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t was a momentous day when my office received a call from Dr
Verghese Kurien's office inquiring if the head of the ad agency
would be willing to meet at an appointed time to discuss the brief
about launching a new brand in India. At that time, I was heading
the Ahmedabad office of Mudra Communications, one of the leading
advertising agencies in India.

I had always heard about Dr Kurien but never had the opportunity to
meet him. Therefore, the phone call and the consequent invitation to
work with him were music to my ears. I headed to Anand on the said
day and was escorted to the office of the great man. Upon taking a
seat, I waited for him to speak. Dr Kurien said, "You have heard of the
brand AMUL {who hadn't, I thought to myself!). I want to launch a
brand in India, in the edible oil category, and I would like your agency
to handle the advertising."

I was surprised for a minute. I thought he would give us a product,

under the AMUL brand, to handle, but that was not the case.
Nevertheless, the chance to work with Dr Kurien was not to be
missed, and I quickly gathered my wits and thanked him for the
opportunity. The brand we launched for National Dairy Development
Board (NDDB) was 'Dhara'. But that is another story.

Working with Dr Kurien was a dream come true. He indeed proved the
point that good clients beget good advertising. The amount of respect
he gave us as advertising professionals and the freedom he afforded
us to do our work encouraged us and motivated us to deliver our best.
Notwithstanding this, he had a keen eye for good work and spoke his
mind as and when he felt the need. We learnt this the hard way when
he rejected some of our finished work. Working with him also brought
us in contact with some fine professionals like the late Mr J J Baxi,
Mr BM Vyas and Mr RS Sodhi. {The three successive Managing
Directors of Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation {GCMMF)
-the marketing and distribution arm of the brand AMUL).

AMUL as a brand always fascinated me. It has also driven the point
that advertising works! In my marketing and advertising career, I
have realised that each brand presents its own unique story and the
reasons for its success. Indeed, the general principles of success in
marketing, branding and advertising apply to all successful brands.
Typically, the Product, Pricing, Placement and Promotion (4Ps of

Marketing) should be from the point of view of the target consumer.
However, as in all other cases, my focus, in this case, will be from the
promotions and communications perspective.

The story of AMUL began in 1946 with Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. He

wanted the farmers to determine their future in the procurement,
processing and marketing of milk, thus eliminating the intermediaries
and ensuring a fair price and product. Two important individuals then
entered the scene: Mr Tribhuvandas Patel, who organised the co-
operatives and Dr Kurien, who provided technical support. ("GCMMF
the Amul model," 2018)

Dr Kurien was not a marketing or advertising professional. He was a

visionary who saw the importance of marketing and branding. In one
of his conversations with me, he had confided that one of his best
decisions was to create a brand called AMUL, which resides in the
minds of millions of consumers and has indeed become a part of their
daily lives. To this end, he realised the importance of marketing and
communications and the role of a professional advertising agency in
creating a brand.


The soul of any brand is formed from the vision and mission of the
brand. Very clearly, the vision of AMUL was to empower the farmers
in such a way that they could have complete control of the procurement,
processing and marketing of milk and other milk products. The
instruments would be developing co-operatives for milk procurement,
establishing state-of-art production and processing factories, and
setting up a marketing organisation GCMMF to market the products.

The mission of the brand AMUL was thus to fulfil this vision by
providing quality products at a reasonable price. This would ensure
that farmers got a fair price for their products and consumers got
quality products at an affordable price.

In the early 1940s, milk was primarily sold as a generic product. The
sector was largely unorganised. Milk was delivered at doorsteps by
local vendors. It was often adulterated with water to fetch a better
margin for the seller. Quality was primarily compromised. Few private
vendors such as Polson (a famous brand for butter) did exist. They

bought the milk from local farmers at rock bottom prices and sold it
to consumers at a hefty margin, thus denying both the farmers and
the consumers a fair price. It was against this background that the
cooperative movement emerged, and the brand AMUL was born.
The size of the market at that time was around 17 million tonnes,
with a growth rate of approximately 17.65% each year. ("OGD
platform India," 2015)

From the beginning, Dr Kurien realised the importance of branding
for the new product to be introduced. Therefore, there was a need to
develop a meaningful brand name, give the brand a true identity, and
develop a good positioning strategy. Towards this end, he realised the
importance of marketing and communications. He knew that this had
to be handled professionally, and therefore employing a professional
advertising agency to do the job was vital.

