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Based on the previous modules, specifically the second part discussing the five (5)
cycles of Project Management, I can confidently say that the Planning Process is the
most crucial phase of the Project Management Life Cycle. The main reason is that
during this stage, the Project Manager plays a significant role as it requires their
expertise in preparing the resource requirements, identifying the scope of the project,
and tasks involved, creating a schedule, planning the finances, and preparing a risk
management plan for the project which on this part is where for me is one of the key
factors on a successful project.
Being involved in an organization wherein I was part of a Project Management Office
(PMO) team in the Philippines, planning strategically before executing a project is the
key requirement for the success of any organization. One of the methods we used is
included in the project management knowledge areas which is stated there that “Project
Risk Management includes the process of conducting risk management planning,
identification analysis, response planning, response implementation, and monitoring
risk on a project” (Project Management Institute, 2017, p. 33). From our previous
projects, we’ve simulated various scenarios that might harm our project. We then
identified potential risks and created a Risk Registry Program which is a vital part of
the six basic steps in scenario elaboration which are vital applications in the Planning
Process Phase (Vacik et al., 2014). The program includes all risks from several factors
like Contractual Risks, Operational Risks, Human Factors Risks, Natural Events Risks,
and Political Risks. We then categorized the risks based on their intensity rating from
low, medium, and high. After we’ve identified the risk level, it will help our
organization develop a step-by-step treatment procedure so that we will be always
prepared and know the exact completion date to resolve the risk and to prevent the
slippage on the execution schedule which will give a negative impact or delays on the
project. It will also help our organization to know if up to what level of management is
needed to resolve the said issues.
To ensure alignment on the execution of the works and the project life cycles, another
important key feature of this process is conducting management planning meetings
(Kumpf, 2004). In this event, we ensure that all participants communicate, can share free
thoughts and there are no dumb ideas. It also helps the organization develop the best
way forward on how to proceed on the current issues the management or organization
is facing since this is like an open discussion to all key personnel of the organization. In
facilitating or organizing a meeting, we must ensure that all the pending, and new
issues will be talked about and, we should always remember that putting a target to all
issues is important to ensure that it will not cause any delays on the project, or it will
affect the critical path. Other possible topics to be discussed in organizational meetings
are lessons learned retrospectives, and project kick-off (Project Management Institute,
To be an effective Project Manager in your chosen industry, you must always remember
that you should equip yourself with the right tools and techniques. Study shows that
when managers have problems with risk management and communication processes, it
results in the lowest planning quality (Globerson & Zwikael, 2002). By developing new
tools to be an effective communicator and by conducting organizational seminars and
training programs to develop all the key personnel, especially the Project Manager,
being equipped with the said tools will ensure that all processes after the planning
phase will be executed and implemented properly and the organization will have
success to any of its future projects.

Kumpf, W. A. (2004). Strategic planning. Ashrae Journal, 46(8), 70–70.

Globerson, S., & Zwikael, O. (2002). The impact of the project manager on project

management planning processes. Project Management Journal, 33(3), 58–64.

Project Management Institute. (2017). A guide to the project management body of

knowledge (pmbok guide) (Sixth, Ser. Pmbok guide). March 1, 2024,

Vacík, E., Fotr, J., Spacek, M., & Soucek, I. (2014). Scenarios and their application in

strategic planning. E+m Ekonomie a Management, 17(3), 118–135.

It is clearly stated in your opinion post the importance of Project Management for the
success of any project. You’ve highlighted that the Initiation and Planning Phase are the
most crucial part of the Project Lifecycle which I agree with because in my post I’ve
highlighted also that planning is the most crucial part of any project. We should always
keep in mind that poor planning will not allow appropriate execution and control
processes or achievement of the project's success (Globerson & Zwikael, 2002). Also to
add to this one, you’ve highlighted that the Project Manager is required to every stage
of the Project. (PMI, 2017) stated that some Project Managers are involved during the
Initiation Phase, but most of the time they will start to work during the Planning Phase.
A Project Sponsor usually does the work during the initiation phase because of his
expertise in business and project strategies (Breese & Turner, 2020). Lastly, you’ve
highlighted Risk Management as an important factor in Project Management, it is
highlighted in my post the importance of this one because this is useful throughout the
project because of its various components that can help to provide a safe & healthy
workplace and reduce the negative impacts on any business.

Breese, R., Couch, O., & Turner, D. (2020). The project sponsor role and benefits

realisation: more than ‘just doing the day job.’ International Journal of Project

Management, 38(1), 17–26.

Globerson, S., & Zwikael, O. (2002). The impact of the project manager on project

management planning processes. Project Management Journal, 33(3), 58–64.

Project Management Institute. (2017). A guide to the project management body of

knowledge (pmbok guide) (Sixth, Ser. Pmbok guide). March 1, 2024,

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