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Development of Punjab section from km 135+056

to km 397+712 of Delhi – Amritsar - Katra


Traffic Report

June 2020
Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi – Traffic Report
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis


1. TRAFFIC STUDIES & FORECAST ....................................................................................................... 7

1.1 Traffic Surveys and Analysis..................................................................................................................... 7
1.1.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 7
1.1.2 Project Details ....................................................................................................................................... 7
1.1.3 Competing alternate routes............................................................................................................. 8
1.1.4 Survey Methodology........................................................................................................................ 11
1.1.5 Data Analysis ...................................................................................................................................... 14
1.1.6 Location of Ramp Plaza .................................................................................................................. 36
1.2 Traffic forecast and demand estimates ............................................................................................. 39
1.2.1 Traffic Forecasting ........................................................................................................................... 39
1.3 Travel Demand Estimates ....................................................................................................................... 51
1.3.1 Traffic demand estimation for proposed project road ..................................................... 51
1.3.2 Toll plaza wise final traffic ............................................................................................................ 80
1.3.3 Section-wise Traffic ......................................................................................................................... 80
1.3.4 Development Traffic ........................................................................................................................ 82
1.3.5 Projected Traffic at Toll Plaza ..................................................................................................... 85
1.3.6 Projected section wise Traffic ..................................................................................................... 89
1.3.7 Capacity Analysis .............................................................................................................................. 91


Table 1-1: Homogeneous Sections ............................................................................................................................... 8

Table 1-2: Vehicle classification system ................................................................................................................... 13
Table 1-3: Schedule of traffic volume count survey ............................................................................................. 13
Table 1-4: Schedule of origin – destination survey .............................................................................................. 13
Table 1-5: Passenger car equivalency factors ........................................................................................................ 14
Table 1-6: Average Daily Traffic at Count locations ............................................................................................. 16
Table 1-7: Seasonal Correctional Factors ................................................................................................................ 18
Table 1-8: Annual Average Daily Traffic at count locations ............................................................................... 19
Table 1-9: Total Traffic Composition at Count Locations ................................................................................... 22
Table 1-10: Adopted zoning system for the study ................................................................................................ 27
Table 1-11: Distribution of Trip in the Project Influence Area .......................................................................... 30
Table 1-12: Lead Distribution of Passenger Vehicle ............................................................................................. 30
Table 1-13: Lead Distribution of Goods Vehicle .................................................................................................... 32
Table 1-14: Classification of commodities ............................................................................................................... 33
Table 1-15: Distribution of Goods Carried by Commercial Vehicles ............................................................... 34
Table 1-16: Location of Toll Plaza............................................................................................................................... 36
Table 1-17: Potential Divertabe Traffic at Exit of Toll plaza location in Year 2019-20 .............................. 38
Table 1-18: Growth of Vehicle Registration of Punjab ........................................................................................ 40
Table 1-19: Growth of Vehicle Registration of Haryana ..................................................................................... 40
Table 1-20: Growth of Vehicle Registration of Jammu &Kashmir ................................................................... 40
Table 1-21: Growth of Vehicle Registration of Delhi ........................................................................................... 41
Table 1-22: Growth of Vehicle Registration of Trucks (All India) ..................................................................... 41
Table 1-23: Growth in Economic Indices of Punjab State (at 2004-05 Prices)............................................. 43
Table 1-24: Growth in Economic Indices of Haryana State (at 2004-05 Prices) .......................................... 43
Table 1-25: Growth in Economic Indices of J & K State (at 2004-05 Prices)................................................. 43
Table 1-26: Growth in Economic Indices of Delhi State (at 2004-05 Prices) ................................................ 44
Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi – Traffic Report
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis

Table 1-27: Growth in Economic Indices of All India (at 2004-05 Prices)...................................................... 44
Table 1-28: Past Growth Trend of Economy (CAGR %) ....................................................................................... 45
Table 1-29: Elasticity Values Derived based on Regression Analysis for Punjab ........................................ 45
Table 1-30: Elasticity Values Derived based on Regression Analysis for Haryana ...................................... 46
Table 1-31: Elasticity Values Derived based on Regression Analysis for J & K............................................. 46
Table 1-32: Elasticity Values Derived based on Regression Analysis for Delhi ............................................ 47
Table 1-33: Elasticity of commercial vehicles in PIA ............................................................................................ 47
Table 1-34: Projected Basic Elasticity........................................................................................................................ 48
Table 1-35: Projected transport demand elasticity values ................................................................................ 49
Table 1-36: Projected growth rates of indicators in percentage ..................................................................... 50
Table 1-37: Estimated and recommended traffic growth rates ....................................................................... 50
Table 1-38: Diversion Curve Equation ...................................................................................................................... 51
Table 1-39: Value of time for present year ............................................................................................................. 53
Table 1-40: Type of route and commodity holding cost ..................................................................................... 53
Table 1-41: Details of Alternate Road via NH-44 and Project Road (Delhi-Katra Expressway)_Int 1-4 54
Table 1-42: Generalized cost of Alternate road and Project corridor from Int 1 to Panipat .................. 55
Table 1-43: Percentage of Traffic Diversion from Alternate Road to Proposed Project Corridor Int 1 to
Panipat ................................................................................................................................................................................ 55
Table 1-44: Details of Alternate Road via NH-44 and Project Corridor.......................................................... 56
Table 1-45: Generalized cost of Alternate road and Project road from Int 1 to Ambala ......................... 57
Table 1-46: Percentage of Traffic Diversion from Alternate Road to Proposed Project Corridor from Int
1 to Ambala ....................................................................................................................................................................... 57
Table 1-47: Details of Alternate Road via NH-44 and Project Corridor.......................................................... 58
Table 1-48: Generalized cost of Alternate road and Project road from Int 1 to Karnal ........................... 59
Table 1-49: Percentage of Traffic Diversion from Alternate Road to Proposed Project Corridor from Int
1 to Karnal .......................................................................................................................................................................... 59
Table 1-50: Details of Alternate Road via NH-44 & NH-152 and Project Corridor ..................................... 60
Table 1-51: Generalized cost of Alternate road and Project road from point 1 to Chandigarh ............ 61
Table 1-52: Percentage of Traffic Diversion from Alternate Road to Proposed Project Corridor from
point 1 to Chandigarh .................................................................................................................................................... 61
Table 1-53: Details of Alternative Route via NH-44&NH-152 and Project Corridor .................................. 62
Table 1-54: Generalized cost of Alternate road and Project road from Delhi (CP) to Chandigarh ....... 63
Table 1-55: Percentage of Traffic Diversion from Alternate Road to Proposed Project Corridord from
Delhi (CP) to Chandigarh ............................................................................................................................................... 63
Table 1-56: Details of Alternate Road via NH-44 and Project Corridor.......................................................... 64
Table 1-57: Generalized cost of Alternate road and Project road from Delhi to Ludhiana ..................... 65
Table 1-58: Percentage of Traffic Diversion from Alternate Road to Proposed Project Corridor Delhi to
Ludhiana ............................................................................................................................................................................. 65
Table 1-59: Details of Alternate Road via NH-44 and Project Corridor.......................................................... 67
Table 1-60: Generalized cost of Alternate road and Project road from Delhi to Jalandhar .................... 67
Table 1-61: Percentage of Traffic Diversion from Alternate Road to Proposed Project Corridor Delhi to
Jalandhar ............................................................................................................................................................................ 67
Table 1-62: Details of Alternate Road via NH-44 and Project Corridor.......................................................... 69
Table 1-63: Generalized cost of Alternate road and Project road from Delhi to Amritsar via Ambala 69
Table 1-64: Percentage of Traffic Diversion from Alternate Road to Proposed Project Corridor ......... 70
Table 1-65: Details of Alternate Road via NH-09 and NH-54 and Project Corridor.................................... 70
Table 1-66: Generalized cost of Alternate road and Project corridor from Delhi to Amritsar via Bhatinda
............................................................................................................................................................................................... 70

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi – Traffic Report
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis

Table 1-67: Percentage of Traffic Diversion from Alternate Road to Proposed Project Corridor from
Delhi to Amritsar via Bhatinda .................................................................................................................................... 71
Table 1-68: Details of Alternate Road via NH-44 and Project Corridor.......................................................... 73
Table 1-69: Generalized cost of Alternate road and Project road from Delhi to Gurdaspur .................. 73
Table 1-70: Percentage of Traffic Diversion from Alternate Road to Proposed Project Corridor from
Delhi to Gurdaspur .......................................................................................................................................................... 73
Table 1-71: Details of Alternate Road via NH-44 and Project Corridor.......................................................... 75
Table 1-72: Generalized cost of Alternate road and Project road from Ludhiana to Jalandhar ............ 75
Table 1-73: Percentage of Traffic Diversion from Alternate Road to Proposed Project Corridor from
Ludhiana to Amritsar ...................................................................................................................................................... 75
Table 1-74: Details of Alternate Road via NH-48 and Project Corridor.......................................................... 77
Table 1-75: Generalized cost of Alternate road and Project road from Ludhiana to Amritsar .............. 77
Table 1-76: Percentage of Traffic Diversion from Alternate Road to Proposed Project Corridor from
Ludhiana to Amritsar ...................................................................................................................................................... 77
Table 1-77: Details of Alternate Road via NH-48 and Project Corridor.......................................................... 79
Table 1-78: Generalized cost of Alternate road and Project road from Amritsar to Gurdaspur ........... 79
Table 1-79: Percentage of Traffic Diversion from Alternate Road to Proposed Project Corridor from
Amritsar to Gurdaspur ................................................................................................................................................... 79
Table 1-80: Booth wise traffic summary in base year (2019-20) ..................................................................... 80
Table 1-81: Final Diverted Traffic at Each section in base year (2019-20) .................................................... 81
Table 1-82: Section-wise Development Traffic in Year 2022-23 ...................................................................... 83
Table 1-83: Section-wise Development Traffic in Year 2025-26 ...................................................................... 83
Table 1-84: Section-wise Development Traffic in Year 2029-30 ...................................................................... 84
Table 1-85: Projected Total Traffic for TP-9 to TP-14 .......................................................................................... 85
Table 1-86: Projected Total Traffic for TP-15 to TP-21 ........................................................................................ 87
Table 1-87: Section wise Total Traffic Projection (PCUs) .................................................................................... 89
Table 1-88: Design Service Volume for Expressways in Plain and Rolling Terrain (in PCUs/per day) for
LOS B .................................................................................................................................................................................... 91
Table 1-89: Capacity Augmentation as per IRC: SP: 99-2013 ............................................................................ 92


Figure 1-1: Project Road Sections and Interchange Locations............................................................................. 9

Figure 1-2: Traffic surveys location map .................................................................................................................. 12
Figure 1-3: Traffic Composition of all the Locations ............................................................................................ 26
Figure 1-4: Trend of production of commercial vehicles in India .................................................................... 49
Figure 1-5: Diversion Curves ........................................................................................................................................ 52
Figure 1-6: Alternate Route from Point 1(Delhi) to Point 4 (Panipat) ............................................................ 54
Figure 1-7: Alternate Route from Point 1(Delhi) to Point 6 (Ambala) ............................................................ 56
Figure 1-8: Alternate Route from Point 1(Delhi) to Point 7(Karnal) ............................................................... 58
Figure 1-9: Alternate Route from Point 1(Delhi) to Point 10 (Chandigarh) keeping KMP as start point
............................................................................................................................................................................................... 60
Figure 1-10: Alternate Route from Delhi (CP) to Point 10 (Chandigarh) keeping Connaught Place as
start point .......................................................................................................................................................................... 62
Figure 1-11: Alternate Route from Point 1 (Delhi) to Point14 (Ludhiana) .................................................... 64
Figure 1-12: Alternate Route from Point 1 (Delhi) to Point 16 (Jalandhar) .................................................. 66
Figure 1-13: Alternate Routes for Point 1 (Delhi) to Point18 (Amritsar) ....................................................... 68
Figure 1-14: Alternate Routes from Point 1(Delhi) to Point 21 (Gurdaspur) ............................................... 72
Figure 1-15: Alternative Routes for Through Traffic between Ludhiana and Jalandhar .......................... 74

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi – Traffic Report
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis

Figure 1-16: Alternative Routes for Through Traffic between Ludhiana and Amritsar ............................ 76
Figure 1-17: Alternative Routes for Through Traffic between from Amritsar to Gurdaspur .................. 78

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi – Traffic Report
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis


Abbreviation Full Form

AADT Annual Average Daily Traffic
AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
ADT Average Daily Traffic
ATCC Automatic Traffic Counter and Classifier
ATMS Advanced Traffic Management System
BC Bituminous Concrete
BIS Bureau of Indian Standards
BOT Build Operate Transfer
CAGR Cumulative Annual Growth Rate
CR Cost Ratio
CTVC Classified Traffic Volume Count
CVPD Commercial Vehicles Per Day
CVs Commercial Vehicles
DPR Detailed Project Report
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
EIRR Economic Internal Rate of Return
EIRR Equity Internal Rate of Return
ENPV Economic Net Present Value
ETC Electronic Toll Collection
FIPL Feedback Infra Private Limited
FOS Factor of Safety
FY Financial Year
GC Generalized Cost
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GoI Government of India
GQ Golden Quadrilateral
GR Growth Rate
GSDP Gross State Domestic Product
GST Goods and Services Tax
GTS Great Trigonometrical Survey
HAM Hybrid Annuity Model
HDM Highway Development and Management
IDC Interest During Construction
IHMCL Indian Highways Management Company Limited
IMU Inertial Measurement Unit
INR Indian Rupee
IRC Indian Road Congress
IRC: SP Indian Roads Congress: Special Publication
IRR Internal Rate of Return
IS Indian Standard

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi – Traffic Report
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis

Abbreviation Full Form

ISA Initial Social Assessment
Km Kilometre
Kmph Kilometer Per Hour
LCV Light Commercial Vehicle
LHS Left Hand Side
LMV Light Motor Vehicle
LOS Level of Service
LVUP Light Vehicular Underpass
MAV Multi Axle Vehicle
MJB Major Bridge
MoEF&CC Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
MoRT&H Ministry of Road Transport and Highways
MR Major Road
MSA Million Standard Axle
MSL Mean Sea Level
NH National Highway
NHAI National Highways Authority of India
NPV Net Present Value
NSDP Net State Domestic Product
NS-EW North South - East West
O&M Operation and Maintenance
OD Origin - Destination
ODR Other District Road
PCI Per Capita Income
PCU Passenger Car Unit
PD Project Director
PIA Project Influence Area
PIU Project Implementation Unit
PPP Public Private Partnership
PS Paved Shoulder
PUP Pedestrian Underpass
PWD Public Works Department
SCF Seasonal Correction Factor
SH State Highway
SP Special Publication
TL Trip Length
TOR Terms of Reference
TP Toll Plaza
TR Toll Rates
TT Travel Time
VOC Vehicle Operating Cost

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi – Traffic Report
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis

Abbreviation Full Form

VOP Vehicular Overpass
VOT Value of Time
VR Village Road

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi – Traffic Report
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis


1.1 Traffic Surveys and Analysis

1.1.1 Introduction

This section presents the traffic studies and analysis carried out for addressing various objectives
and issues pertaining to development of Haryana section from km 0+000 to km 135+056. The
results of this analysis will form inputs for assessing the traffic which will be diverted to the
proposed expressway from various other alternative routes. The forecast of traffic helps in
planning and designing of the pavement, developing proposals of capacity augmentation,
designing the toll plaza and design of intersections/ interchanges if any along the project road.

Since it is a Greenfield Expressway, a thorough knowledge of travel characteristics of traffic on

various alternate routes is essential to work out the future traffic which will be diverted to project
corridor. For present study, traffic data of IHMCL was majorly utilised and additional data taken
from DPR consultant who is preparing the Feasibility and DPR of same project. Due to present
condition of lockdown and Covid-19 virus, OD surveys were not conducted. Hence, same
information from DPR consultant’s Report is utilised.

1.1.2 Project Details

Alignment of the proposed Expressway of Punjab section starts at km 135.056 ends at km

396.863. The proposed Greenfield alignment enter the state of Punjab near village Barta. In the
State of Punjab, the alignment would be intersecting:

• NH-152A (Punjab-Haryana border Moonak-Kaithal) at Village GulzarpuraTharwa.

• SH-10 (Patran-Samana State Highway) at Village Lalwa.
• SH-12A (Sunam to Bhawanigarh State Highway) at Village Roshanwala.
• SH-11 (Malerkotla- Nabha State Highway) at Village Ahmdabad.
• SH-11 (Malerkotla- Ludhiana State Highway) at Village Bhogiwal.
• NH-5 (Ludhiana-Moga National Highway) at Village Dhaka.
• SH-48 (Nakodar-Nurmahal State Highway) at Village Uppal Khalsa.
• NH-703 (Jalandhar-Nakodar National Highway) at Village Kang Sahbu.
• NH-703A (Jalandhar-Kapurthala National Highway) at Village Firoz.
• NH-3 (Kartarpur-Amritsar National Highway) at Village Dialpur,
• NH-503A (Sri Hargobindpur-Amritsar National Highway) at Village KishanKot
• Spur Connecting Expressway with Dera Baba Nanak (Kartarpur Corridor)
• NH-54 (Pathankot-Amritsar National Highway) at Gurdaspur bypass

This report details out the traffic assessment of Punjab section from km 135.056 to km
396.863 of Delhi – Amritsar - Katra expressway Phase-I. Phase I starts at Interchange on
KMP Expressway near Village JasaurKheri and ends at Gurdaspur Bypass. Detailed
description of Phase 1 is given in Table below.

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi – Traffic Report
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis

Title Description of Phase 1 Alignment (Delhi – Gurdaspur)

Description Complete Greenfield alignment
Start Chainage 0+000
Start point Interchange on KMP Expressway near village JasaurKheri
End point Gurdaspur bypass
End Chainage 397+712
Route Length (in
Greenfield length 397+712
Brown field length 0+000

The Project corridor of Phase 1 alignment has been divided into homogeneous sections based on
the interchanges provided on National Highways / State Highway as well as road connecting to
major adjoining areas like airport / urban cities. The homogeneous sections for phase 1 alignemnt
are indicated in Table 1-1 and shown in Figure 7.1.

Table 1-1: Homogeneous Sections

From (Km) To (Km) Length (Km) Remark
1 0+000 5+534 5.534
2 5+534 14+072 8.538
3 14+072 36+281 22.209
4 36+281 55+670 19.389
5 55+670 79+102 23.432
6 79+102 87+126 8.024 The project
7 87+126 117+211 30.085 alignment
8 117+211 137+452 20.241 from Km 0.000
9 137+452 157+063 19.611 to km 135.056
10 157+063 185+332 28.269 falls in
11 185+332 216+755 31.423 Haryana state
12 216+755 227+742 10.987 and km
13 227+742 261+800 34.058 135.056 to km
14 261+800 292+526 30.726 396.863 in
15 292+526 306+054 13.528 Punjab State
16 306+054 321+194 15.140
17 321+194 333+184 11.990
18 333+184 359+663 26.479
19 359+663 377+353 17.690
20 377+353 397+712 19.510
Total 396.863

1.1.3 Competing alternate routes

As the project corridor is Greenfield alignment, various existing alternative routes have been
identified. In order to calculate the potential divertible traffic which is currently plying on these
routes and has the potential to shift on proposed expressway, detailed surveys have been
conducted on these alternative routes.

