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Catena 194 (2020) 104678

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The potential for soil erosion control associated with socio-economic T

development in the hilly red soil region, southern China
⁎ ⁎
L. Wanga,b, H. Yana, X.W. Wanga, Z. Wanga, S.X. Yua, T.W. Wanga, , Z.H. Shia,b,
College of Resources and Environment, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China
CAS Center for Excellence in Quaternary Science and Global Change, Xi'an 710061, China


Keywords: Socio-economic development greatly affects soil erosion and the implementation of soil and water conservation
Soil erosion (SWC) techniques. Here, we proposed a new index, the potential for soil erosion control (P), and investigated
Potential for soil erosion control socio-economic determinants for ΔP using Partial Least Squares Regression (PLSR) during 2005–2015 in the hilly
Soil conservation red soil region of southern China. P was defined as 1 minus the ratio of the minimum possible soil erosion to the
Socio-economic factors
actual soil erosion, which can reflect the gap between the actual soil erosion and the minimum possible soil
Hilly red soil region
erosion. According to P, it would be impossible for 100% of the study area to experience a soil erosion rate of less
than the tolerable soil erosion rate due to the biophysical limits, which would avoid waste caused by excessive
governance. The two PLSR models were statistically significant and the selected socio-economic factors can
account for 37% and 28% of the variations in the positive and negative |ΔP|, respectively. Base on the PLSR
model for the positive |ΔP|, the VIP value of urban population growth (URBPOP_GR) and rural population
growth (RURPOP_GR) were −1.31 and 1.71, respectively, demonstrating that URBPOP_GR suppressed erosion
while RURPOP_GR increased erosion. Government investment in afforestation can significantly reduce soil
erosion (VIP greater than 1). Increasing grain output per km2 would reduce the positive |ΔP|, indicating that
advanced farming practices can balance production and soil protection. These results emphasized that policies
for soil erosion control should be developed from not only a simplistic technological perspective but also a social-
ecological perspective, and economic growth will control soil erosion effectively if it can provide more positive
feedback to rural areas.

1. Introduction implemented throughout the world (Morgan, 2009). The effectiveness

of SWC techniques can be obtained by directly assessing the reduction
Soil erosion is a major cause of soil degradation and is widespread in soil erosion after the implementation of SWC techniques according to
worldwide (Amundson et al., 2015; García-Ruiz et al., 2015; Liu et al., measured data (Smets et al., 2008; Maetens et al., 2012; Mekonnen
2018). Soil erosion also causes significant offsite sediment-related et al., 2015; Yan et al., 2015; Prosdocimi et al., 2016; Wang et al., 2016)
problems, e.g., increased sedimentation and pollution in downstream and erosion modelling (Hessel and Tenge, 2008; Wickama et al., 2015;
waterbodies, enhanced flooding and deteriorated aquatic ecosystems Quiñonero-Rubio et al., 2016; Demelash et al., 2018; Kassawmar et al.,
(Poesen, 2018). Soil erosion increased by 2.5% from 2001 to 2012 2018). Plot measurements are appropriate for the field scale, but they
owing to global land-use changes (Borrelli et al., 2017), and the mag- are discredited when used over a large scale (de Vente et al., 2013),
nitude of anthropogenic acceleration of soil erosion remains uncertain. while at a large scale, continuous sediment data in time and space are
Given that soil erosion rates from conventionally ploughed agricultural often scarce (Vercruysse et al., 2017). Erosion modelling can be used
fields average 1–2 orders of magnitude greater than the rates of soil over a large scale, but many input parameters are difficult to obtain,
production or erosion under natural conditions (Montgomery, 2007), and the modelling results largely depend on pixel size (Hessel and
the prevention of soil erosion has been and continues to be a tre- Tenge, 2008; de Vente et al., 2013). Fallout radionuclides can be used
mendous challenge in maintaining the soil for food and water security for both small-scale and large-scale soil erosion estimation (Dercon
around the world. et al., 2012; Walling et al., 2014), but this technique relies upon a
Many soil and water conservation (SWC) techniques have been number of assumptions and is therefore questioned (Parsons and Foster,

Corresponding authors at: College of Resources and Environment, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China.
E-mail addresses: wangtianwei@webmail.hzau.edu.cn (T.W. Wang), shizhihua70@gmail.com (Z.H. Shi).

Received 22 January 2020; Received in revised form 2 May 2020; Accepted 12 May 2020
0341-8162/ © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
L. Wang, et al. Catena 194 (2020) 104678

Fig. 1. Map of the hilly red soil region of southern China.

