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A Comparative Study of Online and Modular learning as Perceived by the

Students of General Emilio Aguinaldo National High School

In Partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the subject

June 2021




Statement of the Problem…………………………………….................5

Objectives of the Study………………………………………………...…6

Significance of the Study………………………………………….…...…6

Time and Place of the Study……………………………………………..7

Scope and Limitation of the Study…….………………….....................7

Definition of Terms………………………………………………………..7-9

REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE …………………………………..…… 10-17


Research Design……………………………………………………...…...18

Sources of Data……………………………………………………………19

Data to be gathered…………………………………………………….....19




According to UNICEF data Because of the unprecedented educational

problems posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 90% of nations have

enacted some type of remote learning policy. This factsheet estimates the potential

reach of digital and broadcast remote learning responses, finding that at least 463

million students around the globe remain cut off from education, mainly due to a lack

of remote learning policies or lack of equipment needed for learning at home.

It is critical to determine the characteristics and quantity of students who did

not benefit from these remote learning policies in order to improve the policies. This

factsheet aims to assist policymakers in making decisions that will guarantee more

student have access to an education during the COVID-19 epidemic and beyond by

revealing which school student did not have access to digital or broadcast remote

learning alternatives during school closures. For upper secondary education, the

most popular option was digital teaching, which was used by 77% of across


As reported by Rappler, despite the fact that the coronavirus has infected

over 322,000 persons in the Philippines, the Department of Education reports that a

total of 24,723,533 elementary and high school pupils in public and private

institutions would resume classes on Monday (DepEd). The Department of Education

has turned to remote learning in response to President Rodrigo Duterte's demand for

schools to postpone face-to-face lessons until a coronavirus vaccination is ready

(Magsambol, B. 2020).

Online Learning courses are entirely online, giving students a huge amount of

versatility (Stafford Global 2020). They have control over where, when, and how they

learn. Live online sessions are possible, but they are never face-to-face. Students

enrolled in Online Learning courses have access to a Virtual Learning Environment

(VLE) – such as Moodle, Collaborate, Google Classroom, Google Meet, Zoom, or

Blackboard – where they can view recorded lectures, activity they need to comply.

As mentioned by Blayce Malaya 2020 Modular distance learning, online

distance learning, and television/radio-based instruction are three types of this

modality. This works best with self-directed learners who are supervised by parents

or guardians. Distance learning is typically used by people who live in rural areas and

are unable to attend conventional classes, students who are employed, and

businesses who need to train their employees According to Pimentel-Tibon, A. J. A.


The concept behind distance learning is simple: you can teach remotely using

technology and allow your students to finish their assignments from anywhere in the

globe. This is especially valuable during periods when kids are unable to physically

attend school, such as during severe snowstorms — or, as is the case right now,

amid statewide lockdowns due to a pandemic. Distance learning may also be

employed in everyday situations, and it has a number of advantages and benefits

over traditional techniques. Mary Dean, 2020 states some benefits of Distance

Learning. Students and professors can attend "school" from anywhere in the globe

through a distance learning program. Because all work and instruction is done

remotely, there is no need to plan transportation. It can save your school time and

money and because there are no district boundaries to adhere to, distance learning

provides students and instructors with additional learning possibilities. Schools that

allow students to participate in distance learning reap several benefits for the

administration, students, and teachers. Distance learning has several advantages,

including freedom, flexibility, accessibility, and cost- and time-effectiveness.

The researcher’s aims to determine the similarities and differences of Modular

and Online Learning as perceived among Junior High School students in Gen. Emilio


Aguinaldo National High School. Despite of all the difficulties during modular and

online class it may give benefits to students to gain more knowledge using those

alternative modes of learning. And also for students to discover, assess, develop and

adopt the new normal about the delivery of learning modalities. And based on the

perceptions of High school students, teacher can improve and find an effective way

of teaching online classes. The same with modular class to select the best teaching

tools and materials that can be used by the students.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims the Comparison of Online and Modular learning as

perceived by the Students of General Emilio Aguinaldo National High School.

Main Problem: Comparison of Online and Modular Learning

Specifically the following problems were answered;

1. What modality of Distance Learning was most used by the


2. What difficulties experienced by the students in:

a. Online learning; and

b. Modular Learning

3. What were the student’s perception of Online and Modular



Objectives of the Study

To find out the Comparison of Modular and Online Learning as perceived

by selected students of General Emilio Aguinaldo National High School.

