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Adumbrate Foreshadow a future event; show in outline fugacious

Agog zealous fulminate
animadversion criticize fulsome
apocryphal doubtful gainsay
apotheosis highest point; deification(godhood) gamut
argot jargon germane
arrant bad gesticulate
ascetic self-denial gossamer
assiduous perseverance guile
aver to justify halcyon
banal trite; commonplace harangue
bumptious self-conceit harbinger
cant talk in singsong hirsute
capitulate surrender hoodwink
captious hypercritical iconoclast
chicanery deception idiosyncrasy
cogent logical; clear ignominous
cogitate to ponder; to consider carefully illicit
comport to conduct or behave imbroglio
compunction regret; remorse imbue
congeal coagulate immutable
consternation panic impassive
contiguous adjoining imperative
conspicuous visible impecunious
contrite regretful imperious
contumacious rebellious imperturbable
countervail to offset impetuous
covert secret impiety
cower crouch due to shame implacable
crass coarse implicit
deign disrespect importunate
denizen inhabitant importune
derision ridicule impromptu
descry discern; to catch sight of improvident
desuetude disuse or inactivity impugn
desultory not connected to preceding impute
didactic teaching inadvertent
diffident selt-distrust incessant
discomfit confusion inchoate
discreet judicious incongruous
dissemble to hide or conceal one's feeling indelible
effete exhausted indigent
effulgence splendor indigenous
emblazon declare openly indistinct
encumbrance burdensome indolence
engrave to cut or carve indomitable
epicurean pleasure-seeker ineffable
epithet quality of object ineluctable
epitome simplified representation inexorable
equivocate double meaning ingenuous
errant wander for gaining gallant deeds inimical
evanescent fleeting innocuous
evince to make evident inscrutable
exigency urgency; critical condition insensible
expedient use for personal advantage insipid
expiate atone insouciant
expostulate to discuss insurrection
explicate clear from involvement intransigent
extempore without preparation intrepid
extirpate eradicate inundate
facetious amusing inure
factious turbulent invective
fatuous idiot inveigh
fervid; fervor; ferventintensity; ardor inveterate (same as inure)
flippant jocular invidious
flout view with contempt ire
foible weakness; failing itinerate; itinerant
foment to encourage irksome
foppish dandy jovial
mendacious; mendacity
mettle; mettlesome
inveigh; protest; explode
full; flattery
make gestures
cob web; transparent
aggressive tirade
sign; omen
hairy; shaggy
critic; image destroyer
mental quality
penetrate; saturate; inculcate
impulsive; rash; heedless
irreverence to god
incapable to being pacified
beseech; entreat; plead
unscripted; extempore
dispute the truth
attribute; assign
sloth; lazy
unstoppable; intransigent
impenetrable; mysterious
ignorant; senseless
tasteless; boring
overpower; flood
toughening or hardening; ingrained
fulminate; protest
ingrained; hardened
unpleasant; awkward; prejudice
wrath; anger
merry; happy
cabal; party; clique
relaxed; faint
embankment; quay
not enthusiastic
restless; unhappy
gaudy; flashy showy
place,egarded as encapsulating in miniature the characteristics of something much larger.
mien expression; appearance
miscreant criminal; malefactor
misnomer name wrongly applied
modicum small amount
molt shed feathers
monomania obsession with 1 idea
morbid disease; ghoulish; gruesome
mordant trenchant; caustic; acerbic
morose gloomy; sullen
multifarious diverse
mundane worldly
myriad infinite number of things or people
nadir lowest point
neophyte beginner
noisome unpleasant smell
nostrum remedy; elixir
nugatory worthless
obdurate (intransigent) stubborn; unyielding
obfuscate obscure
oblique slanted; indirect; sloped
obsequious obedience to flattery or servile degree
obstreperous boisterous; unruly
obtrude; obtrusive become noticeable in unwelcome or intrusive way
obviate preclude; remove
odious detestable
odium disgust; abhorrent
officious bumptious; assertive
ominous baleful; sinister; portentous
onerous burdensome; oppressive
onus burden
opprobrium vilification; abuse; criticize
ossify turn into bone
ostentatious showy; pretentious
palate roof of mouth; taste
palatial magnificent
palpable prerceptible
panacea remedy; elixir
panoply array; collection
paragon epitome; perfect example
parsimonious miserly
partisan supporter; chauvinist
pathos poignancy; sadness
paucity scarcity; sparsity
pecadillo misdemeanour
penurious poor; miser; indigent
peregrination journey; wandering
peremptory brusque; abrupt; intolerant
perfidy treachery
perfunctory cursory; rapid; without interest
peripatetic nomadic; itinerant; wandering
pernicious harmful; pestilent
persiflage banter; haggle
perspicacity shrewd; astute
perturbation anxiety
petrify fossilize; terrified
petulant peevish; impatient
phlegmatic calm
physiognomy features; expression
plenary general; complete
plumb measure; test
poignant touching; sad
polyglot know many languages
ponderous clumsy; heavy
portend augur; sign
portent omen; presage
preclude prevent; obviate
precocious advanced; old beyond one's yrs
prescience far-sightedness; foresight
preternatural extraordinary
prevaricate evasive; ambiguous
prim orderly
pristine immaculate; perfect condition
probity integrity
proclivity inclination
prodigal wasteful
