English 9 Q4 Module 5

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9 English

Quarter 4 - Module 5
Reacting on Lay Value Judgment
on Critical Issues that Demand Sound
Analysis and Call for Prompt Actions
English – Grade 9
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 4 – Module 5: Reacting on Lay Value Judgment on Critical Issues that Demand
Sound Analysis and Call for Prompt Actions
First Edition, 2021

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Quarter 4 - Module 5
Reacting on Lay Value Judgment
on Critical Issues that Demand Sound
Analysis and Call for Prompt Actions
Introductory Message

This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, dear learners, can
continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions, directions,
exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-step
as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each SLM.
This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module or if you need to
ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better understanding of the
lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer the post-test to self-check
your learning. Answer keys are provided for each activity and test. We trust that
you will be honest in using these.

In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teachers are also provided
to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how they can best
help you on your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part of
this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercise and tests. Read
the instructions carefully before performing each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the tasks
in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.

Thank you.
What I Need to Know

This module provides varied activities that will make you aware of the different
critical issues in our environment. This will also help you learn how to make s ound
analysis about critical issues based on others judgment.
At the end of this module, you are expected to:
 analyze the critical issues on a news article and from the illustrations;
 identify the value judgment of people in the presented critical issues; and
 give positive and negative effects of a critical issue presented in

What I Know

Directions: Read the news article below and give the details based on what is being asked.
Choose and write the letter of the correct answer in a separate sheet of paper.

DENR leads inspection of sanitary landfill in Bulacan

CITY OF MALOLOS, Bulacan — The Department of Environment and Natural Resources
(DENR) on Friday led the inspection of an engineered sanitary landfill in Norzagaray town,
this province following reports of alleged violation of environmental laws.
Tirso Parian Jr., DENR assistant regional director for Central Luzon, said the inspection was
conducted in response to the growing clamor of residents and stakeholders to resolve the
mounting garbage problem in the province.
He said they held a meeting Thursday with Governor Wilhelmino Sy- Alvarado,
representatives from the local government units (LGUs) of Norzagaray and City of San Jose
Del Monte, Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG)-Bulacan, and the
Wacuman Sanitary Landfill to discuss the waste problem.
"It was found out during the meeting that the Wacuman Sanitary Landfill in Norzagaray town
is located in Sitio Tiyakad, Barangay San Mateo in Norzagaray town that has a boundary
dispute with the City of San Jose del Monte," Parian said.
During the meeting, officials of the City of San Jose Del Monte said that the sanitary landfill
violates environmental laws, causing pollution of the river system brought about by its effluents
spilling through the city’s waterways, he noted.
“To settle the environmental issues, representatives from the said group decided to conduct
inspection on the alleged environmental violations,” Parian said.
The DENR official said they also took samples of the water downstream, midstream and upper
stream of the waterways located below the sanitary landfill to determine if it is contam inated
with effluents from the sanitary landfill.
The garbage problem in Bulacan worsened when the only road leading to the sanitary landfill
in Barangay Paradise in the City of San Jose Del Monte was closed due to severe damage
last May 24.
This forced the 15 LGUs and other private entities to look for alternate sanitary landfills outside
Bulacan that are more expensive to maintain due to higher transport and dumping fees.
June 19, 2019

