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Reading- the act of decoding the letters, characters and symbols that were
Writing- The process of choosing the appropriate letters, character and
symbols to be written.

2 main Characteristics that must be present in writing

1. Form
2. Content

6 Writing Process
1. Prewriting - invention or brainstorming stage
Prewriting Strategies
A. Brainstorming
B. Clustering
C. Free writing
2. Organizing- arranging the ideas and thought in a sensible order
Outline- the skeleton of your text
3 Types of Outline
A. Topic outline- list topics in words and phrases
B. Sentence outline- each topic and subtopic are presented in complete
C. Paragraph outline- a type of sentence outline wherein it contains the
3. Writing
Characteristics of an Effective Paragraph
A. Unity
B. Coherence
3 Parts of a Paragraph
A. Topic sentence
B. Supporting details
C. Clinching sentence

2 Methods in Achieving Coherence

A. Orderly movement
A.1 Chronological Order - what comes first
A.2 Spatial Order - ideas are arranged from nearest to farthest
A.3 Logical Order- order of importance
A.3.1 deductive - general to specific
A.3.2 inductive- specific to general
B. Structural Device
B.1 use of pronouns
B.2 repetition of words
B.3 transition words
4. Revising
5. Editing
6. Writing the Final Draft

Patterns of Development in Writing

Patterns of Development- The text types or the techniques that the writers
use in developing ideas that are logically arranged.

1. Narration- It gives a written account of an event or simply story

Narrative Devices
A. Flashback- reflect the past events
B. Foreshadowing- present hints to future events
C. Backstory- story behind a story
D. Figurative language/figures of speech- personification, simile, metaphor
2. Description - It provides specific details about what something looks,
smells, tastes, sounds or feels like and its characteristics.
Imagery- A language that stimulates the reader’s senses.
Visual Imagery
Olfactory Imagery
Auditory Imagery
Tactile Imagery
Gustatory Imagery
2 types of description
A. Objective- Type of description wherein the writer presents impartial and
actual picture of the subject without biases and excluding personal
impression of the subject.
B. The writer gives personal impression on the subject
3. Classification- This pattern organizes ideas into categories or
divisions based on criteria and standards.
4. Definition - This pattern tells what a word means to have a clear
understanding of any words especially technical words.
Connotation- implied meaning
Denotation- dictionary Meaning

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