In Dr Kurien's words: "I realize how wise a decision it was to give

complete freedom to the ad agency to do its job professionally. I never
interfered with their work, and the results are before you. They have
done an exemplary job."


The creation of AMUL's brand identity started with its significant
brand name. The brand name stems from the Sanskrit word Amulya,
which means priceless. Incidentally, it is often interpreted as the
acronym for Anand Milk Union Limited. The brand AMUL was
registered in 1957.

The typeface of AMUL is distinctive, as also the colour scheme. The

logo seems to be hand-lettered. The design was traced to make a
smooth outline. Moreover, the AMUL logo palette has only one colour,
which is Candy Apple Red. A brand identity manual guides the brand
custodians and is strictly implemented by them across the company.

mul 33

In 1966, the advertising for AMUL butter was handed over to an

agency whose manager was Mr Sylvester da Cunha. AMUL butter was
positioned rather uninspiringly at that time as "processed from the
purest milk under the most hygienic conditions by a dairy cooperative
in Gujarat." While this did create some positive equity for the brand,
it was pretty clear that some pep was indeed to be injected into the
communication," Mr da Cunha said.

The line "Utterly Butterly Delicious," was then coined, and the agency
went on to create the now famous moppet "The AMUL Girl," who
has been the spokesperson for the brand for several decades. The girl
represents not only AMUL butter but the range as well. As Dr Kurien
aptly put it: "The AMUL Girl has given the brand just the image we
had in mind -that of a precious-priceless product that the consumer
could trust completely." ("AMUL (1967-2012)," 2012)

The Taste of India

Having created the AMUL girl and the line"Utterly Butterly Delicious,"
the ad agency decided to test its impact on a few lamp-post boards in
Mumbai. The response was immediate: "How cute." The agency chose
to use it Outdoors to deliver the campaign. (Dacunha, 2012)

In most FMCG products, the Outdoor is used as a reminder mainly because

of the nature of the medium. It offers the consumer at best a fleeting
glance. Hence, content either in terms of visuals or in terms of text is
kept at a minimum. However, for the AMUL brand, Outdoor was
intended to be more than a reminder. It would convey a topical
message each time.

Unlike a newspaper that reports news, AMUL's Outdoor ads made
a statement on each situation in a tongue-in-cheek kind of way.
However, what was interesting was how the ads connected these
situations to the brand. Thus, the Outdoor campaigns of AMUL over
the years were indeed a chronicle of milestones in India's history.
This helped the brand connect through the Outdoor medium with
the Indian consumers like no other brand in the Indian marketplace.

The Outdoor medium remained the bedrock of AMUL's campaigns

over the years. No wonder, therefore, the Print form was generally
used as an extension of the Outdoor campaigns rather than the other
way around. Specifically, the Outdoor billboards linked all its brands
with exciting events in India in a fun way. My friend and former
colleague, Mr Santosh Desai, aptly highlighted this in the book titled
AMUL's India.


AMUL's OOH and print ads are always eye catchy and revolves around
the current affairs.
1.AMUL's first advt. with chubby girl asking for bread & butter.
2. Rahul Gandhi hugging PM Modi just as AMUL butter hugs bread.

Give us this day

our daily bread:
with {\mul Butler

vely lovely tOvel,

rest ream gt B.fe
I pr/rise t6 he &g
I(an ave if Pery 1a,


Embracing ya embarrassing;

Starting with milk and butter, AMUL's product range has expanded
to milk powder (AMULYA), infant milk substitute (AMULSPRAY), Ultra
High Temperature (UHT) Milk, flavoured milk, fresh cream, sweeten&,,
milk, condensed milk, chocolates, cheese, yoghurt (dahi), cottage
cheese (paneer), energy drinks, beverages etc.


