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NuMBER SYSTEM —> NoturaL Numbers > Foctrs &£ Multiples Odd 2 Even Numbers ~> Prime 2 Composite Numbers > Co-prime rwmbers = Her 2 LCM Nostra = Numbers: ee —— Counting vwmber emer ere Vets) rece ess 0: fe Odd og Evew Numbers oo 42 even vwmbey 7 into two eal parts Le a 2 a Za a (> Odd wmber >» we cont divide “em into two equol parts as a a a 2 Dy Ay 6 eae =z even nmambers sr UB, Ty pte edd reer Factors ~ Numbers which con divide a number uokert remainder ag 2a QF = 4 G +z 0 divides 28 exactly js father of 28 ~remaindey eee ad as © Ais alan ee actors tet) eee es jeerecrreerer eres ae Mubsples - A wumber teat is product of o giver eat BON su ralaipiey ota ad 2% 15 runheiple of + lo is a wwdhfle of 2 10 is a mulkiple of > QxXS = 1D S%Q s10 Prime — Numbers = Numbers which — has factors 4, 1,14, 2% S facts Q facws > | Low = oo ee exact of 4 tHe Vumber ise tf. a2 O* a 35> NCCE SE ae “Y= 1,3, 4 X net a prime. Y)? No . S Net a prime! because it haa only £ factor whidh is iteedf. Prime numbers Should hove exactly 2 factors? Composite — Numbers: Nambers thal ave act prime numbers © Ahoy Weve More an 2 -facors- EA A O27 Pi foche, | (Nitta pred composite. Prime faster: Facts which are prime it, 2 2 la, 28 24 Panda) Pree SCC 2 F. fvime fackrs of 26 ore 2 Prime factorization = Representing omy umber as product of primes. a [at 24 Gd= Zn LAA i a el aSuiags a commen factr ) “+ = 2) Dis a comma facy of 4 2 Id 2 iso common che Alas Pe fa ot lo + = fe Ax2=4 is a commen facer of 4428 2. eo a 4S OO common fachy of e246 O°? 18 0 Soxbr of every swale common fac of ARR Co - prime Numbers \j2y 4 are common fachy of A 4 2g Two or move numbers — having Common facts as only a. Co-prime — rmmbers- Composite. S ee Se oe & 10 2 Di ave co-prime Com poste — Ql = ae Yuamieer - They hove one & only common father which is 1- a HOF — Highest = Comrren, Faucher: pas mae iepnedt a comertg) ite Come, ack is a \y 2/@) are common fachrs ye : of A 2 28. A is He HCE of 4 228 Co-prime hak is Wa ACF? Ly, o (x2x5 = HOE ao = idee 40 = ey HcF£ 10, sae’ Leost Commen Multiple Lem)? Smoallst mubbple two or mere numbers hove In commen. @ oe Common multiples of 3543 owe @ com (© 07%, --. G 45 - Cod (5 is fe Lemof 265 Fe xo a= (ye3 [uit common multiples once Mesa Sere Ch lo do ae ca Ro is He LOM 20/20 Lom 2 HCF: ons axb = HCF fabs x Lomfab3 Or HOF S \xMax--. aan 7 @- Lem = Peete b te he, =) y- a ee Oxb = IX ma xnagr-- LAMY, e Met =-- ae factors Comes a once in HCF & once in a Lem. Non- common facts = her xLem eal concen ei ay) & 3x WCF = (kt ae eon Leme= (x# « 342 anes GRVON- HerxLem= (RQYFOO eC Co- prime: HOF = 4 Lem = Product of Fe co-prime Wwambers .t Whole vuumbers oS > Twtegers 7 — Remainder — freovem 7 ‘Divisibility Rules Nodurol + (,2,3,4,--- Whole Numbers: N uto3 = 0/1,2,3,---- 1+eoet sO =O) n+oO= hn eo °o Tafegers? 