2011). There have also recently been indirect evaluations of the effec- remarkably declined from 3.67 million km2 in 1986 to 2.74 million km2
tiveness of SWC techniques from socio-economic perspectives (Das and in 2018 according to the Chinese Ministry of Water Resources. How-
Bauer, 2012; Dominati et al., 2014). For example, Dominati et al. ever, measures taken by the government to alleviate soil erosion are
(2014) evaluated the effectiveness of SWC techniques by comparing critically influenced by participants, such as farmers. Farmers, espe-
changes in the economic value of ecosystem services before and after cially those who are poor, have often not adopted these conservation
implementing SWC techniques. However, the above-mentioned practices due to a lack of knowledge and capital or profitability, but
methods are not practical for local decision makers because of the high wealthy farmers tend to adopt soil conservation measures and con-
technical requirements. Local decision makers prefer to use simple sciously maintain these measures (Ananda and Herath, 2003; Halim
methods such as an indicator named the degree of soil erosion man- et al., 2007). Accordingly, socio-economic factors influence government
agement, defined as the ratio of areas that have implemented SWC decisions and perceptions and the behaviours of people, which have
techniques to areas that experience soil erosion (Su et al., 2011), al- direct and indirect impacts on soil erosion control.
though its accuracy is lower than the previous methods. Because in- In China, the rapid economic growth and accelerated urbanization
effective SWC techniques would scarcely reduce runoff and soil loss and the large population base have all exacerbated the land degradation
although they are applied to all areas experiencing soil erosion. The soil associated with soil erosion. Although the Chinese government invests
erosion control degree has been proposed and is the ratio of the substantially in soil erosion control, China is still one of the largest and
minimum possible soil erosion rate to the actual soil erosion rate (Gao most eroded regions (Borrelli et al., 2017). In the hilly red soil region of
et al., 2016). However, none of the existing indicators directly reflect southern China, soil erosion is often overlooked due to the high vege-
whether a region still needs further governance or how much is needed. tation cover. However, this region has high annual average rainfall
Therefore, it is necessary to propose new indicators of soil erosion erosivity values and a large population density, and it is also an im-
control that better balance convenience and accuracy from the per- portant producer of tropical and subtropical fruits, cash crops and food
spective of decision makers. crops. Heavy rainfall coupled with severe human disturbances cause
Soil erosion control is influenced by natural and anthropogenic soil erosion. The control of soil erosion in this region would not only
factors (Boardman et al., 2003). Compared with natural factors, an- maintain the ecological balance but also ensure food security and
thropogenic factors are easier to change and regulate in the short term, economic growth. After decades of large-scale and considerable in-
although it is very difficult. The social, economic, and political situation vestments, widespread extensive management based on the existing soil
in a given target region greatly affects soil erosion and the im- erosion index would not gain a good effect. As a result, we propose a
plementation of SWC techniques (Ananda and Herath, 2003; Borrelli new index called the potential for soil erosion control (P) based on the
et al., 2017; Poesen, 2018; Wuepper et al., 2020). Poverty is a major soil erosion control degree proposed by Gao et al. (2016). P can reflect
source of soil erosion because of the overuse of natural resources and the remaining amount of soil erosion control to decision makers. A
the inability to implement soil conservation measures (Ananda and ubiquitous phenomenon is that serious efforts are implemented to
Herath, 2003; Borrelli et al., 2017). Social and economic development control soil erosion; however, in the same area as these efforts are
may encourage policymakers to increase investment in controlling soil implemented, the behaviour that causes soil erosion is also difficult to
erosion. Government-driven programmes have played a pivotal role in avoid. Accordingly, the objectives of this study are to (1) investigate the
promoting SWC measures (Fu et al., 2017). For example, the Chinese dynamic changes in the P and (2) identify socio-economic determinants
government has initiated at least five national programmes associated for decreasing and increasing P, respectively. The results of this study
with SWC since the 1980s. The area experiencing soil erosion in China will provide basis for policy decision-making on soil erosion control in

L. Wang, et al. Catena 194 (2020) 104678

Fig. 2. Representative photo of the study area: (a) an area with better socioeconomic development, with more terraces for growing cash crops and (b) an area with
less socioeconomic development, with shrubs, weeds and trees scattered on the hillslopes. This photo also showed areas that were less prone to soil erosion (a) and
were prone to soil erosion (b).

