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Unhealthy or spoiled food is the major cause of diseases in humans.

To prevent this the food needs

to be preserved in a variety of ways. Food preservation started long back in the ancient times.
Among the oldest methods vof preservation are drying ,refrigeration and fermentation. Modern
methods include canning ,freezing , irradiation and vacuum packing. These preservation methods
help inhibit bacterial growth and other types of spoilage making the food safe to eat in the future.
Food preservation methods range from the simple process to more complex procedures . Therefore
the aim of this essay is to provide a detailed account of the process of food preservation.

Food preservation refers to the processes used to prepare food for safe, long term storage ,whether
it will be used at home , commercial kitchen or to sell directly to consumers ( Burton-
Hughes ,2018).According to Wikipedia; Food preservation involves processes that make food
more resistant to microorganism growth and slow the oxidation of fats. This slows down the
decomposition and rancidification process. According to M, F Sancho Madriz( 2003) Food
preservation is the application of science based knowledge and procedures to prevent deterioration
and spoilage of food products and extend the shelf life while assuring consumers a product free of
pathogens and microorganisms . Therefore food preservation is a common method to maintain the
quality of foods under certain conditions.There are several ways food can be preserved,below are
some of the food preservation methods.

It is the simplest method,this is also known as dehydration .This method is ana ancient method
used for food preservation. In this process food items are dried,water increases and it stops
bacterial growth. The drying process can be done by bed dryers, fress- drying,spray drying and
commercial food dehydrators. This method can be done through a variety of methods, including
sun drying, oven drying, and freeze-drying. In this method the weight of the food products
becomes lighter which makes products transportable. Food items such as fruits, vegetables,
mushrooms,meat and many more are preserved by this method . Drying can also be used to
preserve herbs, spices, and flowers. Dried foods can be stored for long periods of time without
losing their flavor o nutritional value. When rehydrated, they can be used in recipes in the same
way as fresh foods.Drying increases the shelf time of food products.

It is one of the earliest recognized forms of food preservation. Adding salt to food triggers a
process of osmosis, which causes water to flow from an environment with a low salt concentration
to one with a higher concentration. In this way, salt removes water from food, inhibiting the
growth of micro-organisms. In high concentrations it can even destroy bacteria cells although by
this point the food is likely to be unappetizing.There are two forms of salting which are dry curing
and wet curing.Dry curing is when you apply salt to the food such as meat and leave it to draw the
water. Wet curing , better known as brine is when you mix salt with water and add food to the
liquid to preserve it . Food is placed in cans .Excessive salt consumption can be harmful so one
should follow suitable salting recipes .There is also need to use salt specifically designed for
picking or a kosher salt. Food such as vegetables, some fruits fish, meats and many more can be
preserved by this method.The salting method of preservation has been used for centuries to
prevent spoilage, reduce waste, and ensure a stable food supply. It is a reliable and versatile
technique that has stood the test of time as a preservation method.

Sugaring is a food preservation method similar to pickling. Sugaring is the process of desiccating
a food by first dehydrating it, then packing it with pure sugar. This is a common preservative used
in jam and jellies. When sugar is added to foods it binds to the water in the foods reducing the
amount of water that is available for the growth of microorganisms . When foods are placed in a
concentrated sugar solution water is drawn out of the cells of foods and microorganisms so that
microorganisms can no longer survive.By reducing water activity and creating an inhospitable
environment for microbial growth, sugar acts as a natural preservative. It not only enhances food
safety but also contributes to the taste, texture, and color of preserved foods. Sugar can be in
granules, sugar syrup,honey or molasses. Fruits like apples and plums and vegetable like carrots
are sugared to make jams and relishes. Sugar and salt can also be added to brine to preserve
certain fish or meats. Foods that can be sugared are fruits like apples, peaches,plums, apricots,
cherries and more preserve well when sugared. Vegetables like ginger and carrots are commonly
sugared and used for relishes and condiments. When preserving using this method following
suitable sugaring recipes is important inorder to avoid excessive amounts of sugar. This method
has been employed for centuries to prevent spoilage, reduce waste, and ensure a stable food
supply. It is a reliable and versatile technique that has stood the test of time as a preservation
method. Sugaring can also be combined with other preservation methods to prevent spoilage, such
as acidity and other additives.

In this method food is preserved by removing the oxygen that is a basic need of micro
organisms.This method can be used with other methods such as sugaring,salting or with acid
because some organism can still grow in the absence of oxygen. Food items such as
jams,juices,vegetable,fruits and many more can be preserved by this method. This method is
suitable for preserving both high and low acidic foods and is essential for preserving low-acid
foods such as vegetables, meats, poultry, and seafood.The canning process can be done using a
boiling water bath method for highly acidic foods or a pressure canning method for low-acid
foods.When canning one should select good quality food that is still within it's best.Purchase
suitable jars and self sealing lids specifically designed for canning. Old peanut butter jars should
not be reused because they won't ensure an airtight seal . Purchase a canning rack .It is important
to use proven recipes from reliable sources, as these recipes have been tested for safety and
quality. Follow every step to make sure the canned foods preserve safely. If improperly canned
food containing. C botulinum may produce toxins that cause botulism poisoning , a rare bt life
threatening condition. Meat,fish, fruits can be preserved by canning.