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi – Traffic Report
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis

Figure 1-1: Project Road Sections and Interchange Locations

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi – Traffic Report
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis Alternate route for Traffic Movement between Delhi (Interchange 1) and Panipat
(Interchange 4):

There is one existing alternative route for traffic movement between Delhi including airport and
Panipat. This route is via NH-44. It is pictorially shown in Figure 1-6 and explained in detail in
subsequent sections. Alternate Route between Delhi (Interchange 1) and Ambala (Interchange 6):

Currently, traffic coming from Delhi, Rajasthan and other central and southern states of India and
heading towards Ambala and further in North and North-East of Punjab and Haryana uses this
route which is via NH-44. The alignment of this section is shown in Figure 1-7 and explained in
detail in subsequent sections. Alternate Route between Delhi (Interchange 1) and Karnal (Interchange 7):

There is one existing alternative route for traffic movement between Delhi and Karnal. This route
is via NH-44. It is pictorially shown in Figure 1-8 and explained in detail in subsequent sections. Alternate route between Delhi (Interchange 1) and Chandigarh (Interchange 10):

This route is via combination of NH-44 and NH-152 which is pictorially shown in Figure 1-9 &
Figure 1-10 and explained in detail in subsequent sections. Alternate route between Delhi (Interchange 1) and Ludhiana (Interchange 14):

As of today, NH-44 is the fastest route from Delhi to Ludhiana. The alignment of this section is
shown in Figure 1-11 and explained in detail in subsequent sections. Alternate route between Delhi (Interchange 1) and Jalandhar (Interchange 16):

As of today, NH-44 is the fastest route from Delhi to Jalandhar. The alignment of this section is
shown in Figure 1-12 and explained in detail in subsequent sections. Alternate route between Delhi (Interchange 1) and Amritsar (Interchange 18):

There are two exiting alternative routes for the traffic movement between Delhi and Amritsar.
One is via NH-44 and NH-3and other via combination of NH-54 and NH-9. The alignment of this
section is shown in Figure 1-13 and explained in detail in subsequent sections. Alternate route between Delhi (Interchange 1) and Gurdaspur (Interchange 21):

There are two exiting alternative routes for the traffic movement between Delhi and Gurdaspur.
These routes are either via NH-44 or via combination of NH-54 and NH-9. The alignment of this
section is shown in Figure 1-14 and explained in detail in subsequent sections.

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi – Traffic Report
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis Alternate route between Ludhiana (Interchange 14) and Jalandhar (Interchange

There is an existing alternative route for the traffic moving between Ludhiana and Jalandhar via
NH-44. The alignment of this section is shown in Figure 1-15 and explained in detail in
subsequent sections. Alternate route between Ludhiana (Interchange 12) and Amritsar (Interchange

There is an existing alternative route for traffic moving between Ludhiana and Amritsar via
combination of NH-44 and NH-03. The alignment of this section is shown in Figure 1-16 and
explained in detail in subsequent sections. Alternate route between Amritsar (Interchange 19) and Gurdaspur (Interchange

There is an existing alternative route for traffic moving between Amritsar and Gurdaspur via NH-
54. The alignment of this section is shown in Figure 1-17 and explained in detail in subsequent

1.1.4 Survey Methodology Primary surveys and considerations

In order to capture traffic and travel characteristics, speed characteristics, users’ preference
regarding toll imposition of traffic passing through the existing alternative routes from Delhi to
Katra, following primary traffic surveys were collected from various department.

▪ Classified traffic volume count (CTVC) from IHMCL

▪ Origin – destination survey (OD) from DPR consultant (FIPL)

The traffic survey stations for carrying out CTVC and OD surveys were selected after a site
reconnaissance considering the following parameters.

▪ The station should be located at the alternate route alignment

▪ The station should be free from urban and local traffic influence
▪ The station should be located in a reasonably level terrain with good visibility

The summary of primary surveys identified on various alternate routes are illustrated in Figure

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi – Traffic Report
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis

Figure 1-2: Traffic surveys location map Classified traffic volume count

The classified volume count data were collected from IHMCL, considering the possibility of
diversion of traffic from existing alternative routes to proposed expressway. These locations are

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi – Traffic Report
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis

characterized by centres of heavy economic activities, population and are away from the influence
of city areas in order to avoid the influence of local traffic. In IHMCL data, vehicles were grouped
under different categories as indicated inTable 1-2.
Table 1-2: Vehicle classification system
Motorized traffic
2 wheelers: Scooters, bikes, motorcycles and mopeds etc.
3 wheelers including auto rickshaw
Passenger Car Car, jeep, taxi & van
Bus Private bus / Govt Bus
Light commercial vehicles (LCV)
2 Axle truck
3 Axle truck
4 to 6 Axle Truck
Oversized vehicle (OSV)
Earth Moving Equipment
Other Vehicles Agriculture Tractor, Tractor with Trailer
Slow moving vehicles/ Non- Motorized Traffic
Bicycle, Cycle rickshaw, Animal drawn, Hand cart

This traffic data is used to work out traffic analysis, forecast, capacity augmentation and toll
analysis. The schedule of survey is given in Table 7.3.
Table 1-3: Schedule of traffic volume count survey
Location Location ID Start Date End Date
Mukarba Chowk-Panipat Section of NH-44(Near
3212 01-02-2020 07-02-2020
Bhagan Toll Plaza)
Kurukshetra- Ambala Section of NH-44(Near
1450 02-02-2020 08-02-2020
Ludhiana-Jalandhar Section of NH-44 1452 12-01-2020 18-01-2020
Jalandhar-Pathankot Section of NH-44 1433 15-07-2019 21-07-2019
Pathankot-Jammu Section of NH-44 1493 25-07-2018 31-07-2018
Amritsar - Gurdaspur Section of NH-54 1439 14-01-2020 20-01-2020
Gurdaspur - Pathankot Section of NH-54 6598 03-04-2018 09-04-2018
Hissar-Sirsa Section of NH-9 6627 26-11-2019 02-12-2019
Churu -Hissar Section of NH-52 564 21-11-2019 27-11-2019
Jalandhar-Amritsar Section of NH-3 6589 23-11-2019 29-11-2019
Patiala-Rajpura Section of NH-07 2685 29-01-2020 04-02-2020 Origin-Destination survey

The OD survey data was collected for eleven locations from DPR consultant as stated in Table
Table 1-4: Schedule of origin – destination survey
Location Start Date End Date
Delhi – Panipat section (NH-44 near Baghan) 01-06-2018 02-06-2018 1
Ambala -Kurukshetra section (NH-44 near 1
21-05-2018 22-05-2018
Rajpura – Patiala (NH-07 near Daun Kalan) 24-05-2018 25-05-2018 1

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi – Traffic Report
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis

Location Start Date End Date
Jalandhar - Ludhiana section (NH-1 near 1
01-06-2018 02-06-2018
Amritsar - Jalandhar section (NH-1 near 1
29-05-2018 30-05-2018
Pathankot – Jalandhar section (NH-44 near 1
30-05-2018 31-05-2018
Amritsar - Gurdaspur section (NH-54 near 1
28-05-2018 29-05-2018
Pathankot – Jammu section (NH-44 near 1
31-05-2018 01-06-2018
Hisar – Sirsa section (NH-9 near Landhari) 31-05-2018 01-06-2018 1
Hisar – Churu section (NH-52 near Lasedij) 05-06-2018 06-06-2018 1
Gurdaspur - Pathankot section (NH-54 near 1
16-01-2019 17-01-2019
*OD survey data collected from DPR consultant (FIPL)

1.1.5 Data Analysis Traffic volume count

The classified traffic volume count survey data for all eleven locations was analyzed in order to
obtain the following traffic characteristics:
• Average Daily Traffic (ADT)
• Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT)
• Average Composition of traffic

Traffic data is converted into Passenger Car Unit using PCU factors as shown in Table 1-5. These
equivalency factors are extracted from IRC: 64 – 1990, Guidelines for Capacity of Roads in Rural
Table 1-5: Passenger car equivalency factors
Sl. No Vehicle Type PCU Factors
1 Two-Wheeler 0.5
2 Three Wheeler 1
3 Car / Jeep / Van 1
4 Minibus 1.5
5 Standard Bus 3
6 Light Commercial Vehicle (LCV), Agricultural Tractor 1.5
7 Two Axle Truck 3
8 Three Axle Truck 3
9 Truck Trailer/Multi Axle Vehicle 4.5
10 Agriculture Tractor-trailer 4.5
11 Earth Moving Equipment 4.5
13 Cycle 0.5
14 Cycle Rickshaw 2 Average daily traffic (ADT)

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi – Traffic Report
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis

Traffic volume count data for seven days at each of the eleven locations were averaged to
determine Average Daily Traffic (ADT). Traffic volume count summary sheets for all locations
along with ADT tables are presented in Annexure 7.1a to 7.1k to this report. The count location
ADT by vehicle type is presented in Table 1-6.

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi – Amritsar –
Traffic Report
Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis

Table 1-6: Average Daily Traffic at Count locations

Churu -Hissar Section of

Section of NH-44 (Harsa

Patiala-Rajpura Section

(Lakhanpur Toll Plaza)

Hissar-Sirsa Section of
Panipat Section of NH-

Kurukshetra- Ambala


Amritsir - Gurdaspur

NH-9 (Landhari Toll)

(Ladowal Toll Plaza)

(Waryam Nangal)
Mukarba Chowk-

Section of NH-44

Section of NH-44

Section of NH-44

Section of NH-44

Section of NH-03

Section of NH-44
44 (Bhagan)

of NH-07

Vehicle Type

Location ID 3212 1450 1452 1433 1439 6598 564 6627 2685 6589 1493
Tollable Traffic No
Car / Jeep / Van (Private) 45867 39187 28622 6023 12107 6935 608 8619 21990 21482 8288
Maxx/Pick-Up 2187 1800 3123 644 679 677 242 771 1387 1479 343
Mini Bus / LCV 6270 4950 2826 790 418 592 108 874 929 1294 962
Bus / 2 Axle 4313 4481 2921 1749 828 1315 71 782 1341 1595 1918
3 Axle 2366 2614 1048 1125 500 1597 47 430 456 358 998
MAV (4 to 6 Axles) 2448 2245 908 391 645 1061 26 588 333 253 598
MAV (> 6 Axles) 2 2 4 0 0 2 0 1 1 0 0
Others 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 5
Total vehicles 63453 55279 39452 10722 15177 12182 1105 12065 26437 26461 13112
Total PCUs 88521 79809 51995 18234 20300 22033 1497 16988 31665 31900 21536
Non Tollable Traffic
3-Wheeler 1372 235 1780 99 308 557 70 362 1193 2576 257
2-Wheeler 6625 4384 9682 4831 6168 8978 989 3818 6854 13499 10240
Agriculture Tractor 50 30 25 30 13 23 14 34 25 47 20

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi – Amritsar –
Traffic Report
Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis

Churu -Hissar Section of

Section of NH-44 (Harsa

Patiala-Rajpura Section

(Lakhanpur Toll Plaza)

Hissar-Sirsa Section of
Panipat Section of NH-

Kurukshetra- Ambala


Amritsir - Gurdaspur

NH-9 (Landhari Toll)

(Ladowal Toll Plaza)

(Waryam Nangal)
Mukarba Chowk-

Section of NH-44

Section of NH-44

Section of NH-44

Section of NH-44

Section of NH-03

Section of NH-44
44 (Bhagan)

of NH-07

Vehicle Type

Location ID 3212 1450 1452 1433 1439 6598 564 6627 2685 6589 1493
Agriculture Tractor/ Trailer 247 93 294 132 98 275 139 245 131 211 61
Cycle 91 28 137 169 323 157 46 24 135 403 200
Cycle Rickshaw 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 25
Total Non-Tollable (Nos.) 8385 4770 11918 5261 6910 10005 1258 4483 8338 16736 10803
Total Non-Tollable (PCUs) 5917 2905 8050 3238 4014 6427 1234 3437 5315 10547 5832
Grand Total (Nos.) 71838 60049 51370 15983 22087 22187 2363 16548 34775 43197 23915
Grand Total (PCUs) 94438 82713 60045 21472 24314 28460 2731 20424 36979 42447 27367

Maximum traffic has been observed at Mukarba Chowk- Panipat Section of NH-44 near Bhagan Toll Plaza, followed by Kurukshetra –Ambala section of

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Traffic Report
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis Annual average daily traffic (AADT)

Seasonal variation factors by vehicle types are required to account for variations in the pattern of
traffic volume on the project road sections over different seasons of the year. These factors are
worked out based on the month wise fuel sales data collected along the roads where the survey
was carried out. The seasonal correction factors adopted for petrol and diesel driven vehicles are
presented in Table 1-7.

Table 1-7: Seasonal Correctional Factors

Petrol Diesel
April 1.03 0.99
May 1.01 0.94
June 0.96 0.96
July 1.00 1.10
August 0.90 1.11
September 1.05 1.06
October 0.97 0.98
November 0.94 0.90
December 1.02 0.90
January 1.09 1.07
February 1.06 1.01
March 1.01 1.06
Average 1.00 1.01

The traffic volume survey is carried out in different month of year 2019 / 2020 and seasonal
factor for month is considered for converting ADT to AADT.

The Location IDs1493 & 6598 data is increased by 5% to convert the data from FY 2019 to FY
2020.The AADT value of base year (FY-2020) is used for the traffic volume projection up to
horizon year. Vehicle class wise AADT at count locations along the alternative / connecting road
to project road is shown in Table 1-8.

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi – Amritsar –
Traffic Report
Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis

Table 1-8: Annual Average Daily Traffic at count locations

Churu -Hissar Section of

Section of NH-44 (Harsa

Patiala-Rajpura Section

(Lakhanpur Toll Plaza)

Hissar-Sirsa Section of
Panipat Section of NH-

Kurukshetra- Ambala


Amritsir - Gurdaspur

NH-9 (Landhari Toll)

(Ladowal Toll Plaza)

(Waryam Nangal)
Mukarba Chowk-

Section of NH-44

Section of NH-44

Section of NH-44

Section of NH-44

Section of NH-03

Section of NH-44
44 (Bhagan)

of NH-07

Vehicle Type

Location ID 3212 1450 1452 1433 1439 6598 564 6627 2685 6589 1493
Tollable Traffic No
Car / Jeep / Van (Private) 47702 40754 30912 6324 13076 7354 559 8274 23309 19763 8354
Maxx/Pick-Up 2209 1818 3342 702 727 704 218 694 1442 1331 324
Mini Bus / LCV 6333 5000 3024 861 447 615 97 787 966 1165 909
Bus / 2 Axle 4356 4526 3125 1906 886 1367 64 704 1395 1436 1812
3 Axle 2390 2640 1121 1226 535 1660 42 387 474 322 943
MAV (4 to 6 Axles) 2472 2267 972 426 690 1103 23 529 346 228 565
MAV (> 6 Axles) 2 2 4 0 0 2 0 1 1 0 0
Others 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 5
Total vehicles 65464 57007 42500 11445 16361 12808 1006 11376 27933 24245 12912
Total PCUs 90782 81781 55920 19631 21842 23048 1358 15807 33369 29142 20872
Non Tollable Traffic
3-Wheeler 1372 235 1780 99 308 585 70 362 1193 2576 270
2-Wheeler 6625 4384 9682 4831 6168 9427 989 3818 6854 13499 10752
Agriculture Tractor 50 30 25 30 13 24 14 34 25 47 21
Agriculture Tractor/ Trailer 247 93 294 132 98 289 139 245 131 211 64
Cycle 91 28 137 169 323 165 46 24 135 403 210

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi – Amritsar –
Traffic Report
Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis

Churu -Hissar Section of

Section of NH-44 (Harsa

Patiala-Rajpura Section

(Lakhanpur Toll Plaza)

Hissar-Sirsa Section of
Panipat Section of NH-

Kurukshetra- Ambala


Amritsir - Gurdaspur

NH-9 (Landhari Toll)

(Ladowal Toll Plaza)

(Waryam Nangal)
Mukarba Chowk-

Section of NH-44

Section of NH-44

Section of NH-44

Section of NH-44

Section of NH-03

Section of NH-44
44 (Bhagan)

of NH-07

Vehicle Type

Location ID 3212 1450 1452 1433 1439 6598 564 6627 2685 6589 1493
Cycle Rickshaw 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 26
Total Non-Tollable (Nos.) 8385 4770 11918 5261 6910 10506 1258 4483 8338 16736 11343
Total Non-Tollable (PCUs) 5917 2905 8050 3238 4014 6750 1234 3437 5315 10547 6123
Grand Total (Nos.) 73849 61777 54418 16706 23271 23314 2264 15859 36271 40981 24255
Grand Total (PCUs) 96698 84685 63970 22869 25856 29797 2592 19243 38683 39689 26994

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Main Report
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis Composition of traffic

The composition of total traffic at count locations is presented in Error! Reference source not
found. and Figure 1-3. The share of car/jeep varies between 24.7% and 66.0% while 3-wheelers
vary from 0.4% to 6.3%, whereas trucks composition varies from 7.4% to 41.8 % of traffic. The
2-wheeler constitute 7.1% to 44.3% of total traffic.