1. During the meeting, officials of the City of San Jose Del Monte said that the sanitary
landfill violates environmental laws, causing pollution of the river system brought about
by its effluents spilling through the city’s waterways, he noted. What is the meaning of
underlined word?
a. wastes
b. watch fire
c. water
d. water ways
2. Tirso Parian Jr., DENR assistant regional director for Central Luzon, said that the
inspection was conducted in response to the growing clamor of residents and
stakeholders to resolve the mounting garbage problem in the province. What is the
meaning of the underlined word?
a. affection
b. appeal
c. approval
d. attention
3. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE based on the news article?
a. There is a garbage problem in Bulacan.
b. There are reports of alleged violation of environmental laws in a sanitary landfill.
c. There is a road blockage leading to a sanitary landfill in the City of San Jose Del
d. There is no conducted meeting among DENR, LGUs, and a sanitary landfill in
4. How did DENR try to resolve the problem?
a. DENR called the attention of the province’s LGUs on a sanitary landfill.
b. DENR conducted its annual meeting with a sanitary landfill.
c. DENR denied a proposal of a certain LGU on its sanitary landfill.
d. DENR inspected the sanitary landfill in Bulacan.
5. Why did DENR inspect the sanitary landfill in Norzagaray, Bulacan?
a. DENR did the inspection annually.
b. DENR prepared its monthly reports.
c. DENR provided an annual visitation.
d. DENR responded to the reports of alleged violation of environmental laws.
6. Was the action of DENR justifiable?
a. Yes, because the agency wants to be in news reports.
b. Yes, because the agency needs to prove that the alleged complaints are true or
c. Yes, because the agency is decisive in promoting its environmental advocacy.
d. Yes, because the agency helps the residents to solve the problem.
7. Who are behind the reports of alleged violation of environmental laws?
a. businessmen
b. local government units (LGUs)
c. parents
d. residents and stakeholders

8. What is the violation in environmental laws did Wacuman Sanitary Landfill commit?
a. air pollution
b. canal blockage
c. pollution to water system
d. road blockage
9. How did DENR respond to the alleged reports of residents and stakeholders on a
sanitary landfill?
a. by asking the people about the alleged reports
b. by inspecting through a water sample coming from the landfill
c. by letting the local government unit checked the sanitary landfill
d. by talking with the people in the sanitary landfill
10. Why is there water pollution around the sanitary landfill?
a. Because the sanitary landfill’s wastes run to the city’s canals
b. Because the sanitary landfill’s wastes spill out in the waterways
c. Because the sanitary landfill’s wastes are gathered in roads
d. Because the sanitary landfill’s wastes run out of water
11. What will the sanitary landfill do after the decision of DENR and LGU?
a. The sanitary landfill will hire another set of workers.
b. The sanitary landfill will open another wastes landfill.
c. The sanitary landfill will solve its problem on water pollution.
d. The sanitary landfill will get another business permit.
12. Which of the following critical issues is presented in the news article?
a. garbage collection
b. sanitary landfill
c. waste collection
d. water pollution
13. Is the action and judgment of DENR fair? Why?
a. Yes, because DENR called a meeting among the concerned people.
b. Yes, because DENR addressed the problem by itself.
c. No, because DENR only talked with residents and stakeholders.
d. No, because DENR already conducted its own investigation without the
knowledge of LGUs.
14. Why did the 15 LGUs and other private entities look for alternate sanitary landfills
outside Bulacan?
a. Because the only road leading to the sanitary landfill in the said town was closed.
b. Because they need to find cheaper cost of sanitary landfill.
c. Because the sanitary landfill itself is not anymore open.
d. Because the sanitary landfill is too small for the production.
15. If you were one of the residents in the said place where the sanitary landfill is
located, what would you do to address the problem?
a. I would ignore the waste problem of sanitary landfill.
b. I would seek a professional lawyer and sue the sanitary landfill.
c. I would report it to the local government unit.
d. I would write a letter to the concerned agency regarding the wastes’ problem.

What’s In

In the previous lesson, you learned how to judge the relevance and worth of ideas,
soundness of author’s reasoning, and the effectiveness of the presentation. You also learned
to analyze literary text and how to express opinion.
In this module, you will analyze a critical issue and give its positive and negative effect
using your sound analysis.
Directions: Using the illustration below, give your own opinion by answering the questions.

1. Is the action of the boy proper and correct?

2. Using your answer in number 1, why do you say so?
3. Explain why the boy’s action is correct or wrong.
4. If you were the boy, would you do the same thing as he did? Why?
5. If you will see someone throwing garbage anywhere, what would you do?