Storing food at low temperatures is the simpliest and often safest way to store many types of
food . Chilling is a long-established food preservation process that produces high-quality,
nutritious foods with a relatively short storage life. It is still believed to be one of the most
important methods in food production and preservation. The process of chilling is distinct from
freezing, as chilling preserves food for a short period of time, while freezing preserves food for a
longer period of time by reducing temperatures below their freezing point. Unlike freezing,
chilling does not form ice crystals, and it is used to maintain the quality and freshness of food
products without causing significant changes in their nutritional and sensory value.Fridges
preserve the quality and safety of food because of cold temperatures bacterial growth slows and
spoilage is minimised. Depending on what type of food it can last between a few days and a few
weeks in the fridge before the texture and taste deteriorates. To safely refrigerate food ,the fridge
should be set at a temperature between 1°c and 4°c , food for commercial use should be stored
under 8°c. Avoid overloading the fridge or placing food in front of the cooling unit. Ensure that
ther is plenty of room between foods to allow air circulation Pay attention to fod labels, foods with
the nearest best before or use bt dates should be placed at the front . Use the first in first out
method. Many foods, such as meat, fish, dairy products, and fresh produce, require refrigeration to
maintain their quality. In addition to refrigerators, chilling can also be achieved using other
methods, such as iceboxes, blast chillers, and vacuum-insulated panels.

This is a modern version of food preservation. The freezing method of preservation is the process
of lowering the temperature to inhibit microorganism growth, thereby preserving food. Freezing is
considered the easiest, most convenient, and least time-consuming method of preserving
foods.Freezing provides an excellent means of preserving the nutritional quality of foods .At
subfreezing temperatures the nutrient loss is extremely slow for the typical storage used in
commercial trade. Freezing food properly can make it last for a long time. To optimise the freezer
to preseve ensure its set at the right temperature freezer s should be set at -18°c and -22°c.
Fresh,unpacked or precooked foods should be stored in freezer bags or airtight containers before
being put in the freezer. Do not freeze food after its best before date. Once defrosted do not
refreeze the food because bacteria can grow while the food item is thawing. Label food with the
date it was frozen . Food items such as sliced vegetables, berries, carrots,peas and many more are
preserved by this method.It is a convenient method, as it does not require any special equipment or
added ingredients. However, freezing can cause a loss of texture and flavor, and it can result in
nutrient loss.

Freeze drying
Freeze drying, also known as lyophilization, is a method of food preservation that involves
freezing the food and then removing the water content using a vacuum. Freeze drying is away of
dehydrating food ,raw foods comprise around 80-95% water. This water freezes bt bound water
doesn't. When freeze drying food all freeze water and some bound water must be removed . To
Freeze dry food ,the food must be freezes first under atmospheric pressure. Then comes the
primary drying stage where all frozen free water is removed . Once this is done the product is
dried out in the secondary drying stage,this removes the remaining bound water. Freeze drying is
a highly effective method of food preservation that retains the nutritional value, color, taste, and
appearance of foods. It is widely used in the food and pharmaceutical industries and is known for
its ability to extend the shelf life of a wide variety of foods. This method allows the food to be
stored at room temperature without spoiling, and it also preserves the shape, texture, and flavor of
the food. Freeze drying is often used for fruits, vegetables, and meat, and it can also be used to
preserve dairy products, eggs, and even vaccines and medications. Freeze dried food can be stored
for up to 25 years, and it can be rehydrated with water to return it to its original state.

Ionizing radiation
Ionizing radiation is an interesting method of food preservation that involves exposing food to a
source of radiation, such as gamma rays, electron beams, or X-rays. Irradiation is used for
eliminating parasites reducing pathogenic bacteria and a extending the shelf life cycle of food
items .This method kills microorganisms and destroys enzymes, which helps to prevent spoilage.
Ionizing radiation can also be used to reduce the number of insect pests in food. This method is
often used for spices, herbs, and grains, as well as for fruits and vegetables that are difficult to
preserve using other methods. Like pasteurizing milk and canning fruits and vegetables,
irradiation can make food safer for the consuming. Food irradiation is a processing and
preservation technique with similar results to freezing or pasteurisation. During this procedure, the
food is exposed to doses of ionising energy, or radiation. While ionizing radiation is effective at
preserving food, it can also change the flavor and texture of the food.