21,0) 1, 2) 34--- Profit —> +ve - x EE Loss —2% -ve numbers #1L+CN=0 NM+n) = 0 Remainder Theorem; De Ol RR O= Onde ee ae Ex 30 +4 a Zoe 4xF 42 24 mat, 14 ae oe : 6) 46 2 c@ 726 36 oy > & GH - 63 i4, RD Sel ee “Aa an 900+ 8-2 28 6 sfe © +Q+@) <= ¢ Se Qxa+ ®) <@ ae ®* i nye ya + hae V4 yy 4 hye Ider dxry Ld) + mye Vs hye mat ngtng = (% 1% +4 +4 4+ AQ:O+® A J mt Crrnerara) = ey X = Myx no xn, NG aaa eee hae 2) (Chee) Cy, On) cars) Cad) ef 2 voi f iS " ‘|d aerate, Say " To find the vemainder of A4+BtC+O+--- ait is Suffcent te find tha veraindey of tha Sum of Yermonders of A,B, C7 D,--- To find He vemainder of Axrcrd x... jib is sufficient 4 find the remainder of the product of vemairdes of A) 8 CiD,.. Bee + © ‘I ao, eK 1x@6) Ix pe nae" me @ er Divisibiliry Rules; 6 1: Ang amber as divisible by4 - e 2: Any even number is divistkle by 2+ Unis digits: 2, 4,6, 3/0 esa aa Jaesanl vanits agit 2 . dg ramon: (0K + Y 9 @x ory *S 246 = Edxiors d * i 4 € fn 4 S163 =lorxry % ae +aw 3: Tf sum of Hu digits is diviside by 3, fon the number is also divisible by 3- eee Aveeces.. 37 [22 = 1+9+356 ABCD cats XZ 7 foox+ I+Z TS a A cr Rfo K oy foo torr 3 ix YZ) Sse [oy = 16x¥ Joox% +3 lo00 333x329 ver \ U Ixx =X 4 4: TH look two digits ove divisile by thon umber is aswel a: omits digit - Peau loa +@) ea 45 ea Cos aug) fic De 2SeMilcc (25 2)- loox24+ SQ ay oe 13. a ee Set Check. Last two dgis if divisile + eCen the number fs 08 well Ceiftwr S or 07 iG) @ ® 2@) 26), 26, 39 46, -.- QO RH) so ULL digit is divisible by © 6: Ge as ee oS Pry romher if it is diniside by 2 & iris davisihe 43, fron Hs ole dvisile by 6 Faw O° =o 73 dasb +3 ‘ \oat digit, mubkiply ee subtrod ® ces Toke the digit. TF te new amber is dinisible by Prom the vemauing F, Re original. ruber Fas well. gk con be done in vecursion 46) fan casts 4-49 +7 — sf) TF 4n0 <8 Is-82% 24 oa > lexis +4 u lox+Y-ay +> Jox — acy = (>) eC not divisible by re, i So tis mush be umber is well. Ba , lo xX 2% Bxee so aS a oe u La La 2 eal Lost 3 dagit 3) xe ee tooo ? = ~ lr sas =e Jooow \Re Sb i 5 100 Bt )sae ae x6 an re “40 Ao o f) someAs 32: TH the sum of the digits is divisible by 4, Tan the number is {el Od well ArBHeee ABcD-- ye ABCD = 1000 A+ loot oC + D axis aq U vo L Axi 2 ag “Ga + Bae +d) w Ra (te) oa) ak | & Hee 9 Dee ea) ® toe 1©, 36 28,46, . - Last light swold be O- Bx ° Z ni Tf the difference between odol places 2% even phoes ® is divisike by Ny Then the number is 0% uch. ABCD= —fo00 A+ JooBy joc+ D st) Vf D SS QxK1+) - F in = Qea-4 © 20401) > 4-4 @ B-lun-g <3 3 Nasa posihve 3 (62 Kay ang . vemoinder of 4 7 -1)40 : areas hee Penen oe SOK d xl — Oyo cetiny Meri, fC ( by a- oe “2 C40 C20 C20 a y (I) R Fo Hw e ABCD= [ooo A+ looBy IoC + D su 10 > 4) | = w(GIDd> fy +Gcj+ D Jee Vax\\H1 40 ti Jioon Wx Wy an ey Fox = 420 Lio) lo > Gv BD vm ‘Du tra Py mumbo = hy aud 8 ® a= axa then = by > 820 ¢4 7 Watiwe W256 23 13; Take tre lost digit, multiply it by 4 2 add to ® Yemaining number . TF fhe new rumber ts divisible by '3 Ron te ovigunol number is on well. Day Zz — Uta | 84 = Ce xy 2 +aay 8 lx 4 +45 ay 13 = loCxray) +13 Kray) = Gap— m4 =Q l441Q= 26 = 132 > 14 = 2x7 IS= 3x5 we erates +4 case Se Lise =F let Us Solve Some Questions On Number System Qi. A mmber ISB is diviside by 6. Which of use will be tre about tha positive integer B? oy B will be even ~ IsB GB owt be odd X aca sie y CY GO = © B wil) be isible. 6 : =) eee WD Bin ond, @ ea <> (B emt be = 2’) ea v Bea A Bot +h) Bis an ever numley \5p [sen e B02 4 R Noo ee 5 Big divisible my + Panis B is oso divicitle Lys TF TG is * bye Han B need nd necessarity be + by6 Q2- Find the wits ts dig of te expression Gs yas san tot q eee & v -6-@ C Arg rurbor y if we didde by b , tun te remainder wilt qie ws Re units digit -) 7 ORT sar times oe = Efe eieicimces| min ces cic cd Smee lo Eee) ci © & 4 S-€& 37238 se 2G) S*=6§) 5310 510 7 > 4 a 2 4 Bee) Sie sie Sie oes aN . 45g a a Ant) 93 A ) SB 44 i, Aard -@ + Ana cts te an a4 21 ae % 453 (oRT G3 ) eRT ae a 32 2 22 a I aa aa 9? 28 ae p 2 aan eo te. 3 a = ay 3 4) 453 oF ees re Qa. (16° 4 2%) is divisiie by U4 (w (a1 by (ay ® @ Wer OA esas 45> Axe oO Ne = Canes oN ae eee aes ame ade ger Vo Bw = 32 LH = gr+i- (3) Ge UA in iia Crane org oy teal cerca 2 Factorial | 44) Factorial « Fruy mahal rvewber is given by, ni = WxO-O eG-ax-- % Seam) FeV ean ee Cn-20 x Chee We G!)= \K2KBLURTHXE eee 200 2660 3xloK >) ee oo 0: eS Qo 4 [0,000 3 4 de ? ee loagi> 1 Pe ee on i - — Rn ee ee ODIO) o 4) troiling zero cas one2 ame S ad ay aie Wumber of to/s= wainity Meh % a ae 2 cy oS tela) rae No. of even nobers7 (0. eon uog¢ Att) = LADKWYREX --— 6 USAW SK GF Sts fis As Fachys of ir two o’s jas= 5 xsey + \o%0 | Ane Qe Lh (oto = Qe” las i: eS «(Ce = Es st 6s Ge = a Zeros fete - [000 _ ec Lau or as + sn \etoo! ed, ft & 40) st Istos PROGRESSION Gets ycdeey ce oll lorem alot, > Sun of fivet Sn? natural aumbers 7 Sum of myunres of fret tn? sahuvall susnlere 7 Sum of cubes of first Sn” noduvoll wumbers > Seqypence g Series >? Acitimetic Progression. > Geometric Progression. > Harmonic. Progression Sern ot RU nodwral — ruambers = Se a n is even: recat en aia ca eat 4) Mp CMD + CMC ays Cu-aeaye- M/gherme CSD Rae cone) ee Yi Himes a Cnn) a a” wis odd: Se ea Bee EF Cnt) en FOF IAG BH-- ea MD t-te a ee, SN, wt ay ee = a Orm+eCan-de .