What’s New

Directions: Read the news bit below and try to give the answer to the questions that follow.

One of the articles circulating on social media claimed that garlic

cured coronavirus. According to some claimants of this said that this can
lower the effects of the said disease.

1. Is the news factual and correct?

2. What is your basis in identifying if it is factual or fake news?
3. How do you identify the real news from fake news?

What is It

Reacting on Lay Value Judgment on Critical Issues

that Demand Sound Analysis and Call for Prompt Actions
We are facing a world of fast-paced technology where we can see and hear information
and viewpoints and we are not sure if there is truthfulness or not in everything we read or hear.
In choosing what we read, we must analyze the thing that we see and check if this is
true or not.
We need to analyze information objectively and make a reasoned judgment or sound
analysis. This means that we need to be critical thinkers in evaluating the sources like data,
facts, observable phenomena or research findings before we give opinions and make actions.
Critical issues are given below. Let us test if you can come up with sound analysis.
Analyze the situations with the given questions.
Remember to think critically and analyze the issue thoroughly.

Example 1: A photo of a well - respected celebrity went viral for her revealing swimsuit attire
during a family gathering.

1. Is the photo being posted original and not edited?

2. How and where did your friend get the picture?
3. Is the originated source where the picture was taken, legal and safe?
4. Is the photo appropriate to the occasion? Why or why not?

Your answers to the given questions for Example 1 made you think critically and
directed you to analytically judge the presented situation.

If the viewer thinks that the celebrity's attire is suited for the occasion, then the viewer
made a positive judgment. On the other hand, if the viewer believes that the photo is malicious,
then he/she gave a negative judgment.

Example 2: You heard that earthquake hit Malolos City but, because you were not able to
listen from a radio or watch a television, you just called a friend living there and verified if it is
really true.

1. Is the action in the situation correct? Why or why not?

2. What other action can be done aside from calling a friend?

Likewise, we can discriminate between useful and less useful details in solving a
problem or in making decisions.

Once we give a decision there should be a perception of what is right from what is
wrong and this falls under fair judgment or unbiased opinion. This is the time that we make a
sound analysis based on the ideas presented to us.

Here are the seven (7) signs of having good judgment:

1. Orientation
People with good judgment know how to orient themselves before making any
decision. They know where they have been and where they are going.
2. Information
People with good judgment know how to gather information from different sources.
They do not entertain negative and false information.
3. Deliberation
After getting the information, people tend to think systematically and thoroughly if this
information is factual then, answer the questions that may arise without being biased.
4. Decision
Before we give our decision, we need to take things in balance because every decision
has its own consequences. We need to know if the action is right or wrong.
5. Action
After the decision is made, people do not need to ignore the choices they have. They
need to face the thing that would happen after deciding on one thing. They need to be
responsible for every action they make.
6. Evaluation
Once the action is done it is time to know whether the action and the decision jive with
each other. A person with good judgment will always do the right thing based on his
sound analysis.

7. Recapitulation
People with good judgment always learn from their mistakes. They always sum up
what is essential and what should be kept. Let us use the sayings made by the man of
good judgment, Benjamin Franklin. His sayings are:
a. Drive your business or it will drive you.
b. Never decide when you are angry or sad.
c. An investment in knowledge pays the best dividend.
d. Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.
e. By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.
f. Well done is better than well said.
g. Who is wise? The person who learns from everyone.

Ways on how to improve personal judgment:

1. Be aware of personal bias.
2. Consider opposite points of view.
3. Know one’s action and decision.
4. Learn from experiences.
5. Do not bring past actions.
6. Be critical thinker.

What’s More

Independent Activity 1
Directions: Match the illustration in each number found in Column A to its corresponding issue
in Column B. Write the letter of your answer on a sheet of paper.

