Ob QP Sept 21

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(Pages: 2) M-50 79

Reg. No. .....•..•........•......

Name .. ········ •·•·••·•••••·•••••••••••••

. semester M.B.A. (Full Time/Travel and Tourism ) Degree Examin ation,
First September 2021


(2020 Scheme)
Max. Marks : 75
Time : 3 Hours


Answer all the questions. Each question carries 4 marks.

1. Distinguish between efficiency and effectiveness with suitable examples .

2. Explain the concept of perception and fa~tors affecting the same.

3. Write a note on learning curves.

4. Discuss the role of Transactional Analysis with reference to interpersonal


5. Mention the various models of change.

(5 x 4 = 20 Marks)

Write in detail on any three questions . Each question carries 1o marks.

6. Enumerate the various models of OB.

· ~o you think that B M . ,
in the highly com ;.~ce a~hno s workplace values are practically incorporated
pe ive business world? Give valid reasons for your opinion.

p,T.0 ,
8. Illustrate the various models of stress.

Elucidate the modes in which we can h. h performance tea ms .

9. develop 19
1o. Narrate the modes in which we can ove
rcome resistance to change .

(3 x 10 = 30 Marks)

11 . Jessy and Maya are working in MC
S Industries Pvt Ltd . wh ich wa s inc
in 1975 at Chennai, and the compan orporated
y have more than hun dre ds of em
recruited without considering proper plo yee s
need assessment. Moreover, the
in the same designation received em plo yee s
different scale of payments. In the
Jessy and Maya, both were equally cas e of
qualified and holding the sam e job
company earns Rs. 35,000 and title in the
Its. 40,000 respectively. Th is cre
imbal~n~ among the employee ated an
s and affected the productivi
o~amsation. As a remedy to this, the ty of the
management appointed a new ma
Simon and asked to solve this issue. nag er
The ~ew manager created a. new visi
on to the company. Th e com pan
to bnng or make change in som y decided
e areas of the business the se
structural change, cost change, pro included
the company also cut pay of emplocess change and cultural ~hang s· ·1 rt ,
yees which was th . e. 1m1 a y,
com~ y. The company also change
d the culture to . e maJor prob_
e~pl~yees and make accountable and
situation among the employees. Now
responsibl impro~e the efficiency
l em for the
of the
the e one . Thi s has cre ate d a panic
majntain its talented pool of emplo
manager. yees whi~~~patny wanted to mo
tiva te and
is remendous tas k to the new
Questions :
(a) What are the challenges faced
by the newl .
(b) In thi~ context, ~ic h is the most
applicab1J apPointed m~ nag er?
(c) l~entify strategies that can be
used t ~heory of motivation?
situation. 0
motivate employees • th
in e pre sen t

(25 Marks)

M- 50 79

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