prodigious enormous; unnatural
profligacy; profligate extravagance or wasteful
prolix verbose
prosaic unimaginative; dull
proscribe prohibit
protuberant bulging; distend
provident prudent; judicious
puerile childish
pugnacious aggressve; combative
punctilious meticulous
pusillanimous timid; trepid
pyre combustible material
qualm misgiving; doubt
quandary dilemma; predicament
quibble criticism
quiscence/quiscent inactivity
quixotic idealistic
quotidian ordinary
raconteur story teller
ramify divide
rapacious avarice
racous harsh; rough
rebuff reject
recalcitrant uncooperative
recant renounce; abjure
recrudescent breaking out again
redoubtable formidable; fearsome
refractory stubborn; obstinate
regale entertain;captivate; beguile
relapse deteriorate again
remonstrate protest; inveigh
repast meal
reprobate rascal; rogue
repudiate renounce; recant
requisite necessary
requite avenge
rescind make void
restive restless; on edge
retinue group of people
reverent respectful
ribald bawdy; indecent
risible laughable; absurd
rotund plump; sonorous
ruffian miscreant; criminal
ruminate think; contemplate; chew
salacious sexual
salubrious/salutary healthy; pleasant
sanguine optimistic
sardonic satirical; mocking
satyr lustful
scabbard sheath of sword
scintilla tiny trace
scribble hasty; careless handwriting
sedulous meticulous
severance ending; cutting
sinecure easy job
sinuous graceful; windy
skiff boat
solace cheer; comfort
somniferous/somnolent/soporific sleepy
sophistry fallacious; specious
sordid/squalid immoral; filthy
spurious bogus
stanch to block
stigma shame; disgrace
stolid impassive; calm
subterfuge trickery; intrigue
succinct concise; short
sumptuous lavish; deluxe
supersede replace; supplant
supine weak; lying on back; recumbent
surcharge added charge
surfeit excess
sybarite hedonist; sensualist; epicurean
taciturn less talkative
taut tightly stretched; concise
temerity bold
terse brusque; abrupt; pithy
timorous fearful
torpid indolence; sloth
torrid hot
tortuous curved; winding; convoluted
tractable docile
transitory/transient temporary
travail ordeal; trial
travesty misrepresentation
trenchant incisive; cutting
truculence belligerence
turgid pompous; swollen
turpitude depravity
tutelage intuition; guardianship
tyro beginner
ubiquitous omnipresent
ulterior secondary; underlying
umbrage offence
unctuous sycophantic; obsequious
undulate rise and fall
untoward unpredictable
upbraid reprimand; rebuke
vagary unpredictability
vainglory pride in one's achievement
valorous courageous
vapid insipid; uninteresting
vehement passionate; forceful
venal corrupt
veneer decorative cover
venial forgivable sin
veracious truthful
veritable genuine
vestige remnant; reminder
vicissitude change; alternation
vigilance/vigilant watchful
virago bad-tempered woman; harridan
virtu good qualities
visage face
vitiate to impair
vituperate insult; revile
vivify make lively
vociferous outspoken
wean accustomto food other than its mother's milk
whimsical fanciful; capricious; fickle
winsome appealing
zeitgeist intellectual and moral tendencies of people of a time
GLOAT (VERB): exclaim triumph
Synonyms: rejoice, relish
Antonyms: be sad, commiserate
HAGGLE (VERB): bicker Synonyms: barter, quibble
Antonyms: agree, concur
FRITTER (VERB): Waste away Synonyms: misspend, dally
Antonyms: conserve, preserve
OSTRACISM (NOUN)/OSTRACIZE: banishment Synonyms: avoidance, boycott
Antonyms: acceptance, allowance
REPINE (VERB): complain Synonyms: grumble, lament
Antonyms: appreciate, praise
RECONDITE (ADJECTIVE): mysterious, obscure Synonyms: arcane, cabalistic
Antonyms: simple, straightforward
ACCOST (VERB): approach for conversation
Synonyms: address, confront
Antonyms: dodge, shun
BABBLE (VERB): mumble Synonyms: mutter, murmur
Antonyms: be quiet, be silen
PESTILENT (ADJECTIVE): Baneful Synonyms: contagious, deleterious
Antonyms: harmless, innocuous
RAKISH (ADJECTIVE): Charming and immoral Synonyms: dashing, jaunty
Antonyms: moral, upright
ENGROSS (VERB): Bewitch Synonyms: captivate, enrapture
Antonyms: disenchant, disgust
MIDDLING (ADJECTIVE): adequate Synonyms: mediocre, passable
Antonyms: extreme, exceptional
CANTANKEROUS (ADJECTIVE): Ill-tempered Synonyms: quarrelsome, critical
Antonyms: pleasant, peaceful
DANK (ADJECTIVE): moist Synonyms: clammy, muggy
Antonyms: parched, dry
Synonyms: digest, compilation
Antonyms: extension, enlargement
LIBIDINOUS (ADJECTIVE): lustful Synonyms: sensual, lascivious
Antonyms: moral, decent
REVELRY (NOUN): merrymaking Synonyms: festivity, celebration
Antonyms: mourning, sadness
RUSE (NOUN): trick, deception Synonyms: gimmick, ploy
Antonyms: honesty, openness
CLANNISH (ADJECTIVE): exclusive Synonyms: selected, reserved
Antonyms: welcoming, open
LACERATE (VERB): hurt Synonyms: torture, distress
Antonyms: please, relieve
PAROXYSM (NOUN): outburst Synonyms: seizure, spasm
Antonyms: peace, calm
MARSHAL (VERB): organize Synonyms: assemble, mobilize
Antonyms: disperse, disarrange
PREEMPT (VERB): To acquire or take
Synonyms: confiscate, annex
Antonyms: relinquish, surrender
CAPRICIOUS (ADJECTIVE): changeable Synonyms: erratic, fickle
Antonyms: constant, predictable, immutable
RESPLENDENT (ADJECTIVE): impressive Synonyms: splendid, dazzling
Antonyms: dull, gloomy
PIQUE (NOUN): irritation Synonyms: annoyance, ruckus
Antonyms: delight, joy
DISARMING (ADJECTIVE): charming Synonyms: irresistible, saccharine