-- SEL terms a fees neat tL dimes = - 95 Samm of 188 “a” noderol numbers = eu » tearg+4 = 4Ce. ACS) clo SNS ro BB c— uw How do we find sum of Perreste-- 4 GaS a Gane Sqpores of first on nofexol numbers? Reet G-prar™ We cont combine this way Let us see anotrer melted of telescopic concellation for N naterel numbers: Cobeudarting sum of ue n= Cnn" n7— C¥- ann) n>— @® = an-] N A (n*-e-u"| S Zoo nel es Rd = g2n- 214 nel ner (el ate. NAimes we Sa v v poner NT nutenel Wambers Gy ‘L MS A,Gy> Wl — ot] 2 te 2% ary aS Ne nen? + Fa Ke pad, Mee ANP’ wr - QS " concellahion LL 7 o Nt +N = 2 Sw See NZEN L NCNED az es Sum of Sqyares of fist nocheral ruambers* ee ee plage sien gens n-Cray = WP - (6-26 430-1) ne-M-y? = are Ser | ou N N Nw Bibs 2 gSut-Z3an+ & az! nec me ns oe nee 3 3 v Nae. © = ae -3 Nw +N i a Nie SSS Nain) a BSN Ne aWoNr Oo) oN! = a By Nes eigee sn) at a 2 ON? ¢ 3N74N 2 u N Con? + 201) x mw _C ane) Cin Q 2N*+3N+1 3gy 0 = Qn72N +N+1 = ANCNT) +1 Cut) = Ger (uny Sum of Sqpares of fixst N naturel numbers Sum of cubes of first a” natarol numbers “pu con repeat fhe same derivation using at-@-t. You: will get a Grate -- ro = [pore] 2 Seqpence : Numbers in particular order 10 xpeafe pattern. Prime vwmbers: 3,5, %, VB Nodal muwbers + eB tree Even numbers + 9,4, 6,2, -- Mabliples of 5 + Sees 20, cc Powers of a7 2,4 le - Sevies: Sum of Sequence of wumbers + PPE eS St Avithmetic Progressions ; cap) Seqerce in which ach term iffers by a common dcfference Crep. by d) Aner eA a,b, c,d, ---- aa 2 Se baad C-b ead Ex. AP: Saar dec ce a with Qe : First teem az ath a Nae Comey oft form Moms Pte gel fa = a+ Grind) 2———__s*Mtem aa o fevm Zee aK aay, Sum of fist N term of on Ap. aN term & oe3A N N Sve & tw = Bar tnd nt orl N = pee Blw-Od eo na N v =Natradagn -ASS Rev a v uv Nog Nb re ba Not NWA - NA a = Na+ fyony-anl 4 a ON (Gena M ae oO = aNea + CN* NA a = anar NO-)A 2 Sue C2ar Cn-0d) INE [ Sx ew Cha + Cr-d) a (oe at tn-yd > on~—_ tn = nas) 7 : SS fat fom 2 8 ety Sn= Orb): nloar @-p4) a Rg ae a wi tem Arithmetic mean: a,b Anithmetic mean (A7 a, A, b ace in AD, Awa bela AtA= bra 2A =a+b Greometic —Progressims COP): commen “ratio. Cr) A, 00, av”, an® oe es coe yw, 2B 1 ar ov eee ‘ a ar ae CeO ! oe Choate: i Rac a forse Ss ap roprs fbr Je oat Sa-Su = a an (-O% = aci-y) ve a uy” ToK 2 Ce) abr A = first teormm D> Common Differevce tr = At Crd ta = At Cand ee AG Coa Hote) = At Corb-1) D axt, = bet, iene aCA+@-9D) = bCA+(b-NDD eee Dea = Albee (q-wA + rae D-(a-)D=0 @*») Ca-b) (a-b) [A+ camdd-D) = 0 a-b=° or A+ Carb) D - D =o v A+ Catb-D 0 Q3. A man receives pension starting with Zico for Be first year. Fach yeav he veeeives a7: of what he received the Previous year. Find Re manimum total amounk he can receive even if he lives forever. @ F 00 Ub Ziooo & [Reo CDE Q0 @ Taso eee oo QP: 1OoO + 100K 40 feoxas Oe Joo p (00) 100 0= joo ap aloe or (oo Nie Se eee pcb idee jar ° naw ae So Qa [-¥ ‘Sy 10° < 102 _ jo00 G+. The sum of 1% ten terms of Hue GP is Si and the Sum of the next 10 forms Ci through 20) is Sa- Find He sae ane Common vechio- bs (& ‘ho (» -()” ia Be se _ 2 | @ (2)" ley Noel er ane S ar. frt herm +72 common vorho- a tye ar L O, av, an',.