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After calling the business owner regarding your notes ,Please consider the following :-

o General notes on the business

1. There is no cooling system.
 The production process did not require cooling system. (the temp. should not be less than 27 C°)
2. The pipe use for inside the system should be steeliness steel not PPR pipes or plastic pipes.
 The produced vinegar acidity is (PH 5-4) which required using nonmetallic piping.
3.The storing of the material should be on marked shelves not direct on the earth.
 For the raw materials is brought daily from the markets and used directly.
 For the produced materials will be staked and be distributed to markets.

4. The existing machine connected to the power need to install the cables by using cable tray
5. The storage room should be cooling and fully closed and there is no opening in the roofs or walls
6. there are not enough power outlet
7. the project need exhaust fan
8. the project need a sample drawing show the location of the exiting equipment, the new supplying
equipment with the emergency exist location
 Items (4 – 8) related to the official agreement between the business owner and the investment
committee in ThiQar, since the project was registered in order to get the required land from the

Request information from engineer.

1. The specification and prices for the new machine and equipment which be supplied by EDF grant.
Already done in the ESMP verification form.
2. The document for registering the business through the Ministry of Health so in the future the MOH
will not close the business. ATTACHED.
3. Simple drawing with dimension shows the location of the existing equipment, new equipment
location installation & the emergency exist location.
4. The number and type of extinguisher use in the business.
5. The picture of CCTV if it is existing.
6. The picture of soak pit and trash container, the number and size of container
7. The pictures and condition of the existing bathroom and washroom
8. Is the business content existing generator, if so I need the picture for it?
9. The grievance box picture

Mitigation measures

1. The extinguisher should be install on the walls in each room inside the business and each
extinguisher should have a piper show the date of maintenance
2. The first kit box should be install in every room inside the business
3. Install CCTV system for the business if it not exist
4. Install trash containers, one in each room with two big containers outside the factory with capacity
1000 liters if they are not existing
5. Construct bathroom with washroom for the WOMAN if they are not existing
6. The generator location need to install in far place from the rooms , the fuel should be store in safe
place and far a safe distance from generator , the cables of generator feeding the factory should be
install inside cable tray or pipes and connect to the electrical board by using terminal ( IF THE
7. Install enough exhaust fan for each room inside the factory
8. Provide PPE for the factory
9. The grievance box should be install on clear place
10. The installation of the new equipment should be inside cable tray of pipe and each machine should
have a book content the dates of maintenance

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