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Item Analysis:

● This is conducted by teachers or the administrator to measure the learning of the students.
● To start the procedure, the administrator will tally the correct and incorrect answers of the students.
● It can help the teacher know what lesson or topic they will be focusing on.
● This will also benefit the students by helping them improve their weaknesses.

Item-Difficulty Index
● Item difficulty index is a measure of how easy or hard a test question is for students.
● If a lot of students got the correct answer in exam then it shows the test is easy, but if majority got incorrect
answer the test is hard

Item Reliability Index

● It provides an indication of the internal consistency of the test.
● The higher the index, the greater the internal consistency
● It help to measures the consistency or reliability of individual items within a test or
● questionnaire.
● It measure using Cronbach Alpha

● Let's say we have a test with 20 items, and we want to calculate the item reliability index for one specific item,
item 5.
● Using Cronbach Alpha you solve the reliability of item 5. After computing the data showed a 0.86 which is quite
high, since it got very good in the index which means item 5 is a reliable question. However if the item got 0.40
below the question should be revised or removed.

Reliability Index
.81 - .99 - Very Good
.61 - .80 - Good
.41 - .60 - Fair
.21 - .40 - Poor
.01 - .20 - Very Poor

Item Validity Index

● It is a statistic designed to provide an indication of the degree to which a test is measuring what it
purports(claim to be) to measure.
● the higher the item validity index, the greater the test's criterion-related validity.
● It assesses the extent to which each item accurately reflects what it is supposed to measure.

In assessing students' mathematical abilities, a test includes an item asking them to solve a quadratic equation. By
analyzing the item validity index, test administrators ensure that this question effectively measures the students'
proficiency in quadratic equations, aligning with the intended mathematical construct. High item validity indicates
that the item accurately reflects the students' understanding of quadratic functions, thus contributing to the overall
validity of the assessment.

Item Discrimination Index

From the word Discrimination we discriminate the higher- performing and lower performing participants. Is a
statistical measure used in item analysis to assess the ability of an individual test item to discriminate between
percent of correct responses in the upper group and the percent of correct responses in the lower group on the
overall test or assessment. It indicates how effectively an item distinguishes between individuals who score high
overall on the test and those who score low.

Discrimination Index is typically Calculated using;

1. Point-biserial correlation coefficient – Dichotomous is a divided item (example: true or false or
multiple-choice questions) with two responses. It measures the correlation between each individual’s scores
on the item (correct or incorrect) and test scores.
2. Biserial Correlation Coefficient- This is used for Items with two categories (Correct / Incorrect or yes / no)
where one category is considered the correct response. It measures the correlation between the raw scores
on the item and the total test scores.

The item discrimination Index typically ranges from -1 to +1

• A positives value indicates that participants who score higher on the overall test are more likely to answer the
Item correctly

(Good Discrimination)

• A negative value indicates that participants who score higher on the overall test are more likely to answer the
Item incorrectly.

(Poor Discrimination)

• A value close to zero suggests that the item does not effectively discriminate between higher and lower
performing participants.

Item Characteristic Curves (ICCs)

Or also known as Characteristics Function, are graphical representations used in the Items response theory (IRT)
to illustrate the relationship between an Items difficulty level and the probability of a correct
response/discrimination. They are commonly used in the development and evaluation of tests and assessment in
educational and psychological measurement.

We have two Items:

1. Easy item: The ICC will shift to the left along the ability axis indicating that many people will likely to get the
Item correct.
2. Difficult item: The ICC will shift to the right along the horizontal axis indicating the fewer people will answer
the Item correctly.

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