Anjalib - 306 - Applications of Definite Integrals

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Submitted on: 8 November 2023

Submitted to: Sir John Kaspar
Submitted by: Anjali B (2341306)

Integration is an important concept in mathematics which, together with differentiation,

forms one of the main operations in calculus. The definite integral of any function can be
expressed as the limit of a sum. If there exists an antiderivative F for the interval [a, b], then
the definite integral of the function is the difference of the values at points a and b.

∫ab f(x) dx
The function f(x) is called the integrand, and the variable x is the variable of integration. The
numbers a and b are called the limits of integration with a referred to as the lower limit of
integration while b is referred to as the upper limit of integration. The integral sign ∫
represents integration.
The indefinite integral of a function, if it exists, is a real number value, while the indefinite
integral represents an infinite number of functions that differ only by a constant. Definite
integrals represent the exact area under a given curve, and Riemann sums are used to
approximate those areas. However, if we take Riemann sums with infinite rectangles of
infinitely small width (using limits), we get the exact area, i.e., the definite integral.

Finding the definite integrals is not just an intellectual exercise; it is a natural way to calculate
mathematical or physical quantities that appear to be irregular when viewed as a whole, but
which can be fragmented into regular pieces. We calculate values for the regular pieces using
known formulas, then sum them to find a value for the irregular whole.
Definite integrals are used in a variety of mathematical and scientific applications, including
calculating areas, finding displacement and distance traveled in physics, determining total
accumulation or loss in economics, and more. They play a crucial role in understanding and
solving real-world problems by modeling and analyzing continuous processes.

Definite integrals serve a diverse array of practical applications across mathematics, science,
and engineering. They are indispensable in calculating areas under curves, helping find the
total accumulation or loss of quantities over time, calculating distances, displacements, work,
energy, fluid dynamics, and many more. Let’s look at some real-life applications of definite

One real-life application of integration in finding the length of an arc is in the field of
engineering, particularly in the design and analysis of curved structures and paths. For
example, when designing roads, highways, railways, or roller coasters, engineers often
encounter curved sections that need precise measurements of their lengths.
Examples of this are in Road design, Railway tracks, Roller Coaster design, Architectural
curves, and Aerospace design.
When designing a curved section of a road, railway tracks, roller coasters, etc, engineers need
to know the length of the curved path accurately. They may have a mathematical description
of the curve, such as a parametric equation, and use integration to find the length of the track
along that curve. This information is crucial for construction planning, determining the
amount of materials required, and estimating construction costs.
To find the length of a curve or arc, you can use the following formula for a function y = f(x)
over an interval [a, b]:
Length = ∫[a, b] √(1 + (f'(x))^2) dx
Here, f'(x) represents the derivative of the function f(x), and the integral calculates the arc
length over the specified interval.


Practical real-life application of integration in finding surface area involves industries where
shapes and surfaces play a significant role in manufacturing, construction, and design.
Understanding and calculating the surface area of objects or structures is crucial for various
Manufacturing and Material usage, Chemical Engineering, 3D Printing and Additive
Manufacturing, Architecture and Construction, and Heat Exchangers are some of the areas
where definite integrals are used to find the surface area.
Integration is used in manufacturing processes to calculate the surface area of objects with
complex shapes. For example, in the automotive industry, the surface area of car body panels
is calculated to ensure proper paint coverage and to estimate material usage. In 3D printing,
objects are created layer by layer, and integration is used to calculate the surface area of each
layer. This information is crucial in ensuring the accuracy of the final product. Architects use
integration to determine the surface area of curved or irregular building facades. In the design
of heat exchangers, the surface area of the heat transfer surfaces is critical. Integration is used
to calculate the surface area of heat exchanger tubes, fins, and other components. This is
essential for optimizing heat transfer efficiency.
The surface area of a three-dimensional object can be found using definite integrals by adding
up the surface areas of infinitesimally small elements that make up the object. This process
involves slicing the object into thin, flat pieces and summing their individual surface areas.
For instance, the surface area S of a surface of revolution generated by rotating a curve y=f(x)
around the x-axis from x=a to x=b can be calculated using the formula:
S= 2π f(x)∫ab √1+[f′(x)] ^2dx
Similarly, if the curve is expressed as x=g(y) and is revolved around the y-axis from y=c to
y=d, the formula would be:
S= 2π g(y)∫cd √1+[g′(y)] ^2dy