-- bie ar Pe ton terms es ri (Cia enn nis 4 ax” or ay! , RY D> Sy ——. >. YY o org s Se Onur n 8, S So= atror) —_— v-\ S, 2 Sao ~ Sie a= av’? re 5, a Gr v-1 Qe. The sum of te Sewes \ aN eet i. Nea Gem i Ye) 10 ®u © 2 4) None of these d ee Goo & ( ns Veo * Vr ea (2 a5) io —) 7 rp +) Pete Gr) Ca-b> ae fe ea eee ie 20 (oa ar Jive + Vs = GMED _, GHA ... Whe BHA) in +A eV ie f- & +L - fr Sb - fia x Sine = + Vo ae ta ll - © (ECGAloe) Mr1- Woy ini a i) RATIO Z PROPORTION Rosie : ele > Ratio 7 Rercentage £ Percentage Change > Proportion. PF Variation Ppples Ovonges No. of ovanges = OQ Number Ratio -? Comparison behween hue quantities. One quantity is a fraction of anotten quantity No- of oranges QS Oo No of sranges R ~~ q B Toth a a I Ro lo 50 a ts = ES 7. s. 4 a Jo Ay ee ce 416 = @@ av) > Totod = 35 ee ee ia (9 ee a “= O- ate “aS = ~ Que , Water , Sugary Syrup Mil Milk: Water: Sugar Syrup ? ln Milk: Woetey = 2:1 be wkd Weder < Suge Symp= 2 | ¢ 4.2 ; * Cr ince . LORE cting Quart + Lom Cay ny) Lem €3,4)= 12 a Mixing we qpantities of different rocios « Milk. Waker Milk > Weoter ayiby eel aan ee Si as a \ i ae Mile i Water Mae Goold mile aye ON an 3 Watery = LX, 3 24 Bust: mike Fino Bowl : Mike 24,4 23%, Lf xX =Xo ee Aer ee 3 5 se Notas S+é I & AX Corton) * arxs Carrh) 2 by Cartba) + bax Carton) Percentage: Gent - 100 Cevtury 3 00 Fer cont + fr ewer lo - [id = We e @ . TOL SD pert zoom OS” Percentage. of Some — Yaurtity ea, ia fy ome Fraction of Some quantity vi B23 elon eg 2017 of 2 + a Sa (eo 2B = Ot, aw Rey, = Qx20 = Soren foo (od SOL of a wwmbpe =k IG. What is that pumbor 7 uv we x Bl = Vere = lox 10% of oom) of wilk is added fo S07 of 1L of usahey 2 What is the total portly 9 7 What i the percentage of milk in the vesubting mackye Bete a eee de) ha eeder ny thes veasthiog inhure 0) Boom xy = QowA of milk [peje Go NE ecigorte logroraL. x so! = sooml of uater Pail joy Si Oontasbom ere Taowl — Percentage Cnonge : Quon ty 3 Price of Petrol —> Cranger Zqo 4 %40 Percentage Change = New Vode — O\d Value er ooy. ©td Vodu = Go - 70x too, Fo = [OF co 2 19° Ae Fo # —ve Incense Zoo - Bins vA wo7. Cinovecrt [desvesnp ) peal Oto = Xe (& alo Jooijo= 10 Pro povtion == Too groups of Aumlhext elated by Same ratio. ab | arb = ad ajb c@d owe said b be in proportions. acbis Cp cb ah mr Dd lia: Ba es E28 + 1 nM: fale cL wt Ax a x = Ch b o a ab ierd wD BHD! 1: ED 2d a abs c-A aC ~ x ot 4 ah: le cas dh bean Oa An ert aoe idl a-l a CS — 2S an cok aw . cok as ck @my. Cab)? E+dy:-A) \Jarriation : Divect Proportional ty : se 3 In vest Theresses T ax ad y is divectiy proportimal de eet ya ly oO aS y ™ (Crm) = 2 Gm) = Taverse Proporti orobisty 2 crn y VY Tar Vax yo 2 (26 ae Speed = Distance Time = gy Din + AD int STAR ne aot 5 Qt. (Te pebol prices shot up by FY. as a result of the hike in the price of orudes. The price of petrel befrre the ike was Re. 