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----------------------- EVOLUTION LIST-------------------------

Notes before Reading:

1) Pokemon are grouped here by evolutive line and regional forms (for
example, you will find Alolan Vulpix right after normal Vulpix in Kanto’s list
and bellosom right after oddish’s evolutive line).

2) There ARE NOT Evolutions by raising Friendship, so should anyone say

they evolved their pokemon by friendship as the original games, they’re
lying (or their game is full of bugs and might get its data corrupted

3) This List was made for Pokemon Quetzal Alpha 0.6.4 (or
“PokemonQuetzalAlpha6v4” as the rom file says) so this document will be
updated as any new version is released.

4) Any Really Necessary correction needed can be reported to

“Deltaro#7170” using Direct Messages, as He’s the main responsible for
this document or just go to the discord server and report it using the
“dudas” channel.

5) Remember, Mega Evolutions are just a temporary evolution that lasts for
a battle. After that, the pokemon will return to normal and you will need to
mega evolve it in the next battle.


 “-” = Requirement for the evolution

 “->” = Evolves into
Bulbasaur - Level 16 -> Ivysaur - Level 32 -> Venusaur
Venusaur - Venusaurite -> Mega Venusaur
Charmander - Level 16 -> Charmeleon - Level 36 -> Charizard
Charizard - Charizardite X/Y -> Mega Charizard X/ Mega Charizard Y
Squirtle - Level 16 -> Wartortle - Level 36 -> Blastoise.
Blastoise - Blastoisinite -> Mega Blastoise
Caterpie - Level 7 -> Metapod - Level 10 -> Butterfree
Weedle - Level 7 -> Kakuna - Level 10 -> Beedrill
Beedrill - Beedrillite -> Mega Beedrill
Pidgey - Level 18 -> Pidgeotto - Level 36 -> Pidgeot
Pidgeot - Pidgeotite -> Mega Pidgeot

 Rattata - Level 20 -> Raticate

 Alolan Rattata - Level 20 -> Alolan Raticate

Spearow - Level 20 -> Fearow

Ekans - Level 22 -> Arbok

 Pichu - Level 16 -> Pikachu - Thunder Stone -> Raichu

 Pikachu - Surf as known move and level up -> Alolan Raichu

 Sandshrew - Level 22 -> Sandslash

 Alolan Sandshrew - Ice Stone -> Alolan Sandslash

 Nidoran ♀ - Level 16 -> Nidorina - Moon Stone -> Nidoqueen

 Nidoran ♂ - Level 16 -> Nidorino - Moon Stone -> Nidoking.

Cleffa - Level 16 -> Clefairy - Moon Stone -> Clefable

 Vulpix - Fire Stone -> Ninetales

 Alolan Vulpix - Ice stone -> Alolan Ninetales

Igglybuff - Level 16 -> Jigglypuff - Moon Stone -> Wigglytuff

Zubat - Level 22 -> Golbat - Level 36 -> Crobat

 Oddish - Level 21 -> Gloom - Leaf Stone -> Vileplume

 Gloom - Sun Stone -> Bellossom

Paras - Level 24 -> Parasect

Venonat - Level 31 -> Venomoth

 Diglett - Level 26 -> Dugtrio

 Alolan Diglett - Level 26 ->Alolan Dugtrio

 Meowth - Level 28 -> Persian

 Alolan Meowth - Level 28 -> Alolan Persian
 Galarian Meowth - Level 28 -> Perrserker

Psyduck - Level 33 -> Golduck

Mankey - Level 28 -> Primeape
Growlithe - Fire Stone -> Arcanine

 Poliwag - Level 25 -> Poliwhirl - Water Stone -> Poliwrath

 Poliwhirl - Equipped King’s Rock + Level up -> Politoed

Abra - Level 16 -> Kadabra - Level 40 or trade -> Alakazam

Alakazam - Alakazite -> Mega Alakazam
Machop - Level 28 -> Machoke - Level 40 or trade -> Machamp
Bellsprout - Level 21 ->Weepinbell - Leaf Stone -> Victreebel
Tentacool - Level 30 -> Tentacruel

