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A declaration is a part of the policy that provides key information. It typically includes details like the
policy's holder's name, coverage limits, premium amount, and other specifics relevant to the insurance

NAME OF POLICY HOLDER: Insured: Any company or partnership registered in Malta and described in the


This section describes the different types of coverage offered by the insurer. The different benefits
amounts are indicated.

1. Buildings: Gasan Mamo insurance limited would provide financial to the insured. in case of
events that result in damage or loss to the insured building. This can include: incidents such as
fire, theft,vandalism or natural disasters.

2. Business Equipmens: Gasan Mamo insurance limited will offer coverage for business
Equipments as part of commercial property insurance.

3. Glass: Gasan Mamo insurance limited would cover accidental breakage of glass or other
unforeseen events. If the claim is valid, Gasan Mamo insurance limited would provide financial
compensation to the insured..

4.Goods in Transit: Gasan Mamo insurance limited would provide protection for goods being
transported from one location to another by: covering losses or damages during transportation
such as thefts, fire.

5. Deterioration of stock: this falls under a type of insurance called "spoilage" the insurer will
cover for perils, will provide financial compensation to the insured. .

6. if money is stolen, either on the premises or during Transit, the insurance policy provides for
the loss.

7. Breakdown of Machinery: the insured can file a claim and we will assess the claim, send an
adjuster to evaluate the damage and then process based on the terns of the policy.

8. Personal Accidents: personal accidents including assaults,; coverage for medical expenses,
the policy provides benefit in the events of death or permanent disability resulting from an
accident including assault.

9. EFFECTIVE DATES: Valid for the duration of 12months.

Insured Agreement between GasanMamo insurance limited and Methode Electronics Malta Ltd


Cover - Specified Perils

The Company will indemnify the Insured in respect of loss, destruction or damage to the Buildings
occurring during the Period of Insurance caused by any of the following perils:

Fire, explosion, lightning, thunderbolt.

Aircraft and other aerial devicesor articles dropped there from.

Impact with the Property by road vehicles or animals not belonging to or under the control of the Insured
or any person in or upon the Insured’s service.

Earthquake and volcanic eruption. Theft or attempted theft involving entry to or exit from the Premises by
forcible and violent means.

Architects’ & Surveyors’ fees

Architects’ and surveyors’ fees necessarily incurred in there instatement of the Buildings consequent
upon its destruction by any peril insured against (but not exceeding the scale of fees authorised by the
respective professional institutions prevailing at time of damage or destruction).
Compliance with Statutory Building Regulations

The additional costs of reinstatement of the Buildings necessarily incurred in order to comply with
statutory building regulations.

Underground Pipes & Cables

Accidental damage to underground pipes, services and cables provided the Insured is responsible for the
repairs for an amount not exceeding 10 percent of the sum insured on Buildings.


The building at the Premises and out buildings, walls, gates and fences including landlord’s fixtures and
fittings therein and there on.

Basis of Settlement

The amount payable in the event of destruction, damage or loss of the Buildings shall be the cost of repair
or replacement of the damaged property with no deduction being made for wear and tear or depreciation.

Provided that:

Sum insured on Buildings represents not less then the cost of reconstruction of the Buildings at the time
of loss or damage in the same form, size and style and condition as new and that the Buildings have been
maintained in a good state of repair.

The property has been maintained in a good state of repair.

Replacement is carried out without delay.

No payment will be made until replacement has been carried out unless with the consent of the Company.

If the damaged Buildings are not repaired or replaced, an allowance for wear and tear or depreciation
shall be made.



The Company will indemnify the Insured in respect of accidental loss, destruction or damage to the
Equipment as described in the Schedule occurring during the Period of Insurance whilst at the Premises
and within the territorial limits as stated in the Policy Schedule.


Items of electronic nature and which are specified in theSchedule.

Basis of Settlement

The amount payable in the event of accidental loss or destruction of or damage to the Equipment shall be
the cost of repair or replacement with no deduction being made for wear and tear or depreciation provided
that the sum insured on Equipment represents not less than the cost of replacement of the Equipment at
the time of loss or damage by similar property, in either case in a condition equal to but not better or more
extensive than its condition when news



The Company will indemnify the Insured in respect of:

Breakage of fixed glass including damage to its framework, lettering, fittings and displays resulting from
such breakage including the cost of necessary boarding up pending replacement.

Damage to fixed sanitary ware and fittings.

Damage to fixed signs.

At the Premises occupied by the Insured or for which the Insured is responsible.


The Company will indemnify the Insured in respect of loss, destruction or damage to the Property
occurring during the Period of Insurance by any cause what so ever not here in after excluded whilst the
Property is in transit in any Vehicle anywhere in Malta until delivery at their destination including
loading and unloading from any Vehicle.



Goods appertaining to the Insured’s Business, the property of the Insured or for which the Insured is


Any mechanically propelled vehicle (including any trailer or container) belonging to or in the care
custody or control of the Insured as stated in the Schedule.

Special Provisions

The Insured shall only employ trustworthy, sober, reliable and competent drivers and shall take all
reasonableprecautions: insecuring loads; to maintain inefficient conditional Vehicles and / or trailers; to
protect the property insured from all loss or damage; to ensure that any Vehicle trailer or container is
overhauled periodically and is suitable for the purpose for which it is to be used.

The Company shall at all reasonable times have free access to examine any Vehicle aforesaid.

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