• Butter • Mill<
• Ghee • Chocolate
• Ice cream • Packaged Food
• Ethnic sweets • Yogurt

Umbrella Branding is about marketing a range of products with the

same brand name. One basic principle to remember is that Umbrella
Branding works if the brand's core value can be leveraged seamlessly
across all the products under that umbrella.

AMUL's Core values can be summed up in adjectives like purity,
taste, fair price and trustworthiness as there has been no change in
its formulation/ingredients. For AMUL, all its products reflect these
values, and thus Umbrella Branding makes sense. Umbrella Branding
also leads to savings in media costs - It is far more expensive to
advertise each product separately than advertise them all under a
common brand name. There is, of course, the question of whether
this renders each product the needed share of voice in its respective
product categories.

One possible danger of Umbrella Branding is that the failure of one

product or its erosion of equity due to some mishap can negatively
impact other products under the Umbrella Brand. The question,
therefore, is always one of weighing the advantages with its
disadvantages and then taking a conscious decision.

As can be seen, Umbrella Branding was the path taken by AMUL. To

my mind, this was one of the most crucial strategic branding decisions
of AMUL, and they have stood their ground over the years. The current
positioning of the brand "The Taste of India" reflects this strategy.

Over the last seven decades, AMUL has established itself as a

dominant FMCG brand in the Indian marketplace through its
marketing and communications efforts. With milk and milk-based
products as its focus, AMUL is the dominant brand in most of these
product categories. It later diversified into bakery products such as
cookies and bread. Though there were product line extensions, the
brand's core values remained constant: purity, taste, fair price and

Today, with a turnover of INR 38,542 crores, we may say AMUL is

rightly a national brand. With taste at the forefront of its core value
proposition, AMUL appropriated the dominant position in its domain
through the line "The Taste of India." (GCMMF, 2020)

AMUL's core advertising strategy consisted of the following:

• Corporate Advertising
• Product Range Advertising
• Product Advertising

Over the years, AMUL has practically used every tool in the IMC basket to
promote its products. We will discuss these tools and their usage for
corporate and brand promotion across different product categories.

-.4 putiiaty


Source: Advertising & Promotions: An IMC Perspective by

Shah K. and D'Souza A (Shah & D'Souza, 2009. p.51)

This was the first product to be launched and the raison d'etre for
the brand. The availability of milk affects the production of AMUL
products. One of the conscious strategies of AMUL was to first cater
to the milk market and then to the other product categories
depending on the availability of milk.

After AMUL's successful foray into the milk market, the late Prime
Minister, Mr Lal Bahadur Shastri, mandated the Anand experiment
to be replicated across the country.

Thanks to the cooperative movement and the support from the

government, India has not only succeeded in becoming self-sufficient
in milk production and supply but also has become the number one
producer of milk in the world.

The consumer

State [O·OP. Mill<

Marl<eting Federation

District Mill<
co-operative union

Village Dairy

, Milk Producer

The total milk market is estimated at around INR 8 lakh Crores,
equivalent to 188 million tonnes of milk production annually. As in
most product categories in India, there is an organised sector and an
unorganised sector. The organised sector is estimated to constitute
around 40 % of the total market. ("Milk is India's largest crop," 2018)

The leading players in the organised sector are as follows:

Market Share -Organised Sector


0.2 0.1
14 ~
1.6_/ ✓-
1.6 I 1.6
1.2 16 1.7 1.7

■ Amul ■ Mother Dairy Nandini ■ Aavin ■ Vijaya Mahanand I Sara>

I Milma I Verka Heritage ■ Tirumala ■ Paras Komatha L ArkV@
Aarey Sudha l Sanchi Vita ■ Omfed Metro Dairy u! MS
I Nestle ■ Britannia ■ Anikspray Other

Source: Euromonitor International

The local milkmen largely dominate the unorganised sector. Here, the
quality of milk is uncertain. However, many consumers still buy milk
from such sources with the belief that their milkman is trustworthy.
Besides, specific consumers prefer fresh milk to packaged milk.