southern China and have implications for other rapidly developing re- occurs on steep slopes, and systematic practices for soil conservation
gions with substantial agricultural activities and severe soil erosion. exist. As a result, the CSLE was designed for steeper slopes (9–55%),
and the cover management factor (C-factor) and support practices
2. Materials and methods factor (P-factor) in the USLE and RUSLE were replaced with the bio-
logical control factor (B-factor), engineering control (E-factor) and til-
2.1. Study area lage practices factor (T-factor). After analysing approximately 1841
plot-year data collected from most regions of China, the CSLE was ex-
The hilly red soil region of southern China (107°49′-123°25′ E, pressed as follows (Liu et al., 2002):
21°22′-31°19′ N) covers a total area of 796,000 km2, approximately
A = R × K × LS × B × E × T (1)
8.3% of the total area of China, including 50 municipalities with
complete administrative boundaries of 6 provinces (Fig. 1). The re- where A is the annual average soil loss (t ha−1 yr−1); R is the rainfall
presentative photo of the study area was illustrated in Fig. 2. Fig. 2a runoff erosivity factor (MJ mm ha-1h−1 yr−1); K is the soil erodibility
shows regions with better socioeconomic development, where terraces factor (t ha h ha−1 MJ−1 mm−1); LS is the slope length factor and the
for growing cash crops are widely distributed, while Fig. 2b shows re- slope steepness factor (dimensionless); B, E and T are the biological
gions with less socioeconomic development, where shrubs, weeds and control, engineering control and tillage practices factors (dimension-
trees are scattered on the hillslopes. The study area has a humid sub- less), respectively.
tropical monsoon climate, with an average annual precipitation of more The R factor was estimated using monthly precipitation data
than 1400 mm, which is more than twice the average annual rainfall of (Renard and Freimund, 1994). Precipitation data from 1971 to 2015
China. Specifically, the temporal distribution of rainfall is irregular, and were provided by the National Meteorological Administration of China
70% of rainfall is concentrated from April to September. The average (http://data.cma.cn/en). The K factor was calculated by a function of
annual temperature ranges from 15 to 25 °C, and the average annual soil organic matter and soil texture according to Sharpley and Williams
sunshine duration is 1489–2900 h. Due to its abundant water and heat (1990). The relevant soil information was derived from the second
resources, the average forest coverage rate is 52%, which is higher than national soil census data combined with soil maps of the corresponding
the average level in China. The main tree species are Pinus massoniana, provinces (http://vdb3.soil.csdb.cn/). The LS factor was obtained from
Cinnamomum camphora, Cunninghamia lanceolata, and Eucalyptus ro- the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) at 30 m using the equations pro-
busta Smith. The main soil type is red soil with an organic matter con- posed by Renard et al. (1997). The values of B, E and T were derived
tent between 1% and 5%, and the soil is sticky and the water perme- from the SWC survey report (Editorial Board of the First Nationwide
ability is poor (Ministry of Water Resources of China, 2010). This region Water Resources Survey Series, 2017), in which B was related to ve-
has 40% of the nation's population and has long been one of the main getation cover and land use, and E and T were related to slope, land use,
production areas for grain crops, industrial crops and marketable fruit farming methods, crop rotation systems, and coverage of SWC en-
in China. For example, grain production in this area accounts for ap- gineering measures. Vegetation cover was calculated by the Normalized
proximately 30% of national grain production, and rice production Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), which was extracted from the
accounts for approximately 75% of national rice production (Ministry Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) products for
of Water Resources of China, 2010). As a result, water erosion occurs 2005–2015 (https://modis.ornl.gov/documentation.html). Land-use
widely in this region, owing to heavy rains, heavily weathered red soils data for 2005 and 2015 were provided by the Resource and Environ-
and frequent agricultural activities. ment Data Cloud Platform (http://www.resdc.cn/). The coverage area
of the SWC engineering measures was derived from the SWC mon-
2.2. Estimating soil erosion by CSLE itoring data for each province (http://www.mwr.gov.cn/sj/tjgb/
zgstbcgb/). The farming methods and crop rotation systems were de-
2.2.1. Actual soil erosion rived from China's agricultural divisions (http://www.resdc.cn/). In
This study uses the Chinese Soil Loss Equation (CSLE) (Liu et al., this study, the calculation of soil erosion is based on pixels with a 30 m
2002), which was developed based on the Universal Soil Loss Equation resolution. Accordingly, the actual soil erosion of the study area for
(USLE) (Wischmeier and Smith, 1978) and its revised version (RUSLE) 2005 and 2015 can be obtained (Fig. 3a and b).
(Renard et al., 1997), to calculate the annual average soil loss. Soil
erosion in China has two distinctive features: soil erosion commonly

L. Wang, et al. Catena 194 (2020) 104678

Fig. 3. The actual soil erosion of the study area for 2005 (a) and 2015 (b); the minimum possible soil erosion of the study area (c).

2.2.2. Minimum possible soil erosion close to 1.

The minimum possible soil erosion in an area was defined as the soil
erosion in that area when the maximum amount of suitable SWC 2.3.2. Regional change in soil erosion control potential
measures was implemented. Different SWC techniques require different The regional change in P (ΔP) refers to the cumulative change in P
site conditions. Accordingly, the distribution of suitable sites for cor- per unit area in each municipality. The P decreased or increased from
responding SWC techniques can be investigated. If more than one type 2005 to 2015, and we summed the increased and decreased parts se-
of SWC technique could be implemented at a site, then the terrace parately. As a result, each municipality had a positive potential change
technique was first implemented, then forestland and finally grassland. value and a negative potential change value. Therefore, we separately
Assuming that suitable sites had the proper SWC techniques fully im- identified the causes of increased potential change values and de-
plemented, soil erosion at these sites would reach the minimum level creased potential change values. The regional change in P can be ex-
(Gao et al., 2016). The minimum possible soil erosion of the study was pressed as follows:
showed in Fig. 3c. n
ΔP = ∑ (Pi,2015 − Pi,2005)/Area
i=1 (3)
2.3. Calculating potential for soil erosion control
where ΔP is the regional change in P; Pi,2015 and Pi,2005 are the P values
2.3.1. Potential for soil erosion control of the pixel i for 2015 and 2005, respectively; n is the number of pixels
Potential for soil erosion control can directly show decision makers included in the calculation; and Area is the area of the corresponding
how much soil erosion needs to be controlled, which can be expressed municipality. We set |ΔP| as an independent variable and investigated
as follows: the relationship between socio-economic factors and both the positive
|ΔP| and negative |ΔP| values.
P = 1 − Amin / Aactual (2)