Antonyms: despicable, disgusting
BESEECH (VERB): beg earnestly Synonyms: implore, adjure
Antonyms: command, reply
PUNY (ADJECTIVE): small and weak Synonyms: inconsequential, diminutive
Antonyms: giant, strong
JAMBOREE (NOUN): noisy celebration Synonyms: ceremony, festival
Antonyms: weary, condolence
LAMBASTE (VERB): punish Synonyms: castigate, criticize
Antonyms: praise, laud
LARGESS (NOUN): generosity
Synonyms: magnanimity, altruistic
Antonyms: greediness, meanness
LIMPID (ADJECTIVE): understandable Synonyms: clear, unambiguous
Antonyms: incomprehensible, obscure
PENANCE (NOUN): atonement Synonyms: punishment, penalty
Antonyms: reward, price
PELLUCID (ADJECTIVE): transparently clear; easily understandable
Synonyms: bright, explicit
Antonyms: unclear, doubtfu
PEJORATIVE (ADJECTIVE): expressing disapproval Synonyms: negative, debasing
Antonyms: praising, positive
PEEVISH (ADJECTIVE): easily irritated or annoyed Synonyms: irritable, crabbed
Antonyms: pleasant, cheerful
PEER (NOUN): person who is another's equal Synonyms: companion, compeer
Antonyms: opponent, foe
PEDANTIC (ADJECTIVE): focused on narrow details
Synonyms: bookish, didactic
Antonyms: plain, simple
PALL (NOUN): melancholy Synonyms: dismay, gloom
Antonyms: happiness, excitement
PAUPER (NOUN): a person who is poor Synonyms: supplicant, bankrupt; mendicant
Antonyms: rich, wealthy
PANEGYRIC (NOUN): tribute Synonyms: praise, homage
Antonyms: dishonor, disrespect
PANDER (VERB): indulge Synonyms: please, satisfy
Antonyms: anger, annoy
PARRY (VERB): ward off
Synonyms: avoid, dodge
Antonyms: allow, attractPATENT (ADJECTIVE): unconcealed
Synonyms: obvious, apparent
Antonyms: concealed, hiddenPENSIVE (ADJECTIVE): thoughtful
Synonyms: serious, sober
Antonyms: ignorant, negligentDAFT (ADJECTIVE): stupid
Synonyms: absurd, crazy
Antonyms: intelligent, smartDAUNT (VERB): discourage
Synonyms: frighten, scare
Antonyms: encourage, inspireDECAMP (VERB): depart suddenly
Synonyms: evacuate, escape
Antonyms: arrive, enterDECOROUS (ADJECTIVE): suitable
Synonyms: polite, sedate
Antonyms: impolite, indecentREDUNDANT (ADJECTIVE): excessive, repetitious
Synonyms: superfluous, unnecessary
Antonyms: necessary, essentialSUPPLE (ADJECTIVE): flexible
Synonyms: pliant, stretchable
Antonyms: stiff, rigidSURREPTITIOUS (ADJECTIVE): secret
Synonyms: underhand, private
Antonyms: open, clear
Synonyms: splendid, deluxe
Antonyms: plain, cheapSUPERCILIOUS (ADJECTIVE): arrogant
Synonyms: haughty, egotistic
Antonyms: humble, meekSTRENUOUS (ADJECTIVE): arduous
Synonyms: laborious, burdensome
Antonyms: effortless, half-heartedTAINT (VERB): disgrace
Synonyms: shame, dishonour
Antonyms: respect, honourTANTALIZE (VERB): torture
Synonyms: frustrate, tease
Antonyms: please, encourageTRADUCE same as TAINT (VERB): defame
Synonyms: denigrate, malign
Antonyms: glorify, honorGLUT (ADJECTIVE): surplus
Synonyms: excess, oversupply
Antonyms: dearth, lackHACKNEYED (ADJECTIVE): overused
Synonyms: common, banal
Antonyms: fresh, newENNUI (NOUN): apathy
Synonyms: boredom, fatigue
Antonyms: activeness, speedENMESH (VERB): intricate
Synonyms: entangle, involve
Antonyms: free, liberate
Synonyms: palatable, eatable
Antonyms: uneatable, indigestibleEXONERATE (VERB): absolve
Synonyms: exculpate, forgive
Antonyms: condemn, punishDEFT (ADJECTIVE): efficient
Synonyms: adroit, dexterous
Antonyms: dull, bluntCOGNOSCENTE (NOUN): expert
Synonyms: judge, specialist
Antonyms: inexperienced, noviceCOLOSSUS (NOUN): gigantic
Synonyms: enormous, huge
Antonyms: small, pygmy
TITULAR (ADJECTIVE): having a title
Synonyms: nominal, so-called
Antonyms: actual, realSPECKLE (ADJECTIVE): dotted
Synonyms: flecked, mottled
Antonyms: plain, simpleBEFOUL (VERB): contaminate
Synonyms: dirty, malign
Antonyms: cleanse, purifyFLURRY (NOUN): commotion
Synonyms: turmoil, outbreak
Antonyms: calm, peaceQUIETUDE (NOUN): Calm
Synonyms: dispassion, peace
Antonyms: agitation, clamorQUISLING (NOUN): Traitor
Synonyms: betrayer, collaborator
Antonyms: loyalist, patriotPLEBIAN (ADJECTIVE): Native
Synonyms: local, indigenous
Antonyms: uncommon, differentOVERT (ADJECTIVE): Obvious
Synonyms: apparent, definite
Antonyms: obscure, uncertainMINCING (ADJECTIVE): Affected
Synonyms: artificial, dainty
Antonyms: extroverted, unaffected
Synonyms: short, terse
Antonyms: verbose, wordyOBLIVION (NOUN): mental blankness
Synonyms: forgetfulness, unconsciousness
Antonyms: awareness, concernRAPT (ADJECTIVE): fully attentive
Synonyms: elated, ecstatic
Antonyms: dejected, dolefulDENIGRATE (VERB): besmirch
Synonyms: defame, disparage
Antonyms: praise, laudDAUNTLESS (ADJECTIVE): bold
Synonyms: brave, gallant
Antonyms: timid, fearfulDECORUM (NOUN): grace
Synonyms: propriety, dignity
Antonyms: Impropriety, LevityDREARY (ADJECTIVE): cheerless
Synonyms: comfortless, dark
Antonyms: inspiring, pleasant
GLIDE (VERB): pass
Synonyms: relapse, go by
Antonyms: stop, freezeGINGERLY (ADVERB): carefully
Synonyms: cautiously, delicately
Antonyms: hesitantly, timidlyTEEM (VERB): Overflow
Synonyms: overrun, full
Antonyms: lack, needHASPING (VERB): Fasten
Synonyms: grab, catch
Antonyms: loose, releaseUNDERTONE (NOUN): Mumble
Synonyms: murmur, hint
Antonyms: overtone, enunciateVARNISH (VERB): add a layer to; embellish
Synonyms: lacquer, cover
Antonyms: uncover, revealTOUT (VERB): Laud
Synonyms: praise, promote
Antonyms: blame, discourageTEPID (ADJECTIVE): Mild
