00:20:10.400 so did you learn something today
00:20:12.880 should i call it a nosebleed
00:20:15.600 if you want more of this video tutorial
00:20:17.919 and learn english in a light speed
00:20:20.559 wakka limu mug subscribe and turn on a
00:20:23.200 notification button
00:20:25.200 updated
00:20:26.640 lessons
00:20:29.679 an english teacher in iwan
00:20:31.919 class dismissed
00:20:33.440 see ya
00:20:35.710 [Music]

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