CU-Business Excellence Revision - 工作表1

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Tutorial 1

1. Three key elements to consider for a business excellence model(BEM)

Core Values & Concepts
Criteria Requirements
Scoring System

2. A few examples of core values & concepts of BEM

Visionary Leadership
Customer Driven Excellence
Focus on the Future
Management by Fact

3. Different types of business assessments and their characteristics

Mini-assessment Facilitated/Joint Assessment
*workshop format *Project format
*minimal data gathering *Trained internal assessors (Facilitated)
*real time feedback *External assessor (Joint)

External Assessment
Benefits of self assessment
*Two pass format
*Formal application report
*Simple, accessible
*Formal assessment report

Tutorial 1.1
1.Seven criteria of Malcolm Baldrige Award (7個準則)
*Strategic Planning
*Customer Focus
*Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management
*Workforce Focus
*Operations Focus

2.RADAR in EFQM Model (9 Criteria)


3. What is TQM?
*Total Quality Management (TQM is a set of systematic activities )

4.TQM principles
*Make commitment supporting TQM at every level in the organization
*Clear focus on customers and their needs
*Commitment to continuous improvement
*TQM is a set of systematic activities
*Meaningful performance measurements

Tutorial 2
1.Evaluation factors for process(評估準則1~6)
• Approach
• Deployment
• Learning
• Integration

2.Evaluation factors for result(評估準則7)


3.1 Mission and its objective

*Reason for existence (why we are in this business)

3.2 Vision and its objective

*Future view
*Consistent with the culture and values(guiding principles) of the organization

3.3 Characteristics of a good vision

•Brief and memorable
•Linked to customers’ needs
•Conveying a general strategy to achieve the mission

4.Core values(Guiding Principles)

*Attitudes and policies for employees
*Guidelines, Fulfill their goals
*Support the vision
Tutorial 3
1. Three Big Strategic “Analysis” Questions
*Where are we now?
*Where do we want to go?
*How will we get there?

2. Three Indicators of Strategy ‘disconnects’

*Lack of alignment across the organisation(缺乏一致性目標)
*Misallocation of resources(資源錯配)
*Insufficient operational measures(措施不足)

3. What is ‘Strategy’?
*Strategies are broad statement, set the direction, realizing mission and vision
*Strategic Objectives (Strategy Goal)
*Action Plan
#(Good Strategic with mission/vision, organisation, performance measure)

4. Strategic Planning Process

Tutorial 4
1. What are ‘Voices of Customers’?
*Customer requirements as expressed in customer terms are call VOC
2.Different approaches of VOC, pros and cons
Comment card
• easy ways to solicit customer info
• few customers will respond to comment cards

Focus groups
• Comparing a company’s products and services as well as those of competitors
• higher cost of implementation

Direct Customer contacts

• hearing issues and complaints first hand
• Usage of executives & senior staffs’ time

Field intelligence
• daily contact by front end staff
• org need to develop a system to feed info to a central collecting place for analysis

• undesirable,
• yet providing a key source of customer info

Internet and social media monitoring

• Less costly and easy to get
• conversations may be less structured and unfocused, and may contain less usable info.

3. Kano model (customer requirements)


4.1 Customer Sat

* How happy are the customer

4.2 Customer loyalty

*Devoted to a company's products
*Over the competition

Tutorial 5
1.Measurememnt, Analysis and KM
*Collecting data to quantify(量化)
*Refer to numerical results

2. Good Measurement
• Simple
• Measureable
• Actionable
• Related (to customer and operation)
• Timely

3. Ways to collect data

• Data Mining
• Internal benchmark
• External benchmark

Tutorial 6
1.1 Workforce capability
* Wrorkforce Capability is the ability to build customers relationship or develop products

1.2 Workfore capacity(workforce planning system)

* Ability to ensure suffcient staffing levels
(to meet costomers/company goal)

2. Employee Engagement
* Refer to extent of employee commitment to meet company goal
* Lead to personal meaning and motivation

3. Advantages of Employee Engagement

• Work with trust and operation(互信)
• Creating a sense of mission(使命感)
• Increases morale(士氣) and commitment
• Fosters creativity and innovation(火花,創意)
• Instill quality culture
• Solve problem at the source

Tutorial 7
1.Workforce Processes
* Management key programs, sevices, work processes
(aim of creating value for your customers and achieving organizational sucess)

2.1 Process
*Sequence of event to achieve result
*Transform inputs into outcomes

2.2. SIPOC (Visual Tool)

*Suppliers, Inputs, Process, Outputs, Customers

3. Seven Quality Control tools

• Affinity Diagram
(Organize and group data)

• Cause-and-Effect Diagram
(Identify causes for a problem)

• Scatter Plot
(Purpose: Visually displays relationships or a correlation between two variables)

• Pareto Chart(High~Low)
(Purpose:Focus improvement, greatest impact)

• Process Mapping
(Purpose: Understand and/or improve a work process)

• Run Chart/Control chart

(Purpose: Monitor performance over time to detect trends)

• Histogram

4. Application

Tutorial 8
1. Performance Measures

2. Leading and Lagging Indicators (Meaning)

* Lagging indicators represent long-term results
* Lead indicators are short-term predictors

* Both indicators provide measurement result (happening now) and (happen in the future)

2.2 Examples
* Customer survey results(Leading)
* Customer retention(Lagging)

3.Evaluation factors for process

• Approach
• Deployment
• Learning
• Integration

3.1Evaluation factors for result


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