23 per ire. Vowol travels 2-400%m ed a. ees oO wuleage of 18 tm toa Litve. Find the Vevererne IRONS peeOTS | ee ee hos fo ‘mor due to ‘te incremse ih fra price of gelrol Ct the nearest rupee) ? ) @ E290 6) F202 > FAL DF2r Tuveme~ Roa fp X +7. NYY Cr Rkm/~_ —> 2400kw Lo Qapo yp 1s nw, Bt aor t D. | ip * Wer, =% 261.33 Ga. SQ. he qpantity, @ w!L A mixture contains milk and water On adding SL of water, Hu voc of milk fe water became in the voh'o of 511. of milk in the winture 15 G ast qo 32-5L @ 22-75 => mMmik=se STi tol acto koma Woter = 1% After adding SLof: 5 >> 2 Milk Was dt changes. water Woter hos increased by \ unit ZF \x is Capriradoil bo Sale So, Mik = Se = SxS ers Q3. At TIM Bangalore, class of 2024, Dhanusha, a first year slident bas taken 10 Counses , earning grades A Cwovth A pein each), BCwerth 3° parts each) £ CCwerth 2 peints tach). Her grade point average 4 3:2 ond if the course vn whide she get cs weve deleted, box GPA in the vematning courses would be 3-333. How many NS, Bis and Cis did she get? cd 47 Gee to) een peau Concent: Ap Pa ae [eeet x al Baas Grea 3B-33d ate fA (to subjee’) > 8-2 A873 4P v Sa Total Corades a h L : No. of Sued > Yemoving a @ Gpa = 23% 333 a7 wealite | 2 ie = P te 1332 fr iB 3 nr subject Gia (Ons) ee pee et %.33Bxn + 2Clo-n) _ 3.2 Ce) ic 4.338 + 2o-MM= 3D CBM = 12 ne 8 {se 3732 We a Q4- Two types of tea ave mised in He rat's of 3:5 to produce the first —opality anol Hf fray ave mixed in the vats of 2:3 , fhe Second qwality is obtained - How many Kilograms of a ‘ty hon to be mixed with, 10Ky of te second quality 50 that a third polity having He two variek@s th the yeahs of Fi may be produced @) okq & lok A Bkq @ dg © Now of these Tp 2 Poth Ss x Tradiy a: 3 (ok4, Padi FHM Q T: 20 be 2 Th Sar nw Tek tee 1 Bat a 7 Sxte N a Brradie skate ee PROFIT, Loss g INTEREST —> Profit £ Less > Profit/Loss percentage > Moexrked Price £ Discount > Simple. e Compound, Interest > Depreciotion of value Prot £ Loss+ ie & Buy qeds at Some pre Cost price CCP) X10 Sl them — ak —ometor pre > Seluing price CSP SPP OP S-p< cf Proft = S-P—C.- — a loss = C.P- SP CP oc SP —Proftt Ae ee SP + CP r Proftt Sp = CP — Less EY = TPH CP xr, lossy. = CP-SP, 8 cP cr Gs tn vespect to OP al unless otherwise stated Marked Price: Price marked on ti good Clot shop: - > Zoo — Marked Price 320 + Zaco Cost Price Maxk up express y; of CP F Marked Price = CrP + Mark up : 1 hi SOY of wo R00 5pv._on &F 2 9 Discout 2 Reduction in Marked price JOY. discount Finel price = IFO — loy. of (se L ‘s- HR 13S Simple Fevterest : “Envest Some prictpall enmout in bank for some pertieulor ame P onal vate of- interest u R N-number of years Simple ee Sale Px NYRR foo P= 10,000 N= lOgeers R= lov. ST = 10000 18% P = e000 ~ 199 pat | (Ol ei (oy ocakti0)- 00s 2 a al ( after 0 ators) Compound Interest : P= jo,000 Sip Re 