Synonyms: warm, unenthusiastic
Antonyms: enthusiastic, keenFEALTY (NOUN): allegiance
Synonyms: faithfulness, loyalty
Antonyms: disloyalty, treacheryGAMBOL (VERB): run or jump about playfully
Synonyms: prank, play
Antonyms: work, studyINDIGNATION (NOUN): anger
Synonyms: rage, displeasure
Antonyms: delight, cheerSMEAR (VERB): To make something blurred
Synonyms: smudge, stained
Antonyms: clean, purifySPONGY (ADJECTIVE): cushioned
Synonyms: soft, porous
Antonyms: hard, inflexibleBREVITY (NOUN): briefness
Synonyms: concise, short
Antonyms: longevity, lengthiness
Synonyms: benumb, daze
Antonyms: enliven, inspire
Synonyms: astringent, sardonic
Antonyms: courteous, graciousPILFERAGE (NOUN): theft
Synonyms: burglary, misappropriation
Antonyms: veto, disapproveREPOSITION (VERB): alter
Synonyms: deviate, change
Antonyms: keep, holdRAMBUNCTIOUS (ADJECTIVE): noisy
Synonyms: boisterous, raucous
Antonyms: calm, quietRECIDIVISM (NOUN): lapse
Synonyms: backsliding, decadence
Antonyms: ascent, increaseRAMPART (NOUN): defensive wall
Synonyms: barricade, fortification
Antonyms: opening, ditchQUINTESSENCE (NOUN): perfect example
Synonyms: paragon, ideal
Antonyms: artificial, copyFLABBERGAST (VERB): surprise
Synonyms: amaze, astonished
Antonyms: bore, calmSTAGGER (VERB): walk falteringly
Synonyms: careen, falter
Antonyms: continue, stayPOMPOUS (ADJECTIVE): arrogant
Synonyms: boastful, grandiose
Antonyms: humble, kindPROPAGATE (VERB): breed
Synonyms: inseminate, multiply
Antonyms: decrease, depleteDAMPEN (VERB): make wet
Synonyms: bedew, dabble
Antonyms: collect, dryTINSEL (NOUN): particular type of embellishment
Synonyms: color, design
Antonyms: plainness, eyesoreINBORN (ADJECTIVE): natural
Synonyms: congenital, hereditary
Antonyms: acquired, learned
REMISSIBLE (ADJECTIVE): well-founded; able to be pardonedAntonyms: illegitimate, invalid
Synonyms: hunch, instinct
Antonyms: knowledge, reasoningFERROUS (ADJECTIVE): hard
Synonyms: rigid, steely
Antonyms: flexible, looseBLEMISH (NOUN): flaw
Synonyms: bruise, blot
Antonyms: blank, clarity
MELANCHOLIA (NOUN): low spirits
Synonyms: abashment, abjection
Antonyms: advantage, benefitMANGLE (VERB): mutilate, deform
Synonyms: bruise, contort
Antonyms: beautify, helpHIATUS (NOUN): pause,
Synonyms: interval, break
Antonyms: continuation, juncturePASTORAL (ADJECTIVE): rustic
Synonyms: agrarian, bucolic
Antonyms: city, metropolitanLACUNA (NOUN): pause
Synonyms: break, gapAntonyms: closure, continuationIMPINGE (VERB): trespass
Synonyms: encroach, intrude
Antonyms: avoid, dodgePRY (VERB): interfere in someone else's business
Synonyms: poke, bug
Antonyms: close, neglectRANSACK (VERB): turn inside out in search; ravage
Synonyms: raid, pillage
Antonyms: ignore, offerRUMMAGE (VERB): search
Synonyms: forage, poke
Antonyms: arrange, organizeHAPLESS (ADJECTIVE): unfortunate
Synonyms: unlucky, woeful
Antonyms: happy, fortuitousMALINGER (VERB): evade
Synonyms: dodge, avoid
Antonyms: do, faceMACHINATION (NOUN): maneuver
Synonyms: conspiracy, ploy
Antonyms: frankness, honestyFACILE (ADJECTIVE): easy
Synonyms: effortless, simple
Antonyms: complicated, difficultIRRESOLUTE (ADJECTIVE): Indecisive
Synonyms: doubtful, fickle
Antonyms: resolute, definiteDALLY (VERB): Dawdle
Synonyms: boondoggle, delay
Antonyms: hurry, hastenCAULK (VERB): secure
Synonyms: block, barricade
Antonyms: free, loosenUPHILL (ADJECTIVE): difficult
Synonym: tough, unimaginable
Antonyms: banal, mundaneRIFT (NOUN): division
Synonyms: gap, difference
Antonyms: bridge, jointDIVERS (ADJECTIVE): several
Synonyms: various, manifold
Antonyms: identical, sameDERISIVE (ADJECTIVE): Ridiculing
Synonyms: disdainful, scornful
Antonyms: polite, respectfulGLOAMING (NOUN): Sunset
Synonyms: sundown, twilight
Antonyms: daybreak, sunriseRIFE (ADJECTIVE): overflowing
Synonyms: abundant, alive
Antonyms: limited, uncommonMORATORIUM (NOUN): suspension
Synonyms: ban, delay
Antonyms: continuation, continuanceNEXUS (NOUN): middle
Synonyms: center, connection
Antonyms: divorce, exteriorityNETTLE (VERB): provoke
Synonyms: annoy, disgust
Antonyms: appease, comfort
RHAPSODIZE (VERB): excitement
Antonyms: be quiet, be happyJITTERY (ADJECTIVE): nervous
Synonyms: restless, anxious
Antonyms: calm, composedRECEPTIVE
Meaning: Open-mined, responsive, flexible
Meaning: ring, jingle, jangle, chime, peal, ding, pingARRAIGN
Meaning: Criticize, censure, attack, condemn
Meaning: scruffy, untidy, messy, unkempt, slatternly,
REGRESS (VERB): Fall back
Synonyms: back slide, retreat
Antonyms: develop, forgeDYSPATHY (NOUN): Animosity
Synonyms: Aversion, animus
Antonyms: love, rapportEXULTANTLY (ADVERB): Cheerfully
Synonyms: Freely, Gladly
Antonyms: Unsuccessfully, UnhappilyCONDUCE (VERB): Advance
Synonyms: Assist, Forward
Antonyms: Block, DecreaseOPUS (NOUN): Creation
Synonyms: Product, Production
Antonyms: Destruction, RuinUNCOUTH (ADJECTIVE): clumsy, uncultivated
Synonyms: awkward, barbaric
Antonyms: agile, couthMELANGE (NOUN): mixture
Synonyms: medley, mishmash
Antonyms: constituent, elemen
Synonyms: torment, domineer
Antonyms: comfort, consoleHEARSAY (NOUN): unsubstantiated information
Synonyms: rumors, grapevine
Antonyms: reality, truthJINX (NOUN): Curse
Synonyms: enchantment, spell
Antonyms: boon, benefitPLUNGE (NOUN): fall
Synonyms: quick drop, dive
Antonyms: rise, increase
DEMURRER (NOUN): argument for ideas.