Column A Column B

____1. a. domestic violence

____2. b. air pollution

____3. c. teenage pregnancy

____4. d. hunger

____5. e. drug addiction

Independent Assessment 1
Directions: Read the situation in each number and choose if the action is RIGHT or WRONG.
Put a check mark ( ) if the action is right and cross mark (x) if the action is wrong.

_____ 1. Atoy, a Grade 9 student, leaves his candy wrapper in his classmate’s chair.
_____ 2. A traffic enforcer is mocked by a truck driver.
_____ 3. The class heard the bell signaling there is fire in the building, Juan hysterically
shouted and ran toward the door.
_____ 4. During recess time, one of the students did not fall in line to buy his snacks.
_____ 5. A student picked a bunch of flowers from the school garden without proper consent.

Independent Activity 2
Directions: Analyze each situation and identify if the prompt action is based on sound analysis.

Put a heart ( ) on the space provided if a good decision was made.
____1. Majority of families experience hunger so barangay officials created a program to
alleviate hunger in their community.
____2. With the alarming increase of air pollution, a private organization started campaigns
to lessen air pollutants.
____3. The school founded an anti-bully group named “We Care.” Students joined and elected
officers to make propagandas catering students’ welfare.
____4. In a classroom, the teacher asks the students to form groups. All groups are open to
accept members from their classmates. The leaders are also open for suggestions.
____5. The chairman only chose a few to be given permits to sell their goods instead of
offering it to all.

Independent Assessment 2
Directions: Analyze the situation below. Then write one possible action for each.

1. You have found a lost money.

Possible Action:
2. The missing boy is found in the court of the barangay.
Possible Action:
3. There is no access for clean drinking water.
Possible Action:
4. Domestic violence is reported to the barangay.
Possible Action:
5. One family in the barangay is allegedly known as drug users.
Possible Action:

Independent Activity 3
Directions: Identify the possible consequence of each action.

1. The boy decides to keep the plastic bag containing prohibited drugs.
Possible Consequence:
2. My neighbor throws their bag of waste in our backyard.
Possible Consequence:
3. Residents in Sitio Bantay dump their garbage in a vacant lot.
Possible Consequence:

4. The barangay provides a free seminar to all teenagers about early pregnancy.
Possible Consequence:
5. Health workers provide a free house-to-house check-up for children on measles.
Possible Consequence:

Independent Assessment 3
Directions: Give the positive and negative effect of the illustrations.

Positive Effect:
Negative Effect:

Positive Effect:
Negative Effect:

Positive Effect:
Negative Effect:

Positive Effect:
Negative Effect:

Positive Effect:
Negative Effect:

What I Have Learned

Directions: Complete the statements below.

The things I learned are:


The things I realized are:


What I Can Do

(Real-life situation)

Supposed that you were a student who witnessed bullying in your school, you had
seen that the transferred student is being mocked by your classmates. You told your teacher
what happened and they were reprimanded. But, on the next day, you saw the bullied student
quarreling with your classmates.

Do you think what he did is right? Explain your answer in not less than five sentences.



Directions: Read the news article below and give the details based on what is being asked.
Choose and write the letter of the correct answer on a separate sheet of paper.