where P is the potential for soil erosion control (dimensionless), Amin is 2.4. Socio-economic data sources
the minimum possible soil erosion in a region (t ha−1 yr−1) and Aactual
is the actual soil erosion in the corresponding region (t ha−1 yr−1). P The socio-economic data of 50 municipalities in the study area were
ranges from 0 to 1. The P values close to 0 indicate that the actual soil derived from their corresponding Statistical Yearbooks for the period
erosion is close to the minimum possible soil erosion, reflecting that the from 2005 to 2015. We selected four demographic variables, five eco-
region has been implementing the maximum amount of suitable SWC nomic variables, four cultivation variables and two policy variables,
measures. This scenario implies that a region has no need to implement which are described in detail in Table 1. The selected socio-economic
new SWC measures and that maintenance of the current SWC measures variables were important factors influencing soil erosion or land de-
is already minimizing soil erosion. In contrast, a region has a large area gradation according to previous research (Ananda and Herath, 2003;
where SWC measures need to be implemented when the P values are Boardman et al., 2003; Halim et al., 2007; Vu et al., 2014).

L. Wang, et al. Catena 194 (2020) 104678

Table 1
Socio-economic data preparation for this study.
Variable Description Unit

Demographic variables:
POPDEN_CHG Change in population density –
URBPOP_GR Annual urban population growth rate %
RURPOP_GR Annual rural population growth rate %
TOTPOP_GR Annual total population growth rate %
Economic variables:
GDP_CAP Gross domestic product per capita yuan/person
GDP_AREA Gross domestic product per km2 100 million yuan/
GDP_GR Annual gross domestic product growth rate %
AGR_GR Annual growth rate of gross output value of agriculture %
AGR_CAP Mean annual gross output value of agriculture per capita yuan/person
Cultivation variables:
SOW_RATIO Ratio of sown area of crops to land area of the whole district. Sown area of crops refers to area of all land (cultivated or non- –
cultivated area) sown or transplanted with crops that are harvested within the calendar year by agricultural products. The main
crops include cereals, beans, tubers, oil crops, cotton, sugar, herbs, vegetables and melons.
SOW_GR Annual growth rate of sown area of crops %
GRA_ AREA Grain (including cereals, beans and tubers) output per km2 t/km2
GRA_GR Annual growth rate of grain output %
Policy variables:
GOV_AREA Mean annual government input in afforestation per km2 yuan/km2
GOV_CAP Mean annual government input in afforestation per capita yuan/person