The volume of solids of revolution for standard curves can be calculated using definite
integrals. This involves rotating a curve around an axis to create a three-dimensional shape
and then finding the volume of that shape.
The concept of finding the volume of solids of revolution using definite integrals has
numerous real-life applications across various fields, particularly in engineering, physics, and
design. Some of these applications include Manufacturing, Automotive and Aerospace
Industry, Architecture and Construction, Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Engineering.
In designing industrial components, such as bolts, screws, and various mechanical parts,
engineers use the concept of volumes of revolution to determine the appropriate dimensions
for the components. For instance, calculating the volume of a bolt or a gear generated by
rotating a specific curve helps in design, ensuring proper fit, strength, and functionality.
Architects and civil engineers use volumes of revolution in designing architectural elements
with non-standard shapes. For example, determining the volume of a uniquely shaped column
or structure can aid in materials estimation, construction planning, and ensuring structural
integrity. Components in the Automotive and Aerospace industries often have non-standard
shapes. Calculating volumes of revolution aids in designing engine parts, aerodynamic
components, and fuel tanks, ensuring efficiency and safety.
If you have a curve represented by a function y=f(x) on an interval [a, b] and you rotate it
around the x-axis, you can find the volume using the following definite integral:
V= π∫ab [f(x)] ^2dx
If the curve is represented by x=g(y) on an interval [c, d] and you rotate it around the y-axis,
the formula is as follows:
V= π∫cd [g(y)] ^2dy


Error estimation using definite integrals is a common technique in calculus and numerical
analysis to approximate the error or the difference between the exact value of an integral and
its numerical approximation. This method is particularly useful when we are approximating
integrals using numerical techniques such as the trapezoidal rule, Simpson's rule, or other
numerical integration methods.
The integral can be used to develop approximate solutions to certain equations or
approximate models of given data. The integral provides a qualitative error estimate for the
approximation. The most well-known application is the least squares fit of a line through a set
of data points. One of the most recent applications is the residual norm as an error indicator
for approximate solutions to partial differential equations. In each example discussed below, a
function is integrated over a domain of interest. If this function represents the difference
between the approximate and true solution, then the value of the integral decreases as the
approximation improves. The integral is then minimized to provide the “best” approximation.

In conclusion, definite integrals are a fundamental mathematical concept with a broad range
of applications in various fields. They play a crucial role in solving real-world problems
involving continuous processes and quantities. Some key applications of definite integrals
include Length of arc, Surface area, Volume of solids of revolution for standard curves, and
Error estimation. These applications of definite integrals are invaluable in fields such as
engineering, architecture, physics, and environmental science. These mathematical
techniques enable precise measurements, accurate design, and the modeling of complex
shapes and structures.
Additionally, error estimation using definite integrals is a vital component of numerical
analysis, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of numerical approximations. It provides a
means to quantify the difference between exact values and approximations, allowing for the
improvement of models and solutions in various domains.
The applications of definite integrals demonstrate the profound impact of mathematical
concepts on our everyday lives and the advancement of knowledge, technology, and
innovation. These applications underscore the significance of calculus and integrals in
solving practical problems and enhancing our understanding of the physical world.


[1] Manan Khurma, “Definite Integral”, Cuemath[Online], Available:
[2] Arc Length of a Curve and Surface Area," Calculus 1: Precalculus Review and Calculus.
[Online], Available:
[3] OpenAI, ChatGPT, [Online], Available:

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