1. To determine what modality of Distance learning is most use by students;

2. To compare what difficulties experienced by students in:

a. Online learning; and

b. Modular learning

3. To analyse students perception of Online and Modular Learning

Significance of the Study

This study considered as significant to the following:

 For the Students, to learn and adopt the learning modality in which

they gain new knowledge.

 For the Parents, to easily decide on choosing an efficient, comfortable

and suitable delivery learning modalities for their children.

 For the Teachers, to improve and use a new teaching strategies in

any different distance learning modalities.

 For the Readers, to explain an explicit meaning of both modular and

online as distance delivery learning modalities.

 For the Future Researchers, to elaborate, contribute, and at the

same time to give other related reliable sources regarding to their



Time and Place of the Study

This study will be conducted from morning shift (9:00-10:00) which is for

modular students then, afternoon shift (2:00-3:00) for online class students of

General Emilio Aguinaldo National High School.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The aim of this study is to compare learning delivery modalities as perceived

by the selected students from online class and modular class in Gen. Emilio

Aguinaldo National High School. This study will focus only for selected grade 10

students, Grades 7, 8 and 9 are excluded.

Definition of Terms

 Asynchronous Learning- takes place on your timetable. While your course

of study, teacher, or program will supply reading materials, lectures to watch,

assignments to complete, and examinations to take, you can access and

complete these requirements on your own time as long as you meet the

required dates.

 Blended Learning- is generally applied to the practice of using both online

and in-person learning experiences when teaching students. In a blended-

learning course, for example, students might attend a class taught by a

teacher in a traditional classroom setting, while also independently completing

online components of the course outside of the classroom.


 Covid-19- Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is defined as illness caused

by a novel coronavirus now called severe acute respiratory syndrome

coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2; formerly called 2019-nCoV

 Distance Learning- Distance learning, also called distance education, e-

learning, and online learning, form of education in which the main elements

include physical separation of teachers and students during instruction and

the use of various technologies to facilitate student-teacher and student-

student communication.

 E- learning- e- learning, or electronic learning, is the delivery of learning and

training through digital resources. Although eLearning is based on formalized

learning, it is provided through electronic devices such as computers, tablets

and even cellular phones that are connected to the internet.

 Modular Learning- Modular learning is a form of distance learning that

uses Self-Learning Modules (SLM) based on the most essential learning

competencies (MELCS) provided by Dep-Ed. The modules include sections

on motivation and assessment that serve as a complete guide of both

teachers’ and students’ desired competencies.

 Online Distance Learning- is entirely online, giving students a tremendous

amount of freedom. They have control over where, when, and how they study.

Live online sessions are possible, but they are never face-to-face.


 Pandemic- an epidemic of a disease that spreads across a large geographic

region (such as many nations or continents) and affects a large proportion of

the population.

 Perceived- to become aware of or comprehend; to consider as such; also

becoming aware of via the senses.

 Remote learning- in a typical classroom setting, the learner and the

instructor, or knowledge provider, is not physically present. Technology is

used to transmit information, such as discussion boards, video conferencing,

and online examinations.

 Synchronous learning- Synchronous learning is real-time learning. This

implies that at a certain moment, you, your students, and your instructor

communicate in a virtual location.

 Virtual learning- It is a learning experience that is improved by the use of

computers and/or the internet both outside and within the educational

organization's premises. The majority of the time, the training takes place


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Distance Learning

For many decades, education was delivered by a teacher standing in front of

students who sat in uniform rows at their desks. The teacher's technology consisted

of a stick of white chalk and a slate blackboard on which she would write the day's

teachings. The instructor was to be the information disseminator, and the pupils were

to be sponges, soaking up as much as they could from what they saw on the

chalkboard or read from traditional textbooks (Jill Friestad-Tate et. al 2014, May). As

the Covid-19 arises there is some alternative learning modality or what we called

distance learning.

Distance learning allows students to enroll in an institution that does offer a

certain degree or course if their local university or school does not. Students using

remote teaching have access to materials and studies that they would not have

otherwise. For students who work part-time, the more casual timetable of remote

learning is preferable than a rigid classroom timetable. It’s beneficial for students who

live in remote areas or disabled individuals who can’t commute for in-person learning.