Bulacan towns start sending trash to nearby provinces

CITY OF SAN JOSE DEL MONTE, Bulacan, Philippines — Local officials have started
diverting garbage to sanitary landfills in Pampanga, Rizal and Tarlac provinces to avert a
looming garbage crisis after a landslide prevented the collection of trash from several Bulacan
Noel Lim, chief operating officer of Wacuman sanitary landfill in Norzagaray town, said their
facility had stopped accommodating trash from Bulacan province due to rocks and debris that
blocked Igay Road leading to the dump.
The Wacuman landfill is situated at the mountainous Sitio Tiakad in Barangay San Mateo in
Lim said their trucks had stopped hauling garbage from the towns of Sta. Maria, Angat, Donya
Remedios Trinidad, San Ildefonso, San Miguel, Marilao, Guiguinto, Hagonoy, Bulakan,
Bustos, Bocaue, Plaridel, Baliwag, Pulilan, Balagtas and the City of Malolos since May 24.
Mayor Joni Villanueva Tugna of Bocaue said they started diverting trash to Montalban town,
Rizal province and even Tarlac to avoid garbage to pileup.
Mayor Ambrosio Cruz of Guiguinto said they started sending their garbage to a landfill in Clark,
Pampanga, on Saturday after getting an approval from the municipal board.
Cruz, president of the League of Municipalities of Bulacan, said other affected towns may also
start sending their garbage to Clark. He did not say how many tons of garbage needed to be
rerouted to Pampanga.
Municipal officer Reynaldo Cardona said Igay Road was already scheduled for reblocking and
widening. Only a farm-to-market road, Igay is designed for light vehicles and not for heavy
dump trucks.
Because of the uncollected garbage, many residents have turned to social media to air their

Source: https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/1128341/bulacan-towns-start-sending-trash-to-nearby-provinces
June 10, 2019

1. Local officials have started diverting garbage to sanitary landfills in Pampanga, Rizal
and Tarlac provinces to avert a looming garbage crisis after a landslide prevented the
collection of trash from several Bulacan towns. Which of the following is the meaning
of the underlined word?
a. accord
b. adhere
c. advice
d. avoid
2. Local officials have started diverting garbage to sanitary landfills in Pampanga, Rizal
and Tarlac provinces to avert a looming garbage crisis after a landslide prevented the
collection of trash from several Bulacan towns. What is the meaning of the underlined
a. exaggerated appearance
b. exaggerated call
c. exaggerated display
d. exaggerated smell
3. Why did local officials start diverting garbage to sanitary landfills in the provinces of
Tarlac, Pampanga and Rizal?
a. because of cheaper price of sanitary landfills in these provinces.
b. because of overcrowding of sanitary landfills in Bulacan.
c. because of overloading of garbage in Bulacan towns.
d. because of the split division of garbage in Bulacan towns.
4. Why did Wacuman sanitary landfill stop its operation?
a. because there are no more workers to collect wastes.
b. because there are rocks and debris that blocked the road leading to the dump.
c. because the dump is already filled.
d. because the sanitary landfill is closed.
5. What critical issue is presented in the paragraph below taken from the news article?
Local officials have started diverting garbage to sanitary landfills in Pampanga, Rizal
and Tarlac provinces to avert a looming garbage crisis after a landslide prevented the
collection of trash from several Bulacan towns.
a. frequent landslide
b. overflowing garbage
c. severe flooding
d. water pollution
6. Where did rocks and debris that blocked the Igay Road come from?
a. flood
b. garbage
c. landslide
d. pollution
7. Was the decision of local officials justifiable?
a. Yes, because the local officials looked for an alternative solution to the problem of
overflowing garbage.
b. No, because they did not do any action to solve it.
c. Maybe, because the local officials thought of helping only the affected residents.
d. Not concerned, because the alternative solution did not affect the residents at all.
8. Why did the local officials decide to look for other sanitary landfills?
a. to solve the problem in flood
b. to solve the problem in garbage
c. to solve the problem in landslide
d. to solve the problem in pollution
9. Why are there complaints coming from the residents?
a. because of noise pollution
b. because of road blocking
c. because of road widening
d. because of uncollected garbage
10. What is the main concern of the local officials in deciding to transfer the garbage to
sanitary landfills in the other provinces?
a. cheap price of sanitary landfill
b. location of sanitary landfill
c. news reports
d. resident’s health
11. How many towns were being affected by the stop operation of Wacuman sanitary
a. 15
b. 16
c. 17
d. 18
12. How did the residents of the said towns show their dismay over the uncollected
a. by calling the attention of local officials
b. by talking to barangay officials
c. by using social media
d. by writing a letter
13. What will be the effect of using other sanitary landfills aside from Wacuman?
a. The problem in uncollected garbage will lessen.
b. The problem in landslide will be given attention.
c. The problem in pollution will be addressed.
d. The problem in waste collection will not be given.
14. How did Mayor Ambrosio Cruz of Guiguinto decide on sending their garbage in a
landfill in Clarkfield, Pampanga?
a. He asked the consent of sanitary landfill in Clarkfield, Pampanga.
b. He asked the decision of municipal board.
c. He consulted a health expert.
d. He decided by his own decision.
15. Why is it that Igay road was scheduled for reblocking and widening?
a. Because it is only designed and made for light vehicles.
b. Because it is only a small road.
c. Because no dump trucks can pass through it.
d. Because there were rocks and debris that blocked the road.