 Geodude - Level 25 -> Graveler - Level 40 -> Golem

 Alolan Geodude - Level 25 -> Alolan Graveler - Level 40 or trade -> Alolan Golem

 Ponyta - Level 40 -> Rapidash

 Galarian Ponyta -> Level 40 -> Galarian Rapidash
 Slowpoke - Level 37 - Slowbro
 Slowbro - Slowbronite -> Mega Slowbro
 Slowpoke - Level up with King’s Rock equipped-> Slowking
 Galarian Slowpoke - GalaricaCuff -> Galarian Slowbro
 Galarian Slowpoke - GalaricaWreath -> Galarian Slowking

Magnemite - Level 30 -> Magneton - Magnet Rise as known move and level up (Level 35) -> Magnezone

 Farfetch’d (doesn’t evolve)

 Galarian Farfetch - Leek equipped and level up -> Sirfetch

Doduo - Level 31 -> Dodrio

Seel - Level 34 -> Dewgong

 Grimer - Level 38 -> Muk

 Alolan Grimer - Level 38 -> Alolan Muk

Shellder - Water Stone -> Cloyster

Gastly - Level 25 -> Haunter - Level 40 or trade -> Gengar
Gengar - Gengarite -> Mega Gengar
Onix - Metal coat equipped and level up -> Steelix
Steelix - Steelixite -> Mega Steelix
Drowsee - Level 26 -> Hypno
Krabby - Level 28 -> Kingler

 Voltorb - Level 30 -> Electrode

 Hisuian Voltorb - Leaf Stone -> Hisuaian Electrode

 Exeggcute - Leaf Stone -> Exeggutor

 Exeggucte - Dragon Scale equipped and level up -> Alolan Exeggutor

 Cubone - Level 28 -> Marowak

 Cubone - Dusk Stone -> Alolan Marowak

 Tyrogue - Level 20 if attack is higher than defense -> Hitmolee

 Tyrogue - Level 20 if defense is higher than attack -> Hitmochan
 Tyrogue - Level 20 if attack and defense are the same value -> Hitmotop

Lickitung - “Rollout” as known move and level up (level 33)-> Lickilicky

 Koffing - Level 35 -> Weezing

 Koffing - Cracked/Chipped pot -> Galarian Weezing

Rhyhorn - Level 42 -> Rhydon - Protector equipped and level up -> Rhyperior

Happiny - Oval Stone equipped and level up -> Chansey - Level 36 -> Blissey

Tangela - “Ancient power” as known move and level up (level 38) -> Tangrowth

Kangaskhan -> Kangaskhanite -> Mega Kangaskhan

Horsea - Level 32 -> Seadra - Dragon Scale equipped and level up -> Kingdra

Goldeen - Level 33 -> Seaking

Staryu - Water Stone -> Starmie

 Mime Jr. - “Mimic” as known move and level up (level 15) -> Mr. Mime
 Galarian Mr. Mime - Level 40 -> Mr. Rime

 Scyther - Metal Coat equipped and level up -> Scizor

 Scizor - Scizorite -> Scizorite
 Scyther - Hard Stone equipped and level up -> Kleavor

Smoochum - Level 30 -> Jynx

Elekid - Level 30 -> Electabuzz - Electirizer equipped and level up -> Electivire

Magby -Level 30 -> Magmar - Magmarizer equipped and level up -> Magmortar

Pinsir - Pinzirite -> Mega Pinsir

Tauros (doesn’t evolve)

Magikarp - Level 20 -> Gyarados

Gyarados - Gyaradosite -> Mega Gyarados

Lapras (doesn’t evolve)

Ditto (doesn’t evolve)

 Eevee - Water Stone -> Vaporeon

 Eevee - Thunder Stone -> Jolteon
 Eevee - Fire Stone -> Flareon
 Eevee - Sun Stone -> Espeon
 Eevee - Dusk Stone -> Umbreon
 Eevee - Leaf Stone -> Leafeon
 Eevee - Ice Stone -> Glaceon
 Eevee - Dawn Stone -> Sylveon

Porygon - Upgrade equipped and level up -> Porygon2 - Dubious Disc equipped and level up -> Porygon-Z
Omanyte - Level 40 -> Omanstar