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi – Amritsar –
Main Report
Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis

Table 1-9: Total Traffic Composition at Count Locations

Churu -Hissar Section of

Section of NH-44 (Harsa

Patiala-Rajpura Section

(Lakhanpur Toll Plaza)

Hissar-Sirsa Section of
Panipat Section of NH-

Kurukshetra- Ambala


Amritsir - Gurdaspur

NH-9 (Landhari Toll)

(Ladowal Toll Plaza)

(Waryam Nangal)
Mukarba Chowk-

Section of NH-44

Section of NH-44

Section of NH-44

Section of NH-44

Section of NH-03

Section of NH-44
44 (Bhagan)

of NH-07

Vehicle Type

Location ID 3212 1450 1452 1433 1439 6598 564 6627 2685 6589 1493
Car / Jeep / Van (Private) 64.6 66.0 56.8 37.9 56.2 31.5 24.7 52.2 64.3 48.2 34.4
Maxx/Pick-Up 3.0 2.9 6.1 4.2 3.1 3.0 9.6 4.4 4.0 3.2 1.3
Mini Bus / LCV 8.6 8.1 5.6 5.2 1.9 2.6 4.3 5.0 2.7 2.8 3.7
Bus / 2 Axle 5.9 7.3 5.7 11.4 3.8 5.9 2.8 4.4 3.8 3.5 7.5
3 Axle 3.2 4.3 2.1 7.3 2.3 7.1 1.9 2.4 1.3 0.8 3.9
MAV (4 to 6 Axles) 3.3 3.7 1.8 2.5 3.0 4.7 1.0 3.3 1.0 0.6 2.3
MAV (> 6 Axles) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Others 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
3-Wheeler 1.9 0.4 3.3 0.6 1.3 2.5 3.1 2.3 3.3 6.3 1.1
2-Wheeler 9.0 7.1 17.8 28.9 26.5 40.4 43.7 24.1 18.9 32.9 44.3
Agriculture Tractor 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.6 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1
Agriculture Tractor/ Trailer 0.3 0.2 0.5 0.8 0.4 1.2 6.1 1.5 0.4 0.5 0.3
Cycle 0.1 0.0 0.3 1.0 1.4 0.7 2.0 0.2 0.4 1.0 0.9
Cycle Rickshaw 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Traffic Report
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Traffic Report
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Traffic Report
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Traffic Report
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis

Figure 1-3: Traffic Composition of all the Locations

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Traffic Report
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis Origin – Destination Survey

The origin–destination survey data was collected from DPR consultant (FIPL). The analysis of
daily flow of classified traffic volume count has been the basis for fixing sample size of vehicles
by type and direction. The expansion factors are calculated based on AADT at each location
Data collected was checked manually and analyzed in excel. Incorrect entries were removed by
cross-checking it with original field data sheets. Inconsistencies were also monitored. The
checked and corrected data was used for final analysis. The checking includes: Zoning system

The zoning was done at four levels. In first level, all-important towns located along the proposed
project stretch were assigned a zone code. Secondly, immediate influence areas of project road
were considered, and nearby areas/towns were defined as zones. In the next level, all nearby
districts were grouped in zones. Finally, states beyond the influence area were aggregated
broadly in terms of direction of project road. In all, total 99 traffic analysis zones (TAZs) were
created for the project road. The list of traffic zones is presented in Table 1-10.
Table 1-10: Adopted zoning system for the study
Zone Name District State
1 New Delhi Delhi
2 Bahadurgarh
3 Kharkhoda, Sampla
4 Rohtak
5 Gohana, Mundlana
6 Jind, Barwala
7 Kaithal, Narwana, Kalayat
8 Patran
9 Sangrur, Sunam
10 Bhawanigarh
11 Dhuri, Maler Kotla
12 Barnala Along the
13 Bhatinda, Mansa Project Road
14 Patiala
15 Raikot, Jagraon
16 Ludhiana
17 Moga
18 Jalandhar
19 Amritsar
20 Gurdaspur
21 Pathankot
22 Kathua
23 Jammu J&K
24 Katra, KatraVaishno Devi
Dwarka, Janakpuri, UttamNatar (South West), IGI
25 Delhi Delhi

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Traffic Report
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis

Zone Name District State
Rajouri Garden (West Delhi), Khanjhawala (North
West), Narela (North Delhi)
Seelampur (North East), Daryaganj (Central Delhi),
Shahdara, Preet Vihar, Anand Vihar (East Delhi)
28 Defence Colony (South East), Saket (South Delhi)
29 Sonepat
30 Gannur
31 Panipat
32 Samlakha
33 Karnal
34 Kurukshetra
35 Yamunanagar,
36 Ambala
37 Gurgaon Haryana
38 IMT Manesar
Districts of
39 Faridabad, Palwal, Nuh
40 Riwari
41 Jhajjar
42 Charkhi Dadri, Mahendergarh
43 Bhiwani
44 Hisar
45 Fatehabad, Sirsa
46 Rajpura
47 Nabha, Samana
48 Fatehgarh Sahib
49 Chandigarh Chandigarh
50 Ladhowal
51 Khanna, Payal Ludhiana
52 Samrala
53 Phillaur
54 Nakodar
55 Kapurthala
Kapurthala Punjab
56 Phagwara
57 Rupnagar Rupnagar
58 Nawanshahr Nawanshahr
59 Hoshiarpur
60 Dasuya Hoshiarpur
61 Mukherian
62 Taran Taran
63 Firozpur Firozpur
64 Faridkot Faridkot
65 Muktsar, Fazilka

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Traffic Report
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis

Zone Name District State
66 Rayya
67 Ajnala
68 Batala
69 Dinanagar
70 Sambha
71 Udhampur
72 Doda, Kishtwar,Rajouri, Reasi, Ramban, Poonch
Srinagar, Anantnag, Kulgam, Pulwama, Shopian, Kashmir J&K
Budgam, Ganderbal, Bandipora, Baramulla, Kupwara Division
74 Leh
75 Sirmaur, Solan, Shimla, Kinnaur
Himachal Himachal
76 Bilaspur, Una, Hamirpur, Mandi, Kullu
Pradesh Pradesh
77 Kangra, Chamba, Kyelang
78 Saharanpur, Shamli, Muzaffarnagar, Bagpat, Meerut
Meerut, Bijnor, Hapur, Amroha, Moradabad, Lucknow,
Allahabad Uttar Uttar
80 Bulandshahr, Aligarh, Mathura, Agra Pradesh Pradesh
81 Ghaziabad, Dadri, Noida
82 Rest of Uttar Pradesh
83 Haridwar, Dehradun
84 Garhwal, Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakashi Uttarakhand Uttarakhand
85 Rest of Uttarakhand
86 Sri Ganganagar, Hanumangarh
87 Churu, Bikaner, Nagaur, Sikar, Jhunjhunun
Alwar, Dausa, Bharatpur, Jaipur, Ajmer, Bhilwara,
Chittaurgarh, Udaipur
Rajasthan Rajasthan
Dholpur, Karauli, Tonk, Sawaimadhopur, Bundi, Kota,
Baran, Jhalawar, Pratapgarh, Banswara, Dungarpur
Jaisalmer, Jodhpur, Barmer, Jalor, Sirohi, Pali,
91 Maharashtra
92 Kerala
93 Tamil Nadu
94 Karnataka, Goa
95 Andhra Pradesh, Telengana other States other States
96 Gujarat of India of India
97 Madhya Pradesh
98 Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa, Chhattisgarh, West Bengal
Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur,
Mizoram, Tripura, Assam, Meghalaya Expansion factors and development of O–D matrices

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Traffic Report
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis

Sampling varied with the changes in traffic flow across the day. Care has been taken to eliminate
any element of bias in sampling. Since data was collected on sample basis, expansion factors are
required to replicate the pattern as reflected in the sample to the total number of vehicular trips
made during the day. These expansion factors are calculated separately for each class of vehicle.
For example, if xc is number of cars interviewed and Xc is the total number of cars counted during
the day, then Xc/xc would be the expansion factor for the matrix of cars.

O–D matrices are developed to assess the traffic movement pattern. These matrices actually
speak about distribution of trips for each zone as intra zonal and inter zonal movements. The
vehicle wise O–D matrices are developed by multiplying the sample O–D matrix obtained from
survey data with expansion factors. Accordingly, 8 matrices, for different modes were developed
for each survey location. O–D matrices for different vehicle types for all seven survey locations
are presented in Annexure 7.2a to 7.2k. Travel Pattern

The share of trips from major areas within the project road is presented in Table 1-11.

Table 1-11: Distribution of Trip in the Project Influence Area

Passenger Vehicles (%) Freight Vehicles (%)
State/ MAV
Vehicle Type Mini 2-Axle 3- Axle
Car Minibus Bus LCV (4 to 6
LCV Trucks Trucks
Punjab 52% 48% 48% 56% 36% 46% 44% 38%
Haryana 25% 21% 19% 26% 33% 19% 23% 27%
Delhi 12% 15% 17% 7% 14% 11% 10% 11%
J&K 4% 7% 7% 4% 5% 14% 11% 9%
Rest of India 7% 10% 10% 6% 12% 10% 12% 15%
Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

From the above tables, it is observed that most of the trips originating or destined are from Punjab
followed by Haryana and Delhi. Lead Distribution

The O-D survey data has been analysed to obtain lead ranges for various categories of vehicles.
Different categories of freight vehicles viz. LCV, 2/3 axle trucks and multi axle trucks are
distributed on the basis of spectrum developed using various load and lead ranges. The lead
distribution in terms of percentage is also presented in Table 1-12 and Table 1-13.
Table 1-12: Lead Distribution of Passenger Vehicle
Trip Length Range (km)
Vehicle type
0-20 20-50 50-100 100-200 200-500 500-1000 >1000 Total
Delhi – Panipat section (NH-44 near Baghan)
Car 0.3 2.6 13.0 33.8 47.1 2.6 0.8 100.00
Mini Bus 0.0 2.8 8.0 28.4 54.5 5.2 1.2 100.00
Std. Bus 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.00

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Traffic Report
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis

Trip Length Range (km)

Vehicle type
0-20 20-50 50-100 100-200 200-500 500-1000 >1000 Total
Rajpura – Patiala (NH-07 near Daun Kalan)
Car 9.4 26.8 30.7 18.4 14.5 0.1 0.1 100.00
Mini Bus 5.3 71.6 18.9 4.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.00
Std. Bus 19.9 11.7 35.7 19.3 13.0 0.2 0.2 100.00
Ambala -Kurukshetra section (NH-44 near Sarifgarh)
Car 0.0 0.0 18.9 16.6 60.3 3.5 0.7 100.00
Mini Bus 0.0 0.0 16.3 12.4 60.9 7.4 3.0 100.00
Std. Bus 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.00
Jalandhar - Ludhiana section (NH-1 near Ladhowal)
Car 11.1 9.9 34.2 21.5 18.5 3.4 1.5 100.00
Mini Bus 5.9 7.5 47.2 21.5 15.2 2.0 0.7 100.00
Std. Bus 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.00
Amritsar - Jalandhar section (NH-3 near Nirajpur)
Car 0.0 5.1 33.3 14.3 43.0 2.7 1.5 100.00
Mini Bus 0.0 20.0 20.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 0.0 100.00
Std. Bus 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.00
Pathankot – Jalandhar section (NH-44 near HarsaMansar)
Car 0.0 15.5 2.8 28.3 38.7 12.7 2.0 100.00
Mini Bus 0.0 4.1 0.0 22.1 31.1 33.6 9.0 100.00
Std. Bus 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.00
Amritsar - Gurdaspur section (NH-54 near WaryamNagal)
Car 0.0 51.4 16.3 18.8 13.2 0.1 0.1 100.00
Mini Bus 0.0 23.7 0.0 44.7 31.6 0.0 0.0 100.00
Std. Bus 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.00
Gurdaspur - Pathankot section (NH-54 near Ladpalwan)
Car 0.3 49.1 3.8 27.7 17.5 1.5 0.1 0.3
Mini Bus 0.0 13.2 0.0 56.6 30.2 0.0 0.0 0.0
Std. Bus 0.0 5.5 0.0 64.7 27.6 2.2 0.0 0.0
Pathankot – Jammu section (NH-44 near Lakhanpur)
Car 5.3 0.4 0.6 21.1 31.1 33.9 7.5 100.00
Mini Bus 16.7 4.9 0.0 27.8 31.9 12.5 6.3 100.00
Std. Bus 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.00
Hisar – Sirsa section (NH-9 near Landhari)
Car 0.0 0.0 52.5 11.1 33.7 2.2 0.6 100.00
Mini Bus 0.0 0.0 61.1 0.0 38.9 0.0 0.0 100.00
Std. Bus 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.00
Hisar – Churu section (NH-52 near Lasedi)
Car 0.6 10.2 2.9 69.7 13.7 1.3 1.5 100.00
Mini Bus 0.0 12.5 0.0 48.2 39.3 0.0 0.0 100.00
Std. Bus 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.00

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Traffic Report
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis

Table 1-13: Lead Distribution of Goods Vehicle

Trip Length Range (km)
Vehicle type
0-20 20-100 100-200 200-500 500-1000 >1000 Total
Delhi – Panipat section (NH-44 near Baghan)
Mini LCV 7.1 31.3 42.1 19.0 0.3 0.2 100.0
LCV 1.9 17.4 40.4 36.8 2.3 1.2 100.0
2A 1.3 8.7 25.6 51.2 9.3 3.9 100.0
3A 1.4 11.9 37.1 42.7 4.7 2.1 100.0
MAV 3.5 10.6 38.2 41.9 3.9 1.9 100.0
Rajpura – Patiala (NH-07 near Daun Kalan)
Mini LCV 55.7 21.0 16.7 6.3 0.0 0.3 100.0
LCV 49.4 20.9 18.1 9.6 1.3 0.7 100.0
2A 44.8 19.7 22.3 10.6 1.0 1.7 100.0
3A 36.8 24.4 20.9 14.0 1.6 2.3 100.0
MAV 25.4 22.7 21.5 18.2 0.9 11.3 100.0
Ambala -Kurukshetra section (NH-44 near Sarifgarh)
Mini LCV 0.0 29.9 12.5 46.1 7.5 3.9 100.0
LCV 0.1 11.9 14.1 56.1 12.0 5.8 100.0
2A 0.0 9.1 13.4 56.7 13.8 7.1 100.0
3A 0.0 9.0 13.4 55.7 14.1 7.9 100.0
MAV 0.0 11.7 14.2 53.5 11.2 9.4 100.0
Jalandhar - Ludhiana section (NH-1 near Ladhowal)
Mini LCV 13.2 33.4 22.2 21.3 7.3 2.6 100.0
LCV 15.8 31.8 22.4 20.6 5.7 3.7 100.0
2A 7.6 30.2 23.6 26.6 7.5 4.6 100.0
3A 7.2 27.0 24.8 25.6 8.5 6.9 100.0
MAV 9.5 19.9 20.1 31.9 10.0 8.7 100.0
Amritsar - Jalandhar section (NH-3 near Nirajpur)
Mini LCV 1.7 53.3 15.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 100.0
LCV 1.9 28.2 20.4 42.7 6.8 0.0 100.0
2A 1.2 37.0 19.8 39.5 2.5 0.0 100.0
3A 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0
MAV 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0
Pathankot – Jalandhar section (NH-44 near HarsaMansar)
Mini LCV 11.4 3.1 46.9 30.1 8.4 0.0 100.0
LCV 13.2 2.3 32.9 30.6 17.4 3.6 100.0
2A 5.6 2.3 31.8 38.4 17.9 4.0 100.0
3A 10.9 1.7 43.1 27.5 13.1 3.8 100.0
MAV 4.1 1.3 36.0 39.2 14.3 5.1 100.0
Amritsar - Gurdaspur section (NH-54 near WaryamNagal)
Mini LCV 27.1 2.1 32.7 29.1 3.4 5.6 100.0
LCV 25.1 20.0 26.9 19.4 4.9 3.7 100.0
2A 18.7 4.9 35.9 32.5 2.0 6.0 100.0
3A 10.1 6.6 48.1 24.0 4.1 7.1 100.0
MAV 7.3 3.9 35.2 29.3 3.2 21.1 100.0
Gurdaspur - Pathankot section (NH-54 near Ladpalwan)
Mini LCV 49.3 11.2 22.1 14.8 2.2 0.4 100.0
LCV 15.4 5.4 49.2 24.8 3.8 1.5 100.0

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Traffic Report
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis

Trip Length Range (km)

Vehicle type
0-20 20-100 100-200 200-500 500-1000 >1000 Total
2A 15.3 8.0 32.6 36.8 5.7 1.5 100.0
3A 17.7 7.6 35.2 28.9 6.9 3.7 100.0
MAV 10.1 3.6 31.2 35.3 9.7 10.0 100.0
Pathankot – Jammu section (NH-44 near Lakhanpur)
Mini LCV 6.3 0.3 50.5 31.5 9.8 1.6 100.0
LCV 1.5 0.4 18.5 36.5 36.4 6.7 100.0
2A 0.8 0.0 6.7 27.2 54.7 10.6 100.0
3A 0.4 0.2 9.6 40.9 34.3 14.6 100.0
MAV 0.3 0.0 11.0 17.0 48.2 23.6 100.0
Hisar – Sirsa section (NH-9 near Landhari)
Mini LCV 0.0 66.2 25.6 8.2 0.0 0.0 100.0
LCV 0.0 48.8 10.3 34.7 4.0 2.3 100.0
2A 0.0 37.0 14.1 42.6 2.1 4.3 100.0
3A 0.0 27.6 31.5 37.7 1.1 2.1 100.0
MAV 0.0 19.5 24.0 45.2 3.2 8.1 100.0
Hisar – Churu section (NH-52 near Lasedi)
Mini LCV 1.0 1.0 72.0 17.9 5.3 2.9 100.0
LCV 1.8 1.8 60.7 26.8 3.6 5.4 100.0
2A 9.8 2.0 33.3 25.5 7.8 21.6 100.0
3A 5.8 1.9 34.6 21.2 11.5 25.0 100.0
MAV 4.2 0.0 29.2 29.2 12.5 25.0 100.0

Zones with highest trip attraction and generation centers are Delhi, Chandigarh, Ambala, Panipat,
Amritsar, Jalandhar, Ludhiana, Pathankot and Jammu. Commodity Group and Analysis

The different commodities recorded during O–D survey have been classified in 17 categories and
are presented in Table 1-14. Due consideration has been given to include all possible
commodities and to categorize them into homogeneous groups.
Table 1-14: Classification of commodities
Code Commodity type
Food grains and other agricultural products (Rice, wheat, pulses, maize, chilly,
coconut, sugarcane, sugar, cotton, coffee, tea, eggs etc.)
2 Fruits, vegetables – perishables
3 Wood and Forest Products
4 Petroleum, oil, Gas and lubricants product
5 Minerals, chemicals, fertilizer
6 Iron, Metal and steel
Finished and manufactured products (Vehicles, Products of machinery, rubber,
electric & electronics, textile, automobile, glass, plastic etc.)
8 Parcel Service & Containers
9 Medicines

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Traffic Report
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis

Code Commodity type

10 Building materials (Brick, Tiles, Mud and Blocks)
11 Mining (Sand, Bajri and Coarse Aggregate)
12 Cement
13 Marble stone
14 Textiles &Fiber
15 Coal
16 Miscellaneous goods (Livestock, Waste, paper etc.)
17 Empty vehicles

The commodity movement pattern along the project corridor under study is analyzed and
presented in

Table 1-15.