The central theme of AMUL's advertising for its milk was to establish
it as a trustworthy quality product.

In 1976, filmmaker Shyam Benegal, inspired by the co-operative
movement, which ushered in the White Revolution, made Manthan,
featuring Girish Karnad, Naseeruddin Shah and Smita Patil. The film,
which won critical acclaim, brought Rajkot's Sanganva village to the
world's notice and allowed 1,200 residents to claim their share in the
White Revolution. The title song of the film, adapted from a folk song,
was later used by GCMMF in 1996 to create the corporate television
commercial for AMUL. (Rupera, 2011)

The Manthan commercial had more emotional appeal than a product

appeal. In the new commercial, the lines "Khush Rahe Tera Beta Beti"
(May your son and daughter be happy) show how a child's nutrition
requirements to an urban mother are met because of a rural mother,
the AMUL Manthan.

AMUL became the unanimous voice of the nation in this classic
commercial. From AMUL butter to AMUL ice creams to AMUL
chocolates, this advertisement connects all the products in the AMUL
basket to India's diversity. These videos take us back to our childhood
memories when watching programs such as Zee Horror Show, Surabhi,
Mahabharat and Ramayan on TV.

AMUL also created product advertisements, which were to-the-point

yet straightforward. Broadly, each product advertisement highlighted
the core values of AMUL viz. Purity, Taste, Fair Price and Trustworthiness.

All the television commercials can be found in Annexure 2. Following

is the storyboard of one of the televison commercials, which is
popularly known as New AMUL Manthan.


The AMUL ads have often been described as one of the best Indian
advertising concepts because of their humour, puns being their forte,
and their penchant for capturing current events to drive home a point.

A small song and some voice-over designed to create a distinctive
'feel' for the promotion over the radio. The audio ads also end with
AMUL's famous signature "Utterly Butterly Delicious-AMUL."

Film starts with a scene of sunrise and Scene shows a woman in a village takit±
music of New AMUL Manthan playing in care of her cattle, who works in dairy
the background
industry (music continues)

Village women take the milk cans to sell The women see a truck going to the cit)
the milk. Everyone has a big smile on their where the milk is delivered (music..)
face (music...)

She sees the urban children drinking milk Seeing the smiling face of children, mak
to stay fit and healthy (music...) her feel happy and content (music...)

Amul- The Taste Of India (Mero Gaam)- New Ad 2011 https:/ / '

Another working woman from the urban Rural women are also seen working
area is also drinking milk and thanking the on computer for better future and are
rural woman for it (music...) delighted to see the urban woman happy

On the other hand, a child is seen enjoying Two rural women click a picture of the
his ice-cream, made from the same milk child licking the ice-cream while eating it
(music...) (music...)

Every nor1lg
CIOt'@■ t.'lf h11JIOO!'l
the Taste of lndlo
that bring»
ecororle Independence
to .JO Inc won'lon
ucrO!i't tG.000 vlllut}cl!L
i<hunk• ht
the co-operative
moment ml]ord

Scene showing AMUL's contribution in Ad ends with a picture of Smita Patil,

making 30 lac village women independent filling audience with nostalgia of an old
and celebrating their success (music...) AMUL Ma nth an ad that she featured in

Messi~s,, ~eft. larcalane!

7E.-, ipart!
( ~-.J>..'.CC•''-

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. - - ~.,~:\-
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KhUberdaar kyo nahin thhe?

ifli Safe to take home

Sanskriti Irani !
_jj _//
r RA

snackam !

Accha din-ner aaya hai !


In all cabinets !

-------- -- - - - -----------=i

ha.rat ke DoHit Kaptaan1

He led India from milk deficiency to milk

•.:·:".: Amul
5 Tribute to Dr. Kurien 011
,, his 9th death anniversary

J~mul _0uttar's ~attar / lways!