2.5. Data analysis thus, it would be almost impossible for 100% of the study area to ex-
perience a soil erosion rate of less than 500 t km−2 yr−1. Therefore,
We used partial least squares regression (PLSR) to identify the socio- using P instead of the actual soil erosion rate to assess the current status
economic factors that were most strongly associated with ΔP rather of soil erosion would more effectively identify areas that do require soil
than to predict ΔP. A preliminary analysis indicated that many socio- erosion control, so that resources can be used rationally.
economic variables showed strong collinearity (Table S1). PLSR is Fig. 4 illustrates that the P throughout the study area generally
especially useful when predictors are highly correlated, and it has re- decreased from 2005 to 2015, and the P in the southwest was generally
cently been widely used in ecology, hydrology and soil research (Shi higher than that in the northeast. We classified the P into four levels:
et al., 2013; Trap et al., 2013; Zhang et al., 2015). In the PLSR model, 0–0.1, 0.1–0.3, 0.3–0.6 and 0.6–1 through field surveys and re-
R2 indicates the goodness-of-fit; Q2 is the cross-validated R2, which commendations from local decision makers to represent extremely low,
indicates the goodness of prediction. Moreover, cross-validation is used low, moderate and high P, respectively. In 2015, more than 40% of the
to determine the appropriate number of components in the PLSR model, study area still had a high P (Fig. 5). Specifically, in the 0–500 t km−2
and a component is significant when Q2 > 0.05 with 100 observations yr−1 soil erosion class, more than 50% of the study area had extremely
or less. PLSR can calculate the relative influence of each independent low P, and the proportion of the area with high P decreased from 36%
variable by the variable importance of projection (VIP), and in- in 2005 to 28% in 2015 (Fig. 5), implying that a greater reduction in
dependent variables with a VIP > 1 are the most significant. In this erosion was achieved in regions with less severe soil erosion. In con-
study, two PLSR models were constructed to investigate the main socio- trast, in the regions with soil erosion rates greater than 500 t km−2
economic drivers of the positive |ΔP| and the negative |ΔP|. The PLSR yr−1, which covered more than 75% of the study area, had high P
was run in SIMCA 14.1 (Umetrics AB, Sweden). (Fig. 5). The P scarcely changed when the soil erosion was greater than
2500 t km−2 yr−1 throughout the ten-year period, and more than 96%
3. Results of these areas had high P. Although the regions with soil erosion greater
than 2500 t km−2 yr−1 accounted for less than 10% of the total study
3.1. Dynamic changes in the potential for soil erosion control area, the erosion in this area accounted for 55% of the total soil erosion
(Table 2). These results indicated that more attention should be paid to
The soil erosion rate was calculated for 75% of the hilly red soil erosion control in severely eroded areas. Although soil erosion control
region of southern China (600,000 km2 out of a total of 796,000 km2) in these areas is difficult, once a reasonable treatment is carried out, a
after removing regions that were not sensitive to soil erosion, such as substantial amount of soil erosion can be reduced.
lakes and rivers. The soil erosion rate of 500 t km−2 yr−1 is given as the The changes in the P from 2005 to 2015 are shown in Fig. 6. The
tolerable soil erosion rate of the red soil region of southern China based change in P from −1 to 1 was divided equally at intervals of 0.05, and
on standards for classification and gradation of soil erosion (SL190- the number of grid cells in an interval can be obtained by considering
2007) published by the Ministry of Water Resources of China. both the amount of change in potential and the initial value of the
According to the minimum possible soil erosion rate, the soil erosion potential (P2005) (Fig. 6). The P did not change in approximately 21% of
rate was less than 500 t km−2 yr−1 over more than 80% of the study the study area from 2005 to 2015 (Fig. 6). The P changed slightly by
area when the maximum amount of suitable SWC measures were im- approximately 0.05 in more than 50% of the study area, as reflected by
plemented (Table 2). The comparison of the area that experienced less peaks 2 (Fig. 6a). We speculated that these small changes were caused
than 500 t km−2 yr−1 of soil erosion in 2015 with the area of minimum by climate fluctuations or low-intensity human interference. In con-
possible soil erosion indicated that approximately 10% of the study area trast, peaks 1 and 3 in Fig. 6a show remarkable changes in the P, which
can reduce its soil erosion rate to less than 500 t km−2 yr−1 if the were greater than 0.8. We attributed the remarkable changes in P to the
maximum amount of suitable SWC measures are implemented strong influence of human activities because strong human disturbance
(Table 2). These results indicated that the implementation of suitable usually leads to concentrated and dramatic changes. We focused on the
SWC measures can efficiently reduce soil erosion, but the reduction is remarkable changes in the P associated with strong human interference,
limited by natural conditions such as topography and precipitation; which often leads to damage to ecosystems that are difficult to restore.

L. Wang, et al. Catena 194 (2020) 104678

Table 2
Analysis of minimum possible soil erosion rate (Amin) per class and actual soil erosion rate (Aactual) per class in 2005 and 2015 (in whole study area of 600,000 km2).†
Soil erosion class Amin Aactual in 2005 Aactual in 2015
t km−2 yr−1
% of % contribution to total erosion % of % contribution to total erosion % of % contribution to total erosion
total area total area total area

0–500 81.24% 92.91% 67.92% 13.86% 71.53% 14.63%

500–2500 16.34% 6.95% 24.80% 30.92% 21.80% 31.19%
2500–5000 1.65% 0.14% 4.01% 16.35% 3.79% 17.40%
5000–8000 0.30% 0 1.64% 12.00% 1.52% 12.41%
8000–15000 0.17% 0 1.17% 14.48% 1.01% 13.95%
> 15000 0.30% 0 0.46% 12.38% 0.35% 10.42%

Tolerable soil erosion rate < 500 t km−2 yr−1 (based on standards for classification and gradation of soil erosion (SL190-2007) published by the Ministry of
Water Resources of China).