Additional Activities

Directions: Analyze the illustration. Answer the questions and be guided with the rubrics

1. What is the critical issue presented in the illustration?


2. Explain how each person reacted in the given situation.


3. Do you think their reaction is a sound decision? Why or why not?


Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
Focus It fully Generally, Almost Attempts to It didn’t
addresses addresses address the address the focus on
the critical the critical critical issue critical issue presented
issue and issue and and and critical
reaction. reaction. reaction. reaction. issue.
Content A sound A sound A sound A sound A sound
decision is decision is decision is decision is decision is
given in given in not fully not clear, not
clear ideas some ideas given, and and details supported in
and details and details the are not the
are are paragraph supported paragraph.
supported supported supports by the
by the by the some paragraph.
paragraph. paragraph. details.
Expression Expresses Expresses Only limited Minimal There is no
of Thoughts clear clear thoughts thoughts expression
thoughts thoughts but and reasons and no of thoughts
and variety few reasons are seen in variety of in the
of reasons are seen in the reasons are paragraph.
are seen in the paragraph. seen in the
the paragraph. paragraph.

What I Know Independent Activity 2
1. a 1. ♥
2. b 2. ♥
3. d 3. ♥
4. d 4. ♥
5. d 5.
6. b
7. d Independent Assessment 2
8. c 1-5. Answers may vary
9. b
10. b Independent Activity 3
11. c 1-5. Answers may vary
12. d
Independent Assessment 3
13. a
14. a 1-5. Answers may vary
15. d
What I Can DO
What’s In - Answers may vary
1. No Assessment
2. Because the boy did not put the
plastic wrappers in the garbage bin. 1. d
3. Answers may vary 2. a
4. Answers may vary 3. c
5. Answers may vary 4. b
5. b
What’s New 6. c
7. a
1. No 8. b
2. Answers may vary 9. d
3. Answers may vary 10. d
4. Answers may vary 11. b
12. a
5. Answers may vary
13. a
14. b
What’s More
15. d
Independent Activity 1
Additional Activity
1. c - Answers may vary
2. a
3. b
4. d
5. e
Independent Assessment 1
1. X
2. X
3. X
4. X
5. X
Answer Key

Doyle, Alison. “Critical Thinking Definition, Skill, and Examples.” Updated June 08, 2020.
https:// www.thoughtco.com/critical-thinking-definition-with-examples-2063745
Erstand, Will. “6 Critical Thinking Skills You Need Master Now.” Updated January 22, 2018.
Insight Assessment. “Fifteen Positive Examples of Critical Thinking.” Accessed date January
20, 2021. https://www.insightassessment.com/article/fifteen-positive-examples-
of-critical- thinking.
Skills You Need. “Critical Thinking Skills.” Last modified January 18, 2021. https://www.skills

For inquiries or feedback, please write:

Department of Education, Schools Division of Bulacan

Curriculum Implementation Division
Learning Resource Management and Development System (LRMDS)
Capitol Compound, Guinhawa St., City of Malolos, Bulacan
Email Address: lrmdsbulacan@deped.gov.ph


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