Table 1-15: Distribution of Goods Carried by Commercial Vehicles

Vehicle Vehicle Wise Commodities Distribution (%) at each survey location
type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Delhi – Panipat section (NH-44 near Baghan)
LMV 9.2 12.0 0.6 1.0 1.2 11.7 10.9 0.8 0.0 1.9 0.2 0.0 1.0 8.1 0.5 8.8 31.9
LCV 12.4 9.2 2.1 1.0 0.6 13.6 8.6 0.9 0.5 2.2 0.3 0.6 1.0 7.1 0.9 8.3 30.7
2A Truck 11.0 6.9 2.4 1.1 1.6 17.6 14.6 1.5 0.0 1.5 0.3 0.2 1.7 8.4 0.8 9.7 20.7
3A Truck 9.2 9.5 0.8 2.8 1.2 13.7 24.6 0.5 0.3 3.8 0.0 0.7 2.0 9.8 1.6 4.5 15.0
MAV 12.1 9.3 1.4 4.7 5.5 11.3 17.0 1.3 0.0 3.1 0.0 1.4 0.9 8.2 0.6 5.3 17. 9
Rajpura – Patiala (NH-07 near Daun Kalan)
LMV 6.2 3.3 1.1 1.5 0.0 0.4 2.1 1.0 1.6 0.3 0.6 0.7 0.0 0.8 0.4 2.2 77.9
LCV 9.6 2.1 1.5 2.3 2.3 1.8 5.3 2.3 1.5 1.8 0.5 1.5 0.0 0.7 0.8 2.3 63.7
2A Truck 12.0 1.7 0.5 8.9 5.3 1.0 6.7 0.5 2.6 1.0 3.1 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.5 4.8 49.8
3A Truck 7.1 3.7 2.8 9.2 2.1 0.5 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.2 4.6 0.5 1.2 1.2 0.0 2.8 58.5
MAV 8.7 5.1 0.0 7.2 6.0 1.5 6.9 0.0 4.2 3.3 2.4 1.5 1.5 0.6 0.9 1.5 48. 9
Ambala -Kurukshetra section (NH-44 near Sarifgarh)
LMV 6.7 5.0 4.1 3.1 1.3 5.6 6.0 1.3 1.3 1.7 7.2 0.5 1.7 2.4 0.0 10.0 42.3
LCV 12.6 8.8 3.7 5.5 2.0 8.2 10.3 1.9 6.7 0.9 1.9 1.3 0.5 3.2 0.7 7.2 24.6
2A Truck 11.5 7.8 5.2 6.9 1.9 7.6 12.8 3.1 5.4 0.8 2.4 0.8 0.1 5.9 0.8 8.8 18.3
3A Truck 12.8 6.4 3.3 12.2 2.8 7.6 12.3 1.3 5.4 1.9 1.3 0.8 1.2 3.1 1.2 9.8 16.6
MAV 10.7 5.6 6.5 4.5 3.2 10.5 16.4 1.9 3.3 0.8 2.4 0.2 0.0 3.5 1.1 7.8 21. 5
Jalandhar - Ludhiana section (NH-1 near Ladhowal)
LMV 17.2 4.8 2.0 2.0 1.0 8.5 9.3 1.0 0.8 1.0 4.0 0.7 0.1 2.4 0.2 10.4 34.7
LCV 16.4 7.2 1.8 3.9 1.3 6.5 11.3 1.3 1.8 1.6 1.8 0.4 0.4 2.2 0.3 11.7 30.2
2A Truck 18.9 8.0 0.6 2.5 0.4 9.6 7.0 1.5 0.8 1.5 4.3 0.7 0.7 2.3 0.8 11.0 29.3
3A Truck 15.3 5.2 1.6 2.7 1.3 7.2 8.9 2.0 0.3 1.6 8.5 0.2 1.5 1.7 0.4 8.3 33.2
MAV 12.6 3.1 2.0 3.9 0.8 7.2 14.0 1.9 0.6 0.8 5.9 0.2 1.1 1.2 0.0 7.2 37. 9
Amritsar - Jalandhar section (NH-3 near Nirajpur)
LMV 18.0 1.6 1.6 0.0 0.0 1.6 1.6 6.6 0.0 0.0 1.6 1.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.8 55.7

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Traffic Report
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis

Vehicle Vehicle Wise Commodities Distribution (%) at each survey location

type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
LCV 17.6 2.0 2.0 3.9 0.0 9.8 1.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 8.8 1.0 1.0 2.0 0.0 2.9 45.1
2A Truck 23.8 1.3 1.3 6.3 1.3 6.3 2.5 3.8 0.0 0.0 5.0 1.3 0.0 1.3 0.0 7.5 38.8
3A Truck 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
MAV 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Pathankot – Jalandhar section (NH-44 near HarsaMansar)
LMV 9.1 10.1 1.5 0.0 0.7 0.7 12.3 0.7 0.7 0.0 3.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.5 5.1 54.1
LCV 9.9 7.4 1.7 3.2 0.9 2.6 10.6 1.7 0.7 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.3 0.6 0.0 4.3 54.1
2A Truck 10.6 2.2 0.1 9.3 0.5 1.3 5.1 2.0 1.1 1.4 6.4 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 3.4 55.9
3A Truck 8.5 1.0 0.1 4.2 0.9 1.1 1.9 2.2 1.5 1.1 25.2 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.0 3.0 48.6
MAV 5.1 0.3 0.0 9.6 1.9 1.9 8.9 3.2 0.3 1.3 14.4 0.0 0.0 1.3 0.0 4.2 47. 9
Amritsar - Gurdaspur section (NH-54 near WaryamNagal)
LMV 6.3 8.3 0.7 2.8 0.7 2.8 10.4 2.1 1.4 1.4 16.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 43.1
LCV 12.3 22.9 1.7 0.0 0.9 4.9 13.7 5.7 2.9 0.0 5.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.9 0.0 28.9
2A Truck 3.9 16.6 0.0 1.0 2.9 0.0 2.0 4.9 1.0 0.0 21.3 1.9 1.0 1.0 0.0 2.9 39.9
3A Truck 3.0 7.6 1.0 3.5 0.5 2.5 1.6 2.0 0.5 3.0 27.8 1.6 4.6 1.6 1.6 2.5 35.0
MAV 1.3 5.3 1.5 7.0 1.5 2.3 2.5 6.2 0.0 1.5 33.2 2.1 5.7 2.1 3.6 1.5 22. 7
Gurdaspur - Pathankot section (NH-54 near Ladpalwan)
LMV 6.8 5.4 1.8 1.3 1.3 3.6 3.6 1.5 1.0 1.5 2.1 0.7 0.0 1.3 0.7 4.3 62.9
LCV 8.1 4.2 1.5 1.3 1.7 4.8 2.7 2.3 0.4 1.3 6.7 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.4 3.3 59.3
2A Truck 11.3 7.0 0.9 0.6 1.2 6.4 3.3 2.1 0.8 1.8 16.3 0.9 0.0 0.6 0.4 3.9 42.6
3A Truck 6.8 6.8 0.8 2.1 0.9 7.1 1.5 0.6 0.0 1.6 25.9 3.1 0.3 0.4 0.4 1.5 40.4
MAV 5.3 4.6 2.6 2.4 1.0 6.6 2.8 0.8 0.2 2.6 29.9 5.2 1.0 0.0 1.4 1.4 32.4
Pathankot – Jammu section (NH-44 near Lakhanpur)
LMV 17.0 15.8 0.0 1.6 4.7 3.2 2.5 3.5 0.0 3.8 3.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.6 42.6
LCV 17.0 12.6 1.6 2.1 2.7 2.3 4.9 3.1 0.4 1.7 4.6 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 6.0 40.6
2A Truck 13.8 18.4 0.7 2.3 3.9 6.2 9.4 6.3 0.4 1.5 5.6 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.7 6.4 24.1
3A Truck 15.8 14.5 1.2 2.5 5.1 7.5 5.6 4.1 0.4 4.1 5.6 0.2 0.2 0.3 1.0 6.8 25.1
MAV 10.2 7.0 0.8 1.7 8.3 6.9 8.7 3.8 0.7 6.7 5.6 0.1 0.3 0.0 2.0 5.8 31. 3
Hisar – Sirsa section (NH-9 near Landhari)
LMV 17.0 15.8 0.0 1.6 4.7 3.2 2.5 3.5 0.0 3.8 3.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.6 42.6
LCV 17.0 12.6 1.6 2.1 2.7 2.3 4.9 3.1 0.4 1.7 4.6 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 6.0 40.6
2A Truck 13.8 18.4 0.7 2.3 3.9 6.2 9.4 6.3 0.4 1.5 5.6 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.7 6.4 24.1
3A Truck 15.8 14.5 1.2 2.5 5.1 7.5 5.6 4.1 0.4 4.1 5.6 0.2 0.2 0.3 1.0 6.8 25.1
MAV 10.2 7.0 0.8 1.7 8.3 6.9 8.7 3.8 0.7 6.7 5.6 0.1 0.3 0.0 2.0 5.8 31. 3
Hisar – Churu section (NH-52 near Lasedi)
LMV 12.1 26.2 5.3 1.9 0.0 1.5 2.4 1.9 0.0 1.9 0.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 0.0 4.9 38.8
LCV 19.6 16.1 5.4 1.8 1.8 5.4 5.4 3.6 0.0 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 0.0 5.4 26.8
2A Truck 20.8 11.3 1.9 5.7 1.9 3.8 5.7 5.7 1.9 0.0 1.9 7.5 0.0 1.9 1.9 3.8 24.5
3A Truck 25.0 9.6 1.9 3.8 1.9 3.8 5.8 5.8 1.9 3.8 1.9 5.8 0.0 1.9 0.0 5.8 21.2
MAV 29.2 4.2 0.0 8.3 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 0.0 8.3 4.2 0.0 4.2 4.2 12.5

From the above data, it can be analyzed that food grains and other agricultural products have the
maximum share of around 12.3%, followed by perishable commodities like Fruits and Vegetable
the share of which is 8.3%, finished and manufactured products (7.3%), Mining(Sand, Bajri, and
Corse Aggregate) 5.5% , Miscellaneous goods (5.3%) , Iron, Metal and Steel (5.2%) ,Petroleum,

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Traffic Report
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis

oil, gas and Lubricants Product(3.5%), parcel services and containers (2.2 %) and. Empty vehicles
have a higher share, close to 34.8 % as many trips have trip-ends as either pickup or drop.
1.1.6 Location of Ramp Plaza Toll Plaza

Since the project road in phase I is an access-controlled Greenfield expressway from Delhi
(Bahadurgarh) to Gurdaspur in the state of Haryana and Punjab, there are 21 ramp plazas on the
interchange locations proposed on the corridor.

Interchange points are proposed at intersection of all National Highways and some important
state highways along the project corridor. These Interchange points are proposed keeping in view
the important towns / Airport in vicinity of the corridor. These interchanges will act as the entry
and exit points for traffic which will use this corridor in future. The details of the toll plaza are
given in Table 1-16.
Table 1-16: Location of Toll Plaza
Interchange serving major Location of Toll
SI. No Toll Plaza State
city/ town Plaza (Ch.)
1 TP-1 Start of Expressway 0.000
2 TP-2 Kharkhoda / Sampla 5.534
3 TP-3 Rohtak / Kharkhoda 14.072 Toll plaza
4 TP-4 Panipat / Rohtak 36.281 location
falls in
5 TP-5 Jind / Gohana / Sonipat 55.670 Haryana
6 TP-6 Rajasthan / Panipat 79.102 State
7 TP-7 Karnal / Jind 87.126
8 TP-8 Kaithal / Narwana 117.211
9 TP-9 Patran, Kaithal, Karnal 137.452
10 TP-10 Patiala / Patran / Chandigarh 157.063
11 TP-11 Sangrur 185.332
12 TP-12 MalerKotla / Patiala 216.755
13 TP-13 Malerkotla / Ludhiana 227.742 Toll plaza
14 TP-14 Ludhiana / Ambala 261.800 location
15 TP-15 Nakodar 292.526 falls in
16 TP-16 Jalandhar / Nakodar 306.054 Punjab
17 TP-17 Kapurtala / Jalandhar 321.194 State
18 TP-18 Amritsar / Jalandhar 333.184
19 TP-19 Dasuya / Hoshiarpur / Amritsar 359.663
20 TP-20 Batala 377.353
21 TP-21 Gurdaspur / Pathankot and J&K 396.180 Methodology Adopted for Study

As the project road has closed tolling system, the vehicles which enter the project corridor from
entry ramp of any interchange will get a slip at entry ramp, and the charges will be deducted at
the exit ramp of interchange from where he will leave the corridor. Thus, in order to access the

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Traffic Report
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis

revenue which will be generated from a particular toll plaza/booth, the traffic entering and
leaving any toll plaza / toll booth has to be worked out from OD surveys. Potential Diverted Traffic

Potentially divertible traffic at entry/exit of interchanges for each category of vehicle has been
assessed and is given in Table 1-17Error! Reference source not found..

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi – Amritsar –
Traffic Report
Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis

Table 1-17: Potential Divertabe Traffic at Exit of Toll plaza location in Year 2019-20
Toll Plaza Location/Number
Vehicle Type
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Cars 14607 614 50 1477 550 2252 470 1246 230 7400 725 810 512 11303 608 7013 534 3702 3870 150 8697
Minibus 267 12 2 22 10 27 10 12 8 126 0 20 13 220 2 127 12 72 65 0 183
Std. Bus 1249 32 0 93 23 91 30 41 15 759 31 54 24 655 13 405 51 273 300 5 769
Mini LCV 777 111 1 147 14 126 47 70 29 122 98 45 42 1030 32 734 98 303 230 42 794
LCV 1503 138 3 193 51 200 121 155 32 394 94 34 71 920 30 555 103 247 192 29 901
2 axle Truck 911 26 0 54 63 74 22 45 20 209 46 25 28 633 15 329 136 260 272 24 1255
3 axle Truck 1022 51 0 115 51 115 54 56 11 233 67 18 36 513 9 273 111 224 380 26 1298
MAV 967 52 2 94 32 127 78 76 22 185 99 12 38 402 8 207 56 162 205 15 844
Total Vehicles 21303 1036 59 2195 794 3012 832 1701 367 9428 1160 1018 762 15676 716 9643 1100 5244 5514 292 14741
Total PCUs 31937 1513 70 3156 1211 4131 1383 2335 556 12740 1841 1281 1112 21256 832 12722 1946 7486 8265 470 24881
*TP – Toll Plaza

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis
Traffic Report

1.2 Traffic forecast and demand estimates

1.2.1 Traffic Forecasting

Investment priorities are governed by traffic demand, assessed benefits and cost of the project.
Demand plays important role, which governs which type of facility / infrastructure is to be
created. This in turn determines likely benefits and costs to develop the same. A highway project
of this nature calls for significant investment. Prediction of traffic demand becomes an important
task and has to be carried out as accurately as possible. Accurate estimation of traffic has direct
bearing on the viability of the project. Recognizing this, efforts need to be made to carefully assess
all the parameters that help in predicting the traffic demand in future, which necessitates realistic
estimation of traffic growth rates. Traffic growth on a road facility is generally estimated on the
basis of historical trends. In the present case, traffic growth rates are estimated using elasticity
method in accordance with IRC: 108 – 2015. Demand changes are usually because of shift in
pattern of economic activities in the surrounding regions. Hence, future traffic estimation
necessitates a preview, however imprecise, of the probable pattern of future growth of the

In the absence of historical traffic census data on the project road, the future traffic has been
forecasted using transport demand elasticity approach by regression of registered vehicles of the
influencing states of Delhi (UT), Haryana, Punjab and Jammu with respect to socio-economic
parameters viz., population, Per Capita Income (PCI), NSDP and GDP as explained below.

The exercise of traffic growth rate estimation has been carried out using the elasticity approach.
The elasticity method relates traffic growth to changes in the related economic parameters.
According to IRC: 108 – 2015, elasticity based econometric model for highway projects could be
derived in the following form:

Log e (P) = A0 * A1 Log e (EI)

P = Traffic volume (of any vehicle type)
EI = Economic Indicator (GDP/NSDP/Population/PCI)
A0 = Regression constant;
A1 = Regression co-efficient (Elasticity Index)

The main steps followed are:

• Defining the Project Influence Area from OD analysis of travel pattern

• Estimating the past elasticity of traffic growth from time series of registered vehicles of
influencing states
• Assessment of future elasticity values for major vehicle groups, namely, cars, buses and
• Study of past performance and assessment of prospective growth rates of state economies
of influence area

The elasticity values are obtained by fitting log-log regression between the registered vehicle
types (car, bus and goods vehicles) and NSDP, population and per-capita income of influencing
states and GDP of India. The regression analysis is carried out using various combinations of
economic indicators and population of registered vehicles and the elasticity values resulted from
the best fit equations are used in estimating growth rates.

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis
Traffic Report Past Vehicle registered details

In order to analyze the vehicle growth in Project Influence Area (PIA), the vehicle registration
data of Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir and India have been collected. The
Compounded Average Growth Rate (CAGR) for different vehicle types is shown in Table 1-18,
Table 1-19,
Table 1-20, Table 1-21 and Table 1-22.

Table 1-18: Growth of Vehicle Registration of Punjab

Year TW Car Bus Trucks
2004-05 2777147 349560 19855 100571
2005-06 2975198 389494 21136 107534
2006-07 3181759 427608 21982 111415
2007-08 3385088 470059 24457 129797
2008-09 3581837 510972 25682 139065
2009-10 3956279 554699 27146 149367
2010-11 4332540 598882 28463 159179
2011-12 4729594 698615 30160 180706
2012-13 5131051 773970 31927 197976
2013-14 5670670 899726 35310 219447
2014-15 6258303 1020891 38154 239070
CAGR 8.46% 11.31% 6.75% 9.04%
Source: MORT&H

Table 1-19: Growth of Vehicle Registration of Haryana

Year TW Car Bus Trucks
2004-05 1729236 419879 11297 166437
2005-06 1881174 485453 19986 176046
2006-07 2172669 568758 22101 200977
2007-08 2463672 664134 26906 220470
2008-09 2768197 745335 29516 230858
2009-10 2975418 851374 33520 249991
2010-11 3370426 988958 35646 275162
2011-12 3755349 1134514 39153 292735
2012-13 4146906 1293065 43456 307509
2013-14 4541932 1454182 46558 327882
2014-15 4988518 1609544 52640 348732
CAGR 11.18% 14.38% 16.64% 7.68%
Source: MORT&H

Table 1-20: Growth of Vehicle Registration of Jammu &Kashmir

Year TW Car Bus Trucks LMV
2004-05 273265 108934 20735 31515 29003
2005-06 297656 123023 21435 33174 32762
2006-07 320754 138072 22161 35697 36566

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis
Traffic Report

Year TW Car Bus Trucks LMV

2007-08 341834 156508 23149 38977 41114
2008-09 363029 175433 24051 41696 44441
2009-10 407928 199611 23480 35109 54196
2010-11 446791 237846 25858 35414 59212
2011-12 480815 280825 25765 38482 65171
2012-13 530594 321310 26888 40751 72637
2013-14 588207 361578 27947 43132 79639
2014-15 644458 401855 29695 45802 86854
CAGR 8.96% 13.94% 3.66% 3.81% 11.59%
Source: MORT&H
Table 1-21: Growth of Vehicle Registration of Delhi
Year TW Car Bus Truck
2004-05 2839838 1182801 24797 122006
2005-06 3078660 1303303 25511 128193
2006-07 3335763 1649785 26491 137983
2007-08 3578199 1791478 26933 155871
2008-09 3808503 1931486 28453 208294
2009-10 4065789 2091522 30560 226256
2010-11 4352963 2258434 33067 242331
2011-12 4654706 2303052 34251 129339
2012-13 4980227 2547877 131715
2013-14 5296163 2691282 142203
2014-15 5681265 2859620 153406
CAGR 7.18% 9.23% 4.72% 2.32%

Table 1-22: Growth of Vehicle Registration of Trucks (All India)

Year Trucks (All India)
2004-05 3877622
2005-06 4274984
2006-07 5118880
2007-08 5600938
2008-09 6040924
2009-10 6431926
2010-11 7064495
2011-12 7658391
2012-13 8306834
2013-14 8697541
2014-15 9344464
CAGR 9.19% Past Growth of Economy

The past performance of the economic indicators for the project influence area (PIA) was also
collected for the same period (2004-05 to 2014-15), with the objective of establishing elasticity
of travel demand to the different economic indicators. The economic indicators considered for
the analysis include:

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis
Traffic Report

• Net State Domestic Product and Net National Domestic Product

• Per Capita Income (PCI)
• Population

Table 1-23, Table 1-24, Table 1-25, Table 1-26, Table 1-27 and

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis
Traffic Report

Table 1-28 give the growth of Economic indicators for Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, J&K and India.