Kabuto - Level 40 -> Kabutops

Aerodactyl - Aerodactylite -> Mega Aerodactyl

Munchlax - Level 36 -> Snorlax

Articuno (doesn’t evolve)

Foreign Articuno (doesn’t evolve)

Zapdos (doesn’t evolve)

Foreign Zapdos (doesn’t evolve)

Moltres (doesn’t evolve)

Foreign Moltres (doesn’t evolve)

Dratini - Level 30 -> Dragonair - Level 45 -> Dragonite

Metwo - Mewtwonite X/Y -> Mega Mewtwo X/ Mega Mewtwo Y

Mew (doesn’t evolve)

Chikorita - Level 16 -> Bayleaf - Level 32 -> Meganium

 Cyndaquil - Level 14 -> Quilava - Level 36 -> Typhlosion

 Quilava - Dusk Stone -> Hisuian Typhlosion

Totodile - Level 18 -> Croconaw - Level 30 -> Feraligatr

Sentret - Level 15 -> Furret

Hoothoot - Level 20-> Noctowl

Ledyba - Level 18-> Ledian

Spinarak - Level 22 -> Ariados

Chinchou - Level 27 -> Lanturn

Togepi - Level 16 -> Togetic - Shiny Stone -> Togekiss

Natu - Level 25 -> Xatu

 Mareep - Level 15 -> Flaffy - Level 30 -> Ampharos

 Ampharos - Ampharosite -> Mega Ampharos
Azurill - Level 16 -> Marill - Level 18 -> Azumarill

Bonsly - “Mimic” as known move and level up (level 15) -> Sudowoodo

Hoppip - Level 18 -> Skyploom - Level 27 -> Jumppluff

Aipom - “Double Hit” as known move and level up (level 32) ->Ambipom

Sunkern - Sun Stone -> Sunflora

Yanma - “Ancient Power” as known move and level up (level 33) ->Yanmega

Wooper - Level 20 -> Quagsire

Murkrow - Dusk Stone -> Honchkrow

Misdreavus - Dusk Stone -> Mismagius

Unown (doesn’t evolve)

Wynaut - Level 15 -> Wobbuffet

Girafarig (doesn’t evolve)

Pineco - Level 31 - Forretress

Dunsparce (doesn’t evolve)

Gilgar - Razor fang equipped and level up -> Gliscor

Snubull -Level 23 -> Granbull

Qwilfish (doesn’t evolve)

Hisuian Qwilfish - “Poison jab” as known move and level up (level 29) -> Overqwil

Shuckle (doesn’t evolve)

Heracross - Heracrossite -> Mega Heracross

 Sneasel - Razor Claw equipped and level up -> Weavile

 Hisuaian Sneasel - Razor fang equipped and level up -> Sneasler

 Teddiursa - Level 30 -> Ursaring

 Ursaring - Moon Stone -> Hisuian Ursaring

Slugma - Level 38 -> Magcargo

Swinub - Level 33 -> Piloswine - “Ancient Power” as known move (level tutor) -> Mamoswine

Corsola (doesn’t evolve)

Galarian Corsola - Level 38 -> Cursola

Remoraid - Level 25 -> Octillery

Delibird (doesn’t evolve)

Mantyke - Level up with remoraid in the team -> Mantyne

Skarmory (doesn’t evolve)

Phanpy - level 25 -> Donphan

Houndour - Level 24 -> Houndoom

Stantler - “Zen Headbutt” as known move (level 29)-> Wyrdeer

Smeargle (doesn’t evolve)

Miltank (doesn’t evolve)

Raikou (doesn’t evolve)

Entei (doesn’t evolve)

Suicune (doesn’t evolve)

Larvitar - Level 30 -> Pupitar - Level 45 -> Tyranitar

Tyranitar - Tyranitarite -> Mega Tyranitar

Lugia (doesn’t evolve)

Ho-Oh (doesn’t evolve)

Celebi (doesn’t evolve)

