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An increasing number of people are now using the internet to meet new people and socialise.

people think this has brought people closer together while others think people are becoming more
isolated. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


In recent years, an increasing number of people are now using the internet to meet new people, and
socialise has become a broad issue to the general public. Some people believe that this has brought
people closer together. However, others think that people are becoming more isolated. In my opinion, I
agree with the former idea. Discussed below are several reasons supporting my perspectives.

On the one hand, people should recognize that this has brought people closer together. An important
point to consider is that we can connect with many people on social networking. This means that when
you feel sad, you can share it with them. Another point I would like to make is that the internet has
many benefits like video calls, Facebook, zalo, etc. This is because of the fact that these tools can help
me contact my family and my friends when I need to.

On the other hand, there are several arguments supporting the idea that people are becoming more
isolated. In fact, people have this opinion because people spend more time on social networking. This
means that people in Vietnam spend 3 or 4 hours surfing the internet. This can be shown by the
example when using the internet too much, people don't want to go out and make new friends.

DE: Some people believe that to protect local culture, tourism should be banned in some areas whereas
others think that change is inevitable and banning tourism will have no benefits Discuss both sides and
give your opinion.


local culture: van hoa dia phuong

protect: bao ve

tourism: du lich

ban: cam

inevitable: khong the tranh khoi


Quan diem 1:

+ ly do 1: su dung qua muc tai nguyen cua dia phuong.

+ giai thich 1: du lich phat trien, nguoi den tham quan nhieu  khai thac dat de lam khu vui choi va
khach san.

+ vd1: in danang city, ngay cang nhieu khach san duoc moc len de phuc vu nhu cau cua khach du lich.

+ ly do 2: people can xa rac gay o nhiem moi truong o dia phuong.

+ giai thich: some khach du lich su dung do an, hang hoa xong co the xa rac ra moi truong.

+ vi du 2: moi truong bien o some dia phuong ngay cang bi o nhiem.

Quan diem 2:

+ ly do: nowadays, culture co the de bi thay doi nen viec nay la khong may hieu qua.

+ giai thich: neu chung ta cam thi mat di mot khoan loi nhuan va lam han che su phat trien cua du lich
dia phuong.

+ vi du: In Danang city, nguoi dan khuyen khich viec phat trien du lich.

In recent years, the protection of local culture has become a broad issue to the general public. Some
people believe that to protect local culture, tourism should be banned in some areas whereas. However,
others think that change is inevitable and banning tourism will have no benefits. In my opinion, I agree
with the later idea. Discussed below are several reasons supporting my perspectives.

On the one hand, people should recognize that to protect local culture, tourism should be banned in
some areas whereas. An important point to consider is that using too much environment resourced. This
means that an increase in tourism and many people go to visit so more hotels and fantasy parks are
growing up. To illustrate this point I would like to mention that in Danang city, more and more hotels are
set up to serve the demand of visitors. Another point I would like to make is that people can throw
rubbish into the road. This is because of the fact that some visitors used plastic bags, and throw them
into the environment. This can be shown by the example of the sea in Vung Tau city becoming polluted.

On the other hand, there are several arguments in support of the idea that change is inevitable and that
banning tourism will have no benefits. In fact, people have this opinion because nowadays, the culture
can easily change so this way is not effective. This means that if we ban we will lose benefits to tourism.
This can be shown by the example in Danang city, the government encourages visitors to go to the
beautiful scenery.

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