Distance learning, on the other hand, has its drawbacks. Classroom learning appears

to be simpler for both students and teachers than remote training. Online tools,

software, and video teleconferencing are all used in distance learning. The

disruptions will interfere with the completion of schoolwork if a teacher has

connectivity troubles or if pupils do not have access to Wi-Fi. Many students also find

that the distractions of a remote learning environment make it difficult to focus on

studies. Chen, C. (2021, March 4).

N. Kofahi et. al. (May 2004) Distance learning (DL) is a method of delivering

education in which students are not required to be physically present in the same

area as the instructor. This method of continuing education and professional


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preparation in diverse practical courses allows the student community to contribute

positively to their individual communities. As a result, the most crucial aspect of DL is

not the system itself, but rather the people who will be learning from it. For the

special and unforeseen future situations of the each nation, the beginning and

development of public oriented forms of DL education has become vital. Indeed DL

education is effectively adopted worldwide in countries as diverse in political and

social systems as Australia, Indonesia, Pakistan, Britain, Thailand, China, Canada,

India, Holland, Japan and the common wealth independent countries. This type of

education teaches kids how to learn on their own while also improving their

intellectual and cognitive ability.


Distance or correspondence courses delivered through the Internet are

referred to as online learning. Online learning courses are available in a wide range

of disciplines, audiences, and pricing points. This educational technique is gaining

popularity as a cost-effective way to provide instruction to a wide number of people

(Najib A. Kofahi and Nowduri Srinivas, N. N. October 2010).

As claim by Armstrong, D. D. (2011) the key motivations for pursuing online

education, according to all 16 participants, were flexibility and self–control within the

learning environment. Participants thought online learning was a handy alternative to

traditional classroom learning, but they said it came at a cost: in gaining

independence and self–directed learning, they were losing direction from and

communication with instructors. This trade off was thought to reduce the educational

and academic value of the learning experience in some cases. Academic value was

regarded by these individuals to derive from peer and instructor contact and


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involvement. Participants stated that, without the need for teacher leadership, online

learning allows for a more surface– or strategic–oriented approach to learning than is

possible in a regular face–to–face classroom setting.

A research conducted by the Distance Education Center at the State

University of West Georgia According to the findings of a study of 128 students,

students who learn online have a major advantage over those who learn in

conventional methods. These benefits include time savings, improved scheduling,

and the ability for students to enroll in more classes. Another study from MERLOT

Journal of Online Learning and Teaching prove that there is compelling evidence that

online learning is at least as successful as conventional instruction. It shows that it is

an effective method of teaching.

After traditional classroom learning, students find it challenging to adjust to an

online learning environment. They are unable to adapt to commuter-based learning

due to the unexpected change. Students who have always studied in a traditional

classroom setting find it difficult to concentrate on online platforms. It is critical that

they adopt the new learning environment with open minds. Many students may not

have access to a high-speed internet connection, which is necessary for online

learning. As a result, they are having difficulty having virtual learning and other

platforms that require an internet connection. They have technical problems since

they are unfamiliar with technology and computer programs. The difference between

a fast and slow internet connection can have a big impact on how quickly you get

things done. In today's environment, a lack of computer education is a serious worry

(Anu V. 2021, April 27).

Online learning requires a time management planner to effectively manage

their time. Unlike traditional classrooms, online learning allows you more flexibility in

scheduling. However, some people have trouble adjusting to the time commitment


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required for online learning. Students start losing hope once they find difficulty in

online learning. It requires motivation to complete tasks and engage students with

their learning. Lack of motivation is a common challenge for all students.

According to Arinya Talerngsri 2019 One of the most significant issues is that

most online learning is one-way. Between the learner and the teacher, there is no

interaction. The experience will be vastly different, and many students may find the

shift challenging. The motivation issue is the second issue with online learning. Some

online learning courses might become boring after a while, while others can be tough

to get started with. Physical isolation has the drawback of preventing direct

knowledge sharing. There may be forums and online groups dedicated to the subject

you're researching, but they aren't always as active as you'd want.

Students in the elective course evaluated the online learning modules much

higher in terms of being "an effective method to learn" and "fun," according to a

research by Smart, K., and Cappel, J. J. (2006). Students’ Perceptions of Online

Learning 210 more in favor of using the online units again in this course in the future.