Moreover, we investigated the relationship between remarkable socio-economic data, the remarkable increase and decrease in P were
changes in P and socio-economic development to avoid the irreversible aggregated at the municipality level to obtain the positive |ΔP| and the
ecological damage caused by socio-economic development. The amount negative |ΔP|, respectively. A summary of the two PLSR models con-
of area with remarkable changes in P covered 23% of the study area, of structed separately for the positive |ΔP| and the negative |ΔP| are
which 16% of the areas had reduced P and 7% had increased P. Ac- presented in Table 4. The two PLSR models were statistically sig-
cordingly, the main socio-economic factors that led to the increase and nificant, but their predictive power was low (R2 was 0.37 for the po-
decrease in P can be identified separately, which will be discussed in sitive |ΔP| and 0.28 for the negative |ΔP|). In this study, we aimed to
detail below. identify factors that influenced the positive and the negative |ΔP| rather
than to predict ΔP. The most significant predictors of the variability of
3.2. Socio-economic determinants of soil erosion control potential the positive |ΔP| were URBPOP_GR, RURPOP_GR, the mean annual
gross output value of agriculture per capita (AGR_CAP), the ratio of
Table 3 shows the statistical analysis results of the selected socio- sown area of crops to land area of the whole district (SOW_RATIO), the
economic factors. The total population (TOTPOP_GR) grew slowly, and grain output per km2 (GRA_AREA) and the mean annual government
the corresponding population density (POPDEN_CHG) did not change investment in afforestation per km2 (GOV_AREA) (VIP > 1) (Table 4).
substantially during 2005–2015 (Table 3). More specifically, the urban In contrast, the most significant predictors to explain the variability of
population (URBPOP_GR) increased at a rate of 3.15%, while the rural in the negative |ΔP| were URBPOP_GR, the gross domestic product per
population (RURPOP_GR) decreased at a rate of 1.61% (Table 3), which capita (GDP_CAP), the gross domestic product per km2 (GDP_AREA),
indicated that a large number of rural populations were converted into SOW_GR, GOV_AREA and the mean annual government input in af-
urban populations in conjunction with the urbanization process in forestation per capita (GOV_CAP) (VIP > 1) (Table 4). These results
China. The annual growth rate of the GDP (GDP_GR) during 2005–2015 indicated that the main factors that led to increased soil erosion were
was very high, and the average growth rate reached 11.73%. The an- different from the main factors that caused decreased soil erosion, and
nual growth rate of the gross output value of agriculture (AGR_GR) also there were no such types of socio-economic factors that showed an
grew rapidly in these ten years. The annual growth rate of the sown absolute advantage in affecting soil erosion changes.
area of crops (SOW_GR) and of grain output (GRA_GR) were −0.05%
and −0.40%, respectively, indicating that the sown area of crops and 4. Discussion
the grain output were slightly reduced. During 2005–2015, the Chinese
government had different levels of capital investment in afforestation in 4.1. The potential for soil erosion control associated with socio-economic
various municipalities. The mean annual government investment in development
afforestation was 13990.30 yuan/km2 and 47.05 yuan/person. Ad-
ditionally, these socio-economic factors showed correlations among Population pressure has always been considered an important factor
themselves (Table S1). affecting soil erosion, but the relationship between population dy-
We focused on regions where the P remarkably changed from 2005 namics and soil erosion is still uncertain (Ananda and Herath, 2003;
to 2015, which was reflected by peaks 1 and 3 in Fig. 6a, and the Halim et al., 2007; Jorgenson and Burns, 2007; DeFries et al., 2010; Vu
corresponding data points are shown in Fig. 7. To match the scale of et al., 2014). Table 4 indicates that the impact of changes in the total

Fig. 4. Hotspot maps for soil erosion control potential (P) in 2005 (a) and 2015 (b) that were created with kernel density estimates.

L. Wang, et al. Catena 194 (2020) 104678

Fig. 5. Percentage of soil erosion control potential (P) (0–0.1, 0.1–0.3, 0.3–0.6 and 0.6–1) in different soil erosion classes in 2005 (a) and 2015 (b).

population on ΔP was not significant due to the low total population population growth increased the positive |ΔP| (Table 4) because rural
growth rate; however, population dynamics in rural and urban areas population growth is considered to be positively related to the like-
were both highly correlated with ΔP, and these effects were in opposite lihood of deforestation for settlement and extensive agricultural pro-
directions. Previous studies have highlighted that it is crucial to con- duction (Jorgenson and Burns, 2007). In particular, farmers experien-
sider changes in rural populations and urban populations, especially in cing poor economic conditions will be more dependent on natural
combination with national development and domestic institutional resources for survival (Ananda and Herath, 2003). Poor farmers are
changes (Jorgenson, 2006; Jorgenson and Burns, 2007). Rural more inclined to cut trees or collect litter as fuel, leading to soil surface

Fig. 6. The area of change in soil erosion control potential (P) as a percentage of the total area during 2005–2015: (a) for the whole study area; (b) for peak 1 and (c)
for peak 3. Peak 1 and peak 3 represent the remarkably increased and decreased soil erosion control potential during 2005–2015, accounting for 7% and 16% of the
study area, respectively.