Treecko - Level 16 -> Grovyle - Level 36 -> Sceptile

Sceptile - Sceptilite -> Mega Sceptile

Torchic - Level 16 -> Combusken - Level 36 -> Blaziken

Blaziken - Blazikenite -> Mega Blaziken

Mudkip - level 16 -> Marshtomp - level 36 - Swampert

Swampert - Swampertite -> Mega Swampert

Poochyena - Level 18 -> Mightyena

 Zigzagoon - Level 20 -> Linoone
 Galarian Zigzagoon - Level 20 Galarian Linone - Level 35 -> Obstagoon

 Wurmple - Level 7 (night) -> Silcoon - Level 10 -> Beautifly

 Wurmple - Level 7 (day) -> Cascoon - Level 10 -> Dustox

Lotad - Level 14 -> Lombre - Water Stone - > Ludicolo

Seedot - Level 14 -> Nuzleaf - Leaf Stone -> Shiftry

Taillow - Level 22 -> Swellow

Wingull - level 25 -> Pelipper

 Ralts - Level 20 -> Kirlia - Level 30 - Gardevoir

 Gardevoir - Gardevoirite -> Mega Gardevoir
 Kirlia (male) - dawn stone -> Gallade
 Gallade - Galladite -> Mega Gallade

Surskit - Level 22 -> Masquerain

Shroomish - Level 23 -> Breloom

Slakoth - Level 18 -> Vigoroth - Level 36 -> Slaking

Nincada - level 20 -> Ninjask

(Shedinja appears automatically if you have a free slot in your team and a Pokeball in the bag)

Whismur - Level 20 -> Loudred - Level 40 -> Exploud

Makuhita - Level 24 - Hariyama

Azurill - Level 16 -> Marill - Level 18 - Azumarill

Nosepass - “Magnet Rise” as known move (lvl 32) - Probopass

Skitty - Moon stone - Delcatty

Sableye - sablenite - Mega sableye

Mawile - mawilite -> Mega Mawile

Aron - Level 32 -> Lairon - Level 42 -> Aggron

Aggron - Aggronite -> Mega Aggron

Meditite - Level 37 -> Medicham

Medicham - medichamite -> mega Medicham

Electrike - Level 26 -> manectric

Manectric - manectite -> Mega Manectric

Plusle (doesn't evolve)

Minun (doesn't evolve)

Volbeat (doesn't evolve)

Illumise (doesn't evolve)

Gulpin - Level 26 - Swalot

Carvanha - Level 30 - Sharpedo

Sharpedo - sharpedonite -> Mega Sharpedo

Wailmer - Level 40 -> wailord

Numel - level 33 -> Camerupt

Camerupt - cameruptite -> Mega Camerupt

Torkoal (doesn't evolve)

Spoink - Level 32 -> Grumpig

Spinda (doesn't evolve)

Trapinch - Level 35 -> Vibrava - Level 45 - Flygon

Cacnea - Level 32 -> Cacturne

Swablu - Level 35 -> Altaría

Altaría - Altarianite -> Mega Altaría

Zangoose (doesn't evolve)

Seviper (doesn't evolve)

Lunatone (doesn't evolve)

Solrock (doesn't evolve)

Barboach - Level 30 -> Whiscash

Corphish - Level 30 -> Crawdaunt

Baltoy - Level 36 -> Claydol

Lileep - Level 40 -> Cradily

Anorith - Level 40 -> Armaldo

Feebas - level up with prism scale equipped -> Milotic

Castform (doesn't evolve)

Kecleon (doesn't evolve)

Shuppet - level 37 -> Banette

Banette - banettite -> Mega Banette

Duskull - level 37 -> Dusclops - traded or level up with ReaperCloth equipped -> dusknoir

Tropius (doesn't evolve)

Absol - absolite -> Mega Absol

Wynaut - level 15 -> wobbuffet

 Snorunt - level 42 -> Glalie

 Glalie - glalietite -> Mega Glalie
 Snorunt (female) - Dawn Stone -> Frosslass

Spheal - level 32 -> Sealeo - level 44 -> walrein

 Clamperl - level up with DeepSeaScale equipped -> gorebyss

 Clamperl - level up with DeepSeaTooth -> huntail

Relicanth (doesn't evolve)

