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Maliaious Programs Compoter Viros

~ Control o r compot e t resmotely_ l

imwolves homam acfiom 品 i的ge计上出
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replicates itself by atfaching its code
热~ *

MGCro Viros

r pelias on ose of masros in office autolation soffware txce' bond

Worm m

Trojam Horse }

Dounload & install update Datches to fix the bogs if the oBerating sgstem

Do nof oBam email affachmenfs froy onknouM osers imaiie

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soffware …
AnoHgmous files throighpeer -to -peer filesharing


{ Byware ( lanbeinformofirosan 了 ~
collectBersomal info ,

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Ransomware nblicks

G(Cess to rictim s files until a ransom is Baid

Make Bacsup of files on off line sforage media

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