Table 1-23: Growth in Economic Indices of Punjab State (at 2004-05 Prices)
Year NSDP (Million) PCI Population
2004-05 8610813 33103 25925000
2005-06 9032981 34096 26257000
2006-07 10007179 37087 26587000
2007-08 10873818 39567 26916000
2008-09 11476627 41003 27240000
2009-10 12209725 42831 27556000
2010-11 12998333 44769 27861000
2011-12 13698738 46325 28160000
2012-13 14258538 47854 28454000
2013-14 15030456 49529 28738000
2014-15 15887725 51403 29010000
CAGR 6.32% 4.50% 1.13%

Table 1-24: Growth in Economic Indices of Haryana State (at 2004-05 Prices)
Year NSDP (Million) PCI Population
2004-05 8622228 37972 22707000
2005-06 9401146 40627 23140000
2006-07 10470049 44423 23569000
2007-08 11289592 47046 23997000
2008-09 12158839 49780 24425000
2009-10 13677999 55044 24849000
2010-11 14605347 57797 25270000
2011-12 15852299 61716 25686000
2012-13 16716882 64052 26099000
2013-14 17830719 67260 26510000
2014-15 19243700 71493 26917000
CAGR 8.36% 6.53% 1.72%

Table 1-25: Growth in Economic Indices of J & K State (at 2004-05 Prices)
Year NSDP (Million) PCI Population
2004-05 2730462 21734 10877000
2005-06 2888283 22406 11035000
2006-07 3060158 23375 11192000
2007-08 3256098 24470 11350000
2008-09 3466422 25641 11506000
2009-10 3622489 26518 11659000
2010-11 3826996 27666 11806000
2011-12 4120305 28790 11952000
2012-13 4340196 30035 12096000
2013-14 4584716 31448 12235000
2014-15 4512631 28882 12369000
CAGR 5.15% 2.88% 1.29%

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis
Traffic Report

Table 1-26: Growth in Economic Indices of Delhi State (at 2004-05 Prices)
Year NSDP (Rs lacs) PCI
2004-05 947169 63877
2005-06 1044734 69128
2006-07 1174441 76243
2007-08 1306830 83243
2008-09 1469612 91845
2009-10 1590435 97525
2010-11 1722352 103619
2011-12 1807222 106677
2012-13 1941403 112441
2013-14 2083682 118411
2014-15 2256296 125809
CAGR 8.83% 6.78%

Table 1-27: Growth in Economic Indices of All India (at 2004-05 Prices)
Year GDP (Billion Rs.)
2004-05 2971464
2005-06 3253073
2006-07 3564364
2007-08 3896636
2008-09 4158676
2009-10 4516071
2010-11 4918533
2011-12 5247530
2012-13 5482111
2013-14 5741791
2014-15 6070669
CAGR 7.41%

The trend in economy in the influence region had fluctuations in last decade. The same for various
time periods along with national trend is depicted in table 7-33. The growth of PIA factored with
regional influence mentioned earlier also is given.

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis
Traffic Report

Table 1-28: Past Growth Trend of Economy (CAGR %)

Year Punjab Haryana Delhi J&K AI (New) AI (Old) PIA growth

2005-2016 7.75 8.36 9.07 8.54 - 7.59 8.15

2009-2016 8.07 7.96 7.41 7.58 - 6.66 7.77
2012-2016 5.42 6.06 7.68 6.97 6.01 4.6 5.98 Transport demand elasticity

The regression analysis tool performs linear regression analysis by using the "least squares"
method to fit a line through a set of observations. We can analyze how a single dependent variable
is affected by the values of one or more independent variables. In the present case, registered
vehicles by type are dependent variables whereas the economic parameters are independent
The t-statistic is a measure of how strongly a particular independent variable explains variations
in the dependent variable. The larger the t-statistic, the better the independent variable’s
explanatory power. Next to each t-stat is a P-value. The P-value is used to interpret the t-stat. In
short, the P-value is the probability that the independent variable in question has nothing to do
with the dependent variable. Generally, we look for a P-value of less than .05, which means there
is a 5% chance that the dependent variable is unrelated to the dependent variable. If the P-value
is higher than .10, a strong argument can be made for eliminating this particular independent
variable from a model because it “isn’t statistically significant.”

R Square

R Square is another measure of the explanatory power of the model. In theory, R square compares
the amount of the error explained by the model as compared to the amount of error explained by
averages. The higher the R-Square, the better it is.

Regression analysis has been carried out by creating econometric models as suggested in IRC:
108 – 1996, using past vehicle registration data, and economic indicators such as population and
PCI for passenger vehicles and NSDP for freight vehicles. All India registered trucks are also
regressed with GDP to estimate national level elasticity value for trucks and its growth rate. The
elasticity values obtained for each class of vehicle are given in Table 1-29, Table 1-30, Table
1-31, Table 1-32.

Table 1-29: Elasticity Values Derived based on Regression Analysis for Punjab

Vehicle Type Indicator Elasticity GR (%) R-square t-stat p-value

PCI 1.913 8.406 0.968 18.211 0.000

Two-Wheeler NSDP 1.386 8.497 0.974 20.387 0.000
Population 7.667 8.222 0.983 25.230 0.000
Population 9.05 9.706 0.99 27.39 0.00
PCI 2.254 9.903 0.966 17.741 0.000

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis
Traffic Report

Vehicle Type Indicator Elasticity GR (%) R-square t-stat p-value

NSDP 1.633 10.011 0.973 19.797 0.000

Population 6.137 6.581 0.979 22.665 0.000
Bus PCI 1.538 6.755 0.972 19.390 0.000
NSDP 1.112 6.821 0.976 21.101 0.000
Trucks NSDP 1.394 8.546 0.981 23.719 0.000
LCV/LMV NSDP 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

Table 1-30: Elasticity Values Derived based on Regression Analysis for Haryana

Vehicle Type Indicator Elasticity GR (%) R-square t-stat p-value

PCI -0.117 -0.348 0.737
10.807 0.999
Population 6.748 5.371 0.001
Two-Wheeler Population 6.312 10.824 0.999 81.305 0.000
NSDP 1.330 11.130 0.996 44.848 0.000
PCI 1.684 11.013 0.994 38.077 0.000
PCI 0.026 0.097 0.925
13.690 0.999
Population 7.883 7.794 0.000
Car NSDP 1.682 14.078 0.997 53.819 0.000
PCI 2.130 13.931 0.995 43.800 0.000
Population 7.982 13.686 0.999 128.580 0.000
NSDP 2.920 0.938 0.376
13.709 0.926
Population -6.256 -0.424 0.683
Population 7.563 12.968 0.918 10.050 0.000
Bus PCI 2.030 13.280 0.926 10.575 0.000
NSDP 1.602 13.403 0.925 10.507 0.000
PCI 2.918 0.937 0.376
13.381 0.926
Population -3.329 -0.286 0.782
Trucks NSDP 0.928 7.769 0.996 48.528 0.000
LCV/LMV NSDP 1.084 9.071 0.985 24.693 0.000

Table 1-31: Elasticity Values Derived based on Regression Analysis for J & K

Vehicle Type Indicator Elasticity GR (%) R-square t-stat p-value

PCI 1.959 6.734 0.968 17.270 0.000

Two Wheeler NSDP 1.577 8.792 0.981 22.487 0.000
Population 6.81 8.68 0.989 17.270 0.000
Population 10.49 13.3687 0.994 41.936 0.000
Car PCI 2.254 7.747 0.966 17.741 0.000
NSDP 3.025 16.869 0.977 20.498 0.000
PCI 0.785 2.699 0.955 14.638 0.000
Bus Population 2.719 3.465766 0.970 17.864 0.000
NSDP 0.628 3.504 0.957 14.930 0.000

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis
Traffic Report

Vehicle Type Indicator Elasticity GR (%) R-square t-stat p-value

Trucks NSDP 0.563 3.139 0.725 5.139 0.000

LCV/LMV NSDP 2.008 11.199 0.990 31.707 0.000

Table 1-32: Elasticity Values Derived based on Regression Analysis for Delhi

Vehicle Type Indicator Elasticity GR (%) R-square t-stat p-value

PCI 1.003 6.908 0.982 22.398 0.000

NSDP 0.787 7.035 0.990 29.874 0.000
PCI 1.273 8.766 0.987 26.044 0.000
NSDP 0.993 8.877 0.984 23.218 0.000
PCI -0.277 -1.905 0.043 -0.638 0.539
NSDP 0.489 4.371 0.925 8.619 0.000
Trucks NSDP 0.213 1.902 0.062 0.768 0.462
LCV/LMV NSDP 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

The elasticity of commercial vehicles in PIA for various time periods was computed and are
presented in Table 1-33. The commercial vehicle registration and NSDP of the states are used to
arrive at the elasticity.

Table 1-33: Elasticity of commercial vehicles in PIA

Period Punjab Haryana Delhi J&K All India
2005-2015 1.39 1.08 0.21 2.01 1.78
2009-2015 1.70 1.13 0.21 2.56 1.56
2012-2015 2.08 1.48 0.21 2.38 1.56
2005-2015 1.39 0.93 0.21 0.56 0.69
2009-2015 1.70 1.04 0.21 0.46 0.74
2012-2015 2.08 1.36 0.21 1.50 0.74 Projected transport demand elasticity

In order to arrive at realistic future elasticity for the project road, various factors relating to
vehicle technology changes besides character of traffic and travel pattern on the project road have
been considered. The basic projection for elasticity of each mode with respect to the relevant
parameter is presented in Table 1-34.

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis
Traffic Report

Table 1-34: Projected Basic Elasticity

2-Axle 3-Axle
Period Car Bus LCV MAV
Trucks Trucks
2021-25 1.00 0.80 0.93 0.76 0.77 0.74
2026-30 0.81 0.65 0.84 0.68 0.69 0.67
2031-35 0.66 0.52 0.80 0.65 0.66 0.63
2036-40 0.54 0.43 0.76 0.62 0.63 0.60
2041-45 0.46 0.37 0.72 0.59 0.59 0.57
> 2045 0.40 0.32 0.68 0.56 0.56 0.54

The high elasticity of cars witnessed at present is due to the large demand facilitated by financing
schemes and loans. Factors like growth of household incomes (particularly in urban areas),
reduction in the prices of entry-level cars, growth of the used car market, changes in life style,
growing personal incomes, desire to own a vehicle facilitated by availability of loans/financing
schemes on easy terms, etc. have all contributed to the rapid growth in ownership of cars.
However, such trend could slow down and elasticity could decline in future, which the
assumption is made in this report. However, given India’s current low level of motorization it
could also be a possible scenario where the levels of elasticity could be maintained at current
levels into the future.

Over the years there is a change in passenger movement with more and more people shifting
towards personalized modes. Moreover, the buses are usually plying on fixed pre-decided routes
and thus elasticity values for buses have been considered accordingly.

With the changing freight vehicle mix in favour of LCV for short distance traffic and MAVs for
long-distance traffic, higher elasticity values for these have been considered as compared to 2-
axle and 3 axle trucks. Considering the on-going technical advancements in automobile industry,
some of the standard two axle trucks were getting replaced by three axle truck and MAVs over
last few years, further the three axle trucks also started replaced by MAVs in last few years leading
to reduction in number of trucks. But presently, production of new technology 2 and 3 axle trucks
has been observed and the same is expected to grow over a period of next few years. This shift
has already been observed in various areas of the country. The production trends of commercial
vehicles in the country also depict the increase in share of 2A and 3A trucks in last 2 years.

The Figure 1-4 shows the percentage changes in commercial vehicles, category-wise, in India
from FY04 to FY17. The introduction of rigid body MAVs and 6-wheel LCVs have resulted in
increased use of these modes. These days the LCVs are used for even long-haul trips, contrary to
their conventional usage. The changes in vehicle technology, improved safety standards etc. have
contributed to these shifts, but it is clear from the chart below that the shift may have achieved
equilibrium and plateaued over the recent few years. However, for the purposes of our report, we
have assumed that the shift continues.

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis
Traffic Report

Source: from various volumes published by SIAM

Figure 1-4: Trend of production of commercial vehicles in India

It would be easier to relate the PIA growth and vehicular growth projections. Thus, the final
elasticities are calculated with respect to PIA growth and are presented in Table 1-35, which
depict the direct relation of projection of vehicular growth to PIA growth.

Table 1-35: Projected transport demand elasticity values

Period LCV 2-Axle Trucks 3-Axle Trucks MAV
2021-25 0.86 0.45 0.49 0.84
2026-30 0.81 0.42 0.46 0.80
2031-35 0.77 0.39 0.42 0.76
2036-40 0.73 0.36 0.39 0.72
2041-45 0.70 0.30 0.31 0.70
> 2045 0.66 0.31 0.33 0.69 Perspective growth: state and national economies

Against this background, any agenda for future growth of the state economies has to take into
account past trends, future prospects, and the emerging challenges. The growth prospects for the
subject state has been developed taking into consideration the past performance of the state
economy and the economic growth envisaged for the future. The pace with which the regional
economies grow with the envisaged growth of the state is a major contributing factor in growth
of traffic.

Various studies by economic houses, researchers and other observers like World Bank, CID1 of
Harvard University, EIU2, OECD3 etc. have published the forecast for GDP, from time to time.
Observing the trend and relation of NSDP to GDP in the past (Section 2.6) the forecast for future
is framed carefully. The past 10 years witnessed a lot of changes in economic front of the country.
Considering that entire block as a guiding factor may skew the values, and thus a short period of
recent past (2012-15) has been taken as guiding block duly considering the trend in various

1 CID: Centre for International Development, Harvard University

EIU: Economic Intelligent Unit
OECD: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis
Traffic Report

This helps in framing the future GDP values for smaller periods initially, like block of five years
till 2059-60. depicts the projection of GDP for horizon years.

Among the various GDP projections, OECD projection covers long term and is in line with recent
trends in growth. Thus, that series is adopted in the present study. The GDP suggested is
considered for factoring NSDP and the projections. The regions which out-performed the GDP in
the past will continue to do so, while others will follow the trends which are marked by their
present trend as well as likely changes in longer term.

As mentioned earlier, the government of India introduced a new series for GDP growth recently
which has changed the datum from FY05 to FY15 and the methodology of calculating the GDP also
has been changed. This made the historic values in the new series and projection of the old series
difficult to calculate, and moreover there is no data available for linking both. Thus, the elasticities
of different modes are moderated considering the growth of both series in the overlapping period.
Table 1-36: Projected growth rates of indicators in percentage
Period Punjab Haryana Delhi J&K All India
2021-25 6.50 7.80 9.80 3.90 5.90
2026-30 6.50 7.80 9.80 3.90 5.90
2031-35 6.50 7.80 9.80 3.90 5.90
2036-40 6.40 7.60 9.70 3.90 5.80
2041-45 6.10 7.20 9.20 3.70 5.50
> 2045 5.70 6.80 8.70 3.50 5.20 Projected traffic growth rates

In view of the above, it is felt that the future growth rates should neither be under nor over
targeted. The complexities involved and sensitive dimensions of economy are many. It is
therefore, important that its larger issues are addressed.

Based on the present composition of goods vehicles, overall growth of goods vehicles and average
load carried by each vehicle type, tonnage is calculated for present and future composition of
traffic. On this basis growth rates of goods vehicles are appropriated keeping the overall growth
of trucks constant. The final recommended growth rates are given in Table 1-37.

Table 1-37: Estimated and recommended traffic growth rates

Mode 2021-25 2026-30 2031-35 2036-40 2041-45 > 2045
Car 6.9 5.6 4.5 3.7 3.0 2.4
Bus 5.5 4.5 3.6 2.9 2.4 1.9
LCV 5.9 5.6 5.3 5.0 4.5 4.0
2 Axle Truck 3.1 2.9 2.7 2.4 1.9 1.9
3 Axle Truck 3.4 3.2 2.9 2.6 2.0 2.0
MAVs 5.8 5.5 5.3 4.9 4.5 4.1

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis
Traffic Report Traffic forecast for non–motorised traffic

As the project corridor is an expressway, there is no provision of non-motorized traffic on this

corridor. so traffic forecast for non-motorized traffic has not been done.

1.3 Travel Demand Estimates

1.3.1 Traffic demand estimation for proposed project road

This section presents the assessment of traffic on proposed Delhi – Amritsar - Katra Greenfield
alignment. The result of this analysis will form input for forecasting toll traffic and revenue,
deciding tolling strategy, planning and designing the pavement, developing capacity
augmentation proposals and designing the toll plaza.

The corridor traffic would consist of three components:

• Diverted Traffic: This is traffic based on trips that are already being made between
various origin and destination pairs and likely to be diverted to the proposed project
• Development Traffic: This is the traffic based on new trips that would be generated due
to the development of new nodes along the project highway.
• Generated / Induced Traffic: This is traffic that is based on trips that were not taken
earlier due to lack of desired infrastructure.

Thus, the total traffic on project corridor is sum of diverted traffic, developmental traffic and
generated traffic. Traffic Diversion Methodology

Cost ratio diversion curves is used to estimate diverted traffic to the project corroder. In this
approach, traffic likely to be diverted from existing alternate routes to project road is estimated
using diversion curves, which computes the ratio of perceived costs on the
competitive/alternative facilities.

According to the model, the vehicle will shift if the perceived cost on the project road is lower in
comparison to alternate road. The rate of diversion is calculated using the diversion
curve/equations, which is similar to the Logit curve. These equations are presented in Table

Table 1-38: Diversion Curve Equation

Vehicle Cost Ratio Interval Relationship
<0.634 % Div = 98.75 – ((CR/0.634)* 8.125)
Car 0.64 = CR <1.465 % Div= 90.625-((CR-0.634)/0.831)*84.375
1.465 <=CR <= 2.00 %Div = 6.25-((CR-1.465)/0.535))*5.25
<= 0.75 % Div=100-(CR/0.75)*5
Truck &
0.75 <= CR <=1.25 % Div= 95-((CR-0.75)/.5)*90
1.25<=CR <=2.00 % Div= ((2-CR)/0.75)*5

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis
Traffic Report


CR = (Total Cost of Project Route) / (Total Cost of Alternate Route)

Total Cost (INR) = Vehicle Operating Cost (INR) Toll Charges (INR) Value of time (INR)

Figure 1-5: Diversion Curves

For calculating the cost ratio, the generalized cost is considered on the project corridor and
alternative road. The generalized cost consists of three components. These are:

• Vehicle operating cost (VOC),

• Value of time (VOT) and
• Toll Fee

Percentage diversion is estimated based on the Cost ratio as given in above table and is applied
on the potential divertible traffic obtained from OD Matrix to get the total traffic that will be
diverted from the alternate route to the project to corridor. Vehicle Operating Cost (VOC)

The VOC for various vehicle types are suggested in IRC: SP:30–2009. It comprises of fixed and
variable costs. Variable cost varies with the distance travelled like fuel cost, tyres cost,
maintenance cost, lubricants cost etc. whereas insurance, taxes and depreciation are the
component of fixed cost. The IRC SP:30–2009 suggests VOC based on rise and fall, lane

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis
Traffic Report

configuration and roughness. The revised VOC for present year is calculated for alternate routes
mentioned above based on the lane configuration and pavement conditions. Value of Time (VOT)

VOT for different modes is adopted from IRC: SP:30–2009. It is revised for present year and the
adopted values given below.

Table 1-39: Value of time for present year

Value of Time (INR per hour) Value of Time (INR per hour)
Nature of Journey by (2009) (2019)
Passenger Primary Secondary Primary Secondary
Route Route Route Route
Cars 62.5 52.5 97 81
Bus 43.5 43.5 67 67

Table 1-40: Type of route and commodity holding cost

Commodity Holding Value of Time (INR
Types of Route Vehicle Type
Cost (INR/day) per hour) (2019)
LCV 58.1 90
Primary Route 2 Axle / 3 Axle Truck 178 276
MAV 333 516
LCV 54 83
Secondary Route 2 Axle / 3 Axle Truck 148.4 230
MAV 333 516

Travel Time: Travel time is calculated both for the existing alternate routes and proposed project
corridor. The calculation is based on the total length of the road and average speed of road.

