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11. haladó (17 fő) és 12.

haladó (12 fő)

1. The scientific name for banana is musa sapientum, which means ‘fruit of the wise men’. Bananas
float in water, as do applesand watermelons.
2. Bananas first appeared in written history in the 6th century BC.
3. Banana plants are not trees, they are a type of herb.
4. How many bananas are there on one plant, do you think? Up to 150!All those bananas are grouped
in smaller bunches, called ‘hands’. And a single banana in a bunch is called a ‘finger’. Each banana
hand has about 10 to 20 fingers.
5. Banana plants grow up to 25 feet high, and their leaves can grow to be 9 feet long and 2 feet wide.
Their roots can be hundreds of years old.
6 . The average banana weighs around 125 grams. If you’re thirsty, eat a banana. One ripe fruit is 75
per cent water.
7. India is the leading producer of bananas: about 28 per cent of the worldwide crop. China is number
2, with 10 per cent.
8. More songs have been written about bananas than about any other fruit.
9. If you’re ever caught in the rain. The banana leaves make great umbrellas – one quick cut and you
have shelter big enough for two.
10. A man in India once ate 81 bananas within half an hour.

1) What do the following numbers mean?

1. 6th BC_____________________________ 2) Are the statements true (T) or false (F)?

2. 150 ________________________________
1. The scientific name for banana is musa
3. 25 _________________________________ sapiatum.
4. 20 _________________________________ 2. Three quarters of a ripe banana is water.
5. 9 __________________________________ 3. A bunch of bananas is called a ’finger’.
6. 28 _________________________________ 4. 10 per cent of the worldwide crop is from
7. 81 _________________________________
5. Bananas’ roots are very old.
6. Bananas, apples and plums can float in
3) Choose the correct answers and write them in the gaps.
1. Banana plants are____________
A) trees B) a type of herb C) bushes
2. Bananas first were mentioned in ____________
A) 600-501 BC B) 500-401 BC C) 599-501 BC
3. There are ____________ bananas on one plant.
A) up to 120 B) up to 200 C) up to 150
4. The leading producer of bananas is ______
A) China B) India C) Japan
5. Banana leaves can grow to be _______long.

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