Vacuum Packing
Vacuum packing is a food preservation technique that involves removing air from the packaging
before sealing the product in a low-oxygen permeability pack. Vacuum packing deprived bacteria
of oxygen bt creating an air tight atmosphere . While food might not last fo as long as canned
foods , vacuuming still extends it's storage life for much longer than keeping food in the fridge or
cupboard. Vacuum unlike canning preserves without the need for another ingredients.The vacuum
pump pulls air out of the pack, ensuring the packing material remains in close contact with the
food item, negating the formation of any air pockets between the food item and the packing
material. This method is widely used in both domestic and commercial spheres and has emerged
as one of the most popular packing methods. Vacuum packing helps preserve food by removing air
from the bag it is stored in, getting rid of oxygen which affects food in various ways including
odor, color, taste, and texture, and allows for longer storage. It greatly reduces the bulk of non-
food items and can be used to store dry foods over a long period of time, such as cereals, nuts,
cured meats, cheese, smoked fish, coffee, and potato chips. Additionally, it can also be used to
store fresh foods, inhibiting bacterial growth and extending their shelf life.

Fermentation is a process in which microorganisms, such as yeast or bacteria, convert sugars in
food into acids, alcohol, or gases. This process preserves the food by making it less hospitable to
spoilage microorganisms. While fermentation is an ancient method of food preservation, it is still
widely used today. Fermentation in food preservation is a method that was primarily developed for
the stabilization of perishable agricultural produce. This method has a has been used to produce a
wide variety of foods and beverages, including cheese, yogurt, beer .Fermentation not only
preserves food but also enhances the nutritive value of the food, as many enzymes and probiotics
are created during the process. Fermented foods are rich in beneficial probiotics and have been
associated with a range of health benefits, from better digestion to stronger immunity. The process
of fermentation involves the conversion of carbohydrates to alcohol or organic acids using
microorganisms—yeasts or bacteria—under anaerobic (oxygen-free) conditions. This process acts
as a natural preservative and gives fermented foods a distinct zest and tartness, while also
promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria, known as probiotics.

Smoking is the process of flavoring, browning, cooking, or preserving food by exposing it to
smoke from burning or smoldering material, most often wood. Smoking is a process of treating
fish by exposing it to smoke from smouldering wood or plant materials to introduce flavour, taste,
and preservative ingredients into the fish. This process is usually characterised by an integrated
combination of salting, drying, heating and smoking steps in a smoking chamber.The smoking
process allows cured meats, poultry, game and seafood to be subjected to smoke in a controlled
environment. The smoke is produced by smoldering hardwood chips, vines, herbs, fruit skins, or
spices. This smoke influences the flavor, aroma, texture, appearance and shelf life of foods.The
wood smoke contains a large number of anti microbial compounds that slows the rancidification
of animal fats.

This method is carried out to remove microbes from food. Sterilization requires heating to
temperatures greater than 100°c ,for example milk sterilization at 100°c kills the microbes ,canned
fish,baby food in jars and bottled milk. Sterilization food preservation involves the complete
destruction or elimination of all viable organisms in or on a food product being sterilized. Factors
influencing the time and temperature required for sterilization include the type of microorganisms,
the size of the container, the acidity or pH of the food, and the method of heating. This method is
used for various food products such as milk, juices, beer, and more.

In addition there are chemical methods of preservation which includes food preservatives and anti
microbials. There are 3 types of chemical preservatives used for food preservation. These are
Benzoates such as sodium benzoate, sulfites such as sulphur dioxide and nitrite such as sodium
nitrite. Before adding any chemical preservatives food goes through various processes like
irradiation, cooking or pasteurizatin in which ionizing radiations, heat and high energy which lill
bacteria and fungi that increase the shelf life of food. Food items such as cereals ,jams,meat,juices
and many more can be preserved by these chemical preservatives.

In conclusion ,These methods of preservation plays a prominent role in food preservation and
some of these methods have been used for centuries to ensure the durability and safety of food
products. Food preservation gives the food more variety and extends shelf life. It also cuts down
on food wastage and amexpans the supply of food when these methods of preservation are done

Britannica science/chemical/ preservative

Burton-Hughes L (2018) Food preservation methods and guidance ,High speed training

Embibe https//

Gragg S .E and Brashears M.M (2024) Encyclopedia of meat sciences 3rd Edition


https://www.home preserving bible .com/ 2247 food preservation

Niakosari M and Greiner R (2018) Innovative technologies for food preservation

Sancho-Madriz M .F( 2003) Encyclopedia of food science and nutrition 2nd edition

Science direct https// food preservation

Shah M.A and Mir S.A (2022)Plants extracts; Application in the food industry

Shi C and Zhong J (2023) Advances in food and Nutrition research

Wikipedia; https// food . preservation

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