Synonyms: discussion, explanation
Antonyms: denial, sympathyQUIZZ (VERB): cross examine
Synonyms: investigate, inquire
Antonyms: answer, replyRUCHED (VERB): fold
Synonyms: bend, curl
Antonyms: flatten, unbendDOGGED (ADJECTIVE): determined
Synonyms: Adamant, stubborn
Antonyms: indifferent, irresoluteWANTON (ADJECTIVE): gratuitous
Synonyms: senseless, unjustifiable; offensive
Antonyms: rational, reasonableEXASPERATION (NOUN): anger
Synonyms: rage, displeasure
Antonyms: delight, cheerDOUR (ADJECTIVE): bad tempered
Synonyms: rude, blunt
Antonyms: kind, politeCAVORT same as GAMBOL (VERB): jump about playfully
Synonyms: prank, play
Antonyms: work, studyBEHINDHAND (ADJECTIVE): procrastinating
Synonyms: delaying, laggard
Antonyms: diligent, eagerFRORE (ADJECTIVE): frosty
Synonyms: snowy, wintry
Antonyms: warm, heatedPERVERT (VERB): mix up
Synonyms: jumble, twist
Antonyms: clear up, organizeSTYGIAN (ADJECTIVE): dark, inky
Synonyms: clouded, brunet
Antonyms: optimistic, hopefulELLIPSIS (NOUN): abbreviation
Synonyms: abstract, shortness
Antonyms: elongate, prolongEXTIRPATION (NOUN): extermination
Synonyms: annihilation, destruction
Antonyms: construction, formationMINATORY (ADJECTIVE): threatening
Synonyms: alarming, dangerous
Antonyms: pleasing, harmlessRUNIC (ADJECTIVE): bewitching, charming
Synonyms: charismatic, enchanted
Antonyms: normal, unmovingPONTIFICATE (VERB): sermonize
Synonyms: admonish, dogmatize
Antonyms: praise, applaudBROMIDE (NOUN): platitude
Synonyms: cliché, banality
Antonyms: coinage, original sayingDISTEMPER (NOUN): disorder
Synonyms: affliction, ailment
Antonyms: health, healerTINTINNABULATION (NOUN): loud ringing
Synonyms: chime, jingle
Antonyms: silence, peaceSEPTENTRIONAL (ADVERB): polar
Synonyms: northward, arctic
Antonyms: southward, AntarcticPANGLOSSIAN (ADJECTIVE): optimistic
Synonyms: assured, confident
Antonyms: pessimistic, uncertainANABASIS (NOUN): forward movement
Synonyms: advance, progress
Antonyms: hinder, backwardCAITIFF (NOUN): coward
Synonyms: scoundrel, louse
Antonyms: brave, boldCRENEL (NOUN): scrape
Synonyms: indentation, incision
Antonyms: increase, bulge
FLAPDOODLE (ADJECTIVE): ridiculous situation
Synonyms: craziness, foolishness
Antonyms: intelligence, judgmentSUBSTANTIVE (ADJECTIVE): real
Synonyms: tangible, palpable
Antonyms: impractical, insignificantEXHUME (VERB): disclose
Synonyms: resurrect, unearth
Antonyms: bury, entombSUCCUMB (VERB): bow
Synonyms: surrender, break down
Antonyms: fight, defendBEMOAN (VERB): deplore
Synonyms: mourn, lament
Antonyms: be happy, praiseBESET (VERB): besiege
Synonyms: embarrass, beleaguer
Antonyms: free, surrender
BALK (VERB): hesitate
Synonyms: resist, shirk
Antonyms: accept, faceAVID (ADJECTIVE): ardent
Synonyms: eager, fervent
Antonyms: apathetic, coldCANONICAL (ADJECTIVE): accepted
Synonyms: lawful, legal
Synonyms: unacceptable, unauthorizedBURGEON (VERB): prosper
Synonyms: sprout, blossom
Antonyms: fade, diminishARCANE (ADJECTIVE): esoteric
Synonyms: cabalistic, occult
Antonyms: known, commonARBITRARY (ADJECTIVE): capricious
Synonyms: discretionary, erratic
Antonyms: logical, reasonableARTLESS (ADJECTIVE): simple
Synonyms: guileless, honest
Antonyms: contrived, artfulSATE (VERB): satisfy
Synonyms: cloy, gorge
Antonyms: abstain, deprivePEG (VERB): attach
Synonyms: fasten, tighten
Antonyms: loose, loosenPROFFER (VERB): suggest
Synonyms: propound, propose
Antonyms: refrain, holdBELLYACHE (NOUN): complaint
Synonyms: grouse, gripe
Antonyms: compliment, flatteryLICITNESS (NOUN): legality
Synonyms: authority, legitimacy
Antonyms: unjustice, unfairnessHUNKER (VERB): crouch
Synonyms: grovel, kneel
Antonyms: face, meetPROPITIATION (NOUN): conciliation
Synonyms: abatement, placation