L. Wang, et al. Catena 194 (2020) 104678

Table 3 Table 4
Statistical analysis of the socio-economic variables used as correlates with Summary of the PLSR models that evaluated the relationships between socio-
changes in soil erosion control potential (n = 50)†. economic variables and the positive |ΔP| and the negative |ΔP|. The most re-
levant and significant socio-economic variables for explaining the ΔP presented
Variable Minimum Maximum Mean Standard deviation
a variable importance of projection (VIP) greater than 1†.
Demographic variables: PLS regression parameters Dependent variables
POPDEN_CHG −0.01 0.27 0.07 0.05
URBPOP_GR 0.80 5.77 3.15 1.15 Positive |ΔP| Negative |ΔP|
RURPOP_GR −4.64 0.71 −1.61 1.01
TOTPOP_GR 0.03 2.96 0.68 0.47 Number of saved components 1 1
Economic variables: R2 0.37 0.28
GDP_CAP 11438.18 77176.85 32641.58 17352.56 Q2 0.25 0.23
GDP_AREA 0.03 1.38 0.16 0.22
GDP_GR 8.72 15.25 11.73 1.52 VIP
AGR_GR 4.91 12.09 8.81 1.60 Demographic variables:
AGR_CAP 834.31 5583.99 2417.77 924.06 POPDEN_CHG <1 <1
Cultivation variables: URBPOP_GR 1.31 (−) 1.31 (+)
SOW_RATIO 0.10 0.72 0.30 0.13 RURPOP_GR 1.71 (+) <1
SOW_GR −6.81 11.40 −0.05 2.45 TOTPOP_GR <1 <1
GRA_AREA 449.85 700.95 565.73 53.86 Economic variables:
GRA_GR −7.97 3.54 −0.40 2.32 GDP_CAP <1 1.57 (−)
Policy variables: GDP_AREA <1 1.16 (−)
GOV_AREA 2746.35 34194.71 13990.30 8051.81 GDP_GR <1 <1
GOV_CAP 2.39 122.14 47.05 28.66 AGR_ GR <1 <1
AGR_ CAP 1.10 (+) <1

Abbreviations for the socio-economic variables are shown in Table 1. Cultivation variables:
SOW_RATIO 1.75 (−) <1
SOW_GR <1 1.12 (+)
exposure and thus the exacerbation of soil erosion (Halim et al., 2007). GRA_ AREA 1.42 (−) <1
Limited educational resources and inaccessibility to information in poor GRA_GR <1 <1
rural areas constrain farmers’ perceptions of erosion and conservation Policy variables:
GOV_AREA 1.00 (−) 1.64 (+)
(Halim et al., 2007). However, with sufficient capital input, population
GOV_CAP <1 1.78 (+)
pressure can also lead to improvements in agricultural practices and
investment in land conservation practices to alleviate the burden on †
(+ or −) refers to the trend of the standardized regression parameters.
land resources (Boserup, 1981; Deshingkar, 2012). Abbreviations for the socio-economic variables are shown in Table 1.
In contrast, urban population growth significantly reduced the po-
sitive |ΔP| and increased the negative |ΔP| (Table 4), because urban during 2005–2015 (Table 3), which is likely due to the transfer of the
people are less dependent on land and have a stronger sense of en- rural population to urban areas. Rural-to-urban migration could pro-
vironmental protection than rural people. Moreover, it is worth noting vide an opportunity to reduce rural population pressure and con-
that southern China experienced slight declines in rural populations comitant environmental degradation (Deshingkar, 2012; Li et al.,

Fig. 7. Notably increased and decreased soil erosion control potential (P) during 2005–2015 extracted from peak 1 and peak 3 based on Fig. 6. Points represent
changes in P at the pixel scale, and bars represent the area of notably increased and decreased P as a percentage of the corresponding city area.

