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Weekly Editorial Based Vocabulary

11th March, 2024

The Abode of Alice Boner in Varanasi:

Nestled in the heart of Varanasi, amidst the timeless rhythm of the Ganges,
lies a hidden gem that eludes the casual eye - the Alice Boner Institute at
Assi Ghat. For decades, this haven embraced the Swiss scholar and artist,
Alice Boner, in its tranquil embrace, yet its allure remained a whispered
secret to many, including myself, until I stumbled upon it in search of a
venue for my book launch. From the moment I laid eyes on the institute, I
was enraptured. Its elusive charm, akin to a captivating work of art,
beckoned to my soul, stirring a longing to explore its depths further. Unlike
the bustling Harmony bookshop nearby, which draws attention effortlessly,
Alice Boner’s abode stood quietly, a testament to patience and discernment,
awaiting those with a keen eye and a yearning heart. Approaching the
building, one is greeted not by a grand entrance, but by a verdant balcony
adorned with potted plants, hinting at the hidden treasures within. The
unassuming facade belies the rich tapestry of history and inspiration that
awaits within its walls.
Crossing the threshold, the air is heavy with the scent of nostalgia, wrapping
visitors in a warm embrace of familiarity. A tiny courtyard, open to the
heavens above, offers respite from the chaos of the world outside, its rough
stone floors cool beneath bare feet, reminiscent of the ancient Ghats that line
the sacred river. Ascending the spiralling staircase, darkness gives way to
the unknown, leading to corridors that open onto the tranquil waters of the
Ganges, a sight that never fails to stir the soul. In the monsoon season, the
river’s embrace draws near, reminding inhabitants of its timeless presence

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and the cyclical nature of life itself. Within the institute’s walls lies a
sanctuary for artists and scholars alike — an air-conditioned library bathed
in the soft glow of yellow lights, where ancient tomes line the shelves,
whispering tales of ages past. Here, amidst the silence, one is invited to
ponder, to create, to become lost in the magic of the written word and the
beauty of the imagination. In the words of Alice Boner herself, penned in her
diary on a February night in 1936, the house on the Ganges is a place of
solace and inspiration, where the world unfolds before one’s eyes, and the
simple peace of a monastery envelops the soul. It is a place of fulfillment, of
warmth, of love — a gentle stream where one finds refuge amidst the chaos
of life’s currents.

1. Elude: बच निकलिा/ Example: They established

चकमा देिा their permanent abode in
Meaning: to manage to being Varanasi.
Synonym: evade, shun, dodge, 4. Allure: आकर्षण
and confound. Meaning: the quality of being
Example: The two men attractive and exciting.
managed to elude the police for Synonym: attraction, charisma,
six weeks. charm, glamour.
Example: he can’t resist the
2. Tranquil: शाांत व स्थिर
allure of the pretty waitress.
Meaning: quit and peaceful.
Synonym: calm, sober, tame, 5. Stumble: ठोकर लगिा
and mild.
Meaning: to hit your foot
Example: The boy disturbed the against something when you are
tranquil surface of the pond walking or running.
with stick. Synonym: limp, shuffle, lurch,
and wobble.
3. Abode: निवास थिाि Example: The sudden weakness
Meaning: the place where in her legs made her stumble.
someone lives.
Synonym: habitat, residence,
domicile, roost.

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6. Enrapture: मांत्रमुग्ध होिा 10. Yearn: लालानित होिा
Meaning: filled with great Meaning: to wish very strongly
pleasure or extremely pleased for something.
by something. Synonym: crave, hanker, pine,
Synonym: enthrall, fascinate, and chafe.
elate, and enamor. Example: If you yearn for
Example: The audience was chocolate, try a carob bar
enraptured by her beautiful instead.
11. Verdant: स्वच्छ और हरा
7. Akin: नकसी के समाि Meaning: covered with green
Meaning: similar to something. plants or grass.
Synonym: identical, analogous, Synonym: meadow, grassy, and
tantamount, and equivalent. lush.
Example: Listening to his life Example: Small children are
story is akin to reading a good playing happily in verdant Park.
adventure novel.
12. Adorn: अनिक आकर्षक
8. Beckon: इ रेसेपास बिािे के नलए सजािा
बुलािा Meaning: to move your Meaning: to add something in
hand or headin a way order to make a thing or person
that tells someone to come more attractive or beautiful.
near. Synonym: Synonym: embellish, grace,
invite, command, spruce up, and bedeck.
gesture, and gesticulate. Example: She likes to adorn
Example: She crooked her herself with jewels.
finger to beckon him.
13. Façade: बाहरी नदखावा Meaning:
9. Discernment: नववेक a false appearance
Meaning: the ability to judge that makes someone or
people and things well. something seems more pleasant
Synonym: acumen, insight, or better than they really are.
understanding, and sagacity. Synonym: cloak, disguise,
Example: He shows great
veneer, and masquerade.
discernment in his choice of
Example: They seem happy
together, but it’s all a façade.

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15. Reminiscent: नकसी
14. Threshold: दहलीज व्यस्ििा वस्तु
Meaning: a point at which का स्मरण करािे वाला
something starts. Meaning: that makes you
Synonym: verge, brink, outset, remember a particular person,
and inception. event, or thing.
Example: We are on the Synonym: evocative, redolent,
threshold of a new era nostalgic, and remindful.
European relations. Example: That song is so
reminiscent of my adolescence.

16. Refuge: सुरनित थिाि

Meaning: a safe place that gives you
protection or shelter from danger.
Synonym: asylum, retreat, and hideout.
Example: They sought refuge in the
mountain villages.

17. Solace: साांत्विाकारी व्यस्ि िा वस्तु

Meaning: to give help and comfort to
someone when they are feeling sad or worried.
Synonym: sympathy, console, pity,
and condolence.
Example: After the death of her son, she
found solace in the church.

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