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GEOGRAPHY Paper 1 MARKING SCHEME. (CONFIDENTIAL) “THIS MARKING SCHEME IS THE PROPERTY OF THE KENYA NATIONAL EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL AND IT MUST BE RETURNED TO THE KENYA ND OF MARKING This marking scheme consists of 15 printed pages. © 2022 The Kenya National Examinations Council Turnover List two examples ofselaae Iekcous rocks, Pumice = —Taphs'tsy - Basalt f Nesey = > Obsidian =—Trachyte / : = = Rhyolite Andesite a I— = Scorn a. 0b) Give three characteristics of sedimentary rocks. = es - They form from pre. 5 - They have coon + They form horizontal layersfare stratified. - They are non-crystalline. A - Some fava rocks cor re fossils ve pe ae eas lnen ee 3@ Apart from aspect, list three other factors that influence the distribution of natural vegetation, ~ Altitude + Terrain “ds lape/ Geadignt - Draina; - Bayt Stabe mge 5 ~ Soils a= eS ee side supports scanty eae facing slopes of temperate latitude areas of the Northern ‘Hemisphere tend to favour luxuriant growth of forest, w facing slopes v Classify the fottowing rocks according to their formation: Marble - Metamorphic Granite - Igneous A * Y/Y Mudstone - Sedimentary “ 3. Ugh] Ditioratiate sil profile from sil catens Soil profile is the vertical arrangement of the soil into layers/horizons from the surface to the bedrock_while soil catena is the sequence of 7 ——— differem soils down a slope. // ® Sinic three palace oF solLaiturs {1 influences the ease of plant root penetration into the soil. 18 regulates the soil water content. St comtsols seration of the soil, // {1 controls the availability and retention of nutrients within the ae 1 controls the size and spacing of pores in the soil, aa ‘Name trethree human-made features in the grid square selene 0193 mee ~ Main Ee anee track) ~ Plantation ~ Agricultural peman : Houses = Built up areas a (iii) | Identify. diectoas used fo show relief on the map. 4 - _ Trigonometrical stations \ J-Rock amd olige abun Reege | Calculate the area of Kisumu town. Give your answer in square kilometres, = ss Complete squares = 5x 1=Skms? Incomplete squares = 16 x Y= Skim? ee Total area 3k fee (i2:5|- 18-5) axes) Namg two types of natural vegetation, 1 fy The cuales ec z Scattered ~ Woodland x Paps Papas emp veasttien KEY = ‘A _ Air photo principal point (04) Cc —Chiga market - RD All weather road bound surface R River Ombeyi Sa gas Rectangle-('mark) J give three economic the area covered by the map: EVIDENCE ce RoadYmotorable track/railway Quarries = CSG aS ETAT Faulting is a process of (0-2 ) ei of crustal rocks due Compressional/shear forces! tse’. ‘Apart from the Rift Valley, name three other features 1a resultieg-from F; = Fault blockS/horst mountains/block mountains - Tilt blocks ty, Fault Tae Betton 312/1MS6 RV- Rift valley F -Reverse faults E - Removed by weathering and erosion tb then. Layers of rocks are subjected to compressional fores there is some instability within the earth crust. + Lines of weakness develop to forrieverse faut” The compressional forces push the outer blocks towards each oe ft The middle block may remain statié but at a lowey_ Jevel/sunk forming the floor of the Rift Valley! {Mhe overhanging parts of the outer blocks eventually collapse/ are eroded to form an escarpment) oy D ZB Di 5 ) rainage WefCER LY wach op theo Alling : Ee ‘Some rivers may disappear into the ground through a fault Text-(S-marks} Horming underground streams. their 23 of flow . pe ene Ror rst ie: eee Te ea ae pee Fe feud Sauce a Presence of fault it difficulVexpensive to ‘When faulting occurs part of he land is disjointed, this disrupts forms of transport/pipelines/power lines/ailway lines Fault ay lead to subsidence of land which damages Iways/pipelines. Fault features ae as — become a barrier ASTER. ES Sewn gs Rev oe ie arsde _ | weather Humidity eran waddyi-belb | marie = fe Atmospheric pressure - Mercury barometet/Aneroid barometer Po ronapter e Lemarke— pata feslove a ayeinks M M 26 2B Annual range of temperature 27°C-21°C=6°C Vy (z) Total annual rainfall 366 +376 +452 + 399 + 264 + 282 + 302 +203-+ 132+ 99+ 177 + 262 = 3254 mm Describe the climatic conditions of # station It experiences high rainfall totals/3254 mm annually ‘Temperatures are high throughout the year.” Low annual temperature 16°C. ‘The wettest month is March] 4.52.10» October receives the lowest rainfall amou “herein dy nih throughout ie yet fon of fal gS a loge and carry a ae ‘the adjacent coastal the temperatures. When winds blow over a cold ocean current, they