Toll: Toll estimation for each route is done using data from prevailing toll policies and actual toll
on various alternative routes, wherever necessary. The toll on project highway is considered as
suggested by NHAI toll notification.

Generalized cost: The Generalized Cost for cost ratio calculation for vehicles has the following

VOC = Vehicle Operating Cost
VOT = Value of Travel Time
TR = Toll Rates
TL = Trip Length Diversion Analysis

A) Alternative route for Traffic between Point 1(First Toll Plaza) and Point 4 (Sonipat):

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis
Traffic Report

There is one existing alternative route for the traffic moving between Points 1-4. This route is via
NH-44 & KMP Expressway. The alignment of existing alternative road along with project corridor
is presented in Figure 1-6 and explained in detail below:

Figure 1-6: Alternate Route from Point 1(Delhi) to Point 4 (Panipat)

Alternative Route-1: Via NH-44: This route is currently used by traffic which is originating from
Delhi, Gurugram, South and South-East of Haryana; West, North-West and South-West of
Rajasthan and all the western states of India and destining at Panipat, North and North-East of
Haryana, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and J&K. This is the potential divertible traffic which can be
shifted to the proposed Greenfield Expressway.

Table 1-41: Details of Alternate Road via NH-44 and Project Road (Delhi-Katra
Expressway)_Int 1-4
Length Lane Type of No of Toll
Existing Route Condition
(km) Configuration Road Plaza
Alternative Route-1
Start Point to Rai 27 6 lane Good NH-44 1
Rai to Panipat 54.8 6 lane Good NH-44 1

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis
Traffic Report

Length Lane Type of No of Toll

Existing Route Condition
(km) Configuration Road Plaza
Total 81.8 - - - 2
Project Road
Km 0.000 to Km
36.281 4 lane Very Good Expressway 1
36.281 (Gohana)
Km 35.855 to
57.2 4 lane Good NH-709 1
Total 93.481 - - - 2

Table 1-42 gives the generalized cost of alternate route and project corridor.

Table 1-42: Generalized cost of Alternate road and Project corridor from Int 1 to Panipat
Generalized Cost
Vehicle Type
Alternate Road Project Corridor
Car 1199 1364
Pvt Bus 5145 5808
LCV 1852 2110
2Axle 2479 2822
3Axle 2562 3035
MAV 4382 4976

Traffic Diversion from Alternate Road to project corridor is given in Table 1-43. Highest
diversion can be seen in cars which is 39.0% and lowest is in freight vehicles which varies from
17% to 27% depending upon the axle configuration vehicles.

Table 1-43: Percentage of Traffic Diversion from Alternate Road to Proposed Project
Corridor Int 1 to Panipat
Vehicle Type % Diversion to Project Road in the Base Year (2019-20)
Cars 39.0
Taxi/Shared Jeep 39.0
Mini Bus 25.0
Govt Bus 27.0
Pvt Bus 27.0
Mini LCV 39.0
LCV 25.0
2-Axle Trucks 25.0
3-Axle Trucks 17.0
MAV 26.0

B) Alternative Route for Traffic Between Point 1 (Main Toll Plaza- Bahadurgarh) and Point
6 (Ambala):

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis
Traffic Report

There is an existing alternative route for movement of traffic between Points 1-6. This route is via
NH-44. The alignment of existing alternative road along with project corridor is presented in
Figure 1-7 and explained in detail below:

Figure 1-7: Alternate Route from Point 1(Delhi) to Point 6 (Ambala)

Alternative Route via NH-44: This route is currently used by traffic which is originating from
Delhi, Gurugram, South and South-East of Haryana; West, North-West and South-West of
Rajasthan and all the western states of India and destining at Ambala, North and North-East of
Haryana, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and J&K. This is the potential divertible traffic which can be
shifted to the proposed Greenfield Expressway.
Table 1-44: Details of Alternate Road via NH-44 and Project Corridor
Length Lane Type of No of Toll
Existing Route Condition
(km) Configuration Road Plaza
Alternative Route
Start Point to Rai 27 6 lane Good KMP 1
Rai to Ambala 171 6 lane Good NH-44 3
Total 198 - - - 4
Project Route
Km 0.000 to Km 79.102 79.102 4 lane Very Good Expressway 1
km 70.102 to Pehowa
(Through Trans 75 1

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis
Traffic Report

Length Lane Type of No of Toll

Existing Route Condition
(km) Configuration Road Plaza
Pehowa (Through Trans
41.4 4 lane Good NH-152
Haryana) to Ambala
Total 195.502 - - - 2

Table 1-45 gives the generalized cost of alternate route and project corridor.

Table 1-45: Generalized cost of Alternate road and Project road from Int 1 to Ambala
Generalized Cost
Vehicle Type
Alternate Road Project Corridor
Car 2978 2775
Pvt Bus 12869 12110
LCV 4463 4287
2-Axle Trucks 5950 5699
3-Axle Trucks 6401 5822
MAV 10519 10040

Traffic Diversion from Alternate Road to project corridor is given in Table 1-46. Highest
diversion can be seen in cars which is 60% and lowest is in freight vehicles which varies from
57% to 66% depending upon the axle configuration vehicles.

Table 1-46: Percentage of Traffic Diversion from Alternate Road to Proposed Project
Corridor from Int 1 to Ambala

Vehicle Type % Diversion to Project Road in the Base Year (2019-20)

Cars 60.0
Taxi/Shared Jeep 60.0
Minibus 57.0
Govt Bus 61.0
Pvt Bus 61.0
Mini LCV 60.0
LCV 57.0
2-Axle Trucks 58.0
3-Axle Trucks 66.0
MAV 58.0

C) Alternative Route for Traffic Between Point 1 (Main Toll Plaza- Bahadurgarh) and Point
7 (Karnal):

There is an existing alternative route for movement of traffic between Points 1-7. This route is via
NH-44. The alignment of existing alternative road along with project corridor is presented in
Figure 1-8 and explained in detail below:

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis
Traffic Report

Figure 1-8: Alternate Route from Point 1(Delhi) to Point 7(Karnal)

Alternative Route via NH-44: This route is currently used by traffic which is originating from
Delhi, Gurugram, South and South-East of Haryana; West, North-West and South-West of
Rajasthan and all the western states of India and destining at Karnal, North and North-East of
Haryana, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and J&K. This is the potential divertible traffic which can be
shifted to the proposed Greenfield Expressway.
Table 1-47: Details of Alternate Road via NH-44 and Project Corridor
Length Lane Type of No of Toll
Existing Route Condition
(km) Configuration Road Plaza
Alternative Route
Start Point to Rai 27 6 lane Good KMP 1
Rai to Panipat 54.8 6 lane Good NH-44 1
Panipat to Karnal 33.1 6 lane Good NH-44 2
Total 114.9 - - - 4
Project Route
Km 0.000 to Km 87.126 87.126 4 lane Very Good Expressway 1
Km 87.126 to Karnal 65.9 4 lane Good NH-709 0
Total 153.026 - - - 1

Table 1-48 gives the generalized cost of alternate route and project corridor.

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis
Traffic Report

Table 1-48: Generalized cost of Alternate road and Project road from Int 1 to Karnal
Generalized Cost
Vehicle Type
Alternate Road Project Corridor
Car 1815 2068
Pvt Bus 7717 8881
LCV 2785 3290
2-Axle Trucks 3843 4283
3-Axle Trucks 4219 4373
MAV 6695 7619

Traffic Diversion from Alternate Road to project corridor is given in Table 1-49. Highest
diversion can be seen in cars which is 39% and lowest is in freight vehicles which varies from
17% to 43% depending upon the axle configuration vehicles.

Table 1-49: Percentage of Traffic Diversion from Alternate Road to Proposed Project
Corridor from Int 1 to Karnal

Vehicle Type % Diversion to Project Road in the Base Year (2019-20)

Cars 39.0
Taxi/Shared Jeep 39.0
Mini Bus 17.0
Govt Bus 23.0
Pvt Bus 23.0
Mini LCV 39.0
LCV 17.0
2-Axle Trucks 29.0
3-Axle Trucks 43.0
MAV 25.0

D) Alternative route for Traffic Between Point 1 (First Toll Plaza) and Point 10 (Partan/

There is an existing alternative route for movement of traffic between Points 1-10. This route is
via combination of NH-44 and NH-152. The alignment of existing alternative road along with
project corridor is presented in Figure 1-9 and explained in detail below:

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis
Traffic Report

Figure 1-9: Alternate Route from Point 1(Delhi) to Point 10 (Chandigarh) keeping KMP as
start point
Alternative Route-1: Via NH-44and NH-152 (Keeping KMP as Start Point):This route is
currently used by traffic which is originating from Gurugram, South and South-East of Haryana;
West, North-West and South-West of Rajasthan and all the western states of India and destining
at Chandigarh, North-East of Haryana, East of Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and J&K. This is the
potential divertible traffic which can be shifted to the proposed Greenfield Expressway.

Table 1-50: Details of Alternate Road via NH-44 & NH-152 and Project Corridor
Length Lane Type of No of Toll
Existing Route Condition
(km) Configuration Road Plaza
Alternative Route-1
Start Point to Rai 27 6 lane Good KMP 1
NH-44/ NH-
Rai to Chandigarh 204 6 lane Good 4
Total 231 - - - 5
Project Route
Km 0.000 to Km
157.063 4 lane Very Good Expressway 1
157.063 (Patran)
Km 157.063 to
53.80 2 lane Good SH-10 1
Patiala Bypass

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis
Traffic Report

Length Lane Type of No of Toll

Existing Route Condition
(km) Configuration Road Plaza
Patiala Bypass to
58.20 4 lane Good NH-7 2
Total 269.063 - - - 4

Table 1-51 gives the generalized cost of alternate route and project road.

Table 1-51: Generalized cost of Alternate road and Project road from point 1 to
Generalized Cost
Vehicle Type
Alternate Road Project Corridor
Car 3559 3762
Pvt Bus 15449 16235
LCV 5210 5964
2-Axle Trucks 6951 7956
3-Axle Trucks 7549 8248
MAV 12318 13977

Traffic Diversion from Alternate Road to project corridor is given in Table 1-52. Highest
diversion can be seen in Cars which is 48% and lowest is in freight vehicles which varies from
24% to 41% depending upon the axle configuration vehicles.

Table 1-52: Percentage of Traffic Diversion from Alternate Road to Proposed Project
Corridor from point 1 to Chandigarh
Vehicle Type % Diversion to Project Road in the Base Year (2019-20)
Cars 48.0
Taxi/Shared Jeep 48.0
Minibus 24.0
Govt Bus 41.0
Pvt Bus 41.0
Mini LCV 48.0
LCV 24.0
2-Axle Trucks 24.0
3-Axle Trucks 33.0
MAV 26.0

Alternate Route-2 (Keeping Connaught Place as a starting Point): This route is currently used
by traffic which is originating from Delhi, Gurugram, South and South-East of Haryana; West,
North-West and South-West of Rajasthan and all the western states of India and destining at
Chandigarh, North-East of Haryana, East of Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and J&K. This is the
potential divertible traffic which can be shifted to the proposed Greenfield Expressway.

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis
Traffic Report

Figure 1-10: Alternate Route from Delhi (CP) to Point 10 (Chandigarh) keeping
Connaught Place as start point

Table 1-53: Details of Alternative Route via NH-44&NH-152 and Project Corridor
Length Lane Type of No of Toll
Existing Route Condition
(km) Configuration Road Plaza
Alternative Route-1
Delhi City
Delhi (CP) to Rai 43.2 6 lane Good Road/ NH- 0
NH-44/ NH-
Rai to Chandigarh 204 6 lane Good 4
Total 247.2 - - - 4
Project Route
Delhi (CP) to Start
54.8 4/6 Lane Good NH-9, KMP 0
Km 0.000 to Km
157.063 4 lane Very Good Expressway 1
157.063 (Patran)
Km 157.063 to
53.80 2 lane Good SH-10 1
Patiala Bypass
Patiala Bypass to
58.20 4 lane Good NH-7 2
Total 323.863 - - - 4

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis
Traffic Report

Table 1-54 gives the generalized cost of alternate route and project corridor.

Table 1-54: Generalized cost of Alternate road and Project road from Delhi (CP) to
Generalised Cost
Vehicle Type
Alternate Road Project Road
Car 3782 4623
Pvt Bus 16406 20140
LCV 5512 7085
2Axle 7312 9384
3Axle 7980 9758
MAV 12974 16582

Percentage of Traffic Diversion from Alternate Road is as shown in Table 1-55.

Table 1-55: Percentage of Traffic Diversion from Alternate Road to Proposed Project
Corridord from Delhi (CP) to Chandigarh

Vehicle Type % Diversion to Project Road in the Base Year (2019-20)

Cars 31.0
Taxi/Shared Jeep 31.0
Minibus 5.0
Govt Bus 9.0
Pvt Bus 9.0
Mini LCV 31.0
LCV 5.0
2-Axle Trucks 5.0
3-Axle Trucks 10.0
MAV 5.0

E) Alternative route for Traffic Between Point 1 (first Toll Plaza) and Point 14 (Ludhiana):

There is an existing alternative route for the traffic moving between Points 1-14. This route is via
NH-44. The alignment of existing alternative road along with project corridor is presented in
Figure 1-11 and explained in detail below:

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis
Traffic Report

Figure 1-11: Alternate Route from Point 1 (Delhi) to Point14 (Ludhiana)

Alternative Route-1: Via NH-44: This route is currently used by traffic which is originating from
Delhi, Gurugram, South and South-East of Haryana; West, North-West and South-West of
Rajasthan and all the western states of India and destining at Ludhiana, North, North-East and
North-West of Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and J&K. This is the potential divertible traffic which
can be shifted to the proposed Greenfield Expressway.

Table 1-56: Details of Alternate Road via NH-44 and Project Corridor
No of
Length Lane
Existing Route Condition Type of Road Toll
(km) Configuration
Alternative Route-1
Delhi City
Delhi (CP) to Rai 43.2 6 lane Good 0
Road/ NH-44
Rai to Ludhiana 280 6 lane Good NH-44 4
Total 323.2 - - - 4
Project Route

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis
Traffic Report

No of
Length Lane
Existing Route Condition Type of Road Toll
(km) Configuration
Delhi (CP) to Start Point 54.8 4/6 Lane Good NH-9, KMP 0
Km 0.000 to Km
261.800 4 lane Very Good Expressway 1
Km 261.800 to
20.8 4 lane Good NH 5
Total 337.40 - - - 1

Table 1-57 gives the generalized cost of alternate route and project corridor.

Table 1-57: Generalized cost of Alternate road and Project road from Delhi to Ludhiana
Generalized Cost
Vehicle Type
Alternate Road Project Corridor
Car 4832 4543
Pvt Bus 21104 19253
LCV 7037 7410
2-Axle Trucks 9214 9765
3-Axle Trucks 9956 9942
MAV 16452 17256

Traffic Diversion from Alternate Road to project corridor is given in Table 1-58. Highest
diversion can be seen in Buses which is 60% and lowest is in freight vehicles which varies from
39% to 66% depending upon the axle configuration vehicles.
Table 1-58: Percentage of Traffic Diversion from Alternate Road to Proposed Project
Corridor Delhi to Ludhiana
Vehicle Type % Diversion to Project Road in the Base Year (2019-20)
Cars 60.0
Taxi/Shared Jeep 60.0
Minibus 40.0
Govt Bus 66.0
Pvt Bus 66.0
Mini LCV 60.0
LCV 40.0
2-Axle Trucks 39.0
3-Axle Trucks 50.0
MAV 41.0

F) Alternative route for Traffic Between Point 1 (first Toll Plaza) and Point 16 (Jalandhar):

There is an existing alternative route for the traffic moving between Points 1-16. This route is via
NH-44. The alignment of existing alternative road along with project corridor is presented in
Figure 1-12 and explained in detail below:

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis
Traffic Report

Figure 1-12: Alternate Route from Point 1 (Delhi) to Point 16 (Jalandhar)

Alternative Route-1: Via NH-44: This route is currently used by traffic which is originating from
Delhi, Gurugram, South and South-East of Haryana; West, North-West and South-West of
Rajasthan and all the western states of India and destining at Jalandhar, North, North-East and
North-West of Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and J&K. This is the potential divertible traffic which
can be shifted to the proposed Greenfield Expressway.

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis
Traffic Report

Table 1-59: Details of Alternate Road via NH-44 and Project Corridor
No of
Length Lane
Existing Route Condition Type of Road Toll
(km) Configuration
Alternative Route-1
Delhi City
Delhi (CP) to Rai 43.2 6 lane Good 0
Road/ NH-44
Rai to Jalandhar 339 6 lane Good NH-44 5
Total 382.2 - - - 5
Project Route
Delhi (CP) to Start Point 54.8 4/6 Lane Good NH-9, KMP 0
Km 0.000 to Km
306.054 4 lane Very Good Expressway 1
Km 306.054 to
17.5 4 lane Good NH 703
Total 378.354 - - - 1

Table 1-60 gives the generalized cost of alternate route and project corridor.

Table 1-60: Generalized cost of Alternate road and Project road from Delhi to Jalandhar

Generalized Cost
Vehicle Type
Alternate Road Project Corridor
Car 5790 5100
Pvt Bus 25220 21572
LCV 8453 8353
2-Axle Trucks 11160 11041
3-Axle Trucks 12231 11241
MAV 19893 19486

Traffic Diversion from Alternate Road to project corridor is given in Table 1-61. Highest
diversion can be seen in Buses which is 77% and lowest is in freight vehicles which varies from
52% to 66% depending upon the axle configuration vehicles.
Table 1-61: Percentage of Traffic Diversion from Alternate Road to Proposed Project
Corridor Delhi to Jalandhar
Vehicle Type % Diversion to Project Road in the Base Year (2019-20)
Cars 66.0
Taxi/Shared Jeep 66.0
Mini Bus 52.0
Govt Bus 76.0
Pvt Bus 76.0
Mini LCV 66.0
LCV 52.0
2-Axle Trucks 52.0
3-Axle Trucks 65.0
MAV 54.0

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis
Traffic Report

G) Alternative route for Traffic Between Point 1 (First Toll Plaza) and Point 18 (Amritsar):

There are two existing alternative routes for the traffic moving between Point 1 and 18. These
are via NH-44 and Combination of NH-09 and NH-54. The alignment of existing alternative road
along with project corridor is presented in Figure 1-13 and explained in detail below:

Figure 1-13: Alternate Routes for Point 1 (Delhi) to Point18 (Amritsar)

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis
Traffic Report

Alternative Route 1: Via NH-44: This route is currently used by traffic which is originating from
Delhi, Gurugram, South and South-East of Haryana; West, North-West and South-West of
Rajasthan and all the western states of India and destining at Panipat, North and North-East of
Haryana, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and J&K. This is the most preferred highway for traffic which
is bound to Amritsar and further to the Northern States of India from Delhi. This is the potential
divertible traffic which can be shifted to the proposed Greenfield Expressway.