Luvdisc (doesn't evolve)

Bagon - level 30 -> Shelgon - level 45 -> Salamence

Salamence - Salamencite -> Mega Salamence

Beldum - level 20 -> Metang - level 45 -> Metagross

Metagross - Metagrossite -> Mega Metagross

Latias - Latiasite -> Mega Latias

Latios - Latiosite -> Mega Latios

Kyogre - Blue Orb equipped -> Primal Kyogre

Groudon - Red Orb equipped -> Primal Groudon

Rayquaza - “Dragon Ascent” as known move (level 70) -> Mega Rayquaza

Jirachi (doesn't evolve)

Deoxys (doesn't evolve) (Alternative forms only available in cheats mode)

Turwig - level 18 -> Grotle - level 32 -> Torterra

Chimchar - level 14 -> Monferno - level 36 -> Infernape

Piplup - level 16 -> Prinplup - level 36 -> Empoleon

Starly - level 14 -> Staravia - level 34 -> Staraptor

Bidoof - level 15 - Bibarel

Kricketot - level 10 -Kricketune

Shinx - level 15 -> Luxio - level 30 -> Luxray

Budew - level 15 -> Roselia - Shiny Stone -> Roserade

Cranidos - level 30 -> Rampardos

Sheldon - level 30 -> Bastiodon

 Burmy (female) - level 20 -> Wormadam

 Burmy (male) - level 20 -> Mothim

Combee (female) - level 21 - vespiqueen

Pachirisu (doesn't evolve)

Buizel - level 26 -> Floatzel

Cherubi - level 25 -> Cherrim

Shellos - level 30 -> Gastrodon

Drifloon - level 28 -> Drifblim

Buneary - level 36 -> Lopunny

Lopunny- Lopunnite -> Mega Lopunny

Glameow - level 38 - purugly

Chingling - level 16 - chimecho

Stunky - level 34 - skuntank

Bronzor - level 35 - bronzong

Chatot (doesn't evolve)

Spiritomb (doesn't evolve)

Gible - level 24 -> Gabite - level 45 -> Garchomp

Garchomp - garchompite -> mega Garchomp

Munchlax - level 36 - Snorlax

Riolu - level 36 -> Lucario

Lucario - Lucarionite -> mega Lucario

Hippopotas - level 34 -> hippowdon

Skorupi - level 40 -> drapion

Croagunk - level 37 -> toxicroak

Carnivine (doesn't evolve)

Finneon - level 31 -> Lumineon

Mantyke - level up if there is a “Remoraid” in the team -> mantine

Snover - level 40 - abomasnow

Rotom (doesn't evolve) (alternative forms available only available in cheats mode)

Uxie (doesn't evolve)

Mesprit (doesn't evolve)

Azelf (doesn't evolve)

Dialga - Adamant Orb -> Origin Form Dialga

Palkia - Lustreous Orb -> Origin form Palkia

Heatran (doesn't evolve)

Regigigas (doesn't evolve)

Giratina (doesn't evolve) (alternative form in cheats mode)

Cresselia (doesn't evolve)

Phione (doesn't evolve)

Manaphy (doesn't evolve)

Darkrai (doesn't evolve)

Shaymin (doesn't evolve)

Arceus (doesn't evolve) (its ability lets it change type while equipping a Plate on it)


Snivy -17- > Servine -36- > Serperior

 Oshawott -17- > Dewott -36- > Samurott

 Dewott -Dusk Stone- > Samurott (Hisui)

Tepig -Level 17- > Pignite -Level 36- > Emboar

Patrat -Level 20- > Watchog

Lillipup -Level 16- > Herdier -Level 32- > Stoutland

Purrloin -Level 20- > Liepard

Pansage -Leaf Stone- > Simisage

Pansear -Fire Stone- > Simisear

Panpour -Water Stone- > Simipour

Munna -Moon Stone - > Musharna

Pidove -Level 21- > Tranquill -Level 32- > Unfezant

Blitzle -Level 27- > Zebstrika

Roggenrola -Level 25- > Boldore -Level 40- > Gigalith

Woobat -Level 36- > Swoobat

Drilbur -Level 31- > Excadrill

Audino - Audinite -> Mega Audino

Timburr -Level 25- > Gurdurr -Level 40- > Conkeldurr

Tympole -Level 25- > Palpitoad -Level 36- > Seismitoad

Throh (doesn’t evolve)

