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Banyumas| 085742788511

I am Almas Imtiyaz Rihadatul Aisy, 22 years old. Sebelas Maret University Graduates with an Index
CumulativeAchievement (GPA) 3.76 out of 4.00 on the maximum scale. I own ability in writeand editing book
manuscripts. Succeeded in improving the quality of the publisher in terms of language editing. From the results
of my writingskillsI was able to achieve achievements in national-level scientific work competitions. Then have
ability in communicate in offering A product and improve sal everythe month. Apart from that, in terms of my
communication skills, I became a mentor for private study educators. Have Skills to leadership, capable cooperate
in a manner team nor individual, and have high spirits to reach the goal. Mastering software such as microsoft
word, microsoft excel, and microsoft power point.


Editor Manuscript ( Part Time ) November 2022 – July 2023

CV . Publisher Literasia Group, Surakarta, Java Middle

• Reviewing and editing book manuscripts every month 2-5 categories, each categoryown page 60-
150pages. like novels, poetry anthology, short story, and books school
• Achievements during work can be timed according to deadlines

Teacher private ( Part Time ) August 2022 – July 2023

Bimbel science, Surakarta, Java Middle

• Responsible for teaching 10 elementary, middle and high school students according to their
respectivesubjectsrespectively, one week there is a meeting 2-3 times every student
• Achievements during teaching get 20 students, the students I teach get the best ranking in class
• Achievements can set up private study itself

Jury Race September 2022

Jury Race Solo Storytelling Raya Level SD

• Assessing students' performances in storytelling contests in terms of articulation, expression, and
• The achievement of being the youngest judge chosen for a storytelling competition
Talents tiktok hosts Live Mei – July 2023

CV. Yuspin, Surakarta, Central Java

• Do activity sale And promotion product use platforms tiktok
• Build interaction audience during live going on
• Achievements increase sales turnover every month or the sales algorithm doesn't go down

Internships Program

National Successor School October 2019

• The school leadership program on the Sebelas Maret University campus is organized by the Student
Executive Board
• Develop relevant leadership skills and abilities in organizations
• Became the leader of the Danudirja Muda group

Script Editor and Layouter January – March 2022

CV . Publisher Pena Persada -Purwokerto, Central Java

• Merview And edit book manuscript like novels, anthologies poetry, short story, And school books
• Be responsible answer in layouter book manuscript. On every book 75-200 page
• Achievement of being the best intern student

Teaching Campus Batch 2 August–December 2021

SDIT Bustanul Usysyaqil Quran Ajibarang Educators

• I carry out my duties as a teacher to teach children in grades 1-6 elementary school such as
mathematics,Indonesian, and Civics
• Helping teachers in the student administration process
• Developing learning methods outside the classroom is still being applied by teachers at SDIT
BustanulUsysyaqil Quran


Bachelor Education 2019 – 2023

Education Language And Indonesian literature

University Eleven March - Surakarta, Central Java (GPA 3.76/4.00)

• Thesis Publication
“ Learning loss In Learning Write Text Exposition: Studies Case Effect Learning
DistanceFar In Grade VIII Middle School Inhabitant Surakarta”

IPA 2016 – 2019

SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Country 5 Purwokerto - Banyumas , Central Java


Faculty Student Executive Board October 2019 – March 2020

Partner Village Ministry staff

• Develop assisted villages that still require development with a 5-year program contract
• Organizing community activities such as building reading houses, learning mentors, and
• Became the head of the smart home program which was established at the Mojosongo flats

Lively Inspiration
October 2019 - October 2020
Media staff
• Teaching at Foster Elementary Schools, namely SDN Wonosari 01 Sragen and SDN Pilang 2 Sragen
• Create content and publish every activity as lively as inspiration

Satria Solo
October 2019 – January 2021
Head of PSDM (Student Resource Development)
• Provide training and evaluate the performance of members
• Developing the potential of members

Indonesian Language and Literature Education Association February 2020 – February 2022

General Secretary
• Be a substitute for the general chairman when unable to attend
• Make decisions on various issues in the field of secretarial work
• Carry out coordination of activities
• Make reports on administration

University Student Executive Board October 2020 – February 2021

Partner Village Ministry staff

• Develop assisted villages that still require development with a 5-year program contract
• Holding community activities such as entrepreneurship outreach, developing village tourism,
andcommemorating holidays
• Become the coordinator of the UNS Teaching program

Nature Lover Student January 2020 – January 2022

• Carry out activities to preserve nature and increase awareness of the environment
• Increase the potential of members in various fields such as jungle mountaineering, rock climbing,
landnavigation, rafting and caving
National Level Scientific Work Competition July – December 2021

Holistic Village Development and Empowerment Program (PHP2D)

Title: "Optimization of the Orchid Greenhouse as an Edu-recreation in Sumber Pucung, Plosorejo Village"

Test of English as a Foreign Language (Score 550) August 2023

English Skill- Global Operation Indonesia


Software : Microsoft word, microsoft excel, and microsoft power point

Language : Indonesian (active) & English (Passive)
Personal Skills : Copy writing, script editor, leadership, collaboration, and communication

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