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Biological Psychology 92 (2013) 275–281

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Cortical thickness, mental absorption and meditative practice: Possible

implications for disorders of attention
Joshua A. Grant a,b,c,d,∗ , Emma G. Duerden a,b,c,d , Jérôme Courtemanche c,d,e , Mariya Cherkasova f ,
Gary H. Duncan b,g,h , Pierre Rainville b,c,d,g
Département de Physiologie, Université de Montréal, Montréal, QC, Canada
Le Groupe de Recherche sur le Système Nerveux Central (GRSNC), Montréal, QC, Canada
Centre de Recherche en Neuropsychologie et Cognition (CERNEC), Montréal, QC, Canada
Centre de Recherche de l’Institut Universitaire de Gériatrie de Montréal (CRIUGM), Montréal, QC, Canada
Département de Psychologie, Université de Montréal, Montréal, QC, Canada
Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre, Montréal, QC, Canada
Département de Stomatologie, Université de Montréal, Montréal, QC, Canada
Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, McGill University, Montréal, QC, Canada

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Mental training techniques rooted in meditation are associated with attention improvement, increased
Received 11 May 2012 activation and cortical thickening of attention/executive-related brain areas. Interestingly, attention-
Accepted 12 September 2012 deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is associated with behavioural deficits, hypo-activation and cortical
Available online xxx
thinning of similar networks. This study assessed the relationship between prior meditative training,
attentional absorption, and cortical thickness. Grey matter thickness was measured in 18 meditators
and 18 controls. Subjective reports of attentional absorption were modestly higher in meditators and
Cortical thickness
across the entire sample correlated positively with cortical thickness in several regions corresponding
Attentional absorption
to cingulo-fronto-parietal attention networks. Within these regions the meditation group had greater
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder cortical thickness which was positively related to the extent of prior training. Evidence suggesting that
Mindfulness meditative practice activates these cortical areas, improves attention and may ameliorate symptoms of
Mental training ADHD by targeting vulnerable brain regions is discussed.
© 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction 2010; Holzel et al., 2008, 2010; Lazar et al., 2005; Luders et al.,
2009; Vestergaard-Poulsen et al., 2009). In all cases meditators have
The term meditation refers to a family of mental exercises been found to have more grey matter, in specific regions, than non-
aimed at enhancing the practitioner’s ability to attain and main- meditators. Further, several of these effects have involved regions
tain a target state, often attentional or affective in nature (e.g. implicated in attention/executive processing (e.g. ACC, superior
sustained attention or a state of compassion) (Lutz et al., 2008). and middle frontal gyri and orbitofrontal regions) (Grant et al.,
Although often viewed as spiritual, many such techniques are, 2010; Holzel et al., 2008; Lazar et al., 2005; Luders et al., 2009;
for the most part, completely secular and are gaining recogni- Vestergaard-Poulsen et al., 2009). Behaviourally, practitioners of
tion as clinically relevant (Chiesa and Serretti, 2010). Functional meditation have been shown to perform significantly better on
imaging studies have reported that meditating in an MRI scanner attention and executive function tasks such as the Attention Net-
activates attention-related cortices such as the anterior cingulate work Task (ANT), the Stroop Task, attentional blink, Symbol Digit
cortex (ACC) and frontoparietal networks (Brefczynski-Lewis et al., Modalities Test, verbal fluency, and the n-back task (Prakash et al.,
2007; Manna et al., 2010). A number of studies have also reported 2010; Zeidan et al., 2010; Tang et al., 2007; van Leeuwen et al.,
regional grey matter differences between individuals who medi- 2009). While it is certainly possible that there are pre-existing
tate and those who do not (Pagnoni and Cekic, 2007; Grant et al., differences in meditators, there is now evidence from longitu-
dinal studies that improvement in attention performance (Lutz
et al., 2009; Tang et al., 2007; Zeidan et al., 2010) and increases
in grey matter (Holzel et al., 2010, 2011) occur over the course
∗ Corresponding author. Present address: Department of Social Neuroscience,
of meditative training. Importantly, preliminary evidence suggests
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Stephanstrasse 1a,
04103 Leipzig, Germany. Tel.: +49 341 9940 2653; fax: +49 341 9940 2356. that meditative training may be an effective adjunct treatment
E-mail address: (J.A. Grant). for patients suffering from attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

0301-0511/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Author's personal copy