Sawk (doesn’t evolve)

Sewaddle -Level 20- > Swadloon -Level 36- > Leavanny

Venipede -Level 22- > Whirlipede -Level 30- > Scolipede

Cottonee -Solar Stone- > Whimsicott

 Petilil - Solar Stone - > Lilligant

 Petilil -Shiny Stone -> Lilligant (Hisui)

Basculin (Hisui variant only found in the river in route 103) - 36 -> Basculegion

Sandile -Level 29 -> Krokorok -Level 40 -> Krookodile

 Darumaka -35- > Darmanitan

 Darumaka (Galar) -Ice Stone- > Darmanitan (Galar)

Maractus (doesn’t evolve)

Dwebble -Level 34- > Crustle

Scraggy -Level 39- > Scrafty

Sigilyph (doesn’t evolve)

 Yamask -Level 34- > Cofagrigus

 Yamask (Galar) - Spell Tag equipped and level up - > Runerigus

Tirtouga -Level 37- > Carracosta

Archen -Level 37- > Archeops

Trubbish -Level 36- > Garbodor

 Zorua -Level 30- > Zoroark

 Zorua (Hisui) -Level30 -> Zoroark (Hisui)

Minccino -Shiny Stone -> Cinccino

Gothita -Level 32 -> Gothorita -Level 41-> Gothitelle

Solosis -Level 32 -> Duosion -Level 41-> Reuniclus

Ducklett -Level 35 -> Swanna

Vanillite -Level 35 -> Vanillish -Level 45 -> Vanilluxe

Deerling -Level 34 -> Sawsbuck

Emolga (doesn’t evolve)

 Karrablast - Level up if there’s a shelmet in the team - > Escavalier

 Shelmet -Level up if there’s a karrablast in the team- > Accelgor

Foongus -Level 39- > Amoonguss

Frillish -Level 40- > Jellicent

Alomomola (doesn’t evolve)

Joltik -36- > Galvantula

Ferroseed -40- > Ferrothorn

Klink -Level 35- > Klang -Level 45- > KlinKlang

Tynamo -Level 39- > Eelektrik -Thunder Stone- > Eelektross

Elgyem -Level 42- > Beheeyem

Litwick -Level 41- > Lampent -Dusk Stone- > Chandelure

Axew -Level 35- > Fraxure -Level 45- > Haxorus

Cubchoo - Level 37- > Beartic

Cryogonal (doesn’t evolve)

 Stunfisk (doesn’t evolve)

 Galarian Stunfisk (doesn’t evolve)

Mienfoo -Level 40- > Mienshao

Druddigon (doesn’t evolve)

Golett -Level 40- > Golurk

Pawniard - Level 40- > Bisharp

Bouffalant (doesn’t evolve)

 Rufflet -40- > Braviary

 Rufflet -Shiny Stone- > Braviary (Hisui)

Vullaby - Level 40- > Mandibuzz

Heatmor (doesn’t evolve)

Durant (doesn’t evolve)

Deino -Level 36- > Zweilous -45- > Hydreigon

Larvesta - Level 45- > Volcarona

Cobalion (doesn’t evolve)

Terrakion (doesn’t evolve)

Virizion (doesn’t evolve)

Tornadus (doesn’t evolve)

Thundurus (doesn’t evolve)

Landorus (doesn’t evolve)

Reshiram (doesn’t evolve)

Zekrom (doesn’t evolve)

Kyurem (doesn’t evolve) (as the DNA Splicers are not fully coded yet, the fused kyrem forms are available in cheats mode)

Keldeo (doesn’t evolve) (alternative form available only in cheats mode)

Meloetta (doesn’t evolve)

Genesect (doesn’t evolve)

Victini (doesn’t evolve)