Antonyms: provocation, annoyanceRUMPUS (NOUN): clamor; disharmony
Synonyms: discord, fracas
Antonyms: harmony, peace
SECEDE (VERB): split from
Synonyms: quit, break with
Antonyms: maintain, continueETHEREAL (ADJECTIVE): delicate
Synonyms: light, vapory
Antonyms: poor, indelicateANGST (NOUN): feeling of anxiety
Synonyms: agony, apprehension
Antonyms: calmness, confidenceCOCKSURE (ADJECTIVE): arrogant
Synonyms: bumptious, obnoxious
Antonyms: humble, modestCRAGGY (ADJECTIVE): jagged
Synonyms: rocky, rugged
Antonyms: whole, individualHUNK (NOUN): lump
Synonyms: block, glob
Antonyms: accept, allowPRIGGISH (ADJECTIVE): complacent
Synonyms: smug, satisfied
Antonyms: dis-contended, dissatisfiedWACKY (ADJECTIVE): crazy
Synonyms: nutty, loony
Antonyms: sane, sensibleENTOURAGE (NOUN): followers
Synonyms: cortege, companions
Antonyms: leader, torchbearerARID (ADJECTIVE): bone-dry
Synonyms: parched, waterless
Antonyms: humid, moistCONTORT same as MANGLE (VERB): disfigure, distort
Synonyms: deform, writhe
Antonyms: beautify, smoothTRANSMOGRIFY (VERB): convert
Synonyms: alter, mutate
Antonyms: preserve, stagnate
OPINE (VERB): think
Synonyms: say, suggest
Antonyms: calculate, measureEFFUSIVE (ADJECTIVE): gushing, profuse
Synonyms: lavish, exuberant
Antonyms: economical, unexcitedEPOCHAL (ADJECTIVE): irregular, sporadic
Synonyms: occasional, periodic
Antonyms: regular, usualMUTINY (NOUN): resistance
Synonyms: defiance, insurrection
Antonyms: calm, peacePROTRUDE (VERB): stick out
Synonyms: extrude, extend
Antonyms: shrink, sink
Synonyms: probable, credible
Antonyms: impossible, improbableFERRET same as RUMMAGE (VERB): to search
Antonyms: cover, dirtyTOUCHSTONE (NOUN): criterion
Synonyms: barometer, benchmark
Antonyms: lawlessness, guessAFFRONT (NOUN): to insult
Synonyms: offence, humiliation
Antonyms: respect, appeasementLUDICROUS (ADJECTIVE): so foolish
Synonyms: bizarre, farcical
Antonyms: grave, seriousGROUNDSWELL (NOUN): an increase
Antonyms: parting, severanceROUT (NOUN): to retreat
Synonyms: beating, confusion
Antonyms: miracle, triumphWAFT (VERB): travel
Synonyms: drift, convey
Antonyms: hold, keepROCOCO (ADJECTIVE): florid
Synonyms: ornate, gilt
Antonyms: plain, undecoratedCHIMERA (NOUN): illusion
Antonyms: certainty, realityPERVERSION (NOUN):
Synonyms: burlesque, distortion
Antonyms: seriousness, solemnityBURGESS (NOUN): civilian
Synonyms: inhabitant, resident
Antonyms: alien, foreignerARROGATE (VERB): claim without justification
Synonyms: confiscate, expropriate
Antonyms: reject, refusePRUDISH (ADJECTIVE): shy and strict in behavior
Synonyms: fastidious, narrow minded
Antonyms: extroverted, outgoingFLECK (VERB): blemish
Synonyms: mark, stain
Antonyms: clean, purifyDEIGN (VERB): lower oneself
Synonyms: condescend, consent
Antonyms: oppose, refuseABUT (VERB): touch or be next to something
Synonyms: adjoin, border on
Antonyms: separate, dividePARENTHESIS (NOUN): digression
Synonyms: aside, departure
Antonyms: accord, agreementTAMP (VERB): packPICAYUNE (ADJECTIVE): trivial
Synonyms: immaterial, meagre
Antonyms: significant, majorERSTWHILE (ADJECTIVE): current
Synonyms: present, ongoing
Antonyms: former, pastFUSS (NOUN): uproar, confusion
Synonyms: disorder, turmoil
Antonyms: harmony, orderDOWNCAST (ADJECTIVE): unhappy
Synonyms: blue, gloomy
Antonyms: glad, elatedGLOWER (VERB): frown; look angrily
Antonyms: smile, grinEPICENE (ADJECTIVE): weak
Synonyms: frail, sissy
Antonyms: strong,CANARD (NOUN): lie
Synonyms: hoax, rumour
Antonyms: truth, reality CABOODLE (NOUN): collection of something
Synonyms: assemblage, chunk
Antonyms: individual, oneGROWL (VERB): criticize harshly
Synonyms: abuse, accuse
Antonyms: honor, praiseREPRIEVE (NOUN): a cancellation of a punishment.
Synonyms: absolution, amnesty
Antonyms: accusation, denunciationBULWARK (NOUN): barricade
Synonyms: barrier, bastion
Antonyms: open, ditchHUBBUB (NOUN): commotion
Synonyms: bedlam, clang
Antonyms: calm, peaceATTICISM (NOUN): grandeur
Synonyms: classicalism, elegance
Antonyms: imbalance, crudeness
Synonyms: aim, plot
Antonyms: neglect, ignoreGALL (NOUN): brashness
Synonyms: arrogance, brazenness
Antonyms: modesty, respectTHORNY (ADJECTIVE): knotty
Synonyms: barbed, rugged
Antonyms: smooth, unpointedCOGWHEEL (NOUN): main part of device
Antonyms: accessories propTIP-OFF (NOUN): hint
Synonyms: prompt, suggestionAntonyms: ignorance, carelessnessFORGE (VERB): counterfeit
Synonyms: fabricate, falsify
Antonyms: invent, produceBETROTHED (ADJECTIVE): engaged; married
Antonyms: single, unattachedFROLICSOME (ADJECTIVE): full of spirit
Synonyms: lively, romping
Antonyms: depressed, downBRASH (ADJECTIVE): arrogant
Synonyms: cavalier, conceited
Antonyms: modest, unassumingFAD (NOUN): trend
Synonyms: emancipation, liberty
Antonyms: bondage, slaveryNUMSKULL (NOUN): idiot
Synonyms: buffoon, dimwit
Antonyms: genius, wisePHALANX (NOUN): body of troops
Synonyms: horde, throngAntonyms: individual, oneCEDE (VERB): surrender
Antonyms: deny, refuseDOWNRIGHT (ADJECTIVE): whole
Synonyms: utter, absolute
Antonyms: partial, incompleteFRILL (NOUN): convenience
Synonyms: service, facility
Antonyms: discomfort, inconvenienceINANITY (NOUN): nonsense
Antonyms: coinage, original sayingBOWDLERIZE (VERB): censor
Synonyms: decontaminate
Antonyms: make dirty, contaminate
BARMY (ADJECTIVE): foolish; inane
Antonyms: intelligent, sensibleGRUNGY (ADJECTIVE):
Synonyms: filthy, messy
Antonyms: clean, spotlessCACHET (NOUN): distinctive and stylish elegance
Synonyms: prestige, stature
Antonyms: common, usualPRATTLE (VERB): talk foolishly
Synonyms: jabber, idle chatter
Antonyms: be quiet, be silentKEN (NOUN): perception
Synonyms: acumen, awareness
Antonyms: blindness, ignoranceLAMENT (VERB): to mourn or grieve deeply
Synonyms: bemoan, deplore
Antonyms: relieve, celebrateLUCRE (NOUN): money, profits
Synonyms: capital, cash
Antonyms: bills, debtLAX (ADJECTIVE): slack, remiss
Synonyms: careless, lenient
Antonyms: attentive, carefulMAIM (VERB): cripple, put out of action
Synonyms: disable, disfigure
Antonyms: care, aid
SWERVE (VERB): deflect
Synonyms: skid, stray
Antonyms: abide, persistRACY (ADJECTIVE): zestful
Synonyms: saucy, energetic
Antonyms: sluggish, lackadaisicalPLOD (VERB): lumber; slow heavy walk
Antonyms: creeping, sneakingPREPONDERANCE (NOUN): predominance
Synonyms: prevalence, dominance
Antonyms: disadvantage, inferiorityPITH (NOUN): center
Synonyms: crux, gist
Antonyms: exteriority, insignificanceFURROWED (ADJECTIVE): wrinkled
Synonyms: rutted, corrugated
Antonyms: unfurrowed, unwrinkledEVANESCE (VERB): disappear
Synonyms: disperse, dissipate
Antonyms: collect, gatherGALLIMAUFRY (NOUN): miscellany
Synonyms: assortment, mishmash
Antonyms: organization, regulation
BROWBEAT (VERB): castigate
Synonyms: bully, coerce
Antonyms: aid, assistBUFFET (VERB): hit repeatedly
Synonyms: batter, clobber
Antonyms: pull, surrenderVIE (VERB): compete
Synonyms: contend, strive
Antonyms: assist, supportLEEWAY (NOUN): room to move
Synonyms: extent, headway
Antonyms: constraint, restrictionPUNITORY (NOUN): disciplinary
Synonyms: penal, punishing
Antonyms: beneficial, rewardingSTUPOR (NOUN): unconscious
Synonyms: trance, apathy
Antonyms: consciousness, wakefulnessINERTIA (NOUN): laziness
Synonyms: paralysis, passivity
Antonyms: activity, livelinessDISCOURSE (NOUN): communication
Synonyms: dialogue, conversation
Antonyms: quiet, silenceGRATUITOUS (ADJECTIVE): free
Synonyms: charge-less, costless
GUST (NOUN): blast
Synonyms: breeze, burst
Antonyms: calm, quietSPLINTER (NOUN):
Synonyms: fragment, bit
Antonyms: entirety, lotSPASMODIC (ADJECTIVE): intermittent
Synonyms: fitful, irregular
Antonyms: resting, uninterruptedLITERAL (ADJECTIVE): actual
Synonyms: authentic, true
Antonyms: counterfeit, dishonest
Synonyms: blithe, jocular
Antonyms: sad, depressedLANGUOR (NOUN): lethargy
Synonyms: inactivity, tiredness
Antonyms: energy, vigourREBUT (VERB): deny
Synonyms: quash, disapprove
Antonyms: allow, approveOUTLANDISH (ADJECTIVE): eccentric
Synonyms: extravagant, bizarre
Antonyms: common, familiarTHRONG (NOUN): bunch
Synonyms: flock, mass
Antonyms: individual, oneINCERTITUDE (NOUN): uncertainty
Synonyms: doubt, insecurity
Antonyms: certainty, certitudeUNRUFFLED (ADJECTIVE): calm
Synonyms: composed, unflappable
Antonyms: upset, worriedWASPISH (ADJECTIVE): cantankerous
Synonyms: crabby, crotchety
Antonyms: good-natured, cheerfulFORLORN (ADJECTIVE): depressed
Synonyms: desolate, miserable
Antonyms: joyful, elatedINESTIMABLE (ADJECTIVE): priceless
Synonyms: invaluable, precious
Antonyms: cheap, idolizedINTERNALIZE (VERB): embody
Synonyms: incarnate, personalize
Antonyms: detach, alienateSPARSE (ADJECTIVE): very few and scattered
Synonyms: inadequate, meager