Table 1-62: Details of Alternate Road via NH-44 and Project Corridor
No of
Length Lane Type of
Existing Route Condition Toll
(km) Configuration Road
Alternative Route
Delhi to Amritsar via Delhi City
456 4/6 lane Good 7
Ambala Road/ NH-44
Total 456 - - - 7
Project Route
Delhi (CP) to Start
54.8 4/6 Lane Good NH-9, KMP 0
Km 0.000 to Km
332.184 4 lane Very Good Expressway 1
Km 333.184 to
54.3 4 lane Good NH-3 1
Total 442.284 - - - 2

Table 1-63 gives the generalized cost of alternate route and project corridor

Table 1-63: Generalized cost of Alternate road and Project road from Delhi to Amritsar
via Ambala
Generalized Cost
Vehicle Type
Alternate Road Project Corridor
Car 7400 6869
Pvt Bus 34096 30341
LCV 10096 9906
2-Axle Trucks 13640 13286
3-Axle Trucks 14480 13896
MAV 23600 23506

Traffic Diversion from Alternate Road to project corridor is given inTable 1-64. Highest diversion
can be seen in Buses which is 61% and lowest is in freight vehicles which varies from 51% to 70%
depending upon the axle configuration vehicles.

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis
Traffic Report

Table 1-64: Percentage of Traffic Diversion from Alternate Road to Proposed Project

Vehicle Type % Diversion to Project Road in the Base Year (2019-20)

Cars 61.0
Taxi/Shared Jeep 61.0
Mini Bus 53.0
Govt Bus 70.0
Pvt Bus 70.0
Mini LCV 61.0
LCV 53.0
2-Axle Trucks 55.0
3-Axle Trucks 57.0
MAV 51.0

Alternative Route 2: Via NH-09 and NH-54: This is the least preferred route for traffic which is
bound to Amritsar and further North of India. This route is currently used by traffic which is
originating from Delhi, Haryana, Rajasthan and all the Central, Southern and western states of
India and destining at Amritsar, North of Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and J&K. This is the potential
divertible traffic which can be shifted to the proposed Greenfield Expressway.

Table 1-65: Details of Alternate Road via NH-09 and NH-54 and Project Corridor
Length Lane Type of No of Toll
Existing Route Condition
(km) Configuration Road Plaza
Alternative Route
Delhi to Amritsar via NH-9,NH-
548 4/6 lane Good 5
Bathinda 54
Total 548 - - - 5
Project Route
Delhi (CP) to Start
54.8 4/6 Lane Good NH-9, KMP 0
Km 0.000 to Km
332.184 4 lane Very Good Expressway 1
Km 333.184 to
54.3 4 lane Good NH-3 1
Total 442.284 - - - 2

Table 1-66 gives the generalized cost of alternate route and project corridor.

Table 1-66: Generalized cost of Alternate road and Project corridor from Delhi to
Amritsar via Bhatinda
Generalized Cost
Vehicle Type
Alternate Road Project Corridor
Car 8035 6011
Pvt Bus 35253 25498

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis
Traffic Report

Generalized Cost
Vehicle Type
Alternate Road Project Corridor
LCV 11651 9804
2-Axle Trucks 15093 12972
3-Axle Trucks 15867 13331
MAV 27114 22909

Traffic Diversion from Alternate Road to project corridor is given Table 1-67. Highest diversion
can be seen in Buses which is 95.0% and lowest is in freight vehicles which varies from 78% to
79% depending upon the axle configuration vehicles. As it can be seen which the help of table that
diversion from the existing alternative route is highest in this case as compared to other
alternative roads. This is just because this route is quite longer as compared to the proposed

Table 1-67: Percentage of Traffic Diversion from Alternate Road to Proposed Project
Corridor from Delhi to Amritsar via Bhatinda

Vehicle Type % Diversion to Project Road in the Base Year (2019-20)

Cars 79.0
Taxi/Shared Jeep 79.0
Mini Bus 79.0
Govt Bus 95.0
Pvt Bus 95.0
Mini LCV 79.0
LCV 79.0
2-Axle Trucks 75.0
3-Axle Trucks 79.0
MAV 78.0

H) Alternative route for Traffic Between Point 1 (Delhi) and 21 (Gurdaspur):

There is an existing alternative route for the traffic moving between Points 1 to 21. This route is
via NH-44. The alignment of existing alternative road along with project corridor is presented in
Figure 1-14 and explained in detail below:

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis
Traffic Report

Figure 1-14: Alternate Routes from Point 1(Delhi) to Point 21 (Gurdaspur)

Alternative Route: Via NH-44: This route is currently used by traffic which is originating from
Delhi, Haryana, Rajasthan and all the Central, Southern and western states of India and destining
at Gurdaspur, Pathankot, Himachal Pradesh and J&K. This is the potential divertible traffic which
can be shifted to the proposed Greenfield Expressway.

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis
Traffic Report

Table 1-68: Details of Alternate Road via NH-44 and Project Corridor
No of
Length Lane Type of
Existing Route Condition Toll
(km) Configuration Road
Alternative Route-1
Delhi City
Delhi to Gurdaspur 476 4/6 lane Good 6
Road/ NH-44
Total 476 - - - 6
Project Route
Delhi (CP) to Start
54.8 4/6 Lane Good NH-9, KMP 0
Km 0.000 to Km
396.180 4 lane Very Good Expressway 1
396.180 (Gurdaspur)
Km 396.180 to
2.2 4lane Good NH-44 1
Total 453.18 - - - 2

Table 1-69 gives the generalized cost of alternate route and project corridor.

Table 1-69: Generalized cost of Alternate road and Project road from Delhi to Gurdaspur
Generalized Cost
Vehicle Type
Alternate Road Project Corridor
Car 7190 6113
Pvt Bus 31334 25751
LCV 10482 10085
2-Axle Trucks 13823 13389
3-Axle Trucks 15006 13623
MAV 24655 23578

Traffic Diversion from Alternate Road to project corridor is given in Table 1-70. Highest
diversion can be seen in Buses which is 82% and lowest is in freight vehicles which varies from
56% to 69% depending upon the axle configuration vehicles.

Table 1-70: Percentage of Traffic Diversion from Alternate Road to Proposed Project
Corridor from Delhi to Gurdaspur

Vehicle Type % Diversion to Project Road in the Base Year (2019-20)

Cars 69.0
Taxi/Shared Jeep 69.0
Mini Bus 57.0
Govt Bus 82.0
Pvt Bus 82.0
Mini LCV 69.0
LCV 57.0

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis
Traffic Report

Vehicle Type % Diversion to Project Road in the Base Year (2019-20)

2-Axle Trucks 56.0

3-Axle Trucks 67.0
MAV 58.0

I) Alternative route for Traffic Between Point 14 (Ludhiana) to Point 16 (Jalandhar):

There is existing alternative route for traffic between Ludhiana and Jalandhar. This route is via
NH-44. The alignment of existing alternative road along with project corridor is presented in
Figure 1-15 and explained in detail below:

Figure 1-15: Alternative Routes for Through Traffic between Ludhiana and Jalandhar

Alternative Route 1: Via NH-44 (Ludhiana- Jalandhar Road):

Existing NH-44 is an existing alternative route for traffic which is originating from Ludhiana and
destining at Jalandhar (Vice-Versa). Though there will be very less diversion from the alternative
route to the project corridor due to factors like route length, but some of the vehicles will
definitely be diverted to the project corridor from existing alternative route.

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis
Traffic Report

Table 1-71: Details of Alternate Road via NH-44 and Project Corridor
No of
Length Lane Type of
Existing Route Condition Toll
(km) Configuration Road
Alternative Route
Ludhiana to Jalandhar 66 4/6 lane Good NH-44 1
Total 66 - - - 1
Project Route
Ludhiana to Km
261.800 (Interchange 20.8 4 Lane Good NH-5
Km 261.800 to Km
44.254 4 lane Very Good Expressway 1
Km 306.054 to
17.5 4 lane Good NH-703
Total 82.554 - - - 1

Table 1-72 gives the generalized cost of alternate route and project corridor

Table 1-72: Generalized cost of Alternate road and Project road from Ludhiana to
Generalized Cost
Vehicle Type
Alternate Road Project Corridor
Car 1132 1282
Pvt Bus 5145 5719
LCV 1565 1808
2-Axle Trucks 2184 2416
3-Axle Trucks 2459 2487
MAV 3763 4280

Traffic Diversion from Alternate Road to project corridor is given in Table 1-73. Highest
diversion can be seen in Cars which is 40% and lowest is in freight vehicles which varies from
22% to 48% depending upon the axle configuration vehicles.

Table 1-73: Percentage of Traffic Diversion from Alternate Road to Proposed Project
Corridor from Ludhiana to Amritsar
% Diversion to Project Road in the Base Year (2019-
Vehicle Type
Cars 40.0
Taxi/Shared Jeep 40.0
Mini Bus 22.0
Govt Bus 30.0
Pvt Bus 30.0
Mini LCV 40.0
LCV 22.0

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis
Traffic Report

% Diversion to Project Road in the Base Year (2019-

Vehicle Type
2-Axle Trucks 31.0
3-Axle Trucks 48.0
MAV 25.0

J) Alternative route for Traffic Between Point 14(Ludhiana) and Point 18 (Amritsar):

There is an existing alternative route for the traffic moving between Point 14 and 18. This route
is via NH-44. The alignment of existing alternative road along with project corridor is presented
in Figure 1-16 and explained in detail below:

Figure 1-16: Alternative Routes for Through Traffic between Ludhiana and Amritsar

Alternative Route: Via NH-44:

Existing NH-44 is an existing alternative route for traffic which is originating from Ludhiana and
destining at Amritsar (Vice-Versa). As there is not much difference in route lengths in both the
roads some of the vehicles will be diverted to the project corridor from existing alternative route,
so it is important to study this route also.

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis
Traffic Report

Table 1-74: Details of Alternate Road via NH-48 and Project Corridor
No of
Length Lane Type of
Existing Route Condition Toll
(km) Configuration Road
Alternative Route-1
Delhi City
Ludhiana to Amritsar
135 4/6 lane Good Road/ NH- 3
via Jalandhar
Total 135 - - - 3
Project Route
Ludhiana to Km
261.800 (Interchange 21.9 4 Lane Good NH-5
Km 261.800 to Km
71.384 4 lane Very Good Expressway 1
Km 333.184 to
54.3 4 lane Good NH-3 2
Total 146.484 - - - 3

Table 1-75 gives the generalized cost of alternate route and project corridor.

Table 1-75: Generalized cost of Alternate road and Project road from Ludhiana to
Generalized Cost
Vehicle Type
Alternate Road Project Road
Car 2229 2336
Pvt Bus 10243 10444
LCV 3067 3322
2-Axle Trucks 4187 4499
3-Axle Trucks 4582 4796
MAV 7249 7887

Traffic Diversion from Alternate Road to project corridor is given in Table 1-76. Highest
diversion can be seen in Cars which is 49% and lowest is in freight vehicles which varies from
34% to 49% depending upon the axle configuration vehicles.

Table 1-76: Percentage of Traffic Diversion from Alternate Road to Proposed Project
Corridor from Ludhiana to Amritsar
Vehicle Type % Diversion to Project Road in the Base Year (2019-20)
Cars 49.0
Taxi/Shared Jeep 49.0
Mini Bus 35.0
Govt Bus 46.0
Pvt Bus 46.0
Mini LCV 49.0
LCV 35.0

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis
Traffic Report

Vehicle Type % Diversion to Project Road in the Base Year (2019-20)

2-Axle Trucks 37.0
3-Axle Trucks 42.0
MAV 34.0

K) Alternative route for Traffic Between Point 19 (Amritsar) and Point 21 (Gurdaspur):

There is an existing alternative route for the traffic moving between Point 19 and 21. This route
is via NH-54. The alignment of existing alternative road along with project corridor is presented
in Figure 1-17 and explained in detail below:

Figure 1-17: Alternative Routes for Through Traffic between from Amritsar to Gurdaspur
Alternative Route: Via NH-54:

Existing NH-54 is an existing alternative route for traffic which is originating from Amritsar and
destining at Gurdaspur, Pathankot and J&K state (Vice-Versa). As there is not much difference in
route lengths in both the roads some of the vehicles will be diverted to the project corridor from
existing alternative route, so it is important to study this route also.

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis
Traffic Report

Table 1-77: Details of Alternate Road via NH-48 and Project Corridor
No of
Length Lane Type of
Existing Route Condition Toll
(km) Configuration Road
Alternative Route-1
Amritsar to Gurdaspur 75.4 4/6 lane Good NH-54 1
Total 75.4 - - - 1
Project Route
Amritsar to km 359.663 50 4 Lane Good NH-503A 0
Km 359.663 to Km
36.517 4 lane Very Good Expressway 1
396.180 (Gurdaspur)
Km 396.180 to
2.2 4lane Good NH-44 0
Total 88.72 - - - 1

Table 1-78 gives the generalized cost of alternate route and project corridor.

Table 1-78: Generalized cost of Alternate road and Project road from Amritsar to
Generalized Cost
Vehicle Type
Alternate Road Project Road
Car 1147 1208
Pvt Bus 4975 5232
LCV 1663 1878
2-Axle Trucks 2202 2422
3-Axle Trucks 2421 2480
MAV 3911 4331

Traffic Diversion from Alternate Road to project corridor is given in Table 1-79. Highest
diversion can be seen in Cars which is 48% and lowest is in freight vehicles which varies from
27% to 46% depending upon the axle configuration vehicles.

Table 1-79: Percentage of Traffic Diversion from Alternate Road to Proposed Project
Corridor from Amritsar to Gurdaspur

Vehicle Type % Diversion to Project Road in the Base Year (2019-20)

Cars 48.0
Taxi/Shared Jeep 48.0
Mini Bus 27.0
Govt Bus 41.0
Pvt Bus 41.0
Mini LCV 48.0
LCV 27.0
2-Axle Trucks 32.0
3-Axle Trucks 46.0
MAV 31.0

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Traffic Report
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis

1.3.2 Toll plaza wise final traffic

There are 13 toll plaza in Punjab section and total 21 toll plazas under phase 1 of Delhi – Amritsar – Katra expressway. All the toll plaza will be at the
entry and exits of interchanges. The final traffic which will be diverted to the project corridor is given in Table 1-80

Table 1-80: Booth wise traffic summary in base year (2019-20)

TP 10 at TP 11 at TP 12 at TP 13 at TP 14 at TP 15 at TP 16 at TP 17 at TP 18 at TP 19 at TP 20 at TP 21 at
TP 9 at Km
Vehicle Type Km Km Km Km Km Km Km Km Km Km Km Km
157.063 185.332 216.755 227.742 261.800 292.526 306.054 321.194 333.184 359.663 377.353 396.180
Cars 87 2268 282 261 193 4794 138 2928 163 1881 1858 58 4311
Mini Bus 2 11 0 6 4 62 0 31 3 26 17 0 66
Std. Bus 4 81 9 14 7 236 2 134 11 137 123 2 367
Mini LCV 8 35 29 11 11 397 5 299 22 126 110 11 329
LCV 9 31 28 9 20 254 5 146 24 87 52 8 325
2 axle Truck 6 14 14 7 8 200 2 108 31 87 87 7 472
3 axle Truck 3 29 20 5 10 202 1 122 25 81 175 7 569
MAV 7 14 30 3 11 123 1 67 13 62 64 4 345
Total Vehicles 127 2483 412 315 264 6269 156 3836 292 2486 2486 98 6784
Total PCUs 182 2802 615 383 365 8133 176 4888 485 3369 3513 149 11004

1.3.3 Section-wise Traffic

Entire project road under phase 1 is divided into 20 homogeneous sections based on interchange points provided. First eight sections of Delhi – Amritsar
– Katra expressway Phase 1 falls in Haryana state and Section 9 to section 20 of Delhi – Amritsar – Katra expressway Phase 1 falls in Punjab state. The
section wise final traffic which will be diverted to the project corridor from various existing alternative routes is given in below Table 1-81.

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Traffic Report
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis

Table 1-81: Final Diverted Traffic at Each section in base year (2019-20)

Vehicle Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Sectio Sectio Sectio Sectio Sectio Sectio Sectio Sectio
Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 n 13 n 14 n 15 n 16 n 17 n 18 n 19 n 20

Haryana State Punjab State

Cars 13314 13296 13322 13040 13298 13833 13490 13213 13388 8859 8565 8997 8625 14088 13813 8039 8238 4998 8714 8622
Mini Bus 155 158 159 162 166 164 161 157 162 139 139 150 144 198 197 139 141 98 132 132
Std Bus 847 859 859 860 872 877 866 848 857 695 689 715 704 979 975 707 725 492 738 735
Mini LCV 720 708 709 615 616 660 623 595 612 543 535 546 544 1187 1177 600 634 459 680 657
LCV 922 903 905 851 876 849 808 731 750 690 683 686 676 940 929 642 665 561 665 649
2 axle
727 726 726 723 755 763 750 731 742 714 711 722 716 1009 1004 801 846 780 953 944
3 axle
897 892 892 886 906 930 886 858 865 810 807 816 806 1025 1022 820 864 794 1143 1138
MAV 759 764 766 756 769 797 759 714 727 701 677 683 672 754 751 634 651 571 698 690
18341 18306 18338 17892 18260 18873 18344 17848 18102 13152 12806 13316 12886 20180 19868 12382 12765 8753 13724 13568
Total PCUs 26477 26465 26503 25981 26541 27308 26489 25667 26032 20458 20000 20631 20099 29413 29062 19647 20318 15212 22234 22008

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Traffic Report
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis

1.3.4 Development Traffic

The project corridor starts from KMP Expressway (Bahagurgarh) and the starting point lies in the
state of Haryana. Haryana is one of the fastest growing state in terms of economic as well as real
estate development. This corridor passes through 3 states namely; Haryana, Punjab and Jammu
& Kashmir. Various factors contribute in order to calculate development traffic. The parameters
which are considered in order to work out development traffic are as follows:

I. In the state of Haryana:

Area Industry Residential Mix
Development Factors Contributing on Project
to Traffic road
Bidhal (Industrial Model Township) 607 35% 25% 40% 10%
Lath (Industrial Model Township) 607 35% 25% 40% 10%
Gohana (Industrial Model Township) 607 35% 25% 40% 10%
Sonipat (Industrial Model Township) 607 35% 25% 40% 10%
Sonha (Industrial Model Township) 607 35% 25% 40% 5%
Kharkhoda (Industrial Model
Township) 607 35% 25% 40% 5%
Madina (Industrial Model Township) 1214 35% 25% 40% 5%
Industrial Estate at Dharu Hera 607 35% 25% 40% 5%

II. In the state of Punjab

Total % Influence on
Development Factors Industry Residential Mix
Area (Ha) Project road
Contributing to Traffic
Industrial Park 2428.2 100% 0% 0% 5%
Industrial Estate 4047 35% 25% 40% 5%
IT Hub 404.7 35% 25% 40% 5%

III. Effect of DMIC

Development Factors Total % Influence on
Industry Residential Mix
Contributing to Traffic Area (Ha) Project road
Investment Region,
Haryana 40200 37% 58% 10% 5%

The effect of each development is analyzed separately in order to calculate total traffic due to
various developments. Land use wise segregation has been done for the ease of analysis.
Development traffic is calculated from the year 2022-23. These developments will generate
passenger and commercial traffic which demand the need of an additional facility to cater the
demand. Also, the new alignment will promote the region's economic development by improving
the investment environment, promoting exchange and circulation of commodities, providing
convenient transportation for tourists, and promoting development in small towns and
urbanizationTable 1-82, Table 1-83, Table 1-84.