\lll""!I !'~

' /

Voyage of
Brand AMUL collaborated with the Bollywood film Piku, which
received praise from critics and fans alike. AMUL's association with
the movie revolves around milk and ice cream.

In the movie, the character played by Deepika Padukone has a hectic

life with managing work and her old father at home. It suggested that
milk helps keep her energised through the day-be it at work making
a presentation, while shopping, in the kitchen, driving, handling
household chores, etc. Moreover, Amitabh Bachchan, who played her
father's role in the movie, was a little irritable due to his old age, and
Deepika feeds him with ice cream to keep him cool. The campaign
was aired across television channels and social media platforms.
("Shoojit Sircar's Piku weaves brand Amul," n.d.)

Brand building, nurturing and reinforcing brand awareness is
pivotal to AMUL's social media participation. AMUL has attempted
to reinforce the brand recall by following the content path set by
AMUL Butter, a subsidiary brand of AMUL India. AMUL already had
a winning content tool that its brand AMUL Butter used in print and
Outdoors and at times on the web. It was not very difficult for the

A Amul.coopO
@Amul Coop

#Amul Topical: Tribute to the legendary actor!

Ganga bhi, Jamuna bhi,

dmi bhi, Vidhaata bhi,
a Ir Andaz ka Leader


3 t.4 JE?> gee
Aa]7 h4.A·y., ',i


., .·,-~.Fnf"
-( . -- ..... "" ,, ,.-~- .
8:13 PM • Jul 7, 2021 . Twitter for Android

219 Retweets 15 Quote Tweets 2,197 Likes

ii» 3 September at 20.08

The Story:


On 31st October 1964, Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri, second PM of India, inaugurated the Cattle
Feed Plant of Kaira Milk Union. Impressed by the successful co-operative model he decided to
replicate the Amul model nationwide.

. . ... 964, Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri, second PM of India,

awe Feed Plant of Kalra Milk Union. Impressed by
operative model he decided to replicate the

Z comments 63 shares

f) Like () Comment ,{> Share

Most relavant •

brand to take the content leap on Facebook. ("Social media strategy

review," 2013) In total, the brand has over 19 lakh fans on Facebook.

On Twitter, the brand almost replicated the content plan it followed

on Facebook. There was very little on this platform, which was
different from the content posted on Facebook. It had 163K followers,
which surpassed the follower base of many Indian brands.

AMUL spends less than 1% of its sales on advertising across all its
product categories. Estimating sales at around INR 38,542 crores, its
annual advertising budget would be around INR 380 crores. One of

the significant advantages of using the percentage of sales method
for budgeting is that as sales increase, the brand gets additional
thrust in terms of advertising, which helps the brand retain its
dominant share of voice in the marketplace.

It is reasonable to expect that, as a result of its advertising over the
years, awareness for the brand would be around 100%. However, the
best indication of the brand's success would be the effective use of
promotion in the Marketing Mix.

2009-10 2011-12 2013-14 2015-16 2017-18 2019-20

Total milk procurement by GCMMF (Litres in lakhs per day)

(lnfographic shared by AMUL Co-operative)

Growth 381% 38542

1 0000
2009-10 2011-12 2013-14 2015-16 2017-18 2019-20

Turnover of GCMMF (in crores) for the last decade.

(lnfograph1c shared by AMUL Co-operative) ~
3>~i,.. 0~('-1 ·~~~~,q-?)..
o .\ 00932]
/1, ., :,
AMUL's drinking-milk basket now consists of the following:
• AMUL Fresh Milk
• AMUL Diamond Milk
• AMUL Gold Milk
• AMUL Taaza Double Toned Milk
• AMUL Lite Slim and Trim Milk
• AMUL Shakti Toned Milk
• AMUL Camel milk
• AMUL Ca lei+ etc.