ed hence carrying a cooling effect to the adjacent coastal land/lowers the temperatures. ~ Winds blowing over aw. them $] 34@__| Explain three measures that cqn be taken to control desertification, = Controlling overgrazing’by matching the number of animals kept with the land carrying capacity/ranching/paddocking/seling some of the excess animalsis ots =cle = Constructing reservoirs in dry areas to store rain water/sink boreholes/diverting water from other areas which can be used for agriculture. = _ASforestatiorf/re-afforestation to inerease/ improve vegetation Bee teeth er oyolelorcvent soil erosions degeneration. = Enforcing the laws on environmental conservation in order to manage the spread of deserts, — ~ Reducing demand of wood fl by providing altemative soues of Bice saving jhoste ass fergie = Checking the advancement of sand dunes by planting barriers at the it a raae fies by planting” Leet by am a eet r Se = how each of the following factors fa ‘Nature of the rock = ~ Massive rocks overlying weak rocks move/ slide faster along the soph ~ Large rocks are likely to be overcome by gravity more easily than finely weathered materials // = > Steeply dipping rocks will easily experience mY (fe = - When materials contain a lot of water they are bic dl SE susceptible to rapid movement. Human activities - _Humen-cetivities-suctres ploughingg clearing of vegetationg mining/ E / Ages ote k ‘quarrying affect the stability ¢®surtace materials causing their movement downslope. Extemal forces from moving vehicles/ earth tremors from explosives shake the ground causing some materials to move downslope. E ie inl a ae Explain the effects of mass wasting on the environment. Landslides may cause rivers to change their course reducing the water Raerowntee v) Mass wasting leads to formation of derelict land with scars which spoils the beauty ofthe environment. a Uf Mass raciny oi & ts aE : Some mass movement bury people and animals under large materials = // leading to loss of lives. “/ “iy Is) - Landslides cause damage to property when materials cover roa\ farms/ homes. - Movement of materials ae facilitates the loosening of the top : von ‘soil increasing : - Mass movement may create sceneries that may become tourist Any 4d Smarks- sen eddie ctsebt abut geese a Hiver vallay forming Alaken 2 ie a fe eatin rages s ee. puital st Teshperbasy frm dap sel % iS MS 11 = Tocnable the administration to take the necessary safety precautions. = TS smalls $e adintotttin tert any Be Pisgund (i) State the advantages of studying landslides through fieldwork. It enables leamers to apply the knowledge learned in the ee Itmakes leaming interesting. “/}-b. acs moenotiiny/ . Ithelps learners to develop manipulative skills. 2 It enhances retention of memory. - It provides detailed/ indepth/ broader learning) makes leaming eal/ oo san pel ‘Name two mountains in East Africa that are ice capped. ==itKenya./ A cone Dae a - MiKilimanjaro // Give two types of moraine Name the features marked E-Truncated spury/ Herstng v0 ley/w FI F-Glacial trougli/-shaped valley G-Ribbon lake 2 ‘Fenger lak 3| | Gm Describe of the following featurese* Busse ’ I + Pyramidal peak 7 e = Tee accumulates in several cracks/ hollows on mountain sides! = {lee ‘exerts pressure on the cracks/ hol llows. ) = ae action of ice enlarges i sithe h te = owing more ice to collect rs ei ferrabao, leads tog irgement of eveekst hollows makind= basins called cirquesf corries. Moving ice plucks off loose rock materials from the basinsthus. enlarging them further. ‘Nivation eats into the back wall of basins making them recede into the mountain side. // aes Steep-sided knife-edged ridgesare formed separating the basins, G6) “Three or more of these ridges/ aretes converge at the mountain top Anyoxt= forming a jagged peak known as a pyramidal peak hor marker + The resistant rock is the crag while the materials deposited on the lee : ae Side formthe wil v“ _/,\ ~ © | Explain the significance of glaciated upland areas to human gtiites, 47 \ ~ Corrie lakes! tums, offer suitable areas for trout fishing." Glaciated mountains discourage human settlements hence growth of forests and therefore lumbering 6 practiced. ‘U-shaped valleys form natural route ways. Fiord coastline form deep well sheltered natural habou'S good fishing ‘grounds. Y Glaciated upJand areas form magnificent features that encourage tourism. Waterfalls formed in glaciated uplands provide suitable sites for hydro- electric power production. “ 312/1 MS 14

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