107% gat ee N23 ’ re S-T= looope 3x Ip = 3eee o “ Ip As [0,000 1,000 A= 13,000 ard e000 §,00> ok 3 10 ;D20 \; 200 Covresjrondin » eov Peinciple 3 Larevest Compounded ancy {1980 conn < oe aed 10,000 A zr I,eoe leo za (apiooM | Wiel Sh i0) og Gia GO Mireur Sas pa icalnats QR Parmmally N if r A E ae a P PR Pre leo — 2 “rb hs TCH Pre) = P(wk) Ro ownrall, (V> Number of gyaons Compr el ly N23 2N RZ full yer$S vole 9 Bo oF Ae PW Ray" (o> Quoter'y ee Qt r(s ay Depre cskon of value: 1 yeor lo7. Mobile Phone > & 2ee00— Re er Nal of geod degede over tme- N Gm) = Rqe0e( 0.4) 1%,o00 7 er Q1. the differene beeen CT ond SI ona certain sum of mont ab [07 per Quan for 3 years we 620. Find tf principal F it & Known hat the interest ’W compounded Onna . @ 200,000 o 20,000 © 10/000 (D [02,000 Reio7. N= Syeors pa? aw CE - SI = 620 Ces Peas Pass 5 Sip (00 Toon Te N = Rg . is ee =I Pro? Gaye SP Peoria nil Gat 20s oChD PL cv)? 1) iss) ee cr coe : 0-3P = G20 p.m? -0-3P = (20 0.03 P = 620 Pea ze, = 0,000 0-031 Qo. The population of 0 city is 200,000. Tf the annual Birth sobe and the onnual chat role ove Cr. and ay. respectively , thon oladate tre population of Hee citky after 2 yeas (2 212,090 (kD 206,0% CO 212,000 & 21210 Population —> Cawopound Lnntevest” Growth Rate = Girth - Deak Rabe P= Dog c0e Gece: Ges sara Nza me WP ffl foo = 2100/00 ("\ +2)" {oo = 2,00,002 (y.03)? = meena QB. The profit eomed when an article is old for F800 is Qo tmes Re loss incuwred utwn it uw sod for 27s. At what price shold the orhele be sold if it is desived to make Oo profit of 257 @ % 300 F350 “Ae Fas (0 Zoo eae, S-P, = Boo Prot =P = SP-CP 2 Goo- CP oe cael oes eI Pes pC Pat om P= QgexL wo-cP = 24 (c-P-a4s) Goo —-P = 206° -SSv0 Fo0+ 5500 = Qic-P 630 = ACP 300 cps $%e ot Se Pen, PaaS eo xo cP 297. = SP — B00 x (957 3 P t5 Se (eae cTaoln tase. Qs. A deal, marks orhdles at a price that gives Mm o profit of 907% - 6% of te comignmenk — of goods wes lost ina Gwe his premises , 247% woe soiled and tad fo be so Ab lf Ha ent_ prs: TP fa vemaider ow cal ab the marked — rites what percentage profit oy loss idl ta dealer) make) ne ital) eabigne cal] @ 27. (CD S57, osx WD é.ay. Go? so Marked prices + Beh of x eee Asoume. total number of articles, N'=i00 67, is lost = ioe eee qA7 24 5 sod at half da cat pre Fo 3 scl ok some marked price Tord sewing prite= EXO 4 24K O-SUt FOAIIE Nowalized SP 2 ga no. cnt xv Caug- SP per atid) — e (20 + Gin loo cs lo3 x joo G4? 