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Cost Code Ext. REVENUE Detail Account Description

R1 Utilization
R1.1 Vessel Vessel utilisation (day-rate)
R1.2 ROV ROV utilisation (day-rate)
R1.3 Equipment Equipment utilisation (day-rate)
R1.4 Personnel Personnel utilisation (day-rate)
R1.5 Lumpsum Lumpsum including vessel, ROV, equipment & personnel

R2 Mob/demob & Resupply

R2.1 Vessel Self explanatory
R2.2 ROV Self explanatory
R2.3 Equipment Self explanatory
R2.4 Personnel Self explanatory
R2.5 Lumpsum Lumpsum including vessel, ROV, equipment & personnel

R3 Other Revenue
R3.1 PMT Chargeable PMT
R3.2 Engineering Self explanatory
R3.3 Reporting Self explanatory
R3.4 Project Equipment Purchases Project equipment purchase chargeable to client
R3.5 Others All other revenue not mentioned in the above

Cost Code Ext. COST Detail Account Description

C1 Internal Utilization
C1.1 Vessel (Internal) Internal charges of vessel utilisation
C1.2 ROV (internal) Internal charges of ROV utilisation
C1.3 Equipment Rental (Internal) Internal charges of equipment utilisation
C1.4 Personnel (Internal) Internal charges of personnel utilisation

C2 External Utilization
C2.1 Vessel (direct hire) Vessel external hire
C2.2 ROV (direct hire) ROV external hire
C2.3 Equipment Rental (3rd Pty) Equipment external hire
C2.4 Personnel (supplied from Seascape Group) Personnel supplied from other Seascape entity, eg.SSS using SSI personnel
C2.5 Personnel (Freelance/3rd Pty) Self explanatory
C2.6 Subcontractors/3rd Party Services All 3rd pty services not mentioned in the above that can be utilised to the project, eg.diving
subcontract etc

C3 Direct Cost - Mobilization/demobilzation

C3.1 Mob/demob Cost - Vessel & ROV All mob/demob cost including travel expenses, visa, working permit, phone -
C3.2 Mob/demob Cost - Equipment charges, permits, clearance, certification, vessel classification, port dues,
C3.3 Mob/demob Cost - Personnel agency fee, vessel modification, inspection services, etc

C4 Direct Cost - Project

C4.1 Project Equipment Purchases Project equipment purchase chargeable to client
C4.2 Fuel, Lube etc Self explanatory
C4.3 Food, Accommodation etc Self explanatory
C4.4 Project Consummables replacement, repair cost, etc
C4.5 Other 3rd Party Services All other 3rd pty services/subcontract not covered above, tug hire, agent/broker
fee, soil testing
C4.6 Reporting Cost/Expenses Self explanatory
C4.7 Mandatory Training/Course Any training/course required by the job/client
C4.8 Office Cost All cost related to project's dedicated office, rent
C4.9 Amortised Cost The cost amotised throughout project period eg.specific equipment purchase for the project
C4.10 Others Other misc.cost, building & entertainment, charges etc
C4.11 Overhead Cost Allocation Currently not applicable

SS-FA-DOC-002-1 - Cost Code Extention Page 1 of 1

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