276 J.A. Grant et al. / Biological Psychology 92 (2013) 275–281

(ADHD). Following an 8 week meditation program, improvements further examine this connection we also administered the Five Facet Mindfulness
were observed on the ANT, the Stroop Task and the Trail Making Questionnaire (FFMQ) (Baer et al., 2008). The FFMQ measures skills associated with
the construct of mindfulness, namely, the tendencies to be observant (OBS), non-
Test, as well as in self-reported ADHD symptoms (Zylowska et al.,
judgmental (NJ) and nonreactive (NR) toward one’s experiences as well as aware in
2008). the present moment (AWARE). A meditation experience questionnaire was admin-
In the literature there are parallels between meditative practice istered sampling years, hours and frequency (days per week) of lifetime practice.
and ADHD at several levels. ADHD is characterized by inatten-
tion, impulsiveness and hyperactivity. Neuroimaging studies have
strongly implicated the fronto-striato-thalamic circuitry in the 2.3. MRI acquisition and cortical thickness measurement

pathophysiology of this disorder (Bush et al., 2005; Seidman et al., A single high-resolution (voxel size = 1 mm3 ) T-1 weighted structural MRI image
2005). Functional MRI studies of ADHD have repeatedly shown (MP-RAGE) was acquired for each participant on a 3 Tesla Siemens Trio MR scanner
hypo-activation of the anterior cingulate, dorsolateral and inferior (Siemens, Erlangen, Germany). An automated cortical thickness analysis pipeline
prefrontal cortices as well as the basal ganglia, thalamus, and pari- was employed (Montréal Neurological Institute (MNI)) (Lerch and Evans, 2005).
Images were linearly registered, transformed into MNI space and corrected for
etal cortices (Dickstein et al., 2006). Morphometric brain imaging
non-uniformity artifacts (Collins et al., 1994; Sled et al., 1998). Images were then
studies have likewise found structural differences, such as corti- segmented into grey and white matter and cerebrospinal fluid (Zijdenbos et al.,
cal thinning, in many of these same areas, in populations of both 2002). Grey and white matter surfaces were produced using constrained Laplacian
adults and children with ADHD (Shaw and Rabin, 2009; Seidman anatomic segmentation using proximities (Kim et al., 2005). A surface deforma-
et al., 2005). Furthermore, cortical thinning of a subset of these tion algorithm (MacDonald et al., 2000) then expanded the white matter surfaces
to the surface boundary between grey matter and cerebrospinal fluid, allowing the
regions has been associated with poor clinical outcome 5 years later calculation of cortical thickness. Thickness data were smoothed following surface
(Shaw et al., 2006). While ADHD and cortical thickness have sub- curvature using a blurring kernel of 20 mm.
stantial heritability (Durston et al., 2004; Forero et al., 2009; Rimol
et al., 2010), morphometric longitudinal studies suggest regional
grey matter may also vary as a function of training and perfor- 2.4. Statistical analyses
mance (Draganski and May, 2008). One particularly notable study
Questionnaires were analysed with independent sample t-tests and correlated
found that training naïve participants to juggle resulted in grey with cortical thickness estimates using Pearson correlations in SPSS. Cortical thick-
matter density increases, concomitant with performance gains, in ness data were analysed with the general linear model (GLM), controlling for age and
brain regions previously implicated in processing visual motion gender, in SurfStat (∼worsley/surfstat) and with additional
(Draganski et al., 2004). Findings such as these suggest that, despite multiple linear regressions in SPSS. Given our explicitly unidirectional hypotheses,
1-tailed tests were used for all analyses.
the high likelihood of a genetic predisposition, it may be possible to Estimates of cortical thickness at 81,924 vertices covering the entire cortical
combat the functional deficits of a disorder like ADHD by targeting mantle were regressed on attentional absorption scores across the whole sample.
the vulnerable cortices with a suitable training intervention. As dis- For this full brain analysis the significance threshold was set to p < 0.05, corrected for
cussed above, one potential candidate to bolster both grey matter multiple comparisons using the random-field theory (Worsley et al., 1996) to strictly
control type I error. Regions meeting this strict criterion (i.e. showing a relation
thickness and attention/executive function is meditative practice.
between absorption and cortical thickness) were then defined as absorption-ROIs.
The present study provides initial evidence that cortical, Mean thickness within each ROI was computed. These values were compared
attention-related brain regions, that appear to be sensitive to thin- between groups and correlated with meditation experience in SPSS. To examine
ning in ADHD, are related to an experiential measure of attention the proximity of the present results with respect to previously reported structural
and are thicker in practitioners of meditation. The analysis took findings in ADHD, MNI coordinates were acquired from Shaw et al. (2006). In the
original study these regions exhibited cortical thinning in patients with ADHD and
place over two phases. We were first interested in testing the
included the right superior medial PFC, temporal pole, left superior medial PFC, pre-
hypothesis that an experiential measure of attention would (a) central gyrus and left medial PFC/cingulate. Circular ROIs with a 15 mm radius were
differ between meditators and controls and (b) relate to grey mat- created using SurfStat and compared visually by overlaying the respective maps.
ter thickness in attention-related brain regions. With evidence to Euclidian distance between the peak coordinates from the two studies was also
support these hypotheses a post hoc analysis was performed exam-
Finally, we performed a full brain exploratory search for each of the FFMQ sub-
ining the physical overlap between the present results and a report scales as well as regressions with mean cortical thickness within absorption-ROIs.
of grey matter thinning observed in a study of ADHD (Shaw et al., The main effects of group and meditation experience, at the full brain level, have
2006). been reported as part of the original study from which this data was acquired,
investigating the structural correlates of pain sensitivity (Grant et al., 2010).
2. Materials and methods