Chespin -Level 16- > Quilladin - Level 36- > Chesnaught

Fennekin - Level 16- > Braixen - Level 36- > Delphox

Froakie - Level 16- > Frogadier - Level 36- > Greninja

Bunnelby - Level 20- > Diggersby

Fletchling - Level 17- > Fletchinder - Level 35- > Talonflame

Scatterbug - Level 9- > Spewpa - Level 12- > Vivillon

Litleo - Level 35- > Pyroar

Flabébé - Level 19- > Floette -Shiny Stone- > Florges

Skiddo - Level 32- > Gogoat

Pancham -Level 32 if there is a dark type pokemon in the team- > Pangoro

Furfrou (doesn’t evolve)

Espurr - Level 25- > Meowstic (the form depends on its gender)

Honedge - Level 35- > Doublade -Dusk Stone- > Aegislash

Spritzee - Sachet equipped and level up - > Aromatisse

Swirlix - Whipped Dream equipped and level up - > Slurpuff

Inkay “Topsy-turvy” as known move and level up (level 30) - > Malamar

Binacle - Level 39- > Barbaracle

Skrelp - Level 40- > Dragalge

Clauncher - Level 37- > Clawitzer

Helioptile -Solar Stone- > Heliolisk

Tyrunt - Level 39- > Tyrantrum

Amaura - Level 39- > Aurorus

Hawlucha (doesn’t evolve)

Dedenne (doesn’t evolve)

Carbink (doesn’t evolve)

 Goomy - Level 36- > Sliggoo -Level 45 in a zone with natural rain- > Goodra
 Goomy - Metal Coat equipped and level up - > Sliggoo (Hisui) - Level 45 in a zone with natural rain - > Goodra (Hisui)

Klefki (doesn’t evolve)

Phantump - Level 32- > Trevenant

Pumpkaboo - Level 32- > Gourgeist

 Bergmite - Level 37- > Avalugg

 Bergmite - Hard Stone equipped and level up - > Avalugg (Hisui)

Noibat -Level 40- > Noivern

Xerneas (doesn’t evolve)

Yveltal (doesn’t evolve)

Zygarde (doesn’t evolve)

Diancie - Diancite -> Mega Diancie

Hoopa (doesn’t evolve) (since the prison bottle is not fully coded yet, Hoppa Unbound can only be found in cheats mode)

Volcanion (doesn’t evolve)

Rowlet - level 17 -> Dartrix - level 34 -> decidueye

Litten - level 17 -> Torracat - level 34 -> Incineroar

Popplio - level 17 -> Brionne - level 34 -> primarina

Pikipek - level 14 -> Trumbeak - level 28 -> Toucannon

Yungoos - level 20 -> Gumshoos

Grubbin - level 20 -> Charjabug - Thunder Stone -> vikavolt

Crabrawler - ice stone -> crabminabl

Oricorio (doesn't evolve)

Cutiefly - level 25 -> Ribombee

 Rockruff - shiny stone -> Lycanroc midday

 Rockruff - dusk stone -> Lycanroc midnight

 Rockruff (with own tempo as its ability) - dawn stone -> Lycanroc dusk

Wishiwashi (doesn't evolve but can change form due to its ability)

Mareanie - level 38 -> toxapex

Mudbray - level 30 -> mudsdale

Dewpider - level 22 -> araquanid

Fomantis - level 34 -> lurantis

Morelull - level 24 -> shiinotic

Salandit (female) - level 33 -> Salazzle

Stufful - level 27 -> bewear

Bounsweet - level 18 -> Steenee - level up with stomp (lvl 29) -> tsareena

Comfey (doesn't evolve)

Oranguru (doesn't evolve)

passimian (doesn't evolve)

Wimpod - level 30 - golisopod

Sandygast - level 40 - palossand

Pyukumuku (doesn't evolve)

Type: Null - level 36 -> Silvally

Minior (doesn't evolve)

Komala (doesn't evolve)

Turtonator (doesn't evolve)

Togedemaru (doesn't evolve)

Mimikyu (doesn't evolve)

Bruxish (doesn't evolve)

Drampa (doesn't evolve)

Dhelmise (doesn't evolve)

Jangmo-o - level 35 -> Hakamo-o - level 45 -> Kommo-o

Tapu Koko (doesn't evolve)