In conclusion with this study it has merely fair findings would lead some readers to

doubt the benefit of combining online learning modules into a traditional course. The

ultimate challenge in educational research is how to enhance instructional designs

and technologies in both online and face-to-face situations to maximize learning

opportunities and successes. The circumstances for effectively encouraging online

success, in particular, have yet to be thoroughly explained. One of the most essential

advantages of these online modules was that it gave most students their first taste of

e-learning. Only around 4% of participants had finished an online course at the MVU

website before, and only around 17% had finished an online course at another site.

As e-learning becomes more widely used in business and industry, new college

graduates will be required to study on the job in an online setting. Students received


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experience with e-learning through this project, which will help them be more

productive with it in the future.


Students can choose the courses, activities, or projects that are actually

necessary for their personal growth and/or academic needs in modular education.

There is no "one-size-fits-all" mentality here; instead, each student is treated as a

unique individual who is free to study the modules that interest him or her (Tarantin,

A. October 2020).

Modular teaching is one of the most widespread and recognizes teaching

learning techniques in many countries including other Western countries and Asian

region ( Sadiq, S., & Zamir, S. 2014, January 1). Modular approach is used almost in

all subjects like natural science, specifically in biology and medical education

and even in social sciences as well as in computers education ( Manlove and

David 1985). It considering the individual differences among the learners which

necessitate the planning for adoption of the most appropriate teaching techniques in

order to help the individual grow and develop at her/his own pace (Kandarp Sejpal


According to a Department of Education (DepEd) study issued on Thursday,

July 30 2020, modular learning is the most desired method of doing distant learning

for the coming school year. Parents were asked about their chosen alternate learning

modality during the remote enrollment period, which ran from June 1 to July 15. The

DepEd said that 8.8 million parents picked printed modules, followed by blended

learning (3.9 million parents), online learning (3.8 million), educational television (1.4

million parents), radio-based teaching (900,000 parents), and other modalities not

defined by the agency(500,000 parents). Parents would be required to participate


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actively in the learning process in a distant learning strategy. They'd be the ones to

help and lead their kids through the modular lessons that would be given to students

while they were performing remote learning (Magsambol, B. 2020, July 30).

As stated by FRIESTAD-TATE, et. Al. (2014) in their study Gahutu (2010)

investigated the use of modular learning in a physiology course at Rwanda's National

University. Students said they learned best when the teaching was less theoretical

and they could work through material in small groups or through demonstrations.

However, students will need more access to outside materials, such as those

available through the library and the Internet, to make the problem-based approach

viable. Overall, Rawandan pupils preferred the modular, self-directed approach to

learning over the more typical classroom approach.

Wenner, Burn, and Baer (2011) demonstrated that students did better in

remedial math courses when the math was taught in the context of application to

geoscience in a study conducted at an American Community College and a

RESEARCH PAPERS 36 i-Journal manager's on School Educational Technology,

Vol. 9lNo. 4l March-May 2014 regional university. The researchers looked at two

different types of remedial math courses. Wenner et al. discovered that the modular

approach was successful in a remedial math course, but that the success “depends

less on institution type, course characteristics, the number of quantitative concepts

covered, or grading stakes and more on instructional methods that lead to higher

levels of student participation and completion.” Instructor participation was beneficial

since it featured a proper introduction to the courses as well as advice on how to

navigate the testing sites and learning management system. It was also discovered

that instructors emphasized the importance of instructors reinforcing the modules'

adequacy in assisting students in passing the post-module tests. Students felt better

about themselves, their performance, and their chances of success as a result of this

optimism, and were more motivated to finish the courses. Finally, students were more


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likely to finish modules when instructors emphasized the connection between what

they were learning and how it applied to real-world challenges.

A study of Ibyatova, L., Oparina, K., & Rakova, E. (2018, May 25) stated that

the number of elements in the module and its content are determined by the entry

test and depend on the level of knowledge and specialty of each student. The

student passes a modular block and a whole module to the teacher at their own pace

of work on the material, it is done by means of entry, intermediate and final testing.

One of the main advantages of the modular approach in teaching is that the time of

working on the module is student-specific and it can take the most advanced

students only 1-2 months to complete the module compared to 4-5 months of the

semester within a framework of the traditional system of University Education the

study's findings demonstrate that using a modular approach to teaching can help

students improve their knowledge. The modular method to teaching has been

demonstrated to be helpful in improving student knowledge and critical thinking.