2.1. Participants
3. Results
Eighteen Zen meditators (14 male/4 female) were recruited, that had been
practicing between 2 and 30 years and had accumulated a minimum of 1000 h of life- 3.1. Self report measures
time practice (mean = 6406, SD = 1955, min = 1010, max = 39,439). Eighteen age- and
gender-matched control subjects (14 males/4 female) were subsequently recruited.
All participants provided informed written consent, approved by a local Ethics Com- Scores for all questionnaires were normally distributed based on
mittee (CMER-RNQ 05-06-020). Meditators were recruited from meditation centres the Shapiro–Wilk test. Meditators scored slightly higher than con-
in the Montréal area and had an average age of 37.1 yrs (SD = 10.9, range 22–57) and trols on the TAS (t(34) = 1.91, p < 0.05, d = 0.64) indicating a tendency
did not differ from controls (average age 37.9 yrs, SD = 10.5, range = 21–55). With the to be more absorbed in their experience. Meditators also scored
exception of one monk and one nun, all participants were lay practitioners. Control
subjects were also from Montreal and had no previous experience with meditation
higher than controls on three of the subscales of the FFMQ (OBS:
or yoga. t(34) = 3.30, p < 0.01, d = 1.09, NR: t(34) = 3.64, p < 0.001, d = 1.20 and
AWARE: t(34) = 2.03, p < 0.05, d = 0.67) indicating a greater tendency
2.2. Self report measures to be mindful. Across the entire sample TAS scores were positively
correlated with OBS scores (r(34) = 0.39, p < 0.01) and NR scores
Participants’ trait attentional absorption was measured with the 34-item
Tellegen Absorption Scale (TAS), a True/False subscale of the Multidimensional (r(34) = 0.32, p < 0.05) suggesting that absorption and mindfulness
Personality Questionnaire (Tellegen and Atkinson, 1974). The TAS measures one’s may have shared experiential dimensions. Absorption scores in the
tendency for “episodes of ‘total’ attention that fully engage one’s representational meditation group were predicted by the number of days of practice
(i.e. perceptual, enactive, imaginative and ideational) resources” (Tellegen and per week (r(16) = 0.41, p < 0.05) while years of practice predicted NR
Atkinson, 1974). Two previous studies have reported higher absorption scores for
meditators using this scale (Davidson et al., 1976; Holzel and Ott, 2006), the later also
scores (r(16) = 0.47, p < 0.05) with more experience being associated
finding correlations between absorption and meditation depth and mindfulness. To with less reactivity.
Author's personal copy

J.A. Grant et al. / Biological Psychology 92 (2013) 275–281 277

Fig. 1. Cortical thickness correlations with self-reported absorption. Areas in orange-red (t-threshold = 3.6) are Bonferonni-corrected for multiple comparison over the cortical
surface. Regions where thinner grey matter was associated with more absorption (blue-green clusters) did not reach significance. (Right) Relationship between thickness
and absorption within specific regions. R-values correspond to the partial correlations after controlling for age and gender. S.R. = standardized residuals. (For interpretation
of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of the article.)