Tapu Lele (doesn't evolve)

Tapu Bulu (doesn't evolve)

Tapu Fini (doesn't evolve)

 Cosmog - level 43 - Cosmoem - level 53 (day) -> solgaleo

 Cosmoem - level 53 (night) -> lunala

Nihilego (doesn't evolve)

Buzzwole (doesn't evolve)

Pheromosa (doesn't evolve)

Xurkitree (doesn't evolve)

Celesteela (doesn't evolve)

Kartana (doesn't evolve)

Guzzlord (doesn't evolve)

Necrozma (doesn't evolve)

Magearna (doesn't evolve)

Marshadow (doesn't evolve)

Poipole - “Dragon Pulse” as known move (level tutor)

Stakataka (doesn't evolve)

Blacephalon (doesn't evolve)

Zeraora (doesn't evolve)

Meltan - “Zap Cannon” as known move (not available in current version) -> Melmetal
Grookey - Level 16- > Thwackey - Level 36- > Rillaboom

Scorbunny - Level 16- > Raboot - Level 36- > Cinderace

Sobble - Level 16- > Drizzile - Level 36- > Inteleon

Skwovet - Level 24- > Greedent

Rookidee - Level 18- > Corvisquir - Level 38- > Corviknigh

Blipbug - Level 10- > Dottler - Level 30- > Orbeetle

Nickit - Level 18- > Thievul

Gossifleur - Level 24- > Eldegoss

Wooloo - Level 32- > Dubwool

Chewtle - Level 22- > Drednaw

Yamper - Level 25- > Boltund

Rolycoly - Level 18- > Carkol - Level 34- > Coalossal

Applin -Sweet Apple- > Appletun

Applin -Tart Apple- > Flapple

Silicobra - Level 36- > Sandaconda

Cramorant -No evoluciona -

Arrokuda - Level 26- > Barraskewd

 Toxel -If its nature is “Hasty”, “Impish”, “Jolly”, “Rash”, “Brave”, “Docile”, “Adamant”, “Lax”, “Hardy”, “Sassy”, “Naive”,
“Naughty” or “Quirky” + Level 30 -> Toxtricity Amped form

 Toxel - If its nature is “Mild”, “Gentle”, “Careful”, “Lonely”, “Quiet”, “Timid”, “Modest”, “Bold”, “Relaxed”, “Calm”,
“Serious” or “Bashful” + Level 30- > Toxtricity Low key form
Sizzlipede - Level 37- > Centiskorc

Clobbopus -Level up with “Taunt” as known move (level 35) - > Grapploct

Sinistea -Cracked/chipped Pot- > Polteageis

Hatenna - Level 32- > Hattrem - Level 40- > Hatterene

Impidimp - Level 32- > Morgrem - Level 40- > Grimmsnarl

Milcery - Level 25- > Alcremie

Falinks (doesn't evolve)

Pincurchin (doesn't evolve)

Snom - Level 36- > Frosmoth

Stonjourne (doesn't evolve)

Eiscue (doesn't evolve)

Indeedee (doesn't evolve, form depends on its gender)

Morpeko (doesn't evolve)

Cufant - Level 34- > Copperajah

Dracozolt (doesn't evolve)

Arctozolt (doesn't evolve)

Dracovish (doesn't evolve)

Arctovish (doesn't evolve)

Duraludon (doesn't evolve)

Dreepy - Level 36- > Drakloak - Level 45- > Dragapult

Zacian (doesn't evolve)

Zamazenta (doesn't evolve)

Eternatus (doesn't evolve, alternative form only in cheats mode)

Kubfu -Level 50 from 7AM to 6:59PM- > Urshifu Rapid Strike

Kubfu -Level 50 from 7PM to 6:59AM- > Urshifu Single Strike

Zarude (doesn't evolve)

Regieleki (doesn't evolve)

Regidrago (doesn't evolve)

Glastrier (doesn't evolve but can change form with Calyrex)

Spectrier (doesn't evolve but can change form with Calyrex)

Calyrex (doesn't evolve but can change form with Spectrier or Glastrier)

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