8 jeOge v fa act tl sp7cP PY \.o3n- % YX 1007. aCe = 0-02 * loc, fy = By. TIME, SPEED, DISTANCE @ WoRK In this video, we will leam abou > Motion - Distance, Speed, £ Time > Conversion between, Kinph, te mis > Relative Speed 7 Acceleration. + Train problems a Boot problems > Concept of Work Negative Werk, > Concept of Efficiency Motion ~ a A&— 2B © © Body Jobyek Distance 3 fe omowt by whidh the chjed hos moved is aid & be inmoton Time 3 universe qnomt ty Speed > vate of change of distance with time - : Speed = Distarce a, Time Displacement’ = fel Displacement = Shortest DSfome jom Lfs stating & ending A i 8B poink mag 1 be ochuol pale covered by He Nelooity = Displacement obj ed Time Straight ine motion Distance gz Disphcemadt Same Speed 4 Vebeity some T is const ee Ee De Sear Conversion bls Kmph to mis: gpecd= Diseme 2 SORM™L fo kenny Time Abe Kuv)iyy wt = Gor ae Daily Speedeweter Jos mfp > Sx a Kkmj = Lkm = lecom de cowmn ig 7 Ecole Cope O95 > = Some BAZ Key = \w)o= 18 Kap 2 i eet cs m/s > Emph ae Ss Lae = Frem point of view Relat Speed + “_ m oF Bt oy lth Bye Sma! By — mk ee el crest) Pct wowing oa x cg A loa aie divedion [Sas Se-Ss | Spa = Sen Se Ae / we em atm Spas | Sep, = Sat Sa Acceleration : Objet awe moving ak — constant Speed - If speed ifeelf is Shonging - thon vote of Range of ped is ceccelervation toms es romle omk per Gao = Decceleration A For constant cL : accelerated motion Tnitial speed 2 Finch speed > Ww Cin Hue +) We we al joom a Goom = Train 3 TJotR th of Jom)s Diet. train + Leng of 7 object mn Speod = Speed of train t= D_ = qeoom > vom/g aos! a Suc in TeotR Length of aoe Dict = train a F Langit of. 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Te ook fotoL of S hans for Hy entive youre Find the Speed of the viver flow if the speed of The book ia SHIN woter is SKmjh- @ — iKmph ( -Skmph CS Emp). BEng See TE pall: Bike Downhill: km Sw 2% S: ore Gao Ee ore QF) G-*) ae 7 AS bree Ho law = are Se” a3 25, We - fm= 96-F>> Daeus ar-e™ Wr aw 423-28 72 ree eee + ew Saw +e-AzO ela-2)+ (a -2) = © G0 (429-2 a 26>. 2 Kemp Qa. Sena bd to cover o distance of bokm- Ho Ie eiertel cae us ir Acne a ae ea aaciaeticty eave Wigton, than his originally planned speed ¢ reached, Re finish a fia Hme be would vend it it he begen $ race strictly appointed dima & asswved, speed. Find the speed af ot the wide he travelled during tee jowrney desovibed - Mo 2skmph wm Iskmph © sokmp. —- @_- GRP Two scenarios : (ay Scenoxio + Sceonavio 2: v on koa hay Go Km Prin x ee ge? bokm s el a T Mp (0 = 62 S F Sn= 60 Te 6. ie Yo 5 GHCT-4) = bo (9 (2-0) = 66 eae acd )+ 400 (St) (0-018) = 608 Mice Se patie © {240 fo - ols*-0 18 7° a L S45 - Geo =o = (bata 422 24 mee ro a Q3. A takes S days more than B de a certain glo £ @ dogs rmore than Cp AEB fogetton can de the job in the same time 40 C. How doys A woe take be do it? ao, (ao todays @ | ae pays days GD 2odays A takes 2 days wRa> x B fokes AS days Wea = 1 ~~ ee et er wed 4 Wy + WR = Wee pe nee bk nS HHA ESTHER 2 yea ow u-A Qxs) (ai Vr Se Dyer — IB ~ AAS ER ah Dar — by ra * n* 2 ler 45 FO CAE aie -150 FAT FO IKIS 34S a (m-3) -I5("-3) =d @-%3) Cr-s)= 0 =D ov 1s Since, A takes @% da amin 6, aia xe=IT+

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