A study from American Journal of Educational Research, 2014, Vol. 2, No. 11,

1126-1130 shows that in the study's findings suggest that instructional modules in

materials science and engineering are helpful for students' knowledge adaption, are

appropriate for their level, and are accepted by faculty assessors. This demonstrates

that the assessors believe the module is extremely beneficial to the course and that it

stimulates students' learning. The instructional module confirms that the module's

appropriateness, development, and grasp of competency are effectively identified, as

it aided students' cognitive capacities and knowledge of topics. In terms of the

success of the program, there is no substantial difference in evaluations between

student respondents and faculty and student respondents in the effectiveness of

module. Moreover, there is a significant positive relationship between the faculty and

student respondents’ evaluation. As it improves students' knowledge and critical


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thinking, the instructional module has been proven to be successful in teaching and

stimulating critical thinking in a cohesive academic pursuit.

The National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad studies conclude

that the results drawn from statistical analysis and findings of their research are the

following: First Modular teaching is more effective in teaching learning process as

compared to ordinary teaching methods because in this modular approach the

students learn at their own pace. Second It is free self-learning style in which

immediate reinforcement, feedback is provided to practice exercise, which motivate

the students and create interest in them. And last, Modular approach helps to

maximize the chances of student participation in classroom in respect to fulfil the

given tasks at the spot. So the students feel free to learn in their own style.

According to Mean-Chin 2020, there are common disadvantages and

difficulties using modular distance learning. Technical Element – this has been the

most substantial issue of distance learning. Technicality involves the availability of

devices both for students and teachers. These are Mobile phones, Computers,

Laptops, Printers and Internet Connection. Self-Learning Module’s Reliability – being

the pivotal instrument of this new norm, it’s content should meet the standard

learning capacity of a student. Given that these instructional materials will be assess

by students on their own, mostly. Sense of Authority– as mentioned, the luxury of

being less pressured. Parents become teachers, but do not see to be as one. Focus,

concentration, and the comfort of studying at home with less or no supervision at all.

Students tend to divert their attention instead of focusing on and prioritizing their

home schooling first. Parent’s / Guardian’s Educational Background- it may sound off

but let’s face the reality that not all parents are well equipped with proper education.

These are only a few of the challenges faced by the Philippine Education System's

so-called New Normal. The hasty determination of our country’s readiness to adapt


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to the new norm is way off. Our children may be adjusting from the traditional school

set up they were used to. So as parents and guardians, the devotion in giving them

the support and guidance will be of big help. Proper time management and discipline

will be the most engaging tools for our students to pass through this.


This chapter presents the procedure that the researcher followed to attain the

objectives of the study.

Research Design

Quantitative researches were applied to determine the comparison between

Online and Modular Learning as perceived by the selected students of General

Emilio Aguinaldo National High School.

The quantitative researches were applied in the study. Quantitative

researches employ strategies of inquiry such as experimental and surveys and

collect data on predetermined instruments that yield statistical data (Creswell, 2002).

Aliaga and Gunderson (2002) states that the quantitative research is an inquiry into a

sociable problem, describe phenomena by gathering numerical data that are

analyzed using mathematically structured methods, for example in statistics.

To determine the comparison between Online and Modular Learning as

perceived by the selected students of General Emilio Aguinaldo National High

School, the researcher will conduct a survey questionnaire test.

The researcher will analyze the gathered data and compare the result to determine

the comparison between the effectiveness of Online and Modular Learning as

perceived by the students of General Emilio Aguinaldo National High school.


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Sources of Data

Both primary and secondary data will be used in the study. The primary data

will be acquired from the questionnaires answered by the participants that contain

specific questions needed in the study. Questionnaire is the main instrument for

collecting data in survey research. Basically, it a set of standardized questions often

called items which followed fixed scheme in order to collect individual data about one

or more specific topics. (Lavrakas, 2008)

On the other hand, the secondary data will be collected through previous

studies and internet resources that are important and relevant to our study.

The participants of the study will be the selected students of General Emilio

Aguinaldo National High School who are currently enrolled in Online and Modular

Class this academic year 2020-2021. The researcher believed that their participation

will be a great help in conducting this study.

Data to be gathered

The procedure started through thorough data gathering of related studies


In order to gather accurate information, the researchers made a survey form

questionnaire for the respondents of this study.

The researcher will gather information through sending Google sheet

document to the respondents through the means of private message in messenger.

The researcher will wait for one week and collect the questions from the

respondents through messenger.


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