• AMUL Kool Milk Shakes flavours Mango, Strawberry and Banana.
e AMUL Kool Cafe
• AMUL Kool KoKo
• Amul Pro Energy Drink
• AMUL Kool Chocolate Milk
• AMUL Double Chocolate Milk Shake
e AMUL Kool Flavoured Bottled Milk, i.e, Elaichi, Kesar, Rose, and
• AMUL Kool Lassi
• AMUL Kool Thandai


AMUL Products are also available on line on platforms like Amazon,
BigBasket, Grofers, Zopnow, Myonsto, Onekirana, Dmart Ready, etc.

e GCMAMF- The Amul Model. (2018, July 18). Amul. Retrieved from http://www.
e AMUL (1967-2012): 20 utterly butterly best ads. (2012, September 10),
e Retrieved from
• Dacunha, S. (2012, September 12). The 'Utterly butterly' story. Business
Standard. Retrieved from
management/the-utterly-butte rly-story-11209120066 3_1. htm I
e GCMMF. (2018,July 27). AMUL brands. Retrieved from http:/ /www.amul.
e GCMMF:AMUL. (2020, July 18). Amul brand turnover surpasses Rs. 52,000 crore.
Retrieved from https:/ / /English _Final_GCMMF _
Press_ Release_for_Annual_General_Meeting_on_18th_July_2020.pdf
• Milk is India's largest crop worth around Rs 6.5 lakh crore, says RS Sodhi
of Amul. (2018, March o5). Economic Times. Retrieved from https://
econo mi cti mes.ind i ati mes .com Im a rkets/ ex pert-view/mi lk-is-ind i as-
I argest-crop-worth-aro u nd-rs-6-5-lak h-cro re-says-rs-sod hi-of-am u I/
• OGD Platform India, Govt. of India. (2015, June 25). Estimates of production
of milk in India during 1950-51 to 2012-13. Retrieved from https://community. dia-du ri ng-1950-51-
• Rupera, P. (2011, October 22). Amul churns the manthan commercial. The Times
of India. Retrieved from https:/ /timesofindia.indiatimes com/city/vadodara/
Am u I-churns-the-Ma nth an-comm ercia I/ a rti cl es how/ 104 57107 .ems
• Shah, K., & D'Souza, A. (2009). Advertising and promotions: An IMC perspective.
New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill.
• Shoojit Si rcar's 'Piku' weaves brand Amul into the storyline. (n.d.). Retrieved
a mul-into-the-storyli ne/
• Social media strategy review: Amul. (2013, December o3). Retrieved from
https://www.socials a mos a .com /2013/i 2/socia I-media-strategy-review-am u I/

The AMUL brand presents a fascinating case study from
both branding as well as an IMC perspective. It also provides
some critical insights into its branding and co mm unication

AMUL has demonstrated very clearly that branding starts

with a clear vision. Sometimes the vision has nothing to
do with the brand itself but provides the platfo rm fo r a
successfu l brand. The vision of the Founders was powerful
and precise, as has been illustrated in the case.

Branding starts with the creation of a strong brand identity.

In the case of AMUL, it consisted of a strong and meaningful
brand name, a clear visual identity in terms of the logo, and
the moppet's creation that added an endearing value to
the brand.

The core values of the brand were well-thought through

and sustained over time through communication.

Marketing and communication have played a vital role

in building the brand. The brand has received consistent
capital over the years.
» The decision to use AMUL as an Umbrella Brand proved
advantageous. It helped the company launch several new
products that gave the organization a considerable thrust
in terms of growing sales.

The 4Ps of marketing have been optimised well in each of

the brand's domains to compete.

The product is known for its quality through a scientific

system of raw materials, processing in state-of-art factories,
and modern packaging technologies.

The pricing of AMUL products has always been competitive,

more often lower than competing brands.

The promotion has been following its positioning strategy.

Multiple media and IMC tools have helped build the brand

♦ The distribution through its company GCMMF has been

exemplary, and the latest innovation of company outlets
has boosted its sales.

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