L. Wang, et al. Catena 194 (2020) 104678

2017), which is one of the important reasons for the negative correla- measures is influenced by slope length, the hydrologic connectivity of
tion between urban population growth and the positive |ΔP| (Table 4). catchments and the time of use and the spatial distribution of SWC
Rural-to-urban migration is positively associated with education levels measures, etc (Smets et al., 2008; Maetens et al. 2012; Poesen, 2018).
(Jorgenson and Burns, 2007). In southern China, people who migrate to These factors need to be considered when assessing and improving the
cities tend to be younger adults who are generally more educated than effectiveness of SWC measures. Fig. 5 shows that regions with more
those remaining in rural areas. Education is generally believed to im- severe soil erosion had greater P, although regions with severe erosion
prove rural economies and reduce the excessive dependence on natural accounted for a small area (Table 2). The control of soil erosion in these
resources. However, after young people receive an education, many erosion hotspots remains a major challenge. The combination of hard
prefer to work in cities rather than in rural areas. Women and the el- engineering approaches such as check dams and retention ponds and
derly with low education levels are the main labour force in rural areas soft engineering approaches such as live vegetation and brush layers
(He et al., 2009; Chen et al., 2014). As a result, old farming methods made from live plant cuttings is considered a good way to carry out
and minimal awareness about the protection of land resources result in ecological restoration of erosion hotspots (Stokes et al., 2014). These
soil erosion (Ananda and Herath, 2003; Halim et al., 2007). selected soil erosion control measures would reduce hydrologic con-
The mean annual GDP growth rate (GDP_GR) was 11.73% (Table 3), nectivity and trap large volumes of sediment if they are implemented at
indicating that southern China’s economy developed rapidly during the optimal spatial locations in a catchment, which can be an alter-
2005–2015. GDP_CAP and GDP_AREA were negatively correlated with native strategy to prevent the negative effects of soil erosion (Mekonnen
the negative |ΔP| (Table 4). This result is likely because soil erosion et al., 2015).
mainly occurs in rural areas, while the rapid growth of GDP was mainly Table 4 shows that socio-economic factors can significantly affect
occurred in urban areas (World Bank and the Development Research soil erosion. Consequently, decision makers must consider both tech-
Center of the State Council, P. R. China, 2014) and GDP growth in nical and socio-economic factors when conducting soil erosion control
urban areas did not mitigate the soil erosion in rural areas. However, (Fu, 2020). On the one hand, China's rapid economic development
economic growth increases the possibility of government investment in (Table 3) will put pressure on the environment; on the other hand, it
erosion control. Previous research has demonstrated that people in will allow more funds to be invested in environmental governance.
countries that cannot afford soil conservation measures are more likely Table 4 demonstrates that afforestation from the government is most
to cause erosion (Borrelli et al., 2017). The Chinese government has effective to reducing soil erosion, emphasizing that government deci-
invested substantial manpower and material resources to control soil sion-making is crucial for mitigating soil erosion. Previous research has
erosion, but due to data restrictions, we calculated the government found that in comparison to poor farmers, wealthy farmers are more
investment in afforestation only during 2005–2015. The VIP values of willing to cooperate with the government to carry out water con-
GOV_AREA and GOV_CAP were the first and second largest, respec- servation measures (Ananda and Herath, 2003). However, to promote
tively, among the selected factors affecting ΔP (Table 4), indicating that SWC techniques, many governments in developing countries have
the impacts of government investments in afforestation on soil erosion provided direct assistance to farmers, but the results are not satisfactory
control were profound and robust. (Ananda and Herath, 2003). Governments need to understand how to
Additionally, AGR_GR was positive (Table 3), and the increase in change the behaviours and perceptions of farmers into means of
AGR_CAP accelerated the positive |ΔP| (Table 4). Some studies have achieving public policy and subsequently how to mobilize farmers to
shown that rapid urbanization has increased the demand for agri- actively participate in SWC, rather than simply subsidizing them.
cultural and timber products, which motivates farmers to intensify Moreover, the increasing scale of operations in agriculture with eco-
agriculture and convert forest or productive vegetation areas to agri- nomic growth would gain better land protection and economic benefits
cultural land, inducing a ‘tele-effect’ on deforestation and forest de- than smallholder operations. The government should consider these
gradation in rural or remote areas (Cardille and Bennett, 2010; DeFries factors and support farmers to form a feedback process for the future
et al., 2010; Vu et al., 2014). However, this scenario is different from development of national policy.
that in southern China because the sown area of crops and the grain
output slightly declined (Table 3). Moreover, farmland abandonment is 5. Conclusions
widespread mainly because the income of farmers working in the city is
much higher than that of farming farmers, and the rotation of agri- In this study, we proposed a new index P to evaluate the degree of
cultural land is heavily restricted under a collective landownership soil erosion control. P can be used to identify areas that exceed the
system (Yan et al., 2016). The reason why AGR_CAP increases the po- tolerable soil erosion rate but have little potential for erosion control,
sitive |ΔP| is because many of the land areas that were originally used that is, investments in soil erosion control in these areas would prob-
to grow food crops are now used to grow high-profit cash crops, such as ably not achieve the soil erosion alleviation goal. Moreover, we in-
sugar cane, which easily causes soil erosion. The positive |ΔP| was vestigated the dynamic changes in the P during 2005–2015 in the hilly
negatively correlated with the ratio of sown area of crops to land area of red soil region of southern China and identified main socio-economic
the whole district (SOW_RATIO) (Table 4), because a larger SOW_- factors influencing ΔP. The results demonstrated that soil erosion de-
RATIO represents a higher multiple cropping index when it was un- clined during 2005–2015, but the 30% soil erosion rate of the study
likely to expand agricultural lands. The positive |ΔP| decreased as grain area was still larger than the tolerable soil erosion rate (500 t km−2
output per km2 (GRA_AREA) increased (Table 4), indicating that ad- yr−1 for the red soil region in southern China) and accounted for almost
vances in agricultural technology will achieve synergy between in- 85% of the total soil erosion. By using P instead of the actual soil ero-
creasing production and protecting soil. These results emphasized that sion, we found that the reduction in soil erosion is limited by natural
if economic growth can provide more positive feedback to rural areas, conditions, so that it would be almost impossible for 100% of the study
such as increasing farmer incomes and promoting environmentally area to experience a soil erosion rate of less than 500 t km−2 yr−1,
friendly farming methods, then it will help control soil erosion. which would avoid waste caused by excessive governance. We classi-
fied P into four levels: 0–0.1, 0.1–0.3, 0.3–0.6 and 0.6–1 to represent
4.2. Future challenges for soil erosion control extremely low, low, moderate and high P, respectively. More than 40%
of the study area still had a high P in 2015. Moreover, high P was
Soil erosion control was effective from 2005 to 2015 (Table 2) and concentrated in areas with high erosion rates, indicating that the
was closely related to the application of many SWC measures. Assessing amount of soil erosion will be greatly reduced in the severely eroded
the effectiveness of different SWC measures is a prerequisite for the areas if measures are appropriate.
rational deployment of these measures. The effectiveness of SWC The PLSR models explained 37% and 28% of the variations in the

L. Wang, et al. Catena 194 (2020) 104678

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