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi – Amritsar –
Traffic Report
Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis

Table 1-82: Section-wise Development Traffic in Year 2022-23

Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section
Vehicle Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Haryana State Punjab State

Cars 328 338 344 348 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350
Mini Bus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Std Bus 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
Mini LCV 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LCV 56 58 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 62 62 62 62
2 axle Truck 16 18 20 20 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 24 26 26 26
3 axle Truck 24 26 28 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 32 34 36 36
MAV 14 16 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 20 22 22 22
445 463 477 483 487 487 487 487 487 487 487 487 487 487 487 487 495 501 503 503
Total PCUs 616 650 680 690 698 698 698 698 698 698 698 698 698 698 698 698 722 743 749 749

Table 1-83: Section-wise Development Traffic in Year 2025-26

Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Vehicle Type
Haryana State Punjab State

Cars 435 449 457 463 467 467 467 467 467 467 467 467 467 467 467 467 467 467 467 467
Mini Bus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Std Bus 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Mini LCV 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LCV 68 72 74 76 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 82 84 84 86

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi – Amritsar –
Traffic Report
Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis

Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Vehicle Type
Haryana State Punjab State

2 axle Truck 25 27 29 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 33 35 37 37
3 axle Truck 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 45 45
MAV 20 22 24 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 28 30 30 32
Total Vehicles 602 624 638 650 656 656 656 656 656 656 656 656 656 656 656 656 664 670 674 678
Total PCUs 862 897 923 947 954 954 954 954 954 954 954 954 954 954 954 954 975 993 1005 1017

Table 1-84: Section-wise Development Traffic in Year 2029-30

Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Vehicle Type

Haryana State Punjab State

Cars 328 338 344 348 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350
Mini Bus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Std Bus 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
Mini LCV 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LCV 56 58 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 62 62 62 62
2 axle Truck 16 18 20 20 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 24 26 26 26
3 axle Truck 24 26 28 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 32 34 36 36
MAV 14 16 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 20 22 22 22
Total Vehicles 445 463 477 483 487 487 487 487 487 487 487 487 487 487 487 487 495 501 503 503
Total PCUs 616 650 680 690 698 698 698 698 698 698 698 698 698 698 698 698 722 743 749 749

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi – Amritsar –
Traffic Report
Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis

1.3.5 Projected Traffic at Toll Plaza

The total projected traffic at the exit of each location / toll booth of Punjab section is presented in Table 1-85 & Table 1-86 and the mode wise projected
traffic is presented in Annexure 7.3.

Table 1-85: Projected Total Traffic for TP-9 to TP-14

TP 9 at Km TP 10 at Km TP 11 at Km TP 12 at Km TP 13 at Km TP 14 at Km
FY 137.452 157.063 185.332 216.755 227.742 261.800
Nos PCUs Nos PCUs Nos PCUs Nos PCUs Nos PCUs Nos PCUs
2019-20 127 182 2483 2802 412 615 315 383 264 365 6269 8133
2020-21 135 193 2650 2985 438 651 335 407 281 387 6673 8622
2021-22 144 204 2828 3179 465 689 357 432 298 408 7103 9144
2022-23 152 215 3018 3386 494 728 380 458 316 431 7561 9696
2023-24 161 227 3220 3607 525 770 405 486 336 455 8050 10284
2024-25 171 240 3437 3842 558 815 431 516 356 481 8570 10908
2025-26 180 251 3625 4047 587 856 454 542 375 504 9030 11466
2026-27 189 263 3823 4263 618 899 478 569 394 529 9514 12053
2027-28 199 276 4032 4491 651 944 503 598 415 554 10026 12671
2028-29 210 289 4253 4731 685 992 530 628 436 581 10564 13322
2029-30 220 303 4486 4984 722 1042 558 660 459 610 11133 14007
2030-31 230 315 4686 5203 754 1087 583 687 479 635 11630 14615
2031-32 240 328 4896 5431 787 1135 608 715 500 662 12150 15250
2032-33 250 341 5114 5670 822 1184 634 745 522 688 12694 15913
2033-34 261 356 5343 5920 859 1236 662 776 544 717 13262 16605
2034-35 272 371 5582 6181 897 1289 691 808 568 748 13855 17328
2035-36 283 384 5786 6404 931 1339 715 836 589 775 14372 17965
2036-37 293 398 5997 6636 966 1389 741 865 611 803 14908 18626

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi – Amritsar –
Traffic Report
Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis

TP 9 at Km TP 10 at Km TP 11 at Km TP 12 at Km TP 13 at Km TP 14 at Km
FY 137.452 157.063 185.332 216.755 227.742 261.800
Nos PCUs Nos PCUs Nos PCUs Nos PCUs Nos PCUs Nos PCUs
2037-38 303 412 6216 6876 1002 1442 768 895 633 832 15464 19311
2038-39 315 427 6443 7124 1040 1498 795 926 656 863 16041 20022
2039-40 327 443 6678 7382 1080 1555 824 959 681 894 16641 20761
2040-41 337 457 6877 7601 1114 1607 849 987 702 922 17154 21399
2041-42 348 472 7082 7826 1150 1661 874 1016 723 951 17685 22059
2042-43 358 487 7292 8057 1186 1716 900 1045 745 980 18231 22739
2043-44 369 502 7509 8295 1224 1773 926 1075 768 1010 18796 23441
2044-45 381 518 7732 8540 1264 1834 954 1107 791 1041 19378 24167
2045-46 391 532 7919 8748 1298 1887 977 1134 811 1068 19879 24803
2046-47 401 546 8112 8960 1333 1944 1001 1162 832 1097 20394 25457
2047-48 411 561 8309 9178 1370 2002 1026 1191 854 1127 20923 26130
2048-49 422 577 8511 9403 1407 2061 1051 1220 876 1157 21466 26822
2049-50 434 593 8718 9633 1446 2122 1077 1250 899 1189 22025 27536
2050-51 445 609 8931 9869 1485 2185 1103 1281 923 1222 22599 28267
2051-52 457 626 9149 10111 1526 2251 1130 1312 947 1256 23188 29021
2052-53 469 644 9372 10359 1568 2318 1158 1344 972 1291 23795 29797
2053-54 481 662 9600 10613 1612 2388 1187 1377 997 1327 24417 30594
2054-55 494 680 9834 10873 1656 2459 1216 1411 1023 1363 25056 31414
2055-56 507 699 10074 11140 1702 2534 1246 1446 1050 1401 25713 32257
2056-57 521 719 10320 11413 1749 2610 1277 1481 1078 1440 26389 33125
2057-58 534 739 10572 11694 1798 2689 1308 1518 1106 1480 27083 34017
2058-59 549 760 10830 11981 1848 2771 1341 1555 1135 1522 27797 34937
2059-60 563 781 11095 12276 1900 2856 1374 1593 1166 1565 28530 35883

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi – Amritsar –
Traffic Report
Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis

Table 1-86: Projected Total Traffic for TP-15 to TP-21

TP 15 at Km TP 16 at Km TP 17 at Km TP 18 at Km TP 19 at Km TP 20 at Km TP 21 at Km
292.526 306.054 321.194 333.184 359.663 377.353 396.180
FY Nos PCUs Nos PCUs Nos PCUs Nos PCUs Nos PCUs Nos PCUs Nos PCUs
Punjab State
2019-20 156 176 3836 4888 292 485 2486 3369 2486 3513 98 149 6784 11004
2020-21 166 187 4083 5182 309 511 2646 3570 2643 3716 104 158 7196 11605
2021-22 178 199 4346 5495 327 538 2815 3782 2810 3931 109 165 7634 12241
2022-23 189 211 4626 5828 352 581 3001 4021 2991 4165 120 182 8351 13288
2023-24 202 225 4925 6181 373 611 3193 4260 3181 4407 126 190 8846 14001
2024-25 215 239 5243 6558 394 642 3398 4515 3383 4664 133 198 9372 14755
2025-26 227 251 5525 6894 422 691 3585 4760 3565 4903 147 227 10180 15952
2026-27 239 265 5822 7248 442 721 3776 4998 3753 5144 153 234 10675 16674
2027-28 252 278 6135 7620 464 752 3976 5249 3951 5399 160 243 11195 17433
2028-29 265 293 6466 8012 486 785 4187 5513 4159 5666 167 251 11743 18230
2029-30 280 308 6814 8424 516 835 4415 5805 4382 5954 178 269 12572 19442
2030-31 292 321 7119 8790 538 867 4610 6051 4574 6203 185 278 13082 20201
2031-32 305 335 7438 9171 560 900 4813 6308 4774 6464 192 287 13616 20992
2032-33 318 349 7771 9571 583 935 5026 6576 4983 6735 199 296 14172 21818
2033-34 332 364 8120 9987 607 970 5248 6856 5202 7019 207 305 14754 22680
2034-35 347 380 8484 10423 633 1008 5480 7149 5430 7314 215 315 15362 23580
2035-36 360 394 8801 10806 655 1043 5682 7407 5628 7575 221 324 15896 24389
2036-37 373 408 9131 11204 679 1078 5891 7675 5833 7845 229 334 16450 25229
2037-38 387 422 9473 11617 703 1114 6108 7952 6046 8126 236 343 17025 26100
2038-39 401 437 9828 12046 728 1153 6333 8240 6267 8416 244 353 17622 27004
2039-40 415 453 10196 12491 755 1193 6567 8539 6496 8717 252 363 18241 27943

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi – Amritsar –
Traffic Report
Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis

TP 15 at Km TP 16 at Km TP 17 at Km TP 18 at Km TP 19 at Km TP 20 at Km TP 21 at Km
292.526 306.054 321.194 333.184 359.663 377.353 396.180
FY Nos PCUs Nos PCUs Nos PCUs Nos PCUs Nos PCUs Nos PCUs Nos PCUs
Punjab State
2040-41 428 466 10513 12877 778 1228 6767 8797 6691 8976 259 372 18775 28764
2041-42 441 480 10840 13275 802 1264 6973 9064 6892 9242 266 382 19325 29611
2042-43 454 495 11177 13686 826 1302 7186 9340 7099 9517 274 392 19892 30486
2043-44 467 509 11525 14110 851 1341 7405 9625 7312 9801 282 403 20479 31391
2044-45 481 524 11885 14549 877 1380 7632 9918 7533 10094 290 413 21084 32327
2045-46 493 537 12195 14932 900 1417 7826 10176 7722 10351 297 423 21612 33170
2046-47 505 551 12513 15328 924 1454 8026 10441 7916 10617 305 433 22156 34040
2047-48 518 565 12840 15735 948 1492 8231 10713 8116 10889 313 443 22715 34936
2048-49 531 579 13176 16153 974 1532 8441 10992 8320 11170 320 454 23290 35859
2049-50 544 594 13522 16583 1000 1573 8657 11278 8531 11458 329 465 23880 36809
2050-51 558 609 13876 17025 1026 1615 8879 11573 8746 11753 337 476 24487 37787
2051-52 572 624 14241 17480 1054 1659 9107 11877 8968 12057 345 487 25112 38797
2052-53 586 640 14616 17948 1082 1704 9341 12190 9195 12370 354 499 25754 39836
2053-54 600 656 15002 18429 1111 1750 9581 12512 9429 12692 363 511 26414 40907
2054-55 615 672 15397 18924 1141 1799 9829 12843 9668 13022 372 524 27093 42010
2055-56 631 689 15804 19434 1172 1848 10083 13183 9914 13362 382 537 27791 43146
2056-57 646 706 16223 19957 1204 1899 10343 13533 10167 13712 392 550 28509 44316
2057-58 662 724 16653 20496 1236 1951 10611 13893 10426 14071 402 563 29247 45525
2058-59 679 742 17095 21051 1270 2004 10886 14262 10693 14441 412 578 30007 46770
2059-60 696 761 17549 21622 1304 2060 11169 14643 10966 14821 423 593 30789 48054

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi – Amritsar –
Traffic Report
Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis

1.3.6 Projected section wise Traffic

The projected traffic in all homogeneous sections in PCUs is presented in Table 1-87. The mode wise projected traffic is presented in Annexure 7.4.

Table 1-87: Section wise Total Traffic Projection (PCUs)

Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section PCUs of
FY PCUs of
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Punjab
Phase 1
2019-20 26032 20458 20000 20631 20099 29413 29062 19647 20318 15212 22234 22008 22093 23827
2020-21 27553 21616 21129 21799 21234 31105 30730 20742 21446 16023 23450 23210 23336 25191
2021-22 29168 22843 22327 23037 22437 32899 32501 21901 22642 16880 24737 24484 24655 26637
2022-23 31581 24843 24293 25049 24410 35501 35077 23827 24630 18529 26849 26581 26764 28869
2023-24 33402 26223 25638 26441 25762 37521 37070 25129 25972 19488 28292 28009 28246 30496
2024-25 35335 27687 27064 27917 27195 39665 39184 26508 27393 20502 29820 29521 29816 32222
2025-26 38030 29971 29315 30211 29452 42556 42049 28718 29663 22428 32219 31916 32211 34738
2026-27 39860 31369 30677 31620 30821 44592 44058 30036 31023 23408 33682 33363 33709 36380
2027-28 41786 32839 32110 33101 32261 46734 46171 31423 32452 24437 35219 34884 35285 38108
2028-29 43812 34384 33616 34659 33773 48987 48393 32879 33954 25517 36833 36481 36941 39924
2029-30 46642 36707 35897 36994 36062 52054 51428 35108 36254 27394 39279 38907 39394 42533
2030-31 48549 38176 37328 38473 37499 54182 53528 36493 37683 28432 40816 40428 40966 44252
2031-32 50540 39711 38824 40018 39001 56403 55721 37940 39174 29516 42421 42014 42607 46047
2032-33 52620 41314 40386 41631 40570 58723 58011 39450 40732 30648 44096 43670 44321 47922
2033-34 54793 42988 42018 43316 42208 61146 60403 41027 42358 31830 45845 45399 46111 49880
2034-35 57063 44736 43722 45075 43919 63678 62901 42675 44056 33063 47670 47204 47980 51926
2035-36 59077 46304 45249 46651 45452 65933 65127 44152 45580 34182 49310 48824 49653 53751
2036-37 61167 47932 46835 48288 47044 68274 67438 45686 47162 35344 51012 50507 51391 55646
2037-38 63338 49624 48483 49988 48697 70705 69838 47279 48806 36552 52780 52254 53195 57615

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi – Amritsar –
Traffic Report
Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis

Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section PCUs of
FY PCUs of
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Punjab
Phase 1
2038-39 65592 51381 50196 51753 50416 73229 72330 48934 50512 37806 54615 54068 55069 59659
2039-40 67933 53207 51974 53587 52200 75852 74919 50653 52285 39110 56522 55952 57016 61782
2040-41 69967 54805 53532 55192 53762 78135 77174 52157 53836 40257 58185 57596 58717 63634
2041-42 72069 56459 55142 56851 55377 80494 79503 53711 55439 41443 59905 59295 60474 65549
2042-43 74241 58168 56807 58567 57047 82932 81910 55319 57096 42670 61683 61051 62291 67527
2043-44 76485 59935 58529 60340 58774 85451 84398 56980 58810 43939 63520 62866 64169 69572
2044-45 78804 61763 60310 62174 60559 88055 86970 58698 60581 45252 65419 64742 66111 71686
2045-46 80861 63405 61908 63818 62162 90375 89261 60243 62176 46450 67133 66435 67852 73575
2046-47 82978 65096 63556 65512 63813 92763 91621 61835 63818 47684 68898 68179 69646 75519
2047-48 85157 66838 65253 67258 65515 95222 94050 63475 65510 48957 70717 69975 71494 77522
2048-49 87400 68633 67003 69056 67267 97753 96552 65164 67254 50270 72590 71825 73397 79585
2049-50 89710 70484 68805 70908 69073 100360 99128 66905 69050 51623 74520 73730 75358 81709
2050-51 92088 72391 70663 72818 70935 103045 101781 68699 70901 53020 76508 75694 77379 83898
2051-52 94536 74357 72578 74786 72854 105810 104513 70547 72809 54460 78557 77717 79460 86152
2052-53 97057 76383 74552 76814 74832 108658 107327 72453 74775 55945 80669 79803 81606 88475
2053-54 99653 78471 76587 78905 76870 111591 110226 74417 76801 57477 82844 81951 83816 90868
2054-55 102327 80625 78684 81059 78972 114613 113213 76441 78890 59057 85087 84165 86094 93334
2055-56 105080 82845 80847 83281 81138 117727 116290 78529 81044 60689 87399 86447 88443 95875
2056-57 107917 85134 83077 85571 83372 120935 119460 80680 83263 62371 89781 88800 90863 98494
2057-58 110839 87495 85377 87933 85675 124240 122727 82899 85553 64108 92237 91224 93359 101193
2058-59 113849 89930 87749 90367 88050 127646 126094 85187 87914 65901 94768 93724 95932 103975
2059-60 116949 92442 90196 92878 90500 131156 129564 87546 90348 67751 97379 96302 98584 106843

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi –
Traffic Report
Amritsar – Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis

1.3.7 Capacity Analysis Capacity augmentation proposals (lane requirement) as per IRC: SP:099-2013

For the purpose of design and future augmentation of the Project Expressway, the design service
volume for level of service- B for plain/rolling terrain shall be 1300 PCU/hr/lane. The design
service volume can be determined as per MORTH Guidelines for Expressways. The design service
volume per day will depend on the peak hour flow and will be as specified in Table 1-88.

Table 1-88: Design Service Volume for Expressways in Plain and Rolling Terrain (in
PCUs/per day) for LOS B
Design Service Volume in PCUs per day for LOS B
4- Lane 6-Lane 8-Lane
86,000 for Peak hour flow 1,30,000 for Peak hour flow 1,73,000 for Peak hour flow
(6%) (6%) (6%)
65,000 for Peak hour flow 98,000 for Peak hour flow 1 30,000 for Peak hour flow
(8%) (8%) (8%)

Development of Punjab section from km 135+056 to km 397+712 of Delhi – Amritsar –
Traffic Report
Katra Expressway through BOT EPC basis

Table 1-89: Capacity Augmentation as per IRC: SP: 99-2013

Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section PCUs of
Requirement of Section 9 Section 18 Section 19 Section 20 PCUs of
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Punjab
Phase 1
Year when
Expressway will
31581 24843 24293 25049 24410 35501 35077 23827 24630 18529 26849 26581 26764 28869
be functional
Threshold for
Upgradation of
Entire phase 1
72069 56459 55142 56851 55377 80494 79503 53711 55439 41443 59905 59295 60474 65549
Expressway From
4 To 6 Lanes
Threshold for
Upgradation of
Punjab section of
phase 1 78804 61763 60310 62174 60559 88055 86970 58698 60581 45252 65419 64742 66111 71686
Expressway From
4 To 6 Lanes

As per IRC: SP: 99-2013, the capacity of 4-lane is 65000 PCUs for peak hour flow (8%) which gets exhausted in 2041-42 for entire Delhi – Katra
expressway phase 1 and in Year 2044-45 for Punjab section. Hence, considering the IRC: SP: 099-2013, the entire expressway is to be made 4-lane.


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