Antonyms: abundant, adequateHOODWINK (VERB): deceiveCONCRETIZE (VERB): demonstrate
Synonyms: epitomize, exemplify
Antonyms: conceal, obscurePERVERSELY (ADVERB): abnormally
Synonyms: unusually, peculiarly
Antonyms: naturally, usuallySOMERSAULT (VERB): bounce
Synonyms: hop, surge
Antonyms: decline, decreaseSLEAZY (ADJECTIVE): disreputable
Synonyms: sordid, tacky
Antonyms: reputable, respectableSPURT (NOUN): commotion
Synonyms: eruption, explosion
Antonyms: peace, continuitySOJOURN (VERB): visitSQUALL (NOUN): disturbance DEMIT: resign from office
Synonyms: trouble, flurry
Antonyms: calm, quietSUNDRY (ADJECTIVE): miscellaneous
Synonyms: assorted, various
Antonyms: singular, individualSAVANT (NOUN): scholar
Synonyms: academic, egghead
Antonyms: amateur, ignoramusUNFLAPPABLE (ADJECTIVE): calm
Synonyms: composed, relaxed
Antonyms: nervous, disconcertedUNCANNY (ADJECTIVE): strange
Synonyms: weird, odd
Antonyms: conventional, normalVAUNT (VERB): boast
Synonyms: brag, flaunt
Antonyms: be modest, be shyVISTA (NOUN): glimpse
Synonyms: look, sight
Antonyms: blindness, darknessUNRUFFLED (ADJECTIVE): serene
Synonyms: smooth, placid
Antonyms: frantic, nervousGLIB (ADJECTIVE): eloquent
Synonyms: loquacious, talkative
Antonyms: quiet, silentFECUND (ADJECTIVE): fruitful
Synonyms: fertile, reproducing
Antonyms: impotent, sterileFRACAS (NOUN): fuel
Synonyms: riot, scuffle
Antonyms: harmony, peaceDUPLICITOUS (ADJECTIVE): deceptive
Synonyms: artful, deceptive
Antonyms: actual, authentic SCHISM (NOUN): separation
Synonyms: breakup, alienation
Antonyms: unity, agreementSCRUPLE (NOUN): anxiety
Synonyms: faltering, hesitancy
Antonyms: peace, tranquilityBATE (VERB): to become gradually less
Synonyms: decrease, diminish
Antonyms: rise, growSPLENETIC (ADJECTIVE): nasty in behavior, speech
Synonyms: rancorous, angry
Antonyms: kind, mildSKINFLINT (NOUN): miser
Synonyms: pinchpenny, niggard
Antonyms: spender, spendthriftSOBRIQUET (NOUN): nickname
Synonyms: alias, moniker
Antonyms: formal name, official nameSIDEREAL (ADJECTIVE): pertaining to stars
Synonyms: glittering, luminous
Antonyms: dim, dull
Meaning: stop or cause to stop making progress
Synonyms: obstruct, impeded, hindered, muffled,
closed, blocked
Antonyms: advance, expedite, promote, permiCAVALIER (ADJECTIVE)
Meaning: not considering other people's feelings or

Synonyms: Careless, offhand, indifferent, casual,

dismissive, insouciant, unconcerned,
Antonyms: humble, thoughtful, careful, cautiousFLEDGLING (ADJECTIVE)
Meaning: new and without experience, young &
Synonyms: unqualified, young, inexperienced
Antonyms: skilled, efficient, adroit, capableOBSTRUCTIONISM (NOUN)
Meaning: the act of intentionally stopping or
slowing down an official process
Synonyms: blocking, delay, interference,
Meaning – prevent (someone) from accomplishing
Synonyms: baffled, failed, hindered, obstructed
Meaning: (of a person or process) diligent,
thorough, and extremely attentive to details.
Synonyms: careful, meticulous, painstaking,
Antonyms: careless, slapdash
Meaning: extend the application of (a method or
conclusion) to an unknown situation by assuming that
existing trends will continue or similar methods will be
Synonyms: deduce, hypothesize, anticipate
Antonyms: doubCIRCUMVENT
Meaning: find a way around (an obstacle), deceive;
Synonym: avoid
Antonym: aid, assistPERVASIVE
Meaning: (especially of an unwelcome influence or
physical effect) spreading widely throughout an area or a
group of people
Synonyms: prevalent, penetrating,
Antonyms: rare, scarce, uncommonBEQUEATH
Meaning: leave (property) to a person or other
beneficiary by a will.
Synonyms: commit, entrust, grant, transfer, convey;
Antonyms: take, keep, receiveINIMICAL
Meaning: tending to obstruct or harm.
Synonyms: harmful, injurious, detrimental,
Antonyms: helpful, advantageousHERALD
Synonyms: harbinger, sign, indicato
Meaning: put an end toGESTATION (NOUN)
Meaning: the process or period of developing inside
the womb between conception and birthCOVETED (VERB)
Meaning: yearn to possess Synonyms: crave, envy
Antonyms: dislike, hateSTANDALONE (ADJECTIVE)
Meaning: able
to operate independentlyALBEIT (CONJUNCTION)
Meaning: though
Synonym – admitting, even ifSAVVY (NOUN)
Meaning: shrewdness and practical knowledgeGRAVELY (ADVERB): very much; desperately
Synonyms: deeply, seriously
SLUMMY (ADJECTIVE): indicative of poverty
Synonyms: damaged, faded
Antonyms: stable, repaired
Synonyms: cushiony, spongy
Antonyms: hard, rough
WAGGISH (ADJECTIVE): acting in a playfumanner YONDER (NOUN): to a far place
Synonyms: faraway, farther
Antonym: close, nearbyTAWDRY (ADJECTIVE): cheap and poor in
appearance or quality
Synonyms: tacky, sleazy
Antonyms: expensive, tastefulFARCE (NOUN): a ridiculous situation or event
Synonyms: parody, absurdity
Antonym: tragedy, sobrietyCHURLISH (ADJECTIVE): rude
Synonyms: impolite, boorish Antonyms: polished,
sophisticatedABAFT (ADJECTIVE): towards the back
Synonyms: astern, rearward
Antonyms: forward, forth

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