3.2. Cortical thickness: whole brain analysis of absorption 3.3. Cortical thickness: group and meditation-related effects
within absorption-ROIs
For the whole brain analysis, higher absorption was associated
with thicker grey matter in nodes of the cingulo-fronto-parietal The large cluster spanning left SFG, medial frontal and cingulate
(CFP) attention networks (Fig. 1 and Table 1). A large and highly sig- gyri in the absorption analysis was split into three components
nificant cluster of absorption-related cortical thickness was found (SFG, ACC and PCC), based on clearly visible borders, for the
in the left superior frontal gyrus extending into supra-callosal parts remainder of the analyses with the absorption-ROIs. Within these
of the medial frontal and cingulate gyri. Additional significant clus- ROIs, meditators had greater cortical thickness than controls in
ters were found in the middle frontal gyri and superior parietal left SFG (t(32) = 1.90, p < 0.05), SMG (t(32) = 2.37, p < 0.05) and SPL
lobule bilaterally, the left supramarginal gyrus as well as the right (t(32) = 1.85, p < 0.05) (Fig. 2 and Table 1). It must be noted that this
precuneus. These regions were defined as absorption-ROIs. No sig- analysis is not independent of the procedure used to derive the
nificant negative correlations between TAS scores and thickness absorption ROIs. With knowledge that the meditators scored higher
were observed. on the absorption questionnaire the analysis becomes circular and

Table 1
Full brain thickness/absorption correlations and effects of group and meditation in absorption-ROIs.

Location Vertices (#) Cluster (t, p) Peak-MNI (x, y, z) Meditation training (r/p) Group dif (t/p) Closest ADHD-peak

SFG-Cing L 1220 4.60, <0.001*
SFG −7, 9, 69 0.42, <0.05 (yr) 1.95, <0.05 6.2 SFG/Med-PFC L
ACC −7, 16, 40 0.49, <0.05 (yr) ns 8.8 Med-PFC/ACC L
PCC −12, −24, 43 ns ns 38.2 Med-PFC/ACC L
MFG R 132 4.60, <0.05* 35, 31, 38 0.43, <0.05 (yr) ns 24.1 SFG/Med-PFC R
MFG L 446 4.51, =0.01* −25, 40, 39 0.53, <0.05 (yr) ns 41.0 SFG/Med-PFC L
SMG L 533 4.64, <0.001* −45, −35, 26 ns 2.35, <0.05 >50
SPL R 369 4.55, <0.001* 32, −50, 53 ns ns >50
SPL L 211 4.26, <0.05* −4, −53, 55 0.44, <0.05 (yr) 1.95, <0.05 49.3 PreCG L
PrCun R 240 4.21, =0.01* 18, −83, 45 0.55, <0.05 (h) ns >50

Data are from 18 meditators and 18 controls. SFG-Cing refers to a large contiguous region which was divided into superior frontal, anterior and posterior cingulate regions.
Reported r-values are partial correlation coefficients, that is, representing unique variance after accounting for age and gender in the regression model. ACC, anterior cingulate
cortex; med-PFC, medial prefrontal cortex; MFG, middle frontal gyrus; MNI, Montreal Neurological Institute; PCC, posterior cingulate cortex; PreCG, precentral gyrus; PrCun,
precuneus; MFG, left medial frontal gyrus; SFG-Cing, superior frontal gyrus-cingulate; SPL, superior parietal lobule; SMG, supramarginal gyrus.
Indicates p-values Bonferonni-corrected for multiple comparison over the entire cortical surface based on the random-field theory.
Author's personal copy

278 J.A. Grant et al. / Biological Psychology 92 (2013) 275–281

Fig. 2. Group differences and meditation experience correlations within the absorption-ROIs. (Upper panels) Meditators had significantly thicker grey matter in the superior
frontal gyrus (SFG), superior parietal lobule (SPL) and supramarginal gyrus (SMG) all of the left side. M = meditators, C = controls. (Lower panels) Partial regression plots show
the standardized residuals (S.R.) of cortical thickness and years of practice after accounting for age, separately for each variable. The R-value is the partial coefficient and the
best fit line maintains the true relationship between the variables. More years of experience was associated with greater thickness of left SFG, SPL, anterior cingulate cortex
(ACC) and middle frontal gyrus (MFG). For additional regions see Table 1.

should be interpreted with some caution. Within the meditation To examine possible relations between absorption and mindful-
group, years of training (after accounting for age) was positively ness, mean cortical thickness of the absorption-ROIs was regressed
associated with thickness of the left SFG (r(13) = 0.42, p < 0.05), ACC on the FFMQ revealing positive associations between OBS scores
(r(13) = 0.49, p < 0.05), SPL (r(13) = 0.44, p < 0.05) and MFG bilater- and left SFG (r(33) = 0.46, p < 0.01), MFG (r(33) = 0.34, p < 0.05), SPL
ally (left: r(13) = 0.53, p < 0.05; right: r(13) = 0.43, p < 0.05) (Fig. 2 (r(33) = 0.48, p < 0.01) and SMG (r(33) = 0.37, p < 0.05). NR scores
and Table 1). Hours of experience was associated with thickness of were associated with mean thickness in the same regions with
the right precuneus (r(13) = 0.50, p < 0.05). There were no group dif- the exception of the SMG (left SFG: r(33) = 0.37, p < 0.05; MFG:
ferences or correlations with total hemispheric grey matter volume r(33) = 0.31, p < 0.05; SPL: r(33) = 0.34, p < 0.05). In each of these
reinforcing the focal nature of the effects. Significant overlap was cases, greater thickness was associated with higher self-reported
observed between the main effect of absorption and ADHD-related mindfulness. The AWARE and NJ subscales were not associated
cortical thinning observed previously by another group (Shaw et al., with mean thickness in any of the absorption network ROIs. Subse-
2006) (Fig. 3). The physical distance between the peaks observed quent full brain searches revealed a correlation between NR scores
in the present study and those observed by Shaw et al. (2006) are and cortical thickness in the right fusiform gyrus but no additional
listed in Table 1. regions were found for OBS, NJ or AWARE scores. As reported in
Grant et al. (2010) a global search contrasting meditators and con-
trols revealed that the right dorsal ACC was significantly thicker in
meditators and a single region on the right precentral gyrus was
found to be related to hours of meditation experience.

4. Discussion

Attentional absorption has been described as one’s tendency

for “episodes of ‘total’ attention that fully engage one’s represen-
tational resources” (Tellegen and Atkinson, 1974). Consistent with
previous reports (Davidson et al., 1976; Holzel and Ott, 2006), medi-
tators had a greater, albeit modest, tendency to become absorbed in
their experiences than control subjects. Further, absorption scores
of meditators were related to the frequency of their practice sug-
gesting the trait may be malleable and sensitive to training. Across
Fig. 3. Overlap between absorption and ADHD. Red: regions where absorption cor- the entire sample of meditators and controls, absorption positively
related with grey matter thickness across the entire sample of the present report. correlated with grey matter thickness, at multiple nodes of cingulo-
Yellow: ROIs derived from Shaw et al. (2006) where attention-deficit hyperactivity fronto-parietal (CFP) attention/executive networks. Within these
disorder (ADHD) was associated with thinner cortex and worse outcome. Orange:
regions meditators had thicker cortex which was also related to
overlap between the main effect of absorption and cortical thinning in ADHD. (For
interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred the extent of training. We suggest below, based on these and
to the web version of the article.) other structural, functional and behavioural results, that there is
Author's personal copy

J.A. Grant et al. / Biological Psychology 92 (2013) 275–281 279

substantial evidence indicating that meditative training has a pos- in meditators, within regions where absorption correlated with
itive impact on attention. We further describe the remarkable grey matter thickness. This suggests that absorption and aspects
correspondence, albeit in opposing directions, between meditation of mindfulness, such as the tendency to be observant and non-
and ADHD and speculate about the use of this form of mental train- reactive, may share common neural substrates. Similar to other
ing to bolstering grey matter thickness in highly susceptible cortical skills, changes in brain function and structure resulting from train-
regions implicated in the disorder. ing in meditation should have a corresponding behavioural effect.
Structurally, the present report shows that individuals’ propen- Evidence also suggests meditative practice is associated with per-
sity for attentional absorption is related to the grey matter formance improvements on attention and executive control tasks.
thickness of left ACC, SFG, SMG and bilateral MFG and SPL. These Behaviourally, substantial evidence now exists, from both lon-
regions are all parts of attention and executive control networks gitudinal and cross-sectional studies, that meditative training can
known under various formulations as the dorsal attention network enhance performance on attention/executive tasks such the ANT,
(Bush et al., 2000; Cabeza and Nyberg, 2000; Corbetta and Shulman, Stroop, attentional blink, a cued-response task, the Symbol Digit
2002), the frontoparietal control system (Vincent et al., 2008) or the Modalities Test, verbal fluency, and the n-back task (Prakash et al.,
executive control network (Seeley et al., 2007). These systems have 2010; Zeidan et al., 2010; Hodgins and Adair, 2010; Tang et al.,
been postulated to coordinate attention under competing condi- 2007; van Leeuwen et al., 2009). Taken as a whole, the existent lit-
tions. In absolute terms, meditators had thicker grey matter than erature suggests meditative practice functionally and structurally
controls in each of the above-mentioned regions, significantly so in alters attention and executive control networks and improves per-
the left SFG, SMG and SPL. Further, the years of practice of individ- formance on tasks which engage these regions. Interestingly, in all
ual meditators, after controlling for age, predicted the thickness of three domains the story is the reverse for ADHD.
left SFG, ACC, SPL and MFG bilaterally. One possible interpretation In the present report, the thickness of cortical regions asso-
of these results is that repeatedly engaging in meditative practice ciated with absorption and mindfulness overlapped with regions
leads, overtime, to increases in grey matter thickness in brain reported to undergo cortical thinning in ADHD populations, specif-
regions important for the control and maintenance of attention ically the cingulate, prefrontal and parietal cortices (Shaw et al.,
(an alternative is discussed below). This interpretation is consis- 2006) (Fig. 3). Of particular interest, cortical thinning of the cingu-
tent with a growing body of work, including a longitudinal training late cortex, measured longitudinally, has been found to be related to
study, reporting thicker or more dense grey matter for meditators worse outcome in patients (Shaw et al., 2006). In the present report
compared to controls (Grant et al., 2010; Holzel et al., 2008, 2010, we created a region of interest centred on the peak from that study
2011; Lazar et al., 2005; Luders et al., 2009; Vestergaard-Poulsen and found direct overlap with the main effect of absorption. In the
et al., 2009). Indeed, several of these studies have reported effects same ACC cluster, a positive relationship was observed between
of meditation in attention/executive regions such as ACC, superior, thickness and the extent of meditators’ training. Additional reports
middle and orbito-frontal regions. Importantly, functional imag- of cortical thinning in adults with ADHD (Makris et al., 2007) have
ing studies have also shown that engaging in meditative practice implicated the ACC, DLFPC and parietal lobules where again, in the
activates these same networks. present report, absorption was associated with thicker grey matter
The main effect of absorption and cortical thickness in left ACC, and meditation experience.
SFG, SMG and bilateral MFG and SPL corresponds well with atten- It is within these same networks that the majority of functional
tion and executive control networks. Functional MRI studies of abnormalities have been observed in children, adolescents, and
meditation have reported engagement of these networks during adults with ADHD while performing cognitive tasks tapping atten-
practice (Lutz et al., 2008). Brefczynski-Lewis et al. (2007) found tion and executive function (Bush et al., 2010). A meta-analysis of 16
greater activation of left MFG, DLPFC, SMG, right SFG and SPL functional imaging studies of ADHD reported significant patterns
bilaterally during sustained attention in advanced Tibetan medi- of hypo-activity of anterior cingulate, dorsolateral and inferior pre-
tators compared to novices. Similarly, Manna et al. (2010) reported frontal cortices as well as basal ganglia, thalamus, and the parietal
stronger cingulate and medial PFC activation during meditation cortex in sufferers of the disorder (Dickstein et al., 2006). As dis-
for Theravadin monks compared to controls. Interestingly, a brain- cussed above, activation of many of these regions is enhanced in
imaging study from our group examining attentional absorption meditators (Brefczynski-Lewis et al., 2007; Manna et al., 2010).
stemming from hypnotic induction reported absorption-specific Finally, preliminary behavioural results suggest that an 8 week, sec-
increases in regional cerebral blood flow in the ACC as well as bilat- ular, meditation-based program can improve symptoms of ADHD
erally in the SFG, MFG, IFG and IPL (Rainville et al., 2002). Thus, and scores on measures of attention and executive control such as
networks functionally activated during both absorption and medi- the ANT, Stroop and the Trail Making Test in adults and adolescents
tative practice, appear to overlap substantially with those observed (Zylowska et al., 2008).
in the present study to relate, structurally, to attentional absorp- Taken as a whole, existing behavioural, functional and structural
tion. This lends further support to the idea that meditation is a imaging studies provide a link between meditation and ADHD; the
trainable skill that is reflected in anatomical and functional brain former being associated with performance enhancement, increased
changes. activation and thicker cortex while the later is associated with per-
The idea that repeated practice or skill learning can result in formance decrement, hypoactivation and cortical thinning. This
functional and structural changes in the brain is certainly not new could potentially indicate that the cognitive processes engaged
(Buonomano and Merzenich, 1998). However it has only been in and strengthened by meditation, possibly reflected by cortical
the past decade that MRI technology and analyses have become thickening, are similar to those impaired in ADHD and associated
advanced enough to show, in living humans, that skills such as with functional and structural abnormalities. The contribution of
juggling (Draganski et al., 2004), mirror reading (Ilg et al., 2008) the present results is that of a potential mechanism by which
or playing a musical instrument (Gaser and Schlaug, 2003) can meditative practice may act; via changes in cortical thickness,
influence the amount of grey matter in functionally relevant brain itself potentially induced from repeated functional activation of
regions. In a similar manner, learning the skills associated with the relevant circuits. While this interpretation admittedly exceeds
meditation, such as being mindful or sustaining one’s focus, may what is reasonable for the results presented here, it highlights the
increase grey matter in regions implicated in attention/executive remarkable consistency across studies and measures. Further sup-
processing. Fittingly, we also observed correlations between cor- port for this link can be found in other domains as well. Seeley
tical thickness and facets of mindfulness, which were stronger et al. (2007) used resting-state MRI under task-free conditions
Author's personal copy

280 J.A. Grant et al. / Biological Psychology 92 (2013) 275–281

to link the executive-control network (considerably overlapping and ultimately, link those changes with behavioural improvement.
with the present results) to prior performance of the Trail Mak- The substantial financial burden that this and related disorders
ing Test (TMT). The TMT is an executive task requiring one to place on health care systems (Guevara et al., 2001), raises the incen-
switch between competing attentional sets and has been shown tive, both socially and economically, for such a complementary
to improve in ADHD populations following meditation training. treatment option.
Finally, there is evidence that stimulant treatment for ADHD acts To conclude, the current study provides evidence that grey mat-
partly by staving off cortical thinning (Shaw et al., 2009). This ter thickness, overlapping with regions of the brain susceptible to
suggests that it may be the engagement of specific brain regions, thinning in disorders of attention, is associated with an individual’s
enabled via the treatment and verified by positive changes in experience of mental absorption or engagement in their experi-
behaviour, which prevents grey matter loss. ence. Individuals who practice meditation had thicker cortex in
several of these regions which was also related to the extent of their
training. We suggest that these results and the existent literature
5. Limitations provide ample justification for further inquiry into the potential
use of meditative practice as an adjunct treatment for ADHD.
Thus far we have argued that our results combined with
the existent literature point to meditation as a plausible causal
Financial disclosures
agent, positively influencing cortical thickness and potentially
modulating behaviour in turn. However, such causality cannot be
None of the authors have any financial or other relationship that
determined from a cross sectional study and indeed a case can be
might lead to a conflict of interest.
made for alternative interpretations. For example, it may be, and
is perhaps even likely, that there is a substantial genetic contribu-
tion to one’s tendency for absorption (Ott et al., 2005; Ott, 2007), as Acknowledgments
there is for both regional cortical thickness (Rimol et al., 2010) and
ADHD (Durston et al., 2004; Forero et al., 2009). It may be that, due This research was supported jointly by a Canadian Institutes
to such factors, a phenotype characterized by high absorption is of Health Research (CIHR) operating grant (P.R.) and a Mind and
attracted to, and perseveres in, the practice of meditation. Indeed, Life Institute Varela Grant (J.A.G.). J.A.G has also been supported
Holzel and Ott (2006) suggest it may be one’s propensity for absorp- by a fellowship from CIHR. We would like to thank L’Unité de
tion that influences the depth of the meditative state. Nonetheless, Neuroimagerie Fonctionnelle du Centre de recherche de l’Institut
contributions to complex mental phenomenon will likely never be universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal for technical help with scan-
purely genetic or environmental and the existing longitudinal evi- ning and members of the Duncan-Rainville